PAGE TWO THE' MlCHIGAN DAILY SAIT11DA Y, APRIL ?8, 1,945 'PM*R TWO SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1045 FiftyFifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: San Francisco Wise Choice THE TREADMILL oe er 2o ,fitor I . )L 1_I _ - - .: -- _: - u.ww .e ....,a... . 12Asv s2 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . City Editor , Associate Editor . . Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff . . Business Manager . . Associate Business ?4gr. . . . Associate Business Mgr. Te4ephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved, Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- tier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944.45 FW.PREg9NTDO. FOR NATION^1- ADVWON14MG Y National 4dvW ising Service, Inc, College 1Pibtsrs 14rercuiat ve 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK N. Y. CHICAGO - B Tos ANGII.S - SAN PRANfCISO NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLOTTE BOBRECKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ev By DREW PEARSON SAN FRANCISCO-Despite jam-packed hotels, Roosevelt was wise when he picked this city as the meeting place for the United Na- tions conference, for San Francisco is the symbol of the courage of the American people. Gutted by one of the worst fires in history, hopeless San Francisco bounced back to become one of our great American cities and host to a conference which seeks to restore hope to a hopeless world-the world today, gutted and wartorn, is no worse off than San Francisco after the earthquake of 1906. Yet it came back -Europe and Asia, if they take a lesson from the city of the Golden Gate, can do the same- there is a zippy atmosphere here which inspires diplomatic energy. None of the stodgy defeat- ism of Geneva, Versailles or Paris. Even Wash- ington is getting too blase, too Old Worldish for a successful international conference. Delegates take on the spirit of the city which surrounds them, The pressure of news- papers, the radio, the local welcoming com- mittees, even the taxi drivers and hotel people can help to spur success. When delegates know that an eager, anxious city plus an eager, anxious nation is watching them, de- pending on them, they think twice before going home empty-handed. Latin-Americans have a word for it-"am- biente" or atmosphere-that is why the Russian delegation is making things tough. Language is one barrier between the Russians and the contagious atmosphere of San Fran- cisco. Another barrier is the way the Rus- sians remain isolated. They won't expose them- selves to contagion. They are shutting up in hotel suites unexposed to the hustling, con- tagious, atmosphere of this town which raised itself from ashes. The British got off to the best conference start-with the help of the dominions. Elder statesman Jan Smuts of South Africa, who has seen more conferences come and go than any man since Aristide Briand, had written a preamble to the United Nations constitu- tion which may go down in history alongside Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Indepen- dence-the British dominions, incidentally, have breathed a lot of semi-independence at San Francisco. Some make no effort to conceal that their future is bound up just as mui with the U. S. A, as with Britain. Recorhs show that in other conferences they have vis- ited about as much with this country as with London. State Department Trips .,. TYPICAL of State Department bell-muffling was its failure to get Australian External Minister Herbert Evatt in to see President Tru- man before he left Washington. They told Evatt, one of the best friends this country has in the South Pacific, that Truman was too busy to bother about Australia. (among other things he had conferences scheduled with Con- gressman Ed Johnson .of Oklahoma). Finally Senator Hatch of New Mexico heard what had happened, telephoned the White House direct and President Truman was delighted to see the Australian External Minister. "When the fas- cists come out of their foxholes," says Aussie statesman Evatt, "Japan may geti strong again. That is why we must have regional agreements in the Pacific as protection against 'aggression." Australia, adds Evatt, is dead against the right of a big nation to veto the attempts by regional groups to prevent war in their region. Most people don't realize it, but under Dumbarton Oaks, England's one vote veto power could stop the Pan-American Union from taking steps to head off Argentine aggression-or, Rus- sia veto could stop Australia, New Zealand and the U. S. A. from heading off Jap aggression in the Pacific. A lot of powers would like to change this at San Francisco. This is what many U. S. delegates don't like. British labor leader Clement Atlee takes a constitutional in the evening up and down San Francisco's steep hills. Despite his 61 years, he takes the hills as fast as he does his press conferences, where he answers ques- tions fairly well. Even Indian propagandist J. J. Singh was admitted to the British press conference and tired critical questions. Brit- ish labor leader Atlee contrasts with Secre- tary of State Stettinius who dodged questions, said almost nothing. Stettinius flashed a ON SECOND H OBUGHT... By Ray Dixon Dedication THE ADDRESS made on the occasion of the dedication of the Fifth Marine Division cemetery on Iwo Jima by the division's Jewish Chaplain, Roland B. Gittelsohn, is reminiscent of the dedication of another cemetery in an- other war. The address, reported last week in The Living Church, is well worth reprinting. "Somewhere in this plot of ground there may lie the man who could have discovered the cure for cancer. Under one of these Christian crosses, or beneath a Jewish Star of David, there may rest now a man who was destined to be a great prophet . Now they lie here silently in this sacred soil, and we gather to consecrate this earth to their memory. "Here lie officers and men, Negroes and whites, rich men and poor . . . Here are Protestants, Catholics and Jews . . . Here no man prefers another because of his faith or despises him because of his color. Here there are no quotas of how many from each group are admitted or allowed. Theirs is the highest and purest dem- ocracy. "Any man among us the living who . . . lifts his hand in hate against a brother, or thinks himself superior to those who happen to be in the minority, makes of this cere- mony and of the bloody sacrifice it commemo- rates, an empty, hollow mockery .. " As long ago as the Civil War Abraham Lincoln had the same idea. he said it this way at Gettysburg: . "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the propo- sition that all men are created equal." Those Marines on Iwo Jima of every race, color and creed have realized the American ideal of equality . . . the tragedy is that they achieved equality only in death. Unless discrimination is wiped out we will be haunted by those words, for we will have made of that ceremony and the bloody sacri- fice it commemorated, an empty, hollow mock- ery. -Betty Roth gorgeous smile, knew each newsman by his name. But otherwise apparently did not be- lieve in open covenants openly arrived at. When Stettinius arrived at the Washington airport, the Navy band played "lights out." Senator McCarran's Juiket... NEVADA'S rotund Senator Pat McCarran has got himself another free trip to the West Coast. to say nothing of his home town-Reno. He is Senate observer to the San Francisco conference. Pat worked it through his pal Sen- ator Kenneth McKellar of Tennessee, head of the Senate appropriations committee, otherwise known for having called this columnist more dif- ferent kinds of liar than anyone else in Con- gress (revolving liar, egregious liar, liar from every viewpoint are a few samples of his or- chids). Finally McKellar called Ed Stettinius and asked that Senator McCarran be sent out to San Fran as an observer for the Senate appropriations committee. Since Stettinius needs appropriations next year he obliged. McKellar was glad to scratch McCarran's back, because McCarran had recently scratched his. McCarran recommended passage of the Senate resolution investigating Silliman Evans and the Nashville Tennesseean, which has been too, too critical of Senator McKellar to please him over-much. (Coiyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: 'War' on Fascism By SAMUEL GRAFTON W'HEN a fascist country "declares war" on fas- cism, you are bound to get some peculiar re- sults, and these are now showing up in Argen- tina. The Buenos Aires police issued an order, on April 24, forbidding the public to attempt to celebrate the fall of Berlin. The people are in- structed, not even to venture on the streets; it is to be like a day of mourning. And this is very odd, because Argentina is at war with Germany. The government of Argentina is composed of warriors who fear the emotions which might be unleashed among their people by the fall of Berlin; they are afraid they themselves might be overthrown. And so the fascist government of Colonel Peron morosely conducts its curious war against fascism; a war without glee and without celebrations; a war to the, ahem, death; but none of this vulgar cheering, please. The people of Buenos Aires were especially for- bidden to congregate before the George Wash- ington Monument. I don't know just what it means; I throw it in because it pleases me; it has a cockeyed quality which in itself is a comment on our State Department's haste in welcoming Argentina into the family of na- tions. On the day before this curious police order, Colonel Peron, the Boss. announced that he did not intend to have himself made President. That was reassuring, except for the fact that he issued the statement at two o'clock in the morning When a man does that, it is a sign that he has not been sleeping. One can see the Boss going back to bed after issuing that hand- out, muttering: "Now maybe I'll get some shut- eye." It takes it out of a fascist to have to ride on the coat-tails of a democratic war; to have to summon the people to follow after him, but to fear that they might come too close; to be terrified of his allies, and embarrassed before his enemy. That was the day on which the Argentine government arrested General Arturo Rawson. General Rawson is, politically, somewhere to the right of Nicholas Murray Butler; but, obviously, a government which is afraid of George Washington's statue would fear such a man, too. Having arrested him, and 400 others, the government clamped a censorship on the news, both for home and export. In American terms, it is almost as scandalous as if former president Herbert Hoover had been illegally picked up by the F.B.I. and jailed, with the public kept in ignorance that this had been done. This is the government which, it is proposed, we shall invite to San Fran- cisco,.though how a set of officials who are twitching so nervously can lead us to a brave new world is not clear. One of my correspondents, an importer, offers a suggestion by which we might further expose the shabbiness of Argentina's "war effort." He proposes that Argentina be invited to implement its third-grade "declaration of War" by under- taking to feed the hungry people of Europe.. .He points out that Argentina is a country of food surpluses; and it has shipping. Let it set up its own lend-lease plan for the hungry fighters for freedom; let it go heavily into debt to feed Europe, as we and so many other coun- tries have gone into debt to win this war. The Soviet Union accused Argentina, two years ago, of sending 1,000,000 tons of wheat and 100,000 tons of beef to Spain, one-third to be resold to Germany. Let us see if Argentina is serious- ly at war by inviting her to move her food toward freedom, at her own cost. One can see the puzzled, uphappy faces of Argentina's leaders as they con this proposal, which has so little to do with their own game of saving fascism at home by appearing to fight it abroad. Feed democrats! That's not what Argentina is at war for. It is at war to preserve itself as the, only fascist country in which our soldiers can't open the jails. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) By PAULA BROWER E VER SINCE the Industrial Revolu- tion one of the great, practical problems of the world has been the ielationship between man and the machine. It has been such a diffi- cult problem that we usually find this relationship expressed as an antag- onism: "man vs. machine." In the 1920's it looked as if ma- terialism had triumphed in the mon- ey-mad America that danced to jarr- ing new jazz rhythms, played extra- vagantly, was dominated by Things, and bought and sold and made more money. The wild fling ended with the decade-in the crash the began the great depression. A crushed na- tion settled down, perforce, to rally itself to life first of all, and second to establish a man-machine relation- ship that would not backfire. What men had to learn was how to control their power to get the things which they had discovered contributed so greatly to their happiness, so that this very power would not destroy them in their scramble to Eget the limited number of these Things which were available. What had to be es- tablished was a concern for human- ity that was at least as great as the concern for Material which had dis- torted human relationships to an economic rivalry and a race for pow- er. If the war has taught us noth- ing else it has taught us the value of a man. This war is, more than any war before it, a battle of ma- chines, but it is not a battle FOR machines. The machine is the means, mnan the end. This repre- sents a fearfully important reor- ganization in human values, and one which it is a vital necessity to maintain. We must actively guard against the danger of re- turning to the old conception of men as means to things, not things as means to men. Man came into his material power suddenly, and since his discovery of it he has developed it with terrible speed. For years critics have been moaning the fact that man is not mature enough to handle the power which he has found. Ike has let him- self be carried away by its intoxi- cation until the effects of bitter com- petition have weakened and diseased society so deeply as to leave almost unremovable scars, but still man can find no satisfactory, acceptable sub- stitute for competition. Therein lies a great challenge to us who will have to live in the post- war world. Are we going to keep the emphasis on man or are we going to worship materialism as did our par- ents after the last war? According to most economists extensive exploi- tation of Things will be imperative in order to keep demand at a high enough peak to create sufficient em- ployment for everyone who needs to earn money. And yet it will be ourr task somehow to prevent this thirst for possessions from seizing us again. We must maintain our highI regard for human beings so that we3 will not find ourselves again exploit- ing man in the interests of material-1 ism. The dispute is already being wag- ed briskly. Educators are taking' sides on the issue of post-war col- legescurricula. Are they to be con-! cerned with science or the human- ities? "Science departments mustl expand immediately in order to pre-l pare for the boom they will have when the veterans come back," cries one faction, glancing wither- ingly at anyone who dares to dis- agree. Even in the face of thisI unshakeable confidence, the oppo- sition replies bravely: "Nonsense! Veterans will be so fed up with en- gineering and radar and chemical warfare that there'll be a violent reaction against technical courses. They'll be wanting the humanities as they've never wanted them be- fore!" And both sides prove their{ points with statements from ser- vicemen both active and ex. In this perennial battle I* think the important thing is not to settle on the more worthy of the two schools and forthwith place all the empha-1 sis dominantly on the correspond- ing phase of learning, but to achieve a balance between the two. ThisI seems to be the only answer to the immortal science vs. the arts fight. If man is ever to be the real master of the machine we cannot afford to let generations grow up to active citizenship with unre- lieved engineering courses or by substituting vocational training forI the academic high school curricu- lum. In laying the plans for our future educational patterns we MUST consider the effects which our decisions will have upon the attitudes of society as a whole in- stead of dwelling. almost solely upon the needs and inclinations of the individual. If society is to be con- ceived of as primarily economic be-I cause our principle concerns are materialistic, our technical power will again threaten to become de- structive both of itself and of man its creator. Let us not forget the values which we have learned from the war. TO THE EDIT OR : America looks anxiously toward San Francisco for a lasting and just peace. This is to be a solid begin- ning for an enduring peace. Poland is not being represented at the San Francisco Conference. Neith- er is it being represented at the Mock Conference this Saturday on the Ann Arbor campus. We are told the reas- on is that Poland has no government to represent her. On the contrary, Poland has a government to repre'sent her, a government which is being sup- ported by its home army which has fought the Nazis for five years, a government which is recognized by all the United Nations except the one which has liberated her. On the other hand, Russia has set up the puppet Warsaw govern- ment and has persisted in the falla- cious reports that this i the rep- resentative government of Poland. Since this Warsaw Provisional Gov- ernment was created not by the Polish people but by a conquering nation, it cannot follow that the "right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live" (Atlantic Charter of 1941) is at all considered in the settlement regarding the Polish government. The puppet govern- ment has twice been rejected by our State Department as well as being rejected- by Prime Minister Churchvil. It seems difficult to find a code of ethics that allows any foreign power to ,determine the type and color of an Allied nation's government. An enduring peace will not be attained if tyranny in the guise of creating a friendly sphere of influence is sup- ported at a peace conference in- volving the entire world. I ~-E'lishia Wiszowaty Edward Wilamowski guest organist in Hill Auditorium, Sunday afternoon, April 29, at 3:15 CWT. A graduate of the School of Music, Mrs. Stubbins has planned a Aro- gram to include works by Fresco- baldi, Bach, Liszt, Howells, and Sow- erby. The recital is open to the gen- eral public. Student Recital: Betty Jean Huser, a student in piano under Joseph Brinkman, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree, of Bachelor of Music, at 7:30 p.m., CWT, Sunday, April 29, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Miss Huser's program will consist of compositions by Bach, Beethoven and Ravel. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Luncheon Discussio: Lois Shar- bach will review "Black Boy", by Richard Wright at the Lane Hall discussion meeting at 12. There will be no luncheon. Any students inter- ested will be welcomed. Open House: Lane Hall's weekly Open House program will again pro- vide fun and recreation for students at 6:30 this evening. Post-War Council is sponsoring a mock United Nations 'Conference to- day at the League in Rms. A, B, and C at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Both the afternoon and evening programs will 'be opened by a keynote speech fol- lowed by a student panel discussion, The public is cordially invited to attend. 1Michigan Chapters of Gamma Del- ta: Lutheran Student Club, will have a session at the Lutheran Student Center, 1511 Washtenaw, -at 3:15 to- day, as the opening event of a week- end Institute. Tonight at 7 o'clock a banquet will be held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, W. Liberty at Third- Thce Lutheran Student Association is having a Recreation Party at the Y. M. C. A.. this evening at 7:30. Students and servicemen are invited, The regular Sunday meeting of the Lutheran Student Association will be held in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5 Sunday afternoon. Delegates of the Ohio Valley Regional Conference will report and the supper and fel- lowship hour will follow at 6. Jutnhr Girls Play: "Take It from 'There" will be presented in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater in the League at 7:30 CWT Saturday. 3~ ~ Coinn Events Inter-Guild Council: All members of the Inter-Guild Council are re- quested to attend a meeting Sunday afternoon in Lane Hall at 2. Avukah, Student Zionist Organiza- tion: There will be a general meeting this Sunday evening, 7 p.m. at the Hillei Foundation. A new Palestinian 4 V 41 Poland . . r ) DAILY OFFICIAL.. BULLETIN k SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 133 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University.tNotices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Notices Interviewing for junior positions and for thepcentral committee of Junior Girls project will be extended to next week. Interviewing will be{ held from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 Tuesday in the Council Room. Those sopho- mores who were unable to arrange' for an interview this week should sign up for one on Tuesday. The sign-up sheet will be posted today in the Undergraduate office in the League.' Senior Engineers, Business Admin- istration and Chemistry: Mr. G. D. Close of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is interested in interview-; ing Seniors for positions. He will be in Rm. 218 West Engineering Build- ing on Monday, April 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Interview schedule is posted on the Bulletin Board at Rm. 221 W. Eng.a Bldg C ityof Detroit Civil Service An- nouncements for the following, have been rivedin our office. City Plan Effectuator, salary $4,761, Sr. Cityt Plan Effectuator, salary $6,230, Sr. Social Economist, salary $3,750 to! $4,260, Prin. Social Economist, salary $4,830 to $5,451, Sr. City Planneri Grad&I, salary $3,933, Sr. City Plan-t ner Grade II, salary $4,761, and Prin-. cipal City Planner, salary $5,451.1 For further information stop in at r 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint- ments. State of Michigan Civil Service An- nouncements for Telephone Operator A2, salary $135 to $155 per month, Cartographic Engineering Draftsman I. $180 to $220 per month, Cartogra- phic Engineer II, and III, $230 to $340 per month, Statistician II, III, and IV, $230 to $420 per month, and Law Stenographer A, $150 to $170 per month, have been received in our office. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments. Academic NoticesI Faculty College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due today. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- men reports and white cards for re- porting sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Reports of freshmen and sophomores should be sent to 108 Mason Hall;those of juniors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- classmen, whose standing at mid- semester is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called mid- semester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. E. A. Walter' College of Architecture and Design, Schools of Education, Forestry and. Conservation, Music and Public Health. Midsemester reports indicating students enrolled in these units doing unsatisfactory work in any unit of the University are due in the office of the school' or college today at noon. Report blanks for this purpose may be secured from the office of the I school or college. Hopwood Contestants: Students entering the Hopwood contests must Ann ci imp, n-anmrri .f in fli .; B EFORE going to de heard it described prano and a flute. opry Thursday night, we as a race between a so- Petain Trial [HE CAREER of Marshal Henri Philippe Pe- tamn, symbol of the gallantry of France in World War I and of her degradation in 1940, should be a valuable lesson to democratic peoples throughout the world that unquestioned faith in one man can spell disaster to a nation. Hero of Verdun in the eyes of most French- men, Petain, the debilitated, aged war-horse, was a traitor to France in her hour of need. 'In the great crisis of 1940, instead of serving -;s a staunch bulwark against the German invasion, he brought France to shame, and then left his 40 million admirers to four ... After going we decided that Alvino Rey. .does a better job on the Anvil Chorus.. But. of chorus we don't know much about opry... .. So many men are being held in connection with the looper murder that prosecutor Sigler is going to have to start a holding company. Judging by the nunber of winter formals we saw at Pan-hel-Assembly Ball last night, winter is here to sway. Scene at a German auction: Going, Going, Goering. ., ",I V BARN AB V ly Crockett Johnson Copyight,.1945, The Newfpp,,r M, Inc. Y