U.S. First, Ukrainian First Whoop It Up at Historic 11 incture Bly HAY BOYLE Associated Press Correspondent W IT H M A RSH AL K OIJE V 'S FIRST UKRAINIAN ARMY east of the Elbe, April 26-They -tried to make the first meeting of Russian and American divisional commanders on the German front a grand opera ev- ent today but it ended like the finale of a circus performance.- There was just too much, good- will and wine flowing to keep up military formalities - and that probably was the best-thing possi- ble for future international rela- tions. Arrangements had been made for the first meeting of the Allied divi= sional staffs on uthe east hank of the. Elbe in the Torgau region at 4 p. m.. and Russian work troops began build- ing a triumphal log arch. They had with them a huge Soviet flag and a home made Stars and Stripes to symbolize Allied unity. While highranking Soviet officers were back in their barracks giving their boots a final gloss and pinning on every decoration they had won in four years of battle, the Ameri- can party appeared unexpectedly on the other side of the river. Both bridges had been blown by the Germans during their defense of Torgan so Maj. Gen. Emil F. Rein- hardt, of Detroit, Mich, and his staff, clad in impeccably near= isenhower dress jackets, had to be rowed over the swift-flowing Elbe in racing sculls. Crowds of refugee Russian men and women waiting to cross the river looked on in wonder. The American staff walked slowly through a growth of river weeds to the meeting site and stood uncertain- ly for .a moment. They had arrived 20 minutes early. An interpreter quickly made known their identity, however, and a Rus- sian officer who was helping dig post holes for the triumphal arch dropped his spade and came over and shook hands warmly with Gen. Reinhardt, The Russian troops saluted the American staff smartly, and handed British and American flags to Rein- hardt's two bodyguards. Opl. Clar- ence Tate, of Grapevine, Tex., took the Uniion Jack and Pfc. Frank Kanes of Donora, Pa., took the Stars and Stripes. After waiting 10 minutes the Am- erican staff turned and started marching up the hill, toward the Rus- sian barracks. As they left, the Soviet soldiers still were hammering frantically to com- plete their triumphal log arch--which never did get erected. When the Americans were half way up the hill a large body of splendidly clad Russian offioers rounded a grove of trees and started down to meet them. As the two colorful processions came closer and closer a great cheer went up from the Russian and American soldiers on both sides of the river, and gunfire echoed as the celebrating troops fired what- ever guns were at hand. At a captured German building which the Russians selected for a banquet the American staff was seat- td before tables as smiling Russian WAC's began carrying in trays full of wine, vodka, champagne, cognac, fried eggs sunny side up, fresh porik, and a half dozen other dishes. The commander of the Russian 58th Guards Division proposed a ,toast. Standing and turning to Rein- hardt, the 35-year-old dark-haired commander said: "General, and officers of the Am- erican Army, I congratulate you on this day of historic meeting. This is a happy day. It means the end of the enemy." Reinhardt replied with another toast: "I wish to toast the divisional com- mander and the 58th Guards Division. "It is a great honor to command the American division that has driven through our common enemy to meet you. May the peace for which we fight come early." Then the Russians really began to pour on the banquet. Food and wines of all vintages flowed like the town pump, and the Americans began to look more and more worried as each dish and bottle arrived. But there was no escaping the Russian hospi- tality. jJ-- ' ii an A k- 4ww - ,4 4 AW ti -m-AL WE ATHER Cloudy, Light Rains, Warmier I VOL. LV, No. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1945 anks Pus orward Austria, Bav PRICE FIVE CENTS raria Yanks, Reds Meet in Heart Of Germanyv Scattered Pockets Left To Eradicate By The Associated Press PARIS, April 27, Saturday-Ameri- can and Russian armies from half a world apart have met in the heart of Hitler's once-proud Reich, leaving Germany crushed and virtually over- run from east and west. The meeting of the men of Gen. Eisenhower and the men of Marshal Stalin south of Berun left only pock- ets of Nazis in Hitler's northern and southern redoubts to be stamped out before Europe's war is declared offi- cially at an end. Organized Warfare To Continue Supreme headquarters, officially pessimistic, says organized warfare can last for several months. Front line commanders believe all will be over in a matter of weeks, at the most. Lt. Gen. Kurt Dittmar, widely- quoted Nazi military commentator, surrendered to the Americans Wed- nesday, it was disclosed yesterday, and declared that Hitler was in Ber- lin and would die there. "When Berlin falls it will be over," he said, predicting the fall within a few days. He said the southern re- doubt was a myth and asserted that Hermann Goering, fallen Reich air marshal, had been executed. Armies at Standstill on Elbe The juncture brought to a com- parative standstill two of the great- est military machines of history and today they faced each other along 200 miles of the Elbe river, where the U. S. First and Ninth armies drew up to a halt seven days ago. The Russians and the Americans met in late Wednesday afternoon on the U. S. First Army front, and if other meetings have not already tak- en place they will in a few days. French Collaborator Petain Imprisoned PARIS, April 27-()-The great grey doors of Fort De Montrodge slammed shut behind Marshal Philip- pe Petain today as the 89-year-old former Vichy chief of state entered that place of detention on the out- skirts of Paris to await trial on charges of high treason. As he passed slowly through one village en route from Switzerland to Paris. crowds shouted "death to Pe- tai" and "down with Petain" the French news agency said. The agen- cy added that if the one-time leader of France had any illusions as to the affection of the French people "it must have vanished now." CAMPUS EVENTS Today Post-War Council will hold a mock San Fran- cisco conference at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p. m. in rooms A,B,C at the League. Today Dr. Robert C. Angell of the Sociology Department will speak at the spring meeting of the Michigan Sociological Society at 2:15 p. m. EWT in the West Conference Room of Rackham. m a M; n .na.frman a o "TAKE IT FROM THERE"-Pat Barrett (left) and Jean Athay (right) relax between scenes of Junior Girls' Play, the last performance of which will be pr esented at 8:30 p. m. EWT today in Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. * * * Yank Column Smashes Way Across Genoa 'Free Milan' Radio Rumors Surrender ROME, April 27.-(A)-American Fifth Army troops smashed into the great port of Genoa today, a special Allied headquarters communique an- nounced, as the "Free Milan" radio declared German commanders were trying to negotiate a general surren- der of their hopelessly trapped forces in northern Italy. Allied headquarters did not con- firm the surrender report, but con- ceded that American and other Al- lied armored columns slashing across the final miles to the Alps were meeting only "generally weak and disorganized" resistance. An unidentified spokesman of the Italian Socialist Party in Milan and the Italian patriot newspaper La Liberta said Benito Mussolini, "yel- low with fury and fear," had been arrested as he attempted to cross the Swiss frontier. The newspaper said Roberto Farinacci, former sec- retary of the Fascist party, also was arrested. Crushing pockets of resistance, the American Fifth and British Eighth Armies sliced across the Adige River at "many points", the communique said, and on the British Eighth Army front the enemy was pressed so close- ly he had no opportunity to reorgan-, ize his scattered and demoralized forces. A task force consisting of Ameri- can 473rd and 442nd Infantry and elements of the 92nd Infantry Divi- sion made the Genoa entry. Yanks Gain on Okinawa, Hit For mosa Hard By The Associated Press PACIFIC- Forcing the Japanese to abandon their first line of de- fense on bloody Okinawa Island, hard-hitting American soldiers have made general gains along the flam- ing battle line and are closing in on two important airfields. The forward surge of the Yanks on Okinawa was reported late Friday in front line dispatches and Fleet Ad- miral Chester W. Nimitz's communi- que. In the Philippines, American sol- diers made a second invasion of Negros Island near the city of Duma- guete. Philippine-based American planes hammered Japanese positions in the valley with 730 tons of explosives. They also hit war industries on For- mosa and in sweeps against shipping destroyed or damaged ten freighters and other smaller craft. Frisco Delegates Reach Accord on Vital Issues. Seventh Invades Nationa lRedoubt Columns Are 26 Miles From Munich; Czechoslovakian Juncture Expected By The Associated Press PARIS, April 28, Saturday-American tank columns invaded Austria yesterday, advancing 26 miles west of the Nazi citadel of Munich, and crashed into the western end of Hitler's Alpine redoubt. While the U. S. Third Army,'plowing unopposed into Austria, made radio contact with Russian southern armies less than 85 miles to the southeast, two U. S. Seventh Army armored divisions went on a tear farther west. The Tenth Armored Division sent one column spearing 28 miles east into Landsberg, only 26 miles east of Munich, birthplace of Nazism and now considered the northernir ' outpost for the final death stand.Q Final Showing Of JGP Today By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO, April 27.-The United Nations put their Polish, Rus- sian and leadership rows behind them today and strode forward to- gether on the road they mean to build toward a durable peace. Without a ripple of dissension which had boiled up earlier between Russia on one side and the United States and Britain on the other, the world security conference voted ,o: 1. Make the foreign secretaries of the four sponsoring powers- the United States, Britain, Russia and China-co-equal chairmen of the conference. They will preside in turn and consult regularly among them- selves on a conference program. 2. Hand the chairmanship of the all-important steering and executive committees to Secretary of State Stettinius. These are the agencies which will do most of the conference work. They will draft policies and recommendations which the full con- ference will forge into peace-keeping machinery. 3. Grant representation in a gen- eral assembly of a projected world organization to the Ukraine and White Russia. Since the Soviet Un- ion itself will have an assemblyvote, this will mean a total of three for Russia. 4. Put 14 members on the confer-f ence executive committee. 5. Make the Dumbarton Oaks peace plan, engineered in Washington by the four sponsors, the'agenda for the conference. Student Mock Conference Will Discuss Peace University students will take part in a small scale United Nations con- ference this afternoon and evening when they meet to discuss the char- acter of a peace charter in the ABC room of the League. The Post-War Council is present- ing the mock conference to deter- mine campus opinion on the prob- lems of a world organization and to promote interest in the issues now under discussion in San Francisco. Miniature Charter A miniature United Nations Char- ter will be drawn up on the basis of agreements reached in two panels. Student delegates from the Uni- versity of Michigan and Wayne Uni- (See CONFERENCE, Page 4) 'College of Is Depicted The final public Junior Girls' play, Future' in Play performance of "Take It from Another column raced 14 miles straight south into the Bavarian Alps, driving 10 miles or so into what is probably Hitler's inner fort- ress, and reached Kemten, 11 miles from the Austrian frontier. Threaten Redoubt This push threatened to cut in be- hind any Germans in the redoubt concentrated around the area of Lake Constance, some 30 miles to the west. The tank crews here were 65 miles from the northern mountain border of Italy. The 12th Armored Division likewise was racing east close on the north' flank of the 10th Armored Division and, after hurdling the Wurtach Riv- er, was about 30 miles west of Munich. Expert Resistance. Both columns, with the endless lines of infantry swinging up ponder- ously from behind, expected to meet savage resistance in Hitler's old home town of Munich. The Third Army, crossing the Dan-' ube repeatedly, also was marching on Munich from the north and last was reported 38 miles away. A field dispatch from the Canadian First Army front said waves of young and fanatic Germans were hurling themselves at the Canadians in a sui- cidal version of the Japanese Banzai charge, and were being mowed down "by the thousands." Women Snipers Defend Berlin MOSCOW, April 27.-(,)- With Berlin in its death throes special Nazi brigades of women snipers late today took up rifles against Red Army invasion columns smashing in- to the center of the city. In the burning wasteland that is Berlin there are other scenes of dir- ect contrast. Long lines of civilians stand gazing hopefully into empty shop windows amid famine condi- tions. Food is running low. Some- times the hungrycivilians break into stores but find nothing. There," will be presented at 8:30 p.m. EWT today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets for this full-length musical comedy are still on sale at the thea- tre box office in the League. Original Music, Dance Routines The all-junior production features a novel theme, coupled with original music and dance routines. The songs, written by Evelyn Horelick, include "Lament," "Love Song," and "Bright and Early." The setting of the play is at Para- gon Institute of Technology in the year 2045. "Perfect Paragon" is the college of the future, which places emphasis on efficiency and speed. Romantic Interest The play has its romantic inter- est, too, in spite of Paragon's new scientific method of selecting marital partners for its students. The Spies committee, an investigating body sent by Congress to examine Paragon's new system, further complicates mat- ters. Through Berln To U.S. Ninth Forge New Link-Up As Nazi Capital Dies By The Associated Press LONDON, Saturday, April 28.- Russian armies, conquering three- quarters of dying Berlin and seizing its last airdrome, left the, German capital to dust-choked storm troops yesterday and struck west in twin offensives toward a second link-up with American forces and the isola- tion of Germany's last Baltic ports. Berlin, writhing in its final death throes, was a wilderness of crumbled stone and steel swept by flame-ting- ed winds and, though its defenders resisted fanatically in a vain struggle, its inner and outer defenses were cracking fast. The great Tempelhof airdrome, the last air escape and supply route, was overrun. With Germany split by a junc- tion of Russian and American First Army forces along the Elbe north- west of Dresden, the Red Army rushed toward a second imminent link-up-this time with the U.S. 9th Army n the middle Elbe due west of Berlin. Premier Stalin, in one of four triumphant orders of the day, an- nounced that Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's First White Russian Army had captured Rathenow, 33 miles west of Berlin, in a drive that by- passed the great city of Branden- burg. Labor Needs Are iscussed WMC Committee ImproVement Urged Labor management committees set up by the War Manpower Commis- sion should be continued in peace, representatives of both labor and management who addressed regional, state and area WMC officials from Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky, de- clared yesterday at a meeting held in the Union. The speakers were George W. Dean, Lansing, president of the Michigan Federation of Labor, and John C. Buekema, Muskegon, secretary of the Greater Muskegon Chamber of Com- merce. Dean, the principal speaker of the day, asked that "these labor-manage- CAMPUS CAMPAIGN TO OPEN MONDAY: Red Cross Blood Bank Issues Call to Civilian Students Opening with a call for 230 pints >f blood, the Red Cross Blood Bank drive for May will begin Monday. The campus campaign, directed byr Wayne Bartlett of the Union andf Jean Loree of the' Women's Wart up can give blood for this Blood Bank. "In former drives, we have rarely received more than 150 donations from civilian students," Bartlett poin- ted out yesterday. "Consequently, -__ _- _ + l.. t n nm xQr 4341z Actual blood donations will be made between 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. EWT Thursday and Friday, May 10 and 11. Donations will be controlled by local Red Cross volunteer workers with the help of a Red Cross mobile unit which wil he stationed on the hand, blood is made to flow through the needle and a section of rubber tubing into a pint container imme- diately below. After the operation, which takes about ten minutes, donors are urged to relax and take it easy. Chairs will