Y i MM t 7 40 4tj tiLe- I " 4ail WEATHER Partly Cloudy and Warmer VOL. LV, No. 132 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, April 27, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Stettin, Bremen Taken by Allied Armies * * * * * * * * * * Yanks Seal off Brenner Pass Reds, Americans IWill Join on Elbe * * * * MacLaughlin Is * New * * * * War * Council President Fifth Army Takes Railway City of Verona Major Northern Cities Are Seized by Patriots By The Associated Press ROME, April 26.-The U.S. Fifth Army captured the railway center of Verona in a lightning 20-mile stab today, virtually sealing off the Bren- ner Pass escape route of German troops in Italy, and Swiss reports said patriots were seizing control of all major cities in northern Italy in- cluding Milan, Turin and Genoa. Nazi armies south of the Alps a'p- peared entirely disorganized and prisoners were being rounded up by the thousands. A captured German corps commander, Gen. Von Schwer- in, who was taken by the British Eighth Army, said, "I know the situ- ation for German soldiers in north Italy is hopeless." Liberation Committee in Control (A Partisan-controlled radio in Mi- lan reported tonight that the Italian Liberation Committee had taken over the administration of the whole of northern Italy, said a British broad- cast recorded by CBS.) Fifth Army forces smashed through the Nazis' formidable Adige defense line near Verona, and a terse Allied communique said armored units dri- ving up the western coast were "at- tacking toward Genoa" against heavy fire from mobile and coast defense guns.- An Associated Press correspondent aboard an American bomber said he cruised as far north as Verona with- out seeing any sign of fighting and that the Po valley was a "scene of utter peace." He saw American tanks roaring northward between Mantova and Verona. Fifth North of Mantova Headgarters announced that a flying Fifth Army column had driven to an area north of Mantova (Man- tua), which is 20 miles south of Verona. Verona, lying at the foot- hills of the Alps, is 75 airline miles south of Bozano, where the Brenner Pass proper begins. Seizure of Verona in effect would seal off a great part of the German forces in northern Italy from any chance of withdrawal into the Nazis' Bavarian redoubt. An Associated Press dispatch from Bern, Switzerland, said that Benito Mussolini and Roberto Farinacci, for- mer Secretary of the Fascist party, had arrived disguised in the Italian city of Como, not far from the Swiss border. Dean Clarence Yoakum To He Guest of Honor Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of the Rackham School of Graduate Stu- dies and Vice-President in Charge of Educational Investigation will be the guest of honor of the Student Religious Association at Lane Hall Coffee Hour from 4 to 6 p.m. EWT today. Coffee and cake will be served by Mary Shepard, Allene Gollinken, Al- ice Sthwaderer and Joyce Siegan. The public is invited. Ruth Ann Bales' Chosen as Head Of Judiciary Play Will Have Two Ioblic Performances Nora MacLaughlin has been ,elec- ted as the new president of the Wo- men's War Ccuncil and Ruth Ann Bales as chairman of the Judiciary Council, it was announced yesterday -t the first performance of Junior Girls Play in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater in the League. Miss MacLaughlin, vic -presi- dent of Alpha Chi Omega, is gen- eral chairman of JGP, membor of Wyvern, junior women's honorary society. Sh'( has been a member of the central comnnlttees for Pan- hel-Assembly Ball, '44, and Frosh- Soph Ball, '43. Miss Bales, president of Delta Gamma, is now serving as junior member of Judiciary Council and WAA hockey manager. A member of Wyvern, she was on Frosh project central committee and a major at the USO. Although yesterday's performance of "Take It from There" was ex- clusively for junior and senior wo- men, two public _performances will be held, one at 7:30 p.m. EWT today and the second at 8:30 p.m. EWT tcmorrow in Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater. Tickets for these performances are now on sale at the theater box office in the League. The play will begin promptly to- day, so that those who have tickets to Panhel-Assembly Ball may attend both affairs. Students may attend the play in their formals. "Take It from There", which is a full-length musical comedy, has been a completely junior project, with aver 250 members of that class con- tributing their talents to the play. The play features a dancing chorus cf 16, a three-part singing chorus of 2 , and an eight-piece oichestra in- cluding a harp soloist. Fhotographers from Life magazine See NEWS HEADS, Page 5 Swiss Give Up Petain for Hioh Tre a son Trial CONGRESSMEN SEE BUCHENWALD BODIES--Two of the U. S. Congressmen visiting German atrocity camps, Rep. John C. Kunkel (R.-Pa.) and Rep. Leonard W. Hall (right) .(R..-N.Y.) look at bodies of German prisoners piled on a truck outside the crematorium at Buchenwald, the Nazi camp near Weimar. This photo was made by Byron Rollins, Associated Press photographer on assignment with the wartime still picture pool. Four Faculty Members Have Received Federal Positions Four University faculty members were granted leaves of absence to as- sume various federal posts connected with war work by the Board of Re- gents in their monthly meeting here yesterday. The four professors who have been granted leaves are Prof. William D. Robinson, of the medical school, Prof. H. R. Crane, of the engineering school, and professors Howard B. Calderwood and Wolfgang H. Kraus, both of the political science depart- ment. Dr. Robinson, who will be on leave for 90 days, will serve with the Army in liberated areas of Eu- rope as civilian consultant to the Surgeon-General's Office. Prof. Crane, who will be on leave the re- mainder of the sparing term, will do engineering research for the Navy at laboratories here. Prof. Calderwood will assume an advisory post in the State Depart- ment at Washington on intenational organization in the Division of In- PARIS, April 26-(/P)-Marshal ternationalI Philippe Petain surrendered to French Affairs. Pr officials at the Swiss border today to U. S. Strate await trial in France on a charge of Washington high treason, for which his sched- leave the re uled prosecutor announced he would In other 1 ask a sentence of death-with clem- cepted giftst ency. The 89-year-old former Vichy Chief of State was met at the frontier by V-2 Lt. Gen. Joseph Pierre Koenig, com- mander of the French forces of the2 7 interior at the time of the Normandy invasion and before. Petain extend- ed his hand, but Koenig did not re- LONDON, spond. censorsiip li The Con-imissar of Dijon and a nearly eight French guard of 30 men also were that Germa present _ at the frontier station 'of bombs hadl Valorbe to form an escort for the seriously w aged marshal and his wife, who pro- Prime Mi cceded by automobile to Les Hospi- House of Co taux-Neufs and there boarded a spe- definitely ha POLITICAL PRISONERS KILLED: Ainericcan Negro Vi Ir GermcrtH ass M Labor, Health and Social of. Kraus will serve with egic Bombing Survey in . Both men will be on st of the spring term. business the Regents ac- totalling more than $92,- ~oms Kill, British April 26-(/P)-British ifted a partial silence of months today to disclose ny's dreaded V-2 rocket killed 2,754 persons and ounded 6,523. nister Churchill told the )mmons that the attacks ad ceased 000 headed by a bequest of $54,000 for the Horace H. Rackham Fund. The Regents also approved plans for a program that will bring 35 teachers of the blind, many of them blind themselves, to the University for a special training course con- ducted here this summer. The program given at the request of the American Foundation for the Blind, will enroll men and women to serve as workers to visit blind persons throughout the country. The instruction will be given by the In- stitute of Public and Social Admini- (See REGENTS, Page 2) Yank Infantry Gains Position Holding Naha By CLYDE BARTEL Associated Press War Editor American 24th Army Corps in- fantrymen with battleship and cruis- er gunfire support have secured high ground positions in the Japanese sec- ondary pillbox line defending the city of Naha on southern Okinawa. Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz said today (Friday) the Yanks moved forward to take heights east of the village of Urasoe Mura while the naval guns destroyed a number of Japanese artillery emplacements. In the Philippines 24th Division doughboys punched closer to the Japanese stronghold at Davao City with a 12-mile advance Wednesday across southern Mindanao Island, Gen. Douglas MacArthur reported. Premier Kantaro Suzuki in Tokyo urged the Nipponese fighters on Oki- nawa, only 325 miles south of Japan's homeland, to use suicidal "human bullet" tactics against the hammer- ing Yanks of the Seventh, 27th and 06th Divisions. But the Americans have taken the enemy's-first line of defense in the fighting above Naha, capital of the Island, and are slugging into the second line. Nimitz said that Navy carrier planes and search aircraft hit Japa- nese shipping and installations in the Sakishima group, south of Okinawa; off the east coast of Kyishu, south- ernmost home island of Japan; and at Yap and Wake Island. Thirty-third Division troops main- Goering Resigns Post as Chief Of Luftwaffe Acute Heart Illnes Reason for Quitting By The Associated Press LONDON, April 26-The German Hamburg radio announced tonight that Reichsmarshal Hermann Goer- ing had resigned as head of the dy- ing Nazi Air Force because of an "acute" heart illness, while a high- ranking German General Staff mem- ber captured by the Americans pre- dicted that Adolf Hitler would die with his troops in encircled Berlin. The captured German General- unidentified in a U. S. Ninth Army front dispatch but termed "interna- Russian Troops Battle Into Breslau By The Associated Press LONDON, Friday, April 27-Three Soviet armies conquered almost two- thirds of pulverized and encircled Berlin yesterday, seized the great Baltic naval base of Stettin and by Berlin account raced 22 miles west of the blazing German capital to within 14% miles of a second immi- nent link-up with American forces on the Elbe River. Simultaneously, Marshal Rodion Y. Malinovsky's Second Ukrainian Ar- my captured the great armament center of Bruenn (Brno), second larg- est city of Czechoslovakia and one of the last great war production cities left to the tottering German war ma- chine. More Berlin Districts Fall While four more Berlin districts fell to the Russians, together with the great Goerlitzer railroad depot, So- viet troops far behind the front bat- tled into the western streets of the long-besieged Silesian capital of Bres- lau, Moscow announced. As a junction between the Red Ar- my and the American Ninth Army neared due west of Berlin, another historic junction was imminent-if it already had not taken place- southwest of Berlin. Moscow's nightly war bulletin dis- closed that Soviet troops who crossed the Elbe at Riesa had extended their bridgehead, capturing Strebla and Torgauon the water barrier's west bank only 17 miles from American First Army positions on the Mulde river. Front dispatches from Allied lines said, however, that American patrols had struck deep into the territory be- tween the Elbe and the Mulde. Compressing a mighty band of steel around perhaps 500,000 Nazi troops trapped in Berlin-and possibly sounding the deathknell-if they are there-for Adolf Hitler, Propaganda Minister Goebbels and other high Nazi officials reportedly caught in the Russian trap-massed waves of Soviet armor overran approximately 210 square miles of Berlin's 341, Moscow's communiques showed. Put Up Death Struggle The Nazis, throwing women and children into the death struggle for Berlin, admitted tonight that the doomed German capital was encircl- ed and conceded that the "front now runs right through the heart of the city." As Soviet assault teams beat back the German defenders from the north, east, south and west, Soviet tommygunners stormed the southern edge of shell-pocked Templehof air- drome and incessant Soviet fighter patrols roared over the smoke-blank- eted city to forestall the possible es- cape of Nazi big-shots by air. U.S. To Adhere To Geneva Law 'No Change' Indicated in Prisoner Policy WASHINGTON, April 26.- (P- Although there have been "plenty of instances" of German violations, the War Department asserted today its intention to adhere to the Geneva convention for the treatment of pris- oners of war. The department, Brig.-Gen. R. W. Berry told the House Military Com- mittee as it opened its study of the war prisoner situation, has no other choice. "The Army's treatment of German prisoners of war is not a question of Armuy policy but a question of law," General Berry said when committee members asked if there was any in- tention to tighten up on treatment of German prisoners in this country becausesof Axis abuses of American prisoners. In its treatment of an estimated 2,000,000 German prisoners, the Gen- eral declared, the Army is "firm" because "those Germans, for the most part, react to firm treatment." v U. S. Third Nears Austrian Frontier By The Associated Press PARIS, Friday, April 27-Heavily- gunned U. S. Third Army tank col- umns battled eight miles from Aus- tria yesterday in a bid for a swift showdown with last-stand enemy troops massing at the border, and in the north the British captured Ger- many's second greatest port of Brem- en. As these blows fell on the north and south segments of dismembered Germany, Allied capitals of Europe buzzed with rumors started by a Swiss radio report that the Ameri- cans and Russians had met in the Elbe River area on "A front of many miles." Tight Censorship Censorship covered American posi- tions at the reported junction area, but a front dispatch from the U. S. First Army told of a patrol moving at will through German lines between the Mulde and Elbe rivers. Bremen fell after a whirlwind as- sault of two days, and only snipers remained in the rubble to challenge the victorious British moving through the dock area of what once was a city of 350,000 people. The ruins of Bremen were captured by Lt. Gen. Miles C. Dempsey's Brit- ish Second Army. Hundreds of slave laborers emerged from the cellers and shelters and swarmed over the rubble. Juncture Awaited While the world awaited confirma- tion that the Americans and Russians had met somewhere near Berlin, Gen. Patton's U. S. Third Army in ground- eating strides was 95 miles from a junction with the Red Army in Aus- tria that would convert Czechoslo- vakia into a giant German trap. In close echelon with the U. S. Sev- enth and French First Armies, Pat- ton's forces broke across the Danube at three points-leaving that river line shredded along a 180-mile front and Munich imperiled by three sep- arate American columns each about 40 miles from the city. Some 20 divisions in these three armies were pressing steadily south- ward, bent on engulfing the Nazi Al- pine redoubt before the Ss troops could get set for a stand. State Prisons To Be Object of Three Inquiries LANSING, April 26-()-Under in- vestigation by two agencies now, the Michigan Corrections System is the target of a third, inquiry voted last night by the Senate. At the same time, Garrett Heyns, state corrections director, revealed he had ordered four inmates of the Southern Michigan Prison transfer- red summaily to the Marquette Branch Prison, sometimes called "Si- beria" among convicts. Heyns would say only the transfers were for "failure to cooperate with prison authorities," but there were re- ports, which he refused to confirm or deny, that the quartette had refused to testify before attorney general John R. Dethmers' investigation of the Southern Michigan Prison. A three-member investigation com- mittee was ordered on the motion of Senator Ivan A. Johnston, Mt. Clem- ens Disney Film To le Showun Latin America To Be Portrayed in Movies "The Amazon Awakens" and "The Bridge," films dealing with South and Central America will be shown at 7:30 p. m. EWT today in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. "The Amazon Awakens" is a color- ed film produced by Walt Disney. It deals with the history, industrial pro- CAMPUS EVENTS Today Pan-Hel Assembly Ball at 8:30 in the Intramural building. Today Dean Clarence Yoakum will be guest of the Lane Hal Coffee Hour at 4 to 6 p. m. EWT. Today Final tryouts for the "Soph Cabaret" will be held from 3 to 5 p. m. EWT in rooms D and E on the third floor of the Womens League. April 27 The Post War Council will hold a mock confer- ence at 2 n. m. in rooms p1de IHERIMANN GOERING resigns as chief of Luftwaffe. - Associated Press Photo tionally known and one of the best- informed members of the German general staff"--predicted the war would end within a few days and said that Goering probably already had been executed. The Hamburg station said that the* portly Goering, whose proud airforce has been blasted almost to extinction, had been succeeded by Gen. Ritter Von Grein who was made a marshal. The text of the announcement: "Reichsmarshal Goering who has been suffering from heart trouble for GARDELEGEN, Germany, April 26.-(J)-An investigation has re- vealed that an American Negro pris- oner of war was killed in the mass murder of 1,100 political prisoners in a barn near here. Officers investigating the circum- vivors disclosed that he was an Am- erican Negro soldier known only as "John" who had been put among the political prisoners because he had tried to escape too often. The prisoners had arrived at Gar- delegen after the American break-