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April 25, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-25

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At U,


Mostly Cloudy
and Cooler


VV Soviet rmJinies o inazB










San Francisco arley pens

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* * *

* * ::

* * *

Capital Shorn of
Wheeling Red Forces Sever One of Two
Railroads into Northern Enemy Pocket
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Wednesday, April 25-Two great Soviet armies united inside
Berlin yesterday, seized fully half the burning city and effectively cut it off
from all reinforcement.
A Moscow communique announced the junction of the first Ukrainian
and First White Russian armies in southeastern Berlin in a single phase
of coordinated drives which captured the Schlesischer (Silesian) railway
station and all the districts north and east of it, within a mile of the
center of the city at Unter Den-
Sever Railroad
The First White Russian forces of
Marshal G. K. Zhukov simultaneously
Executed a great wheeling movement
north and northwest of Berlin which J FJ U I U i I
severed one of two railroads leading
to the northwest German pocket andaz H d t
came within two and one-half miles N azi H ideouther


* * ** * *


* * *

Truman To Give Radio Welcome
To United Nations Conference

:i: .;: :J:



Red Cross Sets
Blood Bank
Quota for May
Campus quota for the Red Cross
blood bank for May has been set at
230 pints, it was announced yester-
day by Charles Hansen of the Union
Executive Council..
The drive will begin Monday and
will continue until the quota is
reached,nunder the general direction
of Wayne Barlett of the Union and
Jean Loree of the Women's War
Appointments for blood donations
will be filled entirely by the civilian
population on campus. Because the
last bank was completely by mili-
tary personnel and over ten weeks'
have elapsed since the last civilian
donation, all civilians will be eligible
to donate blood.
Blood donations will be made
Thursday and Friday, May 10 and
Today Prof. John F. Shepard
will speak on the "Psy-
chological aspect of Race
Relations" at an open
meeting of Inter-Racial
Association at 7:30 p.m.
EWT in the Union.
April 26, 27, 28 Junior Girls Play,
"Take It from There" will

Stettinius Reports Agreement Among
Four Sponsors of World Peace Meeting
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, Auril 24-The United Nations Conference to
chart peace-keeping machinery opens at San Francisco at 4:30 p. m.
Wednesday, Pacific War Time. Diplomats of 46 nations are on hand
for the opening sessions. President Truman will address them by
radio from Washington.
Secretary of State Stettinius called tonight on the eve of the United
Nations conference for a brave start toward fashioning "The enduring peace
the world so hopes for."
His appeal, on a round-the-world broadcast, followed disclosure
that the four sponsoring powers have agreed to support specific pro-
posals for "justice and international law" in settling disputes between
Stettinius told the people of the world-and the representatives of 46
United Nations assembled here-that the "beginning we are going to make
here at San Francisco' is toward "sure and just peace-peace that man
can trust."
As the Conference neared its formal opening at 4:30 p. m. Pacific War
Time tomorrow, there were these other developments:
Tentative approval by the U. S. delegation, is reported by Senator
Connally (D.-Tex.), of a plan to permit the proposed World Assembly
to review international treaties, as a war preventive. The assembly
could make recommendations only to treaty signatories under the plan.
Decision of the Russian Commonwealth of nations to support
solidiy the Russian request for three Soviet votes in the World Assembly.
An apparent continued deadlock among the Big Three over the
question of Poland's representation at the conference.
An argument by Herbert V. Evatt, Australian Minister for External
Affairs, that no nation which has not demonstrated it is able and willing
to protect world security should have a place on the Security Council.
Evtt's idea, if approved, would keep off very small nations which have
contributed comparatively little to the Allied war effort.
It was Stettinius, who will preside as temporary chairman of the
conference, who told reporters of the U. S. delegation stand on specifying
"justice" in settling disputes.
The Chinese originated the suggestion to include references to justice
and international law in the proposed charter of the organization.
An American delegate, Sen. Vandenberg (R.-Mich.), also had been
hammering for a pronouncement specifically embracing the word jus-
tice." Standing behind Stettinius at a mammoth news conference in
a hotel, Vandenberg uttered one sentence:
"I'm very happy to welcome justice in its first appearance, in this
Stettinius batted back a host of questions on the touchy Polish situation
-one of the major issues on the eve of the meeting of 46 nations seeking to
guide the world into the ways of permanent peace.
Nor did the Secretary of State care to express himself on whether the
American delegation would support three votes for the Soviet Union in the
general assembly. Previously the Americans had felt themselves committed
by decisions at the Yalta meeting of the Big-Three to lend such support.
They had been hopeful, however, that Russia might not press the issue.
But the British, in the words of Deputy Prime Minister Clement
Attlee, had promised, that "oh, yes" the United Kingdom would back
Russia on this point. Subsequently it was learned that India, Australia,
New Zealand, South Africa and Canadar intend to follow suit.
By The Associated Press
Soviet Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotov was reported unofficially
tonight to have brought a unique plan to San Francisco to block amend-
ments to the Dumbarton world organization plan.
The report, which was not confirmed by the Russians, said the
Soviet Union would suggest the Dumbarton Oaks and Yalta proposals
should be dedicated as a memorial to President Roosevelt, and there-
fore should be left without any important change.

Pictured on this page are the
nine American delegates to the
United Nations Conference
which opelns today in San Fran-
Council Plans
Mock Par'ley
For Saturday
Miniature Charter To
Present Peace Aims
To determine student opinion on
the contents of a United Nations
Charter for peace, the Post-War
Council will present a mock United
Nations Conference Saturday after-
noon and evening in the ABC room
of the Michigan League.
Panels To Discuss Issues
A miniature United Nations Char-
ter, based entirely on the agreements
reached in panel discussions, will
contain modifications of the Dum-
barton Oaksproposals. It will re-
siembie the charter to be drawn up
in San Francisco.
Two panels will be held and will be
made up of students representing the
Allied countries. "Feeling with Our
Fallen Foes" is the topic of the first
panel at 3 p.m. EWT (2 p.m. CWT)
and 'Erecting the Bulwark of Peace"
will be presented at 8 p.m. WT (7
p.m. CWT). They will deal with the
problems of occupied enemy terri-
tories and world organization respec-
Students Urged To Attend
After a statement from each dele-
gate on the problem to be under
debate, an open discussion will fol-
low. Students are urged to attend
and enter the debates.
Keynote and summary speeches
will be given before and after the
panels and the moderators will draw
up the charter.
rf. Shepard
To Talk Today
Prof. John F. Shepard, acting
chairman of the executive commit-
tee of the psychology department, will
speak on "The Psychological Aspect
of Race Relations" at 7:30 p. m.
EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) today in the
The talk is sponsored by the Inter-
Racial Association as a part of its
"program of speakers and activities
aimed at promoting racial unity,"
Herbert Otto, president, has said. The
organization will elect a secretary
and a treasurer.
The public is invited to the lecture.
__oinage to Roosevelt

Marshal Ivan S. Konev's First
Ukrainians, spearing up from the
south, reached a point four miles
due east of Potsdam.,
Junction of the two Russian ar-
mies inside Berlin's limits completed
the encirclement of a tremendous
area 60 miles long and 30 miles
broad, stretching clear back east =and
c outheast to the Oder and Neisse
Rivers, trapping untold numbers of
White Russians Take Fuerstenberg
Closing in quickly on the far end
of that pocket, other White Russian
units took the stubborn fortress of
Fuerstenberg on the west bank of
the Oder and Gubenon the east bank
of the Neisse just south of the con-
fluence of the two streams.
Far south of Berlin the Russians
announced capture of Grossenhain,
20 miles northwest of Dresden.
It was in that area that Soviet and
American forces were approaching
an historic junction on a broad front.
Junction Expected Momentarily
The French press agency said with-
out confirmation that a union al-
ready had been reached at Eilen-
burg, nine miles northeast of Leip-
zig, but dispatches from the U. S.
First Army front said no linkup had
yet been made.
Yanks Storm
Po; Liberate

Three Towns


Army Gains Key
Hill on Okinawa
Navy Bombards Caves
As Marines Take Isles
By The Associated Press
American Army troops, smashing
against furious Japanese opposition
all along the flaming Okinawa sou-
thern battle front, have captured
an important position on high
ground near Ishin Village.
As the Yanks dented the stubborn
Japanese line, warships of the Paci-
fic Fleet used their big guns to seal
off caves and wreck pillboxes and
trenches in the bloody battle area.
Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, re-
orting late Tuesday on Okinawa ac-
tion, disclosed that Yank Marines
have taken over three additional
islets-Yagachi and Kouri, off the
northwest coast, and Heanza, off the
east coast. The only opposition, on
Yagachi, was being liquidated by the


ROME, April 24-(A)-U. S. Fifth
Army troops poured across the Po
River today and other allied troops
captured La Spezia, Modena and
Ferrara, shattering a 125-mile Ger-
man defense line across the Italian
Forty thousand prisoners and large
quantities of supplies and material
have fallen to the Allied spring of-
The German position in Italy ap-
peared critical tonight with the
swift Allied drive keeping the ene-
my "confused and his communica-
tions disrupted," an announcement
said. Allied warplanes and armor
cut to pieces German troops and
transport trapped in pockets back
of the swiftly moving Allied troops.
A security blackout prohibited des-
ignation of the Po crossings but the
Fifth and British Eighth Armies were
known to be at the river along a 50-
mile front stretching from Ferrara
west to Borgoforte.
The important Italian naval base
of La Spezia on the Ligurian Sea
fell to Fifth Army troops, Other,
units of the Fifth striking from
captured Bologna in the center of
the battle line took Modena, a
highway junction 22 miles north-
west of Bologna and on the eastern
flank British Eighth Army troops
captured Ferrara.

Armies Drive Within
50 Miles of Munich
By The Associated Press
PARIS, April 24-Three migaty Al-
lied armies hammering down to de-
stroy Hitler's rocky Alpine redoubt
were slashing almost at will across
southern Germany tonight within 50
to 70 miles of Munich, cradle of
Allied Headquarters, like the rest of
the world, was awaiting an official
announcement that American and
Russian troops, last reported barely
20 miles apart between Dresden and
Leipzig, had joined forces and split
the Reich in two. Some correspond-
ents here believed a preliminary Junc-
tion already had been made.
French Press Reports Juncture
The French Press Agency, quoting
"Reports from Moscow," said Ameri-
can and Soviet troops had met at
Eilenburg, on the Mulde River nine
miles northeast of Leipzig.
Ulm, second city of Wurttemberg
and important communications cen-
ter on the Danube, fell to the com-
bined assault. of the American Sev-
enth and French First Armies.
U. S. Third Closes in on Regensburg
The U. S. Third Army, continuing
its spectacular drive southward from
the boundary of Czechoslovakia, bat-
tled within eight miles of the big traf-
fic. hub of Regensburg and within 35
miles of the Austrian border. Travel-
ing fast under a partial news black-
out, Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's fam-
ed Armored Forces were closing in
relentlessly on Regensburg from three
sides and slicing hourly nearer the
ramparts of the enemy's southern
Crowd To Light
Up Friday at
Pan-Hel Dance
P.A.}M.F.D. (Panhel-Assembly Ball
Means Fine Dancing) is the slogan
adopted by dance chairmen to carry
out the theme of "It's Your Lucky
Strike" at the second annual Panhel-
Assembly Ball which will be held
from 8:30 p.m. to midnight EWT,
Friday at the Intramural Building,
featuring Gene Krupa and his or-
Because this is a closed coed-bid
dance, attendance will be limited to
1,200 couples. Tickets are still on
sale at the League and in all wo-
men's residence halls.
JGPlay time has been moved a-
head to 7:3 p.m. EWT Friday so that
coeds my attend both the play and
the dance. Dance chairmen, Bethine
Clark and Doris Heidgen, urge coeds
and their dates to make a full night
of it by attending both functions.
Gene Krupa's appearance at Pan-
hel-Assembly Ball will mark the first
time a big name band has played on
campus since the "M-Hop" of 1941.
Appearing with "The Band That
Swings with Strings" will be the
G-Noters, a quartet consisting of
vocalist Lillian Lane and her escorts,
Peggy Mann,. billed as "The Girl
with the Pin-Up Voice", and Krupa's
featured instrumentalists, Charlie
I Tnh itrn fpnnr,.cs a. - r Dnv A a .-

Prof.Catis Speaks o
For Applying Social
I)trv sin the need for ap1ying the It aind -to dr


Whippai winds disclosed that the guards of
for the United Nations Conference are well-heeled.
robes they carry scimitars. Strapped inside around
.45 caliber automatic pistol.

Arabian Princes here
Outside their flowing
the waist of each is a

Iev1lt,lr afl'ciic!2atti tuden

study of social sciences to the nature

toward his work," Few states, he



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