PAGE TIO T IK iIIiifIi'A X BAIVV _________________________________________ . ,U il 5. A. LAA - L ZU~A {.r£JV i Y AJ Fkv .[.I..4 I - .'.4$.fl.S*S ~$ 4S~ *,~RA '~ tt~Z~ Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Food Authorities Quizzed MOVIES .,. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I I r4 3-1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin. Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee . . . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . . City Editor Associate Editor *. Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Bosiness Staff * a Business Manager * Associate Business Mgr. *. . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mal, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 UEPRESENTEO FOR NATIONAL AOVERT#JIIG BYy National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO " BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: ANNETTE SHENKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Economic Security PREFACING a publication of the Dumbarton Oaks agreements, Cordell Hull, then Secre- tary of State, observed that any international plan will be "in terms of the highest common denominator rather than of the plan of any nation." Mr. Hull points to what is perhaps the great- est failure of Americans as internationalists: our tendency to see the general good in terms of what is best for America, or to place the, international good second to that of America. This philosophy has been especially evident in discussion about the degree of economic aid which should be sent to our Allies and the im- poverished nations of Europe. Our willing- ness to send food and supplies without repara- tion has, if the American press accurately re- flects public opinion, stopped short when the standard of living at home has been seriously threatened. The need for such aid will not end with the war. A means for providing it was, indeed, one of the primary considerations of the conver- sations at' Dumbarton Oaks. The proposals which emerged from the four-power delibera- tion thus included a pl.n for an Economic and Social Council, the stated aim of which is "the creation of conditions of stability and well- being which are necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations." Full devotion to that aim requires abandon- ment of the attitude we have previously taken in regard to material aid to the other nations of the world. The choice people of the United States make between greater temporary national prosperity and a long enduring international economic security may well mean the failure or success of any postwar attempt at economic planning because of the unprecedented importance states- men agree this country will assume in the world economy. Worldwide economic security is a trail blaz- ed toward worldwide peace. Americans who have sacrificed so much during the war can aord comparatively minor sacrifices to pre- vent its recurrence. -Ann Kutz Accept Principles THE SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE will clarify the details of the new world organ- ization-what it is empowered to do, how it will be made up, what principles it will follow. But without American participation and coopera-. tion, this organization will be powerless. There will be merely a repeat performance of the last post-war period, with perhaps the same final re- sult. President Roosevelt, had he only lived to com- plete his work, could have "unified us in the joint task of building the peace," as Prof. Theo- dore Newcome stated. He could have made the entire American n nnle helieve in his nrinci- By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-It happened behind closed doors, but a lot of housewives would have relished being present when Congressman Clinton Anderson's special food committee quizzed an ar- ray of Washington big-wigs. A lot of star witnesses were present, but the Army, represented by Maj. Gen. Hardigg of the quartermaster corps, chiefly took it. on the chin, War Food Chief Marvin Jones started the ball rolling when he produced figures showing that last year, when meat was plentiful, the Army gummed up the works by failing to take anywhere near the quantity allocated to it. In the fourth quarter of 1944, the Army had asked for one and a quarter billion pounds of meat. Actually, the Army took half a billion pounds less. That, according to the closed-door testimony, was the chief reason why ration points on meat were dropped last year and the housewives got a windfall. The public then got back to .the habit of eating meat. But today, with meat far less plentiful, the Army has ordered even more than allocated to it last year. General Hardigg was unable to satisfy the Congressmen as to why t Army failed to take up its meat last year, or at least failed to put it in cold storage for later use. Had this been done, Army demands would now be much smaller. General Hardigg also was asked to report back to Congress on meat consumption per soldier in the British Army, also in the Russian Army. Congressmen also asked Har- digg to report on how much meat was consumed by. U. S. tro6ps overseas, as compared with that consumed by troops in the United States. Relaxed Meat Inspection ... ONE PROPOSAL to ease the meat shortage is to abolish federal inspection in small local slaughter houses. These slaughterers have to pass state inspection anyway, and most of them are thoroughly reputable. But to sell inter-state they must pass federal inspection, so many now sell only within state limits. This is one reason why cattle-raising states are experiencing no meat shortage today. General Hardigg, however, sat on the idea of relaxing federal inspection. He argued that federal inspection must continue. War Food Chief Jones and War Mobilizer Vinson were not impressed with Hardigg's argument. "I never tasted federally inspected meat until I was in my twenties," scoffed Texas-bred Jones. "Out in Kentucky we did all right without federally inspected meat," Vinson agreed. "I never had it until I was out of my 'teens." Representative Anderson of Albuquerque, New Mex., chairman of the committee, then took General Hardigg to task for the Army's system of poultry buying. "Out my way, where we've got plenty of ,meat," Anderson said, "the Army isn't inter- ested in buying poultry. Here in the East, where meat is scarce, you're taking all the poultry. Why not spread your poultry buying so that in areas where the public has a hard time getting meat it can at least get a little poultry." He pointed out that the Army is.taking 100 per cent of the poultry in the Delmarva area- Deleware, Maryland and Virginia. Vinson supported Anderson, telling Hardigg: "Try to work that out with the War Food Ad- ministration, General." Oldsters Carry On ... ONE OF THE great jobs of this war, though little appreciated by the public, has been that of older men on the home front. Some of them, even though over sixty, have jumped in to take any jobs that could help keep the country going-from telegraph messengers to war plant workers. The coal mines, for instance, could hardly have continued top output were it not for older men. Before the war, the average age of coal miners was around thirty. Now it is mucl higher. John Pillsbury, of the famous flour mills by that name, is among those who pays tribute to what older men are doing on the home front. Some of his mills, Pillsbury says, are being run entirely by older men. And despite a seven-day week, which wears them out, they are doing a fine, patriotic job. Inside the Army and Navy also, the job being done by men over 38 is probably not ap- preciated. Now too old for commissions as lieutenants, many of them have been detailed to menial work despite college educations and skill- ed prewar training. After the war with Germany, first thought ~ ~~- ~ ~ ~ - --- ~ -- -- ~ - Hoover's Skeptical IN THE HEIGHT of what Samuel Grafton would call "international organization voguish- ness," Herbert Hoover has put his stamp of ap- proval on Dumbarton Oaks. He would like to contribute to a sound plan for lasting peace. But there is a snag. Like so many Americans, Hoover is skeptical when it comes to considering the USSR an ally of the United States. It seems that Hoover wants world peace for the "peace-loving na- tions" of which the Soviet Union is not con- sidered one. -Bob Goldman should be given to the demobilization of older men who, when they do get back to civilian life, will buck the handicap of age in getting peacetime jobs. Capial Ch1roi... C ENSORSHIP of newspaper comment on the possibility of war between Russia and Japan was ordered by the State Department. Byron Price's office of censorship had nothing to do with it except carry out instructions. This is the first time news comment has been barred on the relations between two countries. . . . Loy Enderson, able U. S. minister to Iraq, is return- ing to Washington to head the State Depart- ment's Near Eastern division. . . Shortly be- fore returnin gto China, Ambassador Pat Hurley got Roosevelt's OK on arming several divisions of Chiang Kai-Shek's troops. However, ex- perts are betting that few of them will ever see service against Japan. They are more likely to fight in a major civil war against the North Chinese. (Copyright, 1945. Bell Syndicate, Inc) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: What Is Support? By SAMUEL GRAFTONT* A DELEGATION of eight Republican Senators has been in to see President Truman, and to offer him support. Let's ask a child's question about the incident: Papa, what is support? Support must have content; it must be sup- port for something, and about something. Other- wise it is not support at all it is merely a generalized expression of good will, such as prize fighters offer when they shake hands before a bout; but they don't support each other. The Republicans, led by Senator Taft, have shown an amiable intention in calling on the new Presi- dent: their visit is most important; but until they outline the nature of their support in pro- grammatic terms, what they have said will re- main an unfinished sentence. There can be no such thing as support in a vacuum. One begins to understand why President Truman made such a point, at his last Tuesday press conference, of coming out for Bretton Woods, all the way, and for extension of the reciprocal trade treaties. Nobody had asked him what he thought of these matters. He brought them up himself, he committed him- self thoroughly in the presence of 348 corre- spondents. He seemed quite anxious to sew himself up. He knew that last week would be a week of general expressions of support, a week not to be wasted; and perhaps he strove, by com- mitting himself early, to give content to these expressions of support, to make them a little less vague than otherwise they would be. At least the delegations would know what manner of man they had come in to shake hands with, and could not later say that they had not known. It happens that Mr. Truman did receive mag- nificent support from a Republican Senator last week. It came from a Senator who was not even on the Taft delegation; Aiken, of Vermont, who in a speech to the Upper House, called on Republicans to get behind Bretton Woods, the reciprocal trade treaties, and all other pending international economic agreements. This would have been support even if Mr. Aiken had finished off his speech by remarking that he, personally, did not like Mr. Truman very much; and in this we see illustrated the difference between solid support, and the mere flicking of a bit of dust from a new President's sleeve. A curious, delicate, almost hidden battle is going on in Washington; the Battle of the Hundred Days; those days of grace, which America, by sound political instinct; gives to every new president. The accession of a new President has had an important effect on every treaty and agreement now pending before Congress. Defeat for these treaties now means the visible shattering of our na- tional unity, as well as of our relations with the world. It was true before, but because there is a new man in the White House, it is clearer now, that rejection of pending treaties means to smash something at home as well as abroad. Papa, what is "support?" It is possible to support without supporting. The opposition in Congress supports world peace, until world peace asks for ten cents for carfare, or for a stabiliza- tion fund. It supports world peace so long as world peace doesn't want anything. The fact that there is a new man in the White House exposes the game, simplifies it, lets us see it. We shall now see whether Mr. Truman will be supported only so long as he doesn't want anything. The issue has been cooperation all along, but the installation of a new President has dramatized it, taken the cover off it. The opposition wishes to convince the country of its belief in unity, but it has not yet made up its mind to pay for the prize of unity in the coin of compromise. It will have to do so. In a world in which a cup of coffee costs at least a" nickel, national unity is not to be bought for nothing. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) At the tot By BARRmI WATERS Publication in the Daily official Bul- 'IHE STATE'S glowingly titled "An letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the American Romance" turns out to Bulletin should be sent in typewritten be Metro's expensive version of The form to the Assistant to the President, Great American Story, the rags-to-! 1021 Angell fail, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. in. Sat- riches, log-cabin-to-presidency sort of I urdays). thing which Horatio Alger loved so CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN well. -THE DAILY OFFICIAL It's about an immigrant factory BULLETIN. worker (Brian Donlevy with a truly formidable foreign accent) who worksI up from shoveling coal into a veryI oti hot looking furnace, to the presidency , .t .e of a huge motor car company. The Iro the Members of the University reason for his rise, the script slyly Senate: suggests, is that America is a land of At the meeting of the University suggstsCouncil on April 16, 1945, the follow- opportunmty. For good measure, some ,n. communication was approved at rather elementary talk about the Ih ugsino teSadn on rights of the laborer are thrown in the suggestion of the Standing Col- mittee on Public Relations - just to show Metro's sympathies are with "the common man." To the University Council: Your Committee on Public Rela- The time when we would dismiss tions submits the following report. this turn around the park with a 1. The Committee recognizes the cynical shrug is now past. The theme importance of the Extension Division "American Romance" represents has in increasing and building up the passed into the field of legend, fan- services of the University to the com- tasy, or what-have-you, in which re- munities of the State. The Committee hose "Alice In Wonderland" and also calls attention to the action of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (not that I the Regents who have recently made mean to speak of those last two itemsja more adequate provision for the in the same breath). administration of this Division by s creating an Executive Committee toE This current exhibit does possess advise and to share with the Director something new. The technicolor the responsibilities of administration camera, which heretofore has prin- and the determining of its policies. cipally dwelled on Seiznick sunsets This Committee recommends that and the lush deco of Fox musicals, all schools and colleges take a greater has been trained on the wondrous interest in the program of the Ex- machinery of modern American in- tension Service and also suggests that dustry. In a rich field which the the college accept a larger responsi- movies have curiously avoided, bility for the selection of teachers "An American Romance" occasion- for these extracurricular courses, also ally comes close to realizing the 'that members of the upper staff be beauty and spirit of the forges and cricouraged to take a more active assembly lines. A wonderful film part in the giving of these courses could be developed from this theme in order to release the burden on the and "American Romance" sketch- junior staff members who are at pres- ily points the way. ent carrying most of the teaching load. Atde Michx n .. . 2. The Committee recommends that plans be made in the immediate rIjE MICHIGAN'S "Music for Mil- ;luture for the construction of suit-I E Cable quarters for married students. lions" features concert pianist Louis A. Hopkins Jose Iturbi and in deference to him Secretar of theUn.- the film starts with the smash-bang Se Council finale to Tschaikovsky's Fourth and ends with Handel's "Hallelujah Chor- Biological Station: Applications are now being considered for the 1945 At first glance this might lead session of the University of Michigan one to believe that Metro's inten- Biological Station, held from June tion of bringing "good music" to 23 to August 18, near Cheboygan, the masses has been fullfilled. This Michigan, 285 miles north of Ann is not exactly the case, because Arbor. A full enrollment is 'indicat- between the two aforementioned ed. Persons with college credit in items a lot of varying talent has Botany or Zoology are permitted to been packed. June Allyson, Mar- apply. If you wish to apply, you garet O'Brien, Marsha Hunt and, should do so before May 1 to insure of all people, Jimmy Durante are full consideration in choice of corn' all on hand. They're all very tal- ses and cottage. Information mayI ented people, but they don't have be secured at the Summer Session anything to do with Tschaikovsky Office, 1213 A. H., or at the Biologi- or Handel. cal Station Office, 1073 N. S. Appli- cations are available at the latter I don't mean to give the impression office. that "Music for Millions" is to be A. H. Stockard1 0% TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1945 VOL. LV. No. 129 nouncement for Railroad Industrial Inspector II, salary $230 to $270 per month, Dental Health Consultant I, salary $180 to $220 per month, Prac- tical Nurse Trainee C, salary $105 per month during training program, and Public Health Dentist IV, $360 to $420 per month, have been received in our office. For further informa- tion stop at 201 Mason Hall, Bu- reau of Appointments. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. John Gaus, Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin, will speak on the subject, "Social Science Divi- sions as General Staffs" at 3:15 p.m., today in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under the auspices of the Division of Social Sciences. The public is cor- dially invited. Dr. Dow V. Baxter, Associate Pro- fessor of Silvics and Forest Pathology, will give a talk, Caribbean Profile, Wednesday, at 7:00 p. in., in Rack- ham Amphitheatre, about his exper- iences in Puerto Rico last summer. The talk, which is sponsored by the Phi Sigma Society, will be illustrated with colored movies. It is free to the public. Academic Notices English -154 will not meet this eve- ning. A. L. Bader Seniors: College of L. S. & A. and Schools of Education, Music and Public Health: Tentative lists of sen- iors for June graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4 University Hall. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected in- correct, please notify the Counter Clerk. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer. tificate for June: Please call at the office of the School of Educationa1437 University Elementary School, on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, April 25 or 26, between 1:30 and 4:30 to take the teacher's oath. This is a requirement for the certificate. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for June: A list of candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U. E. S. College of Architecture and Design, Schools of Education, Forestry and Conservation, Music and Public Health. Midsemester reports indicating students enrolled in these units doing unsatisfactory work in any unit of the University are due in the office of the school or college by April 28th at noon. Report blanks for this pur- pose may be secured from the office of the school or college or from Room 4, University Hall. Concerts Student Recital: Bernard Lee Ma- son, violinist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 7:30 p. m. tonight in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. A student of Professor Besekirsky, Mr. Mason will play com- positions by Corelli, Chausson and Brahms. The public is invited. A 4 avoided, because it has its moments All this talent has been blended with more success than you might expect Some of the individual glitter has been lost in the process, but the amal- gamation takes place without too much wear and tear on the spectator The plot, as briefly as it can be put, has to do with the troubles mostly maternal, of an all-girl or- chestra. Mr. Durante, whom I revere as oth- ers do Abbott and Costello, breaks away -to sing a breakneck Version of "Umbriago." Margaret O'Brien is rather weighed down by some discon- certing emotional scenes, like the ones in which she tells Sister Ally- son how to pray. All in all, none but the most hard-hearted will say they haven't had a full evening's entertainment, especially when Mr. Iturbi sits down at the piano and dispenses with some of the more familiar classics. . . , I Director. Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineer- ing: Mr. R. Alvarez of Chance Vought Aircraft, Stratford, Connecticut, will interview seniors graduating in June and October, 1945, on Thursday, April 26. The company has openings in Aerodynamics, Structures, Drafting, Instruments, Electronics, Materials, and Spotweld. Interviews will be held in Room B-27 East Engineering Building. Interested men will please sign the Interview Schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bul- letin Board. Descriptive material and application blanks may be obtained in the Aeronautical Engineering Of- I I N1 SECOND. B~y Ray Dixon 'C-, . ---- WELL! Gloria Vanderbilt marries Leopold Stokowski. At the same time a picture called Music for Mil- lions is playing at a local theatre. After looking at a map of Berlin and trying to pronounce some of the names thereon, we've decided that it's just as well the Reds are taking over. They've been well trained in their homeland in the art of pronouncing the unpro- nounceable. Hitler orders his troops to start guerilla warfare, aping the Russian tactics in 1942. By Crockett Johnson State of Michigan Civil Service an- vents Today -~--. - .,Orchestra Rehearsal: The wind section of the University Symphony Orchestra will rehearse in Room 506 Burton Tower, at 4 p. m. today. . DRAM _- Prescott Club: There will be a meeting at 6:15 tonight in Rm. 300 j HE LABORATORY Theater gave Chemistry Building. Anna Maloney its audience experimental theater will give a talk on "William Konrad in the best sense at last night's pro- Roentgen"-discovered of X-Rays. duction of student-written plays. Business meeting follows the talk. The English Department and Speech Public is cordially invited. Refresh- Department were the "stars" of the ments. evening for having given us an op- portunity to see what real talent in There will be a meeting of the both writing and dramatics is avail- Graduate Council tonight at 6:30 p.m. able in the University. 'in the East Lecture Room of the Each of the plays showed fresh- Rackham Building.. All members are ness and originality; any faults urged to be present. apparent in the production were those attributablento inexperience PoloniaClub: There will be a meet- and not lack of talent. ing tonight at 6:30 in the Interna- Joan Lochner's "Pale Blond Boy" tional Center. was smooth, clever and showed the All students interested in Polish author's considerable knowledge of culture are welcome. stage technique. Carolyn West as, "Lucy" won the audience completely. Deutscher Verein: There will be a "Voice of the Mountain" by Elea- meeting at 7:30 tonight at Burton nor Goodrich was strangely beauti- Memorial Tower. ful, with excellent use of music and . lighting and the lovely Serene Shep- I I a I BARNABY I A tip, Eric. Buy any O'Malley stock. He's exoandinqaoain, -I But I know my measurements, SM Cnum, rvWais. 4. L Never has Cuttaway & Sons J-mnc e. :ncrfa n('1 i. J. O'Malley? . . . He offered 1 i pard as the main character. Mary Lou Andrews' "As You Were" was highly dramatic and well-acted. ..A (..Fa f .L/VL E Botanical Journal Club will meet in Rm. 1139 Natural Science Build- ing on Wednesday, April 25 at 3 In M o mmxr, m-a u en-. T" TM..m }.n_ i fl I