THE MICHIGAN DIAL Y SUNDAY , APRIL 22, 194$ Traditional Panhel Night T . 0 Clothing Drive Will Continue Ann Arbor Ansvers Appeal By Giving 60 Tons of Clothes That 60 tons, or 120,000 pounds, of clothing and shoes have been collect- ed in Ann Arbor during the first twenty days of the drive for the United National Clothing Collection, was recently announced by Mr. George Gabler, chairman of the Ann Arbor drive. "Everyone, from all sections of the city, has responded so generously that the average collection was about four pounds per'person." Mr. Gabler continued. Five tons of shoes alone were collected and shoes are selling at $220 a pair in Belgium today. Although contributions are 'still coming in, citizens and particularly University students 'are urged not to let down in their contributions. As much as can possibly be collected is desperately needed. The drive does not officially close uhtil the end of April. Arrangements for the collection of contributions can be made by call- ing the Office of Civilian Defense.1 The Armory, corner of E. Ann and I Women Seeking Receive Aid Frog The hundreds of coeds at Mich- igan who are helping finance their college education through part-time work, find the Office of the Dean of Women a splendid avenue of ap- proach to interesting and well paid jobs. Coeds are now demanding that a job, in addition to paying financial dividends, provide for their self-de- velopment and training. The Dean's Fifth, is open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. EWT (7 a. m. to 4 p. m. CWT) to receive donations. Ann Arbor schools are also collection depots. Sorters are badly needed at the Armory to aid in the sorting and, packing of clothes preparatory to sending them to the regional ware- house. Volunteers may work at any time, as long as they wish, at the Armory. Sorting work is continuous from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (7 a. m. to 4 p. m. CWT) and from 7 p. m. to 10:30 p. m. EWT (6 p m. to 9:30 p. m. CWT). Mr. Gabler said the need for sorters was acute, and that University students would be grate- fully welcomed. .. ---__. -- II ; -- ---_- - - :w __ _,s -_- --- - -- - ---__--__- ---- ___ -- -- I <'- I r1 Part Time Work SDean's Office Office, recognizing and cooperating with this demand, acts as the means through which the right part-time job is found for the right woman student. A large choice of jobs is now available to students. University women are engaged in many var- ied occupational fields; fields which range from secretarial and sales work to such unusual jobs as inspecting University films and as- sisting a local dentist, Posing for art classes is also a new field which is proving popular with working students. All campus women who are doing outside work are registered in the Dean's Office, and personal inter- views are given coeds who are em- ployed over 20 hours a week. The time element is considered so es- sential that coeds are, if possible, placed in jobs which are close to where they are living. Two psych- ology students in Mosher-Jordan Hall now have the job of feeding the mice in a nearby heredity clinic. Women are not only assisted in finding jobs which relate to their special interests, but are given val- uable advice and information con- cerning such problems as the num- ber of hours they should work a week. The Office of the Dean of Women works in cooperation with the Health Service. Programs are planned in order that the student's health may not suffer from work- ing. To attempt to carry a full academ- ic program and to do full-time out- side work is detrimental to the stu- dent and the University warns a- gainst letting the means defeat the ends. Mrs. Mary C. Bromage, Assis- tant Dean of Women says, "This of- fice strives to find the happy medium for the working student." Coeds, who are earning their own education, are advised by Mrs. Bromage against going through three straight terms of school un- less it is absolutely necessary. In- creasing fatigue and strain hinder the student in her academic work. Additional money can be earned during the summer by various jobs. Summer work in defense plants provides well paid work and is, according to many students, "an education in itself'". All women are urged to take their jobs through the Office of the Dean of Women which, by being in direct contact with employers and student workers, insures the best part-time employment available to students. se fipril 30 Annual Event To Take Form Of Convention Awards Will Be Presented For Academic Achievement, Participation in War Activities Panhel Night, the traditional func- tion held annually to honor affili- ated women, will take place at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) Tues- day, April 30 at Rackham Auditorium. A unique theme will be. used at this 1945 edition of Panhel Night, with the gathering taking the form of a Panhellenic Convention. Each sorority will enter the hall as a group, bearing a convention sign. Either the name of the house or a picture of the pin or seal will be painted on each sign. To Sing Sorority Songs As each group enters, they will sing their sorority songs and continue singing until the convention is called to order. The award for academic achieve- ment, the Scholarship Cup, will be presented by Ira Smith, registrar. Two awards will be given for the+ greatest participation in war activi- ties, one to the individual girl who has devoted the most hours to war work, and the other to the house with the best war activities record. Dean Lloyd Will Speak Dean Alice Lloyd has chosen "The New Challenge to Sorority Leader- ship" as the topic of her talk for Panhel Night. Peggy Laubengayer, president of Panhellenic Association, and Jo Livermore, rushing chairman, will announce the results of formal rushing. Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, as the winner of the 1944 Lantern Night, will sing "Drink to Those Kappa Memories" at, the Convention. Panhel Night replaces the Panhel- lenic Banquet, which was held an-f nually at the League before the war.i Committee chairmen for this second annual Panhel Night include Jean Gaffney, general chairman; Jo Simp- son, patrons; Jean Morgan, finance; Beverly Wittan, program arrange- ments; Rita Auer, publicity; and Dorothy Wantz, programs. KEEP ON***** * * * 4 * * Coeds Challenge' Weather With New Hair Do's By LOIS KELSO Now that spring has descended, or rather precipitated, upon Ann Arbor, Michigan coeds are worrying, not, laughable thought, about studies, or even "Where did that man go?", but about their hair., The rather damp spring weather (get that understatement) makes a complete change in tactics necessary. The easiest way out is That Natural Look, very similar to the "I just wash- ed my hair and can't do a think with it" look. This is achieved by stand- ing outside for ten seconds, and is fine if you really want to look like the witch in "Snow White." Pigtails Are One Solution Coeds who object to looking like something out of a Dracula movie have several courses of action open to them. One is pigtails. Every spring large sections of the campus go captivatingly feminine and youth- ful in pigtails with large bows or, a newer idea, flowers, at the ends. Pig- tails, like everything else, are becom- ing to some people, but really look a bit ridiculous on some of our more exotic scenery. A beautiful sleek page-boy can be achieved by the long-haired with the aid of a rat. One word of caution- if it starts to slip, retire to some- place private to effect repairs. Do not pull it out in front of a date, as one absent-minded coed did recently, to the amazement of all bystanders. Men are so sensitive about things like that. Dramatize With An IUpsweep A third solution is the upsweep. While cool and comfortable, upsweeps are a bit too dramatic for some people, besides requiring hours of labor and vast quantities of bobbypins. Wave- set or soap holds straggling ends in place well and makes an upsweep even smoother. One of this applies to those with naturally curly hair, who go around making life miserable for their less fortunate sisters by complaining that the dampness makes their hair curl so much it's simply awful, while secretly thinking how clever they were to be born with naturally curly hair. Interviewing for junior positions on the League Council and for offices on JGP will be from 2:30 p.m. EWT (1:30 CWT) to 5:30 (4:30 CWT), April 24, 25, and 27 in the council room of the League. Tickets for Panhel-Assembly Ball, which will be held April 27 at the Intramural Building featuring Genel Krupa and his orchestra, will be on sale from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. EWT (1 p. m. to 4 p. m. CWT) Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in the lob- by of the League. A limited amount of tickets is still available. They may be purchased in dormitories, sororities, league houses, and co-ops until next Wed- nesday. Date Bureaus at the League and Union will remain open until Wednesday also. Because ticket sales will not be opened to men, they are urged to register at the Date Bu- reau in the Union so that they may be able to attend.I Every women's residence should continue to save empty cigarette packages, which will be turned in the day of the dance. The collec- tion place will be announced later. Package should be submitted with the cellophane removed in cartons or other boxes. The residence turn- ing in the most packages per person will receive a prize at Panhel-As- sembly Ball. The drive is being held in conjunction with the paper salvage drive. Your Bare Back Dress Panhel-Assembly Ball Tickets Are Available in League Lobby "It's Your Lucky Strike for April 27" is the slogan adopted for the second annual Panhel-Assembly Ball. The theme of cigarettes will be car- ried out in decorations with large replicas of cigarette packages and brand slogans representing various houses on campus highlighted on the backdrop behind the bandstand. Program favors will take the form of match covers to complete the uni- que theme of this year's Ball. A coke bar will furnish refreshments for the dancers. Gene Krupa will hold forth on the bandstand for the entire eve- ning, furnishing an: all professional floorshow at intermission time. In- cluded on Krupa's program are sev- eral of his famous drumming num- bers, as well as all the newest pop- ular songs. The recent addition of strings to Krupa's orchestra prom- ises selections to suit dreamy danc- ers as well as jitterbugs. Coeds are reminded that Panhel- Assembly Ball is their one opportu- nity of the year to repay the men they have dated. Women have been granted one o'clock (EWT) permis- sion for the dance, and servicemen do not have to return to their quarters until 1:30 a. m. (EWT). , i > ; ,. Buy War Bonds & Stamps - Invest in Victory FL OWE RS y FOR SPRING . jj Cotton Babushkas in bright col- ored prints. Also, rainbow striped rayon long scarves. oV Always Reasonably Priced a GAGE LINEN SHOP 10 NICKELS ARCADE - ---o- -o ---o-- --y-- y-- .e::;- __e-- __--:__ . . . has just arrived at COUSINS. There you can get them with or with- out the jacket in prints, checks, or plain colors. They're just the thing for a beautiful tan and in the evening slip on the jacket for dancing. and up tllio v / j COUSINS SHOP 218 South State WITH WAR BONDS a * * t t t . + , * *- p' __.._____________!___111 'p'*r R "7/0:?P':ct'9k.: ti"i'fri;:k:'i h.G:iir:"F: tiii' .?" iX : 7fi 24Fisi X'ra :3.?r?+5 .i;' .'/..£ SG.U" ti42 N'G, ar L; i Let Us Store Your Furs I r ,~ "WRAP- AROU NDl REFRIGERATED VAULTS by 1. Furs cleaned by regular furrier's rmethod. furrier. "el ;I 2. Personally handled by an expert 3. Guaranteed insurance. 4. Repairing and remodeling. Phone 23-23-1 The new wrap around look with an intriguing new line, marked by heel and punching. Open i i Microclean, N UNDER THE MICROSCOPE 516 East Liberty Street toe-tan. calf. **-9 ,J. Sketched "24:k Jun ior- 0G bS Exclusive Haberdasher Suit ... for now and the glorious days ahead. In a wonderful Stunzi spun rayon fabric; lined with Po fi|kx , a Po0#cd acetate rayon satin. tn grey striped with white; junior and, misses' sizes. Clearance of SUITS 24.95 to 39.95 formerly to 49.95 I II I 1 I