ir igmi jDatt WEATHER Partly Cloudy ndc VOL. LV, No. 123 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Paris Reports mer icans, Russians Join Forces C a .'+> * * * * * * * * President Truman Will Unconfirmed Red Paratroops Land Near BerIhn Carry Out FDR 's Ideals) 'Chtists Drop I-SJe ' Capital Deense Ring LONDON, Tuesday, April 17.-(,,) -The Germans reported today that Soviet parachutists had landed be- hind German lines less than 23 miles from Berlin yesterday even as Adolf Hitler was demanding a defensive death-stand against what he called the "last massed" Russian offensive against the Nazi capital. The Red Army airborne troops dropped in Berlin's defense ring somewhere between the city's eastern limits and heights won by the Red Army 23 miles to the east, the Berlin radio commentator Ernst Von Ham- mer said, as German reports indi- cated that four Russian armies to- talling perhaps 2,000,000 men were on the move. 120-Mile Front The long-expected offensive burst upon the Germans at 3:50 a.m., to- day, the German high command an- nounced, and drove forward along a blazing 120-mile front within 85 miles of a link-up with American Armies that might end the war. The deafening drum-fire of Rus- sian guns was heard ceaselessly throughout the day in Berlin, the enemy said, as Soviet assault units battled into massive, reinforced forti- fications under cover of hundreds of Red Army planes bombing and ma-- chine-gunning enemy positions on Berlin's eastern approaches Unofficial Red Confirmation Indirect confirmation that the of- fensive had opened came from Mos- cow., "The attack on Berlin from the east and west has started," Soviet historian Eugene Tarlel said over the Moscow radio; while Associated Press Correspondent Eddy Gilmore cabled through censorship, "There is reason to believe that the offensive of which the Nazis are in such dread is upon them." Acoring to German reports, the Russian grand strategy was develop- ing into a triple assault that men- aced Berlin frontally and threatened to link with American Armies both north and south of the capital. Religtous Music To Betoic Dr. Helen A. Dickinson of the Union Theological Seminary will speak on "The Place of Music in Protestant Worship" at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) tomorrow at Kellogg Auditorium in a speech sponsored by the Student Religious Association in co-operation with the School of Edu- cation. Dr. Dickinson took her master's degree at Queen's University at On- tario, Canada and her Ph. D. at Heidelberg, Germany where she was the first woman student of philoso- phy. At present, she holds a lec- tureship at the Union Theological Seminary. Her speech is the second in a series of speeches on sacred mu- sic. CAMPUS EVENTS Today "Seminar on Religious and Character Educa- tion," begins at 10 a. m.. EWT (9 a. m. CWT) in the West Conference Room, Rackham. Today Stump Speakers Society prize contest, 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT), Rm. 319, the Union. Today and April 18 "Zaragueta," Spanish comedy, 8:30 p. in. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT), the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. April 18 "The Place of Music in Protestant Worship," to be discussed by Dr. Helen Dickinson, 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT), Kellogg Auditorium. April 19 Student Town Hall for- um, 7:45 p. m. EWT (6:45 p. m. CWT), Lane Hall. April 19-21 "Citizen Kane," Art T 4;1- .- . GERMANY Schwedt* Writterberge IistWri7 Seehausen 4®RusslAN 7 f BERLINKusn Stendal s Brandenburg -." Alter Frankfurt ag urg Zossenr .iueterb' 9thARy Barby } ben ._ su \\Luebbentu Dossau Wit tenberg ,Cttu Soole R. ftn jjg e ente r9 tEIPZIG - Kamenz. Bautzen Goerlitz Erfurt DRESDEN" Jena * Neustadt Camnntz Pla ®en . CZECHOSLOVAKIA. IAKarlsbad e Bayreuth 0 50S Barnberg STATUTE MILES HEART OF BATTLE AREA IN GERMANY--Advanced Drive of First and Third army armored columns in Leipzig area (1) topped latest announced thrusts of Allies in Germany, as Ninth Army pushed closer to Berlin in north (2) and Germans reported Russian forces (3) were beginning an offensive on the Eastern front (solid line) aimed at en- gulfing Berlin and linking with the Americans. PROF. LIGON TO SPEAK: Religious Education Seminar To Be Held Toda at Rackham Alliesdown 845 Planes Luftwaffe Receives Giant Knockout Blow By The Associated Press LONDON, Tuesday, April 17.-At, least 845 German planes were de- stroyed yesterday by Allied fighters in a cataclysmic blow against the Nazi air force and last night an ob- server commented, "The Luftwaffe has been knocked o4." At the same time Gen. Carl A. Spaatz issued a special order of the day saying the strategic air war against Germany had ended victori- ously and that hereafter U.S. heavyI bombers would be used for tactical operations. Night Raids More than 6,000 Allied planes join- ed in the mighty daylight assault of the enemy, and the German radio reported the air attacks were being continued through the night by both Russian and British bombers. Approximately 2,000 fighter pilots participated in the history-making blast against Germany's boarded front line planes, splintering 812 of them on the ground and shooting 33 others from the sky.' Upwards of 40 enemy air fields in the Pilsen-Prague area of Czecho- slovakia were strafed by U.S. Eighth Air Force fighters which had escorted heavy bombers on a mission against communications targets. Tactical air forces based on the continent fanned out in a series of attacks against enemy airdromes and targets over a wide area. Totals 2,850 This great assault, over-shadowing the previous single day's record of 377 planes destroyed, made last Tuesday, raised to at least 2,950 the number of enemy aircraft wrecked in the first 16 days of April. Spaatz, Commander of the U.S. strategic air forces in Europe com- prising the Eighth Air Force in Bri- tain and the Fifteenth Air Force in Italy, said, "The advances of our ground forces have brought to a close the strategic air war." Students Honor Late President In V Service A crowd of nearly 3,000 students, faculty members and townspeople, participating in the University Mem- orial Service, paid tribute to Presi- dent Franklin Delano Roosevelt at Hill Auditorium Sunday. Joining together in hymns and prayers, led by the Reverend Henry Lewis of the Ann Arbor Episcopal Church, the audience also heard se- lections from some of President Roo- sevelt's writings read by Prof. John Henry Muyskens of the Department of Speech. A color guard composed of one marine, two soldiers and one sailor carried the colors down the center aisle of Hill Auditorium and stacked them along the sides. An organ prelude, rendered by Prof. Palmer Christian, University Organist, opened the program, after which the audience rose to sing the National Anthem. The choirs of the First Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church and the Navy Choir led in the singing of two hymns, "Oh God, Our Help 'in Ages Past" and "Onward, Christian Soldiers". ByThe Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 16-Presi- dent Truman pleaded with Congress and with all Americans today to help him carry out the war and peace ideals of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and boldly warned the Axis: 1-There will be no terms short of unconditional surrender. 2-No war criminal can hope to es-- cape punishment. None will be per- mitted to plot future wars in any mountain retreat, such as Berchtes- gaden. Immediate reaction to the speech was couched in the highest of praise-' worthy terms. Senator Vandenberg (R.-Mich.) called it "a very fine dedi- Hunger Riots Occurring Dal In Reich Capital Rebellion Predicted By Berlin Reporter (EDITOR'S NOTE: Olle Olen, 32-year-old Berlin correspondent of the Stockholms Morgontidningen, has watched the de- cline of Hitlerism since 1942 and was one of the last two Swedish correspondents in Germany, leaving that capital April 8. By OLLE OLLEN Associated Press Correspondent STOCKHOLM, April 16-Hunger riots were occurring daily in the nor- thern and eastern sections of Berlin when I left the German capital eight days ago. On the eve of my departure hungry mothers of starving children stormed food shops in the Alexanderplatz and almost lynched an SA (Stormtroop) guard who tried to quiet them with the suggestion they economize on their bread rations. Rebellion Ripe The population is ripe for rebellion but it will be a hunger revolt, not a fight for freedom. The Germans have forgotten what freedom is. As long as starvation stays away from their doors there never ds any chance of insurrection even though 90 per cent of the cap- ital's citizens heartily wish for a speedy end to the Nazi hierarchy. Not even the iron grip of the SS (Elite Guard) can prevent hungry mothers from storming bakeries or bread wagons which are not provided with a military guard. Month Change A month ago Berlin was an apa- thetic city, a city which, compared with Copenhagen, was like dough not yet in ferment. No machinegun pis- tols rattled unexpectedly in the streets. No "freedom fighters" tried to accelerate with bombs the inevit- able development. There were no great illegal organizations function- ing, only weariness and loquacious hopelessness. Littell Discusses Anti -Seitism "An enforced discipline established by community societies such as reli- giofis groups, professional societies and trade unions is one of the best methods to combat racial prejudice," said Dr. Franklin Littell, Director of the Student Religious Association, in an address on the "Religious Aspects of Anti-Semitism" delivered last night at Hillel Foundation. Stating that education is not the most fundamental means to attack prejudice, Dr. Littell asserted that some of the worst examples of anti- Semitism are found in people who know that it is wrong. cation to victory and the public wel- fare." To Senator Connally (D- Tex.) it was "eloquent and forceful." Speech Commended Many house members hit on the same phrases-honest, sincere, reas- suring. Soviet Ambassador Gromyko called it "wonderful." Catapulted to the highest office in the land by the death of Mr. Roose- velt, the President seized his first op- portunity to address a joint session of Congress shortly after noon,.punc- tuating a hectic day that started for him in the White House at 8:15 a. In. After he conferred with Secretary of State Stettinius and British For- eign Minister Anthony Eden, the President came to the capitol at 12:30, took the rostrum of the house at 1:03 and spoke for 19 minutes of his grave duties ahead. Thunderous applause greeted the spare, smiling President as he arrived, attired in a black suit relieved by a blue and white pocket handkerchief. Scene of Sharp Contrast He stood erect until the applause subsided, and unused to his role, nervously started his speech before he was presented. Speaker Rayburn interrupted and Mr. Truman started again. It was a scene in sharp contrast to the last appearance of Mr. Roosevelt, seated in a wheel chair down in front, when he reported on Yalta March 1. Silence Adequate Tribute There was another sharp contrast as President Truman studiously fol- lowed the text of his 1,500-word ad- dress, unlike Mr. Roosevelt's frequent, Homey interpolations. The President said that a more adequate tribute to the fallen leader would be reverent silence but .in this hour, silence might give comfort to the enemy. Thus he felt called on, he said, to chart the nation's "for- ward" course because "our departed leader never looked backward." Towe Hall Will Discuss Greek Letter Societies "Fraternities and sororities-bene- fit or detriment to the Michigan campus?" is the topic which will be discussed at Student Town Hall at 7:45 p.m. EWT (6:45 p.m. CWT) Thursday in Lane Hall lecture hall. The topic h~as been chosen by pop- ular appeal, Town Hall's co-chair- men, Martin Shapero and John Con- dylis, have announced, and the speakers selected for the short de-- bate which will open the meeting will represent a variety of .student opin- ions. The debate will be followed by an informal discussion period open to all students. This is the third Town Hall forunj, the final meeting in a series which has been designated pri-- marily for student-led discussions of topics which hold special interest for the students on this campus, the chairmen said. The Town Hall has had as its top- ics the compulsory military training controversy and the eighteen-year- old vote question. Martin Shapero stated that Thursday's discussion of the benefits or detriments of sorori- ties and fraternities here is more ex- clusively an important campus ques- tion than those of the two previous meetings. Announcement of the debate par- ticipants will be made later. Fac- ulty members are also invited to con- tribute to Town Hall's forums. Dr. Kenneth G. Hance of the speech de- partment is faculty adviser to the organization. A "Seminar on Religious and Char- acter Education" will be held all day today in the West Conference Ropm of the Rackham Building under the joint auspices of the Michigan Chap- ter of the Religious Education Asso- cation of the United States and Can- ada and the -University Counselor of Religious Education. "Some Christian Traits: How To Teach Them" will be discussed by Prof. Earnest M. Ligon at 10 a.m. EWT (9 a.m. CWT) today. Used in about 400 churches, Prof. Ligon's teaching program is based on the theory that vision, faith in the friendliness of the universe and dom- inant purpose, among other virtues Del Rio Claims Spain Abused By Historians, "Spain has had an unfair deal on the part of many historians," Prof. Pablo Martinez del Rio of the Uni- versity of Mexico said in a lecture sponsored by the Spanish Department yesterday. The Black Legend, the legend that Spain always has and always will continue to act in a satanic manner, Prof. del Rio declared, was born of seeds sown at the time of the Roman Empire.I The apposition, and at times oppo- sition, which has existed since that time between the Northern and Med- iterranean European worlds was transferred to the New World with the coming of the Spanish Conquer- ors, according to del Rio. Prof. del Rio will deliver' an illu- strated lecture on "Visions of Mex- ico" under the auspices of the history department at 4:15 p. in. EWT (3:15 p. mn. CWT) today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Spanish Club To Give Play Presented by La Sociedad His- panica under the direction of Prof. Ermelindo A. Mercado of the Ro- can be taught in the home and in the church. Author of Several Books "The Psychology of the Christian Personality" and "Their Future Is Now" are among the books written by Prof. Ligon. Participants in the seminar led by Prof. Ligon will be Prof. Francis J. I Donahue, University of Detroit; Rab- bi Leon Fram, Temple Israel,, De- troit; Prof. Willard C. Olson of the School of Education and Mrs. Peter Stair.' Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the Department of Sociology; Prof. How- ard McClusky of the School of Edu- cation; the Rev. Henry J. Simpson of Detroit and others will discuss "How Can We Measure Religious Growth" at 2:30 p.m. EWT (1:30 p.m. CWT). Prof. Kraft To Speak "The Religious Education Associa- tion' will be discussed by Prof. Charles F. Kraft, President, and Miss Alice Goddard, Secretary, at 2 p.m. EWT (1 p.m. CWT). "How Religion Is Taught in the Schenectady Plan" will be the topic of a seminar chaired by George E. Geer at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) at Kellogg Auditorium. Announcements Will Be Sold To Seniors Final sale of printed announce- ments for graduating seniors of the Class of '45 will be held between 2 and 5 p.m. EWT (1 to 4 p.m. CWT) tomorrow in the main corridor of University Hall. Juncture in Elbe Valley Meeting Takes Place Near Pirna, Tetschen By The Associated Press LONDON, Tuesday, April 417 -The Paris radio reported without official confirmation today that American and Russian spearheads had met in the Elbe River valley south of Dresden. The broadcast did not give the source of the report, which said the alleged meeting had taken place between Pirna and Tetschen. Last advices from the western front indicated that approximately 85 miles still separated American and Russian forces in tais area, with U.S. spearheads still 30 miles from Dresden. Yet another American army, the seventh, broke into the Nazi shrine city of Nuernberg, 90 miles north of Munich and an outer bastion of the Germans' Alpine retreat, where the final shots in the war in Europe may be fired. Crossing at Havelberg The U. S. Ninth Army was 52 miles southwest of Berlin after hacking.out a foothold five miles beyond the Elbe, and unconfirmed enemy reports said the Americans had forced a new crossing farther north at Havelberg, 45 miles northwest of Berlin and some 85 miles from Russian lines. The U. S. First Army cut loose with a 14-mile tank dash that swept into Wurzen, 12 miles east of Leipzig, where an estimated 1,000,000 civilians faced an ordeal of fire and steel be- mause 40,000 German troops are bent on making a Stalingrad of that refu- gee-swollen fifth city of the Reich. Infantry battled up seven miles south of the city. The U. S. Third Army as well as the first was 85 miles from Rssian lines and slashing into the rear area of German forces on the eastern front. Both were up to if not acros the western boundary of German ter- ritory marked for Russian occupation. Siege Chemnitz The Third Army laid siege to Chemnitz, was seven miles from the border of Czechoslovakia, and shoved a steel fist on northeast of Chemnitz 30 miles from the Elbe and Dresden. In the north, the British Second Army launched a big assault on Ger- many's fine river port of Bremen, advancing to within two and a half miles of its southern outskirts and farther east cut loose with a 15-mile surge from its Aller river bridge- head that wound up only 40 miles southeast of Hamburg, Germany's second largest city. The Canadian First Army won the battle of north Holland by capturing Groningen, Gale Da ages Powier Lines, Buildings Here Damage to buildings and -power lines resulting from the 70 mile per hour gale which hit this area at 5 p.m. yesterday continued to mount after first being estimated at $4,000. A freakish gust of winl buckled the doors at the south end of the Yost Field House and then proceeded to lift twenty sections of the cement slab roof into the street. Henry Hatch, equipment manager, esti- mated that the slabs weighed ap- proximately 150 pounds each. No one was injured. Damage was un- estimated. A hangar at Ann Arbor Airport housing a small monoplane was com- pletely demolished and the plane was a mass of wreckagewhen local police officers reached the scene. Three power interruptions were re- ported by' the Edison Co.;' two at Saline, the other at,. Ann Arbor. All damaged power lines have been re- paired. Student Election Will Be Held The student representative to the Board in Control of Student Publi- cations will be selected from the DO YOU THINK YOU ARE A GENIU S? Psychological Clinic Aids in Student Adjustment' By ANITA FRANZ Next time you are seized with the thought that you are possessed of that rare and coveted trait, genius, do not dismiss the idea, but delve into the matter. Looking like any other house in the block, the little grey building with the brownstone front at the Students interested in vocational guidance, or the measurement of their intelligence and interests may go to the Clinic for advice. Between five and six hundred college students go through the Clinic in a year, according to Dr. Wilma T. Donahue, clinical direc- tor. Almost every day a testing cial aptitudes such as music, art, or mechanics, and interests and atti- tudes (patterns related to vocational interests). After the examinations are com- pleted the client has another inter- view in which the test results are discussed, and a plan is worked out accordingly. The plan is usually of a general rather than of a specific same ability who have succeeded. And, in the opposite direction, stu- dents with low scholastic ability who have succeeded are compared with those of low aptitude who have failed. Serving as a training ground for students in the two-year clinical psy- chology course who are working for their master's degree in psychology,