tY M6t Ar ttu WEATHER Clear and Rather Cold ~- I VOL. LV, No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Berlin Threatened by East, est Front Juncture I* i Y. ,.1- * * Nation Pays Homage * * To Lat * * * e President Tension Mounts J Somber Crowds Line Streets of Washington Franklin Roosevelt Passes in Death Through City of 12 Year Service EDITOR'S °OTE: Monroe Fink, formerly a member of the Daily editorial staff, and A an Anderson, both freshmen in the law school, travelled to the Capital to cover the President's funeral for the Daily. WASHINGTON, D. C., Saturday, April 14-Before hushed, somber crowds, which lined the streets three deep from Union Station to the White House, Franklin D.. Roosevelt, borne on a tassle draped artillery caisson drawn by six white horses, passed in death through Wash- ington, D. C., the city where for over 12 years he had served as chief executive of the United States. Before a select group of relatives, friends and high ranking gov- ernment and diplomatic officials the funeral services of the Episco- pal Church were performed in the East Room of the White House at 4 p. m. today, but the little people, over 400,000 of them, paid their respects this morning when at the end of the parade of soldiers, sailors, Marines, WACS and WAVES, they saw the flag-wrapped casket containing the body of their departed president pass by. Streets Fill With People By 8 p. m. the streets in the vicinity of Union Station began to fill with people awaiting arrival of the presidential funeral train due at 10. By 9:30 the entire route along Constitution and Pennsylvania Ave- nues was full with women, children and many a government office worker who turned a half day vacation into a full day in order to see this historic procession. Many of those who stayed on the job watched from the office windows of such government buildings along the way as the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Internal Revenue. The vendors were out as usual selling peanuts and ice cream but the crowd in contrast was quiet and solemn. There was very little talking, and that was not above a whisper. As the funeral caisson, followed by cars bearing the Roosevelt family, President Truman, Secretary of Commerce Wallace and ex- War Mobilization chief James F. Byrnes, passed by we could see tears in the eyes of a red headed office worker and an elderly Negro stand- ing on either side of us. Funeral Cortege Arrives It was 11:14 a. in., almost an hour and a quarter after the Ma.-. rine band had sounded the first notes of the funeral march, that the funeral cortege arrived at the White House. Numerous secret service men and local police, soldiers, sailors and Marines standing ten feet apart from each other lined the route of the procession. Those standing along Constitution Ave. heard at 8:40 the hol- low, rattling ominous sound of the empty funeral caisson being drawn by its six horses to the station. At almost the sanie time 21 buses carrying 638 midshipmen who were to form part of the guard of honor for their late commander-in-chief arrived from Annapolis. Businesses Closed In honor of the memory of the late president all businesses with the exception of food stores, which remained open part of today, will be closed until Monday. Theatres, night clubs, business organiza- tions-all are closed. Federal employes stopped work during the after- noon and District of Columbia employes, except ' those engaged in emergency services, were given the entire day. Georgetown Univer- sity cancelled all classes and military personnel on the campus con- formed to army regulations governing the observance of the President's See SOMBER, Page 2 MEMORIAL SERVICES: Program Honoring Roosevelt Will Be Held in Hill Auditorium GUERILLA WARFARE: V-E Day Will Not End Fighting * : :k * , * By JAMES M. LONG Associated Press Correspondent PARIS, April 14-({P)-Victory on the European front by Allied proc- lamation-whenever it comes-prob- abily will not mean an end of fight- ing on a military scale in Germany or its stolen outposts. The best information here is that if the fighting is not broken down to mere guerrilla warfare by late fall, it might conceivably stretch on through the winter in the pass- guarded hideaways of Norway and southern Germany's "national re- doubt," where snow and ice would slow the cleanup. In such an event, weeks and months after proclaimed victory American divisions might still be in the line on. European soil. American boys still might be dy- ing in a war whose end already had been celebrated. There is no reason to suppose that the link-up with the Russians, split- ting Germany into two in the middle, would'be the signal for Gen. Eisen- hower in conjunction with Premier- Marshal Stalin to proclaim victory. Ajthough there still might be nom- inal' German armies still in the field in the north or south or both, it is not supposed here that V-E day will be proclaimed until the German fight- ing force is much morel greatly brok- en down and boxed in. Already there is no cohesive front nor coherent German command in the west. The junction of the Allies of tde East and West seems near, but V-E day will come, according to best opinion here, somewhere between that junction and the end of the sub- sequent fighting. It is hardly likely that Gen. Eis- enhower would proclaim victory un- til the eastern front too has col- lapsed and a proclamation is issued jointly with Stalin. A fortnight ago Eisenhower pre- dicted that the German would fight on as best they could for the last inch of Reich soil; that there would be no formal surrender; that victory probably would come by proclama- tion. Events since have borne out that prediction. = 80$/Baltc sea- Rostock f rmar HAMBURG - ..*e STETTIN Ludwig~lus GERMANY U~lz~nSch wedt BERL IN °o. IA, wtE Stendal* . uss As e GifonB nueKuestr n Elte R. Frankfurt Bh ruYnswickbug CECHSLOAKI burg" Mayrouthg In RM hee" ke WEETHEALESRL EDAm Lericandrvs(ro) on tinu e oHi w t e t 4nGht Ar. Goerbitz w i 5 eRunth m e o u iRESlEN Nustadt *Chemnitz 7t MY + - Lchte'nburq CZECHOSLOVAKIA sonneber ,-Karlsbad Schweinfurt RAGUE . ~~~Bayreuth 3i~u W *' rrzbur-g, 0 Main R. Wetden* Pils*n SM Nrho Nuerner4.' SAUE MEk Ser WHERE THE 'ALLIES ROLL AHEAD--American drives (arrows) continued to gain with the Ninth Army across the Elbe River less than 45 miles of Berlin and the Third Army beyond besieged Leipzig and within 85 miles of Russian lines. In Nazi Capital U. S. Divisions Drive Beyond Leipzig; Russians Prepare New Offensive THE ROAD TO BERLIN By The Associated Press Eastern Front: 32 miles from Zellin, where the Reds are reported to have begun their major offensive. Western Front: 45 miles from Tangermuende, where the Ninth Army is fighting German artillery resistance. Italian Front: 530 miles from Menate, where amphibious landings on the southwest shore of Lake Commanchio were reported yesterday. Just when the Allied victory proc- lamation will come after the die- hards are shoved into their last cor- ners will depend upon the extent to which the German fighting force is broken down in the process. It will not zome until most of Ger- many is sei7 d and resistance is whit- tled down to a mere mop-up. It presents an almost unprecedent- ed military situation. A people is beaten and yet is is unable to quit. A nation is defeated and is un- willing to surrender. Thus the Allies have no alterna- tive. They must announce that they have won a war. Russian Tanks Fight Within 30 Break Through Strong German Fortifications By The Associated Press LONDON, April 15, Sunday-Pan- icky German broadcasts said that a massive, swaying tank battle was rag- ing early today within 30 miles of Berlin after two mighty Soviet Armie opened "preparatory" offensive oper- ations yesterday for a linkup witl- American troops. The battle raged after massed Rus- sian forces broke through powerful Nazi fortifications in preliminary thrusts which, Berlin said, indicated that the Red Army had begun the grand-scale, long-planned offensive tc engulf Berlin and end the war. Late German broadcasts indicated that the major Soviet blow was about to fall along the Neisse river 85 miles of Patton's U. S. Third Army. One Soviet battle group was said to be attacking after violent artillery fire to cover up heavier attacks planned to sweep south of Berlin and link up in the area of Dresden. Fighting Spreading Fighting was reported spreading like wildfire along a 57-mile front east and southeast of Berlin in the initial blows of a great four-army offensive aimed at engulfing the German cap- ital, linking with the Americans and ending the war. The first blows were launched near Guben, 50 miles southeast of Berlin this morning. By afternoon, the Red Army began attacking from bridge- heads on the west bank of the Odei River between Kuestrin and Frank- furt, due east of the capital. Diversionary Attacks The attacks were described as "di- versionary" and of "regimental strength," but Berlin admitted a great tank battle was raging before Berlin claiming that 47 Russian tanks had been destroyed "within a few hours.' Berlin added that the main offen- sive still had not broken and was "immediately imminent," but in fightingawest of Kuestrin the enemy said Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's First White Russian Army had pene- trated into "foremost German posi- tions." Last enemy reports put Zhu- kov s troops 30 miles from Berlin in this area. Four powerful Russian armies were poised along a 170 mile front. Amer- ican armies were only 88 miles away The Nazis said gloomily: "We musi stand and fight-win or die-as the Russians are getting ready to smother us like a blizzard across the steppes.' RAF Bombers. Assault Berlin In Air Attack Yank Forces Within 85 Miles Of Red Lines Ninth Is Less Than 45 Miles from Berlin Memorial services in honor of President Roosevelt will be held by the University at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT) today at Hill Auditor- ium, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to President Ruthven, announced yesterday. At a conference held by President Ruthven with various deans and Army and Navy representatives in Dr. Robbins' office it was decided that a -simple dignified service rather than an elaborate program with eu- logies would be more appropriate, Dr. Robbins said. The color guard will carry the colors down the center aisle of the CAMPUS EVENTS Today Special Memorial Services for President Roosevelt at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT) Hill Auditorium. April 16 Meeting of the Work- shop on Anti-Semitism at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p.m. CWT) at the Hillel Foun- dation. Dr. Franklin H. Littell will speak on "Some Religious Aspects of .Anti-Semitism."~ April 17 Lecture; "Some Consid- erations of Mexico" by Prof. del Rio at 4:15 p.m. EWT (3:15 p. m. CWT) in Rackham Amnhithea- Auditorium and stack them along the sides. Prof. Palmer Christian, University organist will open the program with a rendition of an Organ Prelude, which will be followed by audience participation in the singing of the National Anthem. The Reverend Henry Lewis of the Episcopal Church will read passages from the Scriptures and opening sen- tences of the burial service. He will also lead the assemblage in prayer. Selections from the writings of President Roosevelt will be delivered by Prof. John Henry Muyskens of the speech department. The two hymns which will be sung are "Oh God, Our Help in Ages Past" and "Onward Christian Soldiers". The ceremony will be concluded with the offering of benediction and taps. There will be no reserved seats except for the portion of the ground floor of the Auditorium which will be occupied by a special delegation of 300 Army and 300 'Navy personnel. The rest of the Auditorium is open to other servicemen, students, fac- ulty members, and the general pub- lic. All Army units on campus will pay their tribute to President Roosevelt at 3 p.m. EWT (2 p.m. CWT) today at a ceremony in which the procla- mation of the death of President Chamberlin Will Lecture Frisco Conference Is Discussion Topic William H. Chamberlin, noted for- eign correspondent, will discuss "The San Francisco Conference, Its Prob- lems and Prospects" at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) tomorrow in the Slau- son Junior High School, 1019 W. Washington. The first in a series of meetings scheduled for this week to give spe- cial attention to the United Nations Conference on International Organ- ization, in accordance with the proc- lamation of Governor Kelly, the dis- cussion is sponsored by the Adult Education Council, which is composed of representatives of 28 local civic groups.0 Chamberlin, formerly correspond- ent for the Christian Science Monitor in Russia, Japan, Germany and France, has also been a frequent con- tributor to the Atlantic Monthly. Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department will preside at the meet- ing, conducting the question and an- swer period which is to follow the lecture. Molotov Named Parley Delegate WASHINGTON, April 14-W)- Marshal Stalin today advised Presi- dent Truman that foreign secretary Molotov would represent the Soviet government at the San Francisco All-Campus Poll To Choose Board Member Anderson, Groefsema, Hume, Martin Seek Piblications Position Allan Anderson, Robert Hume, Cornelia Groefsema, and James Martin are the candidates seeking the student position with the Board in Control of Student Publications, it was announced yesterday by the Men's Judiciary Council. One of these four will be chosen for a three-semester term with the Board in an all-campus election from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EWT (7:30 to 2:30 CWT) Friday. Their qualifica- tions and campaign statements will be printed in The Daily before the election so that all students may be- come aware of the candidates' pro- grams. All Students To Vote Members of the Union and the Women's Judiciary Council will sup- ervise the pollingplaces, ballot boxes being distributed throughout the campus. All students are eligible to vote if they present their identifica- tion cards at the time of balloting. Students may vote for only one can- didate. The Board in Control directly sup- ervises the policies of The Daily and the Michiganensian. It controls the expenditures of both publications, and it alone appoints the senior staffs of the newspaper and the yearbook. There are six faculty, two aunit rn and fir -, ..nn e+. .And- n- Citizen Kane To Be Shown Art League Returns Orson Welles' Movie The third offering of the Art Cin- ema League, "Citizen Kane," will be shown at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p.m. EWT) Thursday through Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Time Magazine's cinema critic stated: "Citizen Kane" is the most sensational product of U. S. movie industry. It has found important new techniques in picture making and story telling. It is a work of art created by grown people for grown people." There was a great deal of contro- versy concerning the release of the film in 1941 because of its parallel to the life of William Randolph Hearst. Although finally released, the movie was banned in several cities. The camera, including technical novelties and documentary shorts, tells the story. The question of what kind of a man was the real Citizen Kane is revealed to the audience, but not to the characters in the movie. The Art Cinema League is bring- ing "Citizen Kane' 'to the campus to give those who have not seen the film and those who wish to see it again, an opportunity of enjoying one of Orson Welles' finest creations. Tickets for the film may be pur- chased Wednesday at the Lydia Men- delssohn box office. t4 .L A 1_T By The Associated Press PARIS, April 15, Sunday- U.S. First and Third Army tanks drove deep beyond besieged Leipzig and within 85 miles of the Russian lines yesterday while the Germans opened up with artillery against the'Ninth Army front less than 45 miles west of Berlin. A German radio commentator to- day described the Third Army drive, which had reached within seven miles of Chemnitz, as "significant", 3nd predicted its speedy exploitation for a link-up with Marshal Ivan S. Konev's First Ukrainian Army in Silesia. Berlin, Potsdam Bombed The Americans west of Berlin moved up to the twice-breached Elbe -River on a 90-mile-wide front while some 750 RAF heavy bombers sub- jected Berlin and the suburban gar- rison town of Potsdam to a heavy night bombing. (The American broadcasting sta- tion in Europe told the German peo- ple that the entry into Berlin was "imminent" and asserted a "state of tension"~ existed in the capital, now menaced by American forces 45 miles away and Russian troops 30 miles away.) Partial News Blackout As American armored columns roared ten miles or more eastward under a partial news blackout in the center of Germany, one infantry unit was only 18 miles from the Czech frontier.: TheFirst's Ninth Armored Divi- sion and the Third's Fourth and Sixth Armored Divisions had struck so deep into the enemy's rear that the Germans now must turn for a back-to-back death stand or be cut off from retreat into the southern mountains. Already this mountain fortress of Bavaria and Austria had been pene- trated on the north by yet another Third Army column-the Eleventh Armored Division--whichroared in- to the Wagnerian city of Bayreuth, 124 miles north of Munich and 173 miles from Hitler's retreat at Berch- tesgaden. Yanks in Ruhr Pocket Take Nazi von Pa pen PARIS, April 14-VP)-Franz von Papen, former German premier and ambassador to Turkey, was captured by American troops in the Ruhr pocket, supreme headquarters dis- closed tonight. Von Papen was captured April 11, it was disclosed. The German diplomat, long re- garded as a specialist in Nazi poli- tical "dirty work," was taken at his son-in-law's home in Stockhausen, LONDON, April 15, Sunday--(P)- RAF heavy bombers last night as- saultedBerlin and its western sub- urban garrison town of Pottsdam, toward which Allied armies were surging in strength. The heavy bombings, first since the