4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,- SATURDAY. APRIL - 14. THE Mifli-IIGAN BATTL LYf L : Educational Relations of U.S., Canada Are Discussed Plans to better educational rela- tions between Canada and the Unit- ed States were discussed at a meet- ing of the Canada-United States Committee on Education last week in Toronto, Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education said. The committee discussed pro- grams to attract graduate students from the United States to the sum- mer sessions of the University of Toronto and British Columbia, he said. Harvard, he pointed out, is also developing a graduate program designed for teachers dealing with the common problems of C'anada and the United States. Plans were also discussed, Dean Edmonson said; for a study of what is taught in the United States regar- Toronto Offers U' Grads Credit A summer program for graduate students, providing for University credit, has been worked out with the University of Toronto, Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Edu- cation announced. The University of Toronto is plan- ning a summer workshop to develop Canadian instruction in the United States, he said. The program, he ex- plained, will be a study of the history, geography, and, problems of Canada and is open to experienced teachers. Roosevelt... assume that his passing meant re- treat from his aims." Characterizing the late President as a man of buoyant, indomitable op- timism with ability to rouse the peo- ple, he lauded not only his political and administrative abilities but his human qualities. "In his creed, his philosophy and his methods, the man whom he most resembles in Ameri- can history is Thomas Jefferson," he said, comparing Roosevelt's abili-I ties as a speaker to those of Jefferson as a writer. "Roosevelt, like Lincoln, died at the climax of his career, having seen the triumph of his policies; both lived to see victory in war, but vic- tory in peace remained to be accom- plished by others," Prof. Slosson said. He traced the President's career from its beginning as an anti-Tam- many leader in New York through his successful assistant-secretaryship of the Navy in World War I, his fight against infantile paralysis, and his governorship of New York to his nomination to the presidency. ; As President in the crucial years of the Great Depression, he initiat- ed remedies of a new sort which collectively were called the New Deal, Prof. Slosson explained, add- ing that it was "the spirit and courage behind these measures which appealed to the public." "There was a tremendous recov- ery-a recovery," he stated, "which the country expressed by a tribute unequalled in history- a second,t then a third, then a fourth term." Alluding to his ability to foresee the course of events and to his rec- ognition of the threat of fascism, rof. Slosson cited the "quarantine the aggressor" speech in which, as early as 1937, the President warned the nation. "His greatest title to greatness is his early and consistentf understanding of the character oft that menace," he said. Prof. Slosson was introduced by Elizabeth Hawley of Post-War Coun- cil and the religious invocation was given by Rev. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor of religious education. ding Canada's geography and of what should be taught regarding the historical development of North Am- erica. The committee agreed upon the desirability of increasing the ex- change of speakers at educational meetings, he said, and it is planning to increase the exchange of teachers after the war. Music Lecture To Be Given Dr. lelen Dickilnson Will Continue Series "The Place of Music in Protest- ant Worship" will be discussed by Dr. Helen A. Dickinson of Union The- ological Seminary at 8 p. in. EWT .(7 p. in. CWT) Wednesday at Kel- logg Auditorium. The second of a series of three lectures on Sacred Music sponsored by the Student Religious Associa- tion and the School of Music, Dr. Dickinson's lecture promises to be exceedingly informative, considering her background, according to an SRA spokesman. The first woman student to be ad- mitted to Heidelberg, Dr. Dickinson has studied widely both liturgies and art in Greece, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Norway and Sweden as well as in the United States. and Canada. "German Masters of Art," "A Treasury of Worship," "Excursions in Musical History" and "Troubadour Songs" are among the works writ- ten by Dr. Dickinson. Father Flynn of Detroit will de- liver the next lecture in the series, which is to be on Catholic liturgical hymns and the Gregorian chant.. Rabbi Binder delivered the first lec- ture on the effect of music on Jew- ish life. Jackson County To0 Pay Tribute KANSAS CITY, April 13.- ()- Jackson County, home of the na- tion's new President, Harry S. Tru-1 man, will pause for three minutes to-1 morrow in silent tribute to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Today, the President's sister, Miss; Mary Jane Truman, spoke of the grief and shock the family suffered upon learning of Mr. Roosevelt's death at Warm Springs yesterday.- "However, I think my brother will do the right things and carry on,"I she added. - She described her brother as aI quiet, unassuming person who would take the advice of persons who knew more about specific conditions than1 he did.- TelepflOne Service Will IIalt in Tribute to FDR NEW YORK, April 13.-(/P)--All telephone service in the United States will halt momentarily at 4r o'clock Eastern War Time tomorrow afternoon, the hour funeral services for President Roosevelt begin, the American Telephone & Telegraphs Company announced today.P At that hour, the announcementk said, "There will be a momentary pause in telephone operations throu- ghout the land to pay silent tributef to his memory."c Health Leaders Are To Study Post-War Plans course Will DIscusS Midwestemn Needs Fifty public health leaders, who will plan a course for post-war public health programs, will meet from Ap- ril 16 to 20 at the University of Mich- igan for an inservice course spon- sored by the School of Public Health, Dean Henry F. Vaughan announced. The purpose of this course, Dean Vaughan said, is to help midwestern state and local public health admin- istrators and educators to determine the' needs and problems of their areas and to work out practical an- swers for the future. Enrollees in the course will come from Texas, Louisiana, Indiana, Mis- sissippi, Illinois, Kansas, Wisconsin, Michigan and the United States Pub- lic Health Service. State commissioners who will at- tend the course include Dr. Karl N. Newpert, Wisconsin; Dr. F. C. Beel- man, Secretary of the Kansas State Board of Health; and Dr. William De Kleine of Michigan. Instructors will include Dean Hen- ry F. Vaughan; Dr. Karl E. Buck, Field Director; and George T. Pal- mer, Associate Field Director of the American Public Health Association. Among the other faculty of the course will be Dr. George B. Darling, Secretary and Vice-Chairman of the Division of Medical Sciences, Na- tional Research Council; Col. Ira V. Hiscock, Dean of Yale University's Public Health School; and ,Dr. May- hew Derryberry, Director of Health Aids Studies, USPHS. 4-Fs Will Save Nation's Money The nation's four million 4-F's represent a tremendous saving to the taxpayer of dollars that otherwise would be paid out in post-war pen- sion and compensation, James R. Slocum, Commander of Washtenaw County Chapter, DAV, said. "The DAV," Slocum said, contends that once a man has been passed through Selective Service and accep- ted by the armed forces, that man is the government's responsibility and is entitled to pension, compensation, and any other benefits for service- incurred or service-aggravated dis- abilities." "Selective Service and the armed forces are to be commented," he stated, "for the excellent screening- out process that has eliminated the four million men who are now classi- fied 4-F and who otherwise might be government charges at the end of the war and entitled to benefits of some type." Slocum pointed out that even though there has been great im- provement in Selective Service clas- sification as compared to the first World War, thousands of men were drafted who should have been re- jected for physical reasons. (owicil Of Curches To Hold Coiifereices A Pre-ministerial Conference co- sponsored by the University and the Michigan Council of Churches will be held at Lane Hall today. Dr. Howard Y. McClusky of the School of Education and Dr. Henry Hitt Crane of Detroit will lead the conference. Pit- TURES, 'OF VVI 0 R K ING 0 R ROOSEVELT a 4i ROOSEVELT AS SEEN AT THE NORTH AFRICAN CONFEREN CE-Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, President Roosevelt, Prime Min ister Churchill and Madame Chiang (left to right) smile during an interlude in the North African Conference which brought together the three Allied leaders and their staffs. I I1 I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FDR VOTES: President Roosevelt signs the state voting register at Hyde Park as he voted in one of New York's state elections. 4 1 Funeral Service I Will Be Simple Final Resting Place To Be Family Garden WASHINGTON, April ,13.- U)- Simple funeral services will be held tomorrow for a world leader in the great White House East Room, scene of state functions and the writing of long history. The next day a country squire will be buried in the seclusion of a hedge- walled family garden at the Hyde Park, N.Y., home to which he had said he wanted to retire when duty permitted. That will be the nation's and the world's farewell to Franklin D. Roo- sevelt. The White House requested that no flowers be sent. Arriving here by train at 10 a. m., tomorrow, the body will not lie in state. This is in accordance with the family's wishes. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. There will be no state funeral. Truman Will Attend Only such officials and friends as can be accommodated in the east room, overlooking the lawns and gar- dens of the White House grounds, (Continued from Page 4) sonality". Supper and fellowship hour following the meeting. First Congregational Church; State and William Sts. 9:45 a.m., Public Worship. Dr. Parr will preach on, "HeCould Not Enter Canaan!" 4 p.m., Congregational-Disciples Stu- dent Guild. Dr. Howard McClusky will speak on, "Courtship and En- gagement", following the supper. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): 9:45 a.m. (CWT), Morning worship. The Rev. Eugene Zendt will speak on "Acts of Apostles". 4 p.m. (CWT), The Congregational-Disci- ples Guild will meet at the First Congregational Church. Beginning at 5 p.m. (CWT) after the supper Professor McClusky will speak on "Courtship and Engagement" the second in the Guild series on "Love and Marriage". Shirley Pope will lead the closing worship service. The First Unitarian Church: State and Huron Streets. Edward H. Red- man, Minister. Miss Janet C. Wilson, Organist. Mrs. Claude W in d e r, Church School Supt. 9 a.m., Unitar- ian-Friends Church School. Adult Study Group. Mr. Howard Leibee, ship Service. The Reverend James Van Pernis will preach on "Sight Without Vision". 5 p.m., Westmin- ster Guild. Phyllis Booth and Paul Reis will lead a student discussion on "World-Wide Missionary Move- ment". Supper will follow. First Baptist Church: 512 E. Hur- on. Rev. C. H. Loucks,- Minister and Student Counselor. Ruth McMaster, Associate Student Counselor. Roger Williams Guild House, 502 E. Huron. Saturday, April 14: 7:10, Choir Re- hearsal in the Church; 7:30-12, The members of the Roger Williams Guild will sponsor this week's Lane Hall Open House Party. Sunday, April 15: 10, Study Class in the Guild House, "Experimental Faith and Christian Personality"; 11, Morning Worship "The Transforming Mind", Rev. Loucks; 5, Members of the Guild will meet at the Guild House for supper. Deputation teams are going to three out-lying churches. All who do not go on teams will go in a group to the Congregation Church and hear Dr. McClusky. The Lutheran Student Association will meet Sunday, April 15, at 4 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. * Rev. Schaffnit, head of the Lutheran Charities in Detroit, will be the spea- ker. Supper will be served at 5 and ROOSEVELT REVIEWS TROOPS IN SICILY: Flanked by newly decorated officers who had just re- ceived the distinguished service cross, President Roosevelt reviews troops in Sicily during his recent visit there following the Cairo and Teheran conferen cer. 4 I :_.:::