THE MICHIGA DAUY SATURDA. APRIL 14. 1945 ._._..-E.M.ICI.II. f ..A..: .as. y asa ava a/ 1 j lUT¢l aI FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT: Three Presidencies Discussed Letters to the Editor EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a reprint of the major portion of an address given by Prof. Theodore New- comb to his Sociology 62 class yesterday morning. CANNOT GIVE you just another lecture on social psychology this morning. I find my- self too much moved by yesterday's tragic an- nouncement from the White House. I believe that today I can be a better teacher by shar- ing with you some of my thoughts about Frank- lin Delano Roosevelt than by routinely following the course as outlined. . .1 President Roosevelt-I still find it almost im- possible not to refer to him so-meant two things, two terribly important things, to the majority of Americans. These two meanings corresponded to the two critical periods of his career as President. A third meaning, cor- responding to a third critical period, was be- ginning to emerge when he was struck down. Most of you will not remember the dark days of 1932 and early 1933. Nearly one-third of our normal quota of people who worked for a living had had that living cut off. Not all of these were husbands and fathers, but large numbers of them were. Month after weary month dragged on, but still there was no pay- check to be brought home. Some saw their children in actual hunger. Others saw their wives and even their children leaving home to work and bring small wages back, while they themselves had nothing to contribute. To lose their self-respect was almost worse than to see their children hungry. . . When Mr. Roosevelt entered the White House on March 4, 1933, millions of Americans had been living for days or weeks literally without money; the banks had closed, . - O NTO SUCH A STAGE, before such an audi- ence, stepped Mr. Roosevelt as President. Some of you here will still remember the thrill with which that day you heard him promise to drive the money-changers from the temple. In the mouths of some politicians this would have been sheer demagoguery. From President Roose- velt it meant not only that he correctly felt the pulse of the American people; it meant also that one of his earliest acts was to propose what is now the Securities and Exchange Commission, and that, once enacted into law, it was to be aggressively enforced. . Franklin D. Roosevelt was really three presi- dents, not one. His second presidency began, not with his second or his third inauguration, but during his second term, when he began to foresee the significance of the teaming up of Fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany. The lessons of their collaboration against the Span- ish republic were not lost to him, though he felt unable to support that republic as he would have like to do. During what I have called his first presi- dency he was, in a sense, following what he felt to be a popular demand-i.e., for an administration that represented average people. But during his second presidency he saw the need to strike out ahead of most of the people. Once, a full two years before the European War broke out, he tried to warn us. But his "quarantine the aggressors" speech of October, 1937, was badly received. We were not ready, then, to follow. Not till nearly five years later, after Pearl Harbor, did many Americans understand and then, remember- iig, see how clearly he had looked ahead. During much of this intervening period his policies were only darkly understood. Only gradually did he come to mean to us that for which we now honor him. He was not only one who stood for our way of life; he also looked ahead and saw the necessity of pre- paring to defend that way of life. In retrospect we see it all: shipment of sup- plies and the trading of destroyers to Britain after Dunkirk, the arming of our transport ves- sels, bases in Iceland, compulsory military train- ing,. the. Atlantic Charter-and above all, Lend- Lease, that sheer stroke of genius by which the Gordian knot of financial entanglement was cut at one stroke. All these, step by step, served tv(! necessary purposes. They helped Britain to hold out-as much by the way of encourage- ment as by way of actual supplies-and each step helped to prepare us, the American people, for the next necessary step. Each of these moves met stiff opposition; we did not see ahead as clearly as he did. All of these things were done while we were still at peace. But when Pearl Harbor came- only four months after the Atlantic Charter- we did not have to start from scratch. WE IN THIS COUNTRY have a commendable tradition concerning political campaigns. They may be bitter while they last, but once the returns are in the bitterness is forgotten. I think, however, that in the campaign of 1944 one note was struck that must have left a per- manent ache in the President's heart. The charge was made that he, with all his sources of information, had not foreseen the coming struggle-or else that, though foreseeing it, he had made only partial preparation. This must have been hard for him to bear. For it was he who-against the strong tide of those who later made this charge-had seen the need, but had also seen the necessity of taking only such short steps, one at a time, as would permit his fellow countrymen to follow. All this we now can see. This is the second thing that Franklin Roosevelt has come to mean to us. His third presidency was tragically cut short. It had begun not more than two years back, when it had come to be quite clear that military victory would be ours. How could the people implement and keep the peace? How could he use his place of trust to work for that to hear the people see the need to work for it? He had begun the work. He had begun to mean that to us. That will, I think, increasingly be what he means- that peace depends upon us all, upon continued and joint work. . . can be coolly evaluated on the morrow of his death. But I hope it may prove true that, as Abraham Lincoln was called the Great Eman- cipator, so Franklin Roosevelt may come to be known as the Great Unifier. He first unified the common people about their faith in a gov- ernment representative of themselves. He later served to unify us all about the faith that such a government, under farsighted leadership, could unite us in the common enterprise of defense. He had begun to unify us in the joint task of building peace. I think it is not too much to hope that the memory and the still remaining warmth of such leadership will keep us united in the trying days to come. I know of no profounder social psychological truth. than that expressed by St. Paul: "Ye are members one of another." I know of no more dependable incentive to creative effort than the realization of such interdependence by a group of people who undertake a common enterprise. And I know of no condition so indispensable to such common effort as a people's understanding of what a great leader means to them. These truths I find embodied in what Franklin Delano Roosevelt has come to mean to us. -Prof. Theodore Newcomb I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Nazi Gold Hoard By SAMUEL GRAFTON OUR SOLDIERS recently found a large store of gold in a German salt mine. Some of our isolationists are hollering that we ought to keep it. Quite a little campaign is being worked up, for this is precisely the sort of issue which isolationists adore. It is simple; it can be grasp- ed by the meanest intelligence; and it stirs up those busy little nerve-ends which have to do with getting one's hands on some gold and keep- ing it. It is a duck of an Issue, a perfect doll- baby of controversy. One can see the isolationists preparing to shout that we was robbed, should the merits of the case turn to be against our claim. They have looked upon the agony of the world, and this is the trumpery symbol they have found for what is at stake, a pot of gold. This is really shucking the war down to fundamentals, and making of it a greasy melodrama of who gets the money. * * * * Well, so much for the loaded salt-mine. What makes it interesting is that anothex version of the very same game is being played out in the Senate. Senators Vandenberg and Taft spent a happy afternoon Monday, raising the question of how much money the United States expects to con- tribute to the postwar welfare of the world. They want a round figure. Mr. Vandenberg demands that the administration add up all it proposes to spend via Bretton Woods, for relief, for aid to the Philippines, etc., and he wants it to present the grand -total to Congress. He wants one number to play with, no matter what it comes to, $10,000,000,000 or $15,000,000,000, or whatever. Of course, the moment this round number is obtained, it, too, will become a symbol, like the pot of gold. We will argue about whether the figure is too big, or not, forgetting what its component elements mean, in terms of human relief, and the financing of our own foreign trade. It will be a figure to bat around, and many a Congressman can hardly wait until the administration hands him that figure, so that 'he can hand it right back. It must not be supposed that I am lacking . in respect for money. I respect it so much that it seems to me absurd to try to make up for the cost of a $300,000,000,000 war, by starting the squabbles outlined above. We can get the salt- mine pot of gold, and we can also cut our postwar world expenditures to zero, and we will still show a huge loss. The only way we can show a gain for our money is to get a better world out of the war, 'one with which we have a dynamic rela- tionship, one which we help to its feet so that it can help us, miiltarily and in trade. It is only if you view the rest of the world as a kind of liability, that these symbols, the buried gold of Germany, and the amount of our reconstruction expenditures, balloon up to significant propor- tions. Mr. Vandenberg even went so far as to warn us against becoming "almoners to the world." The isolationist press, whether he likes it or not, will thank him for the phrase. It will us it to draw a picture of an America which must fear and distrust the rest of the world. To those who hold such a view, the war, naturally, made little sense until we found something shiny at the bottom of a pit in Germany. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) Unfinished Work. TO THE EDITOR: This letter is written by a commo American citizen whose heart is heav and full, this night of Franklin De lano Roosevelt's death. Words ar pitiful tools in this moment butI have admired and trusted and de pended, indeed, loved the Presiden and I am moved to use words t help build a memorial to him. I was a high school student in 1932 when I first saw his friendly smile in the newspapers and first heard his hearty and sincere voice over the radio. I was too young to appreciate, in crisis, the signifi- cance to the nation of the strength and confidence reflected by that face and voice, but his appeal to my boyish tastes, supplemented with the saga of his courageous physical battle, made him My Pres- ident. In all the past thirteen years I have never lost that youthful admiration It has not been a blind devotion. He had great hopes and I hoped whole- heartedly with him. I saw some o0 the mistakes that he made and I suffered with him. And I say proud- ly, that his triumphs were my tri- umphs. It seemed perfectly natura to take upon myself the hopes, the suffering and -the triumphs, for after all, were they not occasioned by. my problems and was he not facing them for and with me-"the forgotten man"? Tonight the loss is felt but vague- ly, for the shock has been too heavy and too quick . Only in the tomor- rows to come will we fully realize the real worth of that departed leader. Americans, listen: God takes great men and small after a few years of this life. Take courage from the undeniable fact that he allows their works to remain after i them, often unfinished, it would seem, by plan. Add depth to your characters as men and as a nation by completing the president's un- finished work. Let us charge our- selves never to lay those plans down as completed until they have been fully judged and measured by our individual consciences. Roosevelt, when that has been done, you will have received the finest memorial Americans can build to you. -John Jadwin * %* * Reaction To News. TO THE EDITOR: The smug, self-righteous article called Ann Arbor's Reaction to the News by Bernard Rosenberg and Bob Goldman is a piece of writing to which I, for one, would not care to have signed my name. "Like Diogenes, but minus the lan- tern, we were searching for a wise man, a thinking man." I don't think that with the electricity of the entire state of Michigan, Rosenberg and Goldman would or could have found two wiser, more thinking men than Rosenberg and Goldman. With the preconceived object in mind of exposing the indifference of the Ann Arbor public to world events, these two erudite college students looked far and wide for situations which they could interpret to fit their objective. The, people who went to the bowling alleys, the beer gardens, the movies, the pool rooms, the per- formance of Uncle Harry on the history-making night of April 12, 1945, were, in the eyes of the 'only two intelligent residents of Ann Ar- bor, hardened criminals who regard- ed the death of the President as an unfortunate but meaningless occur- rence, perhaps even to be celebrated at the various recreation centers. Maybe I was angered by the arti- cle in question because I, too, was one of those criminals who attend- ed Uncle Harry. As a matter of fact, I saw Mr. Rosenberg there smoking a cigarette in the inter- mission, but it never occurred to my dull mind that he was making a scientific study of my "chit-chat, peals of laughter, small talk, and general don't-give-a-damn atti- tude." If I had known that my emotions were being taken stock of like a rat in a psychological labora- tory, I most certainly would have taken care to sneak out by the back entrance and go home to brood about my lack of humanity. As it was, I enjoyed the play and was provided with the proper Ari- stotelian catharsis which Mr. Ros- enberg mentioned in one of his former theatre reviews. (You see, I am a great fan of Mr. Rosen- berg's) - . Now, having read this article, I know that my existence is useless, and that if I continue to go on liv- ing, thinking, and acting as the rest of the American people, if I continue By Crockett Johnson ©rarscKE to be a symbol of the Roosevelt who was a symbol of me, the future of America is doomed. No, Mr. Rosenberg and Mr. Gold- man, you are not wet blankets. I haven't even bothered to ask any- e one if you are. You are only two I intellectuals who are going to tell everyone how to think and act and t feel. I don't know what I'd do o without you. -Shirley Robin * + 'We Mntsi Follow, T0THE EDITOR: . . . We are bewildered now. But, if we should follow in the path we trod, we will pick up the job where he left off and go on to even greater glory. He has shown the way and we must follow. In appreciation of what he has fought for, worked for and prayed for, it is now clear wherein our duty lies. In this critical hour our . country must exert itself to the utmost to further his cause, and give our whole-hearted support to f our leaders who must bear the bur-, I den of the great weight he carried for so long. 1 When the historians of future gen- erations write the story of this great era and of this great leader, it must be recorded that we, his followers, carried on as he would want us to do. I .say it must be written-I know it will be, for with great faith in the American people, no less tribute could be paid in obedient, loyal and ever- enduring memory of our greatest Am- erican, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. -M. Roberta Scherer DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 121 Publication in the Daily Official Bul-c letin is constructive notice to all minem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the Presilent, 1021 Angell hall, by 2:30 p. in. or the day preceding publication (10:30 a. en. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN.I Noticesf Memorial to President Roosevelt: The University will commemorate the death of President Franklin Del- ano Roosevelt in a memorial servicev to be held at 3 p.m. (4 p.m. EWT),o Sunday, April 15, in Hill Auditorium.d Seats will not be reserved. Students, members of the faculty and staff, and citizens of Ann Arbor are invitedn to attend.- To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, April 16, at 3:15 p.m., in the Rack- ham Amphitl'ater.V School of Education Faculty: Thet April meeting of the faculty will be 1 held on Monday, April 23, instead ofo April 16 as originally scheduled. i Group Hospitalization and Surgi- cal Service: During the period frm April 5 through April 16, the Uni- versity Business Office (Rm. 9, Uni- versity Hall) will accept new appli-u cations as well as requests for chan-c ges in contracts now in effect. These1 new applications and changes willI become effective May 5, wth the first t payroll deducton on May 31. After April 16 no new applications or chan-n ges can be accepted untl October. 1945.a Regional Biochemical Conference: A group of biochemists from the Re- search Laboratories of the Children's Fund of Michigan and from the De- 4 partment of Physiological Chemistry n of Wayne University Medical School, i together with those from the Univer-" sity of Michigan, will hold a regional S biochemical meeting today from '9 to c 11:30 a.m. (CWT) and from 12:30 to t 2 p.m. (CWT). The morning meeting V will be held in Rm. 158 of the Univer- B sity Health Service Building, and the T afternoon meeting in the Amphi- K theater of the Horace H. Rackham W School of Graduate Studies. All in- b terested are invited to attend. Copies C of the program may be obtained at d the office of the Department of Bio- logical Chemistry, Rm. 317, West Medical Building. o f a o Applicants for Combined Curric- ula:- Application for admission to a combined curriculum must be made before April 20 of the final pre- w professional year. Application forms S may be obtained at 1220 Angell HallG and should be filed with the Secre-C tary of the Committees at that office. Spanish Play: The Sociedad His- 4 panica lecture series tickets are good for 2.5 cents itoward niirichaina ai A Tribute (NOTE: 'rhe following tribute to Presi- dent Roosevelt as hie entered upon his first term it 1932 was written by Allan Nevins and henry Steele Contmager, world famous historians.) "BUT THE NEW PRESIDENT had other qualities besides experience and knowledge. He had an instinct- ive faith in the common man as pro- found as Bryan's, a rationalized faith in democracy as profound as Wil- son's. He was politically astute, un- derstood the art of leadership, had a talent for apt phrases, and the best radio voice in America. Opportunistic as to means, he was tenaciously con- sistent as to ends; compromised on non-essentials but rarely on essentials; knew that politics was an art-as well as a science; was not deluded by the notion that society could be remade by blueprints or that statecraft could be watered down to a kind of scien- tific management or engineering pro- ject. He was a student of history, government, and political theory, knew the American past, understood the world in which he lived, and had given thought to the organization of the world of tomorrow. He trusted politicians but did not distrust ex- perts; was sensitive to public opinion but did not hesitate to mold it or fear to challenge it. He had broad interest, indefatigable energy, and an infectious buoyancy which he com- municated to those about him and, eventually, to the whole people. Un- assuming in manner and simple in address, he was indubitably a gentle- man. information stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments. A Representative from the Nation- al Tube Company: Subsidiary of United States Steel Corporation, Lor- ain, O., will be in our office Tuesday, April 17, to interview senior mechan- ical, electrical, and metallurgical en- gineers. Those interested should call Bureau of Appointments, University Ext. 371, for appointment. Academirc Notices Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped by upperclassmen after to- day will be recorded with a grade of E. A. Walter Concerts OrgandRecital: The Organrecital by Frieda Vogan, announced for Sunday, April 15, at 3:15 (CWT), in Hill Auditorium has been cancelled on account of the Memorial Service for the late President Roosevelt. Events Today Open House: Lane Hall will again welcome anyone seeking an all-ar- ound good time in songs, games, and dancing this evening at 7 o'clock. Wesley Foundation: The Saturday night recreation group will join with other groups at the Open House at Lane Hall beginning at 7 o'clock. Coming Events Workshop on Anti-Semitism: The Workshop will hold its next meeting on Monday, April 16, at 6:30 CWT at the Hillel Foundation. Featured will be Dr. Franklin H. Littell, Director of the Student Religious Association, in a discussion on "The Religious Aespets of Anti-Semitism".All those nterested are invited to attend. There will be a Leadership Train- ing program sponsored by the Coun- ,il of Social Agencies, Monday, April 6, from 6:30 to 8:30 at the YMCA. Dr. Welling of Wayne University will talk on crafts, and then the group will divide into interest groups ac- cording to the craft you would like most to learn about. Open to all who are interested. Churches First Church of Christ, Scientist: 409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve- ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn- ng service at 10:30 a.m. Subject 'Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. A spe- ial reading room is maintained by his church at 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington at Fourth, where the Bible, also the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or purchased. Open daily except Sundays and holi- days from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Memorial Service to late President f the United States. St. Andrew's Church. 4 p.m. CWT. University Lutheran Chapel: 1511 Washtenaw. Sunday Service at 10, with sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "The Shepherding Christ". Gamma- Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will have its Sunday Supper Meeting at the Student Center at 4:15. First Methodist Church and Wes- ,_ 1 Io A BARNABY All Ghosts can walk through closed doors, Gus... Come into We're about to witness a very amazing phenomenon, Barnaby. I CCushlamochree! f-7 I