FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Engineers To Give Annual BallI Today in Union Rainbow Room Dancers Will Hear Louis Prima's Band Braving the hex of Friday the 13th, the School of Engineering will present its annual Slide Rule Ball froni 8:30 p.m. to midnight EWT (7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. CWT) today in the*Rainbow Room of the Union. Louis Prima and his dynamic new band will furnish the music for the dance. Lilly Ann Carol, his star female vocalist, will sing, and Charlie Kennedy will play his "sweet sax". Prima is well known to radio and movie audiences all over the country, having appeared on such popular network shows as "Spotlight Bands" and "Millior Dollar Band", and in many movies, including "You Can't Have Everything", "Rose of Wash- ington Square", "Rhythm on the Range", "Start Cheering", and "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round". Although it is given by the engi- neers, the dance is an all-campus affair open to members of any school. In past years the law stu- dents have made frantic and some- times successful efforts to obtain the giant slide rule prized by all Michigan engineers, but this year it has been hidden in the West Engineering vault, and will be tak-. en out and moved to the Union under guard today. John Peterson is chairman of the dance. Other members of the com- mittee are Philip Stemmer. vice- chairman, Coe Best, business mana- ger, Robert Boyce and Robert Bald, who are in charge of tickets, James Wallis, AIS USNR, and Charles Hel- mick, publicity managers, William McConnell A S USNR. and Harold Fletcher, decorations chairmen. and Richard Seitz, program chairmn:u. Mixer TO Be Given By Newman Club The Newman Club will launch its spring and summer series of activi- ties with a mixer which will be held from 7:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. n'f EWT (6:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. CWT) to- day at the club room in St. Mary's Student Chapel. The Friday Night mixers will be held each week at the above time and are open to Newman Club members or any student wishing to attend. All third-round matches in the WAA bowling tournament must be played off by 5:30 p. m. CWT (6:30 p. n. EWT) or they will be regard- ed as defaulted. Scholarships To Be Awarded To Top Juniors Three Ethel A. McCormick Schol- &rships will be awarded again this ,:emester to second semester junior wcmen who have a scholastic aver- age of at least 2.7 and have parti- cipated in extra-curricular activities. The awards, of $100 each, are pay- able at the beginning of the next full semEster during which the reci- pients are on campus, and are given 1or one year unless the winner fails to m et the requirements at the end of the first semester. The names of the whiners will be announced at Installation Night. All letters of recommendation sup- por ting applications should be origi- nals, as copies will not be recog- nized, and should be sent directly to Marge Hall, president of the League, by the writers themselves. All applications are due by noon on Saturday, April 21. They are to be put in Miss Hall's box in the Undergraduate Office in the League. Clothing Drivel Will Continue Houses Urged To Cooperate With United National Drive "Sororities, league houses, and dor- mitories are urged to organize col- lections of clothing and shoes within their houses to contribute to the United National Clothing Collection Drive," Marge Hall, president of Women's War Council, said yester- day. As soon as houses have their col- lections gathered, they may call the Office of Civilian Defense to ar- range for a pick-up. Miss Hall con- tinued by explaining that the cam- pus would have no organized drive, but that they were cooperating ful- ly with the Ann Arbor drive under the auspices of the Kiwanis Club. The Ann Arbor Armory, corner of E. Ann and Fifth, will be open from 8 p. m. to 5 p. m. EWT (7 a. m. to 4 p. m. CWT) every day except Sun- day until Saturday, April 21 as a Central Collection Depot, according to Mr. George Gabler, chairman of the drive. Climaxing the concerted city drive, a city-wide curb pick-up, which will include all University res'dences, will be made by city trucks April 19. Mr. Gabler hast- ened to explain that the pick-upI would in no way signify the close of the drive, which will continue until the end of April. In addition to the City Armory, all schools will serve as authorized col- lection depots to receive the cloth- ing. A special drive will be launch.- ed by the schools next week. The Outing Club has planned a' hike to leave at 12:30 p.m. EWT (11:30 p.m. CWT) tomorrow from the WAB. City Coeds Win Swim Contest With a total score of 281 points, Ann Arbor Independent Women walked off with top honors in the WAA Swimming Meet held at the Union Pool last night. Second place winner was Adelia Cheever, with a score of 21 points, and third place went to Collegiate Sorosis with 15 points. Individual winners were: tied for first place, Rose Romanelli and Audrey Strauss, tied for second place, Lee Wellman and Virginia Bailey, and third place, Frances Radford. In the 50-yard breaststroke, first place went to Miss Strauss, second to Miss Wellman, third to Miss Bailey, fourth to Mary Pinney and fifth to Roxy Taylor. For the 50- yard crawl the winners were: first, Miss Romanelli, second, Pat Dan- iels, third, Miss Taylor, and fourth Nancy Gillette. The 50-yard back crawl winners were, first, Miss Bailey, second, Bar- bara Buyer, third, Barbara Bingham, fourth Mary Perrone and fifth Nata- lie Beller. In the 25 breaststroke event Miss Strauss took first place, Miss Wellman second, Miss Pinney third, and Mary Ann Jones fourth. The 25-yard back crawl event was won by Clara Albistros, with Helen Stevens in second place, Miss Radford in third and Mary Dazey in fourth. And in the 25- yard front crawl, top honors were won by Miss Romanelli, with Miss Radford in second, Miss Gillette in third and Miss Dazey in fourth place. The diving event was won by Mary Kenny, with Shirley Marcellus tak- ing second honors, Connie Satterfield taking third, Gini Stone taking fourth and Bev Wittan fifth. Independent Drive For Soph Dues The drive for the collection of soph-Ca omore dues, which began last Mon-Ca day, will officially end today, accord- entf ing to Betty Lou Bidwell, Soph Caba- ove ret finance chairman. incl All sophomore women are asked tosthe pay the dues, which have been set wor at one dollar, to the finance repre- sentative of their house. Members of the finance committee have con- tacted or will contact all women's fo dormitories, cooperative houses, aux- iliary dorms and league houses. The dues are compulsory for ev- ery coed member of the sophomore (n class and will be used to finance Soph An open house from 8:30 p.m. to midnight EWT (7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. CWT) Saturday will serve as a house warming for the recently converted grl s cooperative house at 1017 Oak- land. DON'T BE CO, ASKTHAT BOY! r( PANwIEL BALL Dance to" on Friday, April 27th From 8:30-12:00 at the l-M Building TICKETS $3.50 A COUPLE Sold in the League daily from 2:00-5:00 /1/ /%.. 400 i XI SLACKS can be flattering . . . and our slacks are cut with skill . . tailored withl genius. That's why they're darted here ... let out there. That's why they do nice things to your figure. We've a new group you'll surely want to see! IN t J G Plays Have Been Cherished Campus Traditions Since 1904 By BETTY HAHNEMAN "Take It from There", this year's JG Play, which will be given at 8:30 p.m. EWT (7:30 p.m. CWT) Thurs- day, April 26 in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater in the League, is a continuation of one of the oldest and most cherished campus traditions. Since 1904 each class of juniors has produced a play for the enter- tainment of the graduating women. First produced in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall in Barbour Gymnas- ium, JG Play later moved down- town to tne Whitney Theater. At that time all senior women attend- ed a Senior Supper, and then, decked out in caps and gowns, marched in a lengthy parade from Barbour to the theater for the premiere of the play. The custom of honoring seniors by giving a play grew from an earlier custom when juniors were formerly obliged to serve at the Senior Sup-1 per. Many varied themes have been used in the plays since they were first presented. The 1905 play was called "Every Senior" and was a morality play "for the warning and moral awakening of the senior girls." In 1928 there were six perfor- mances of "For the Love of Pete". J G Play was even then regarded as one of the outstanding events of the year, and proceeds from that year's production, as well as from former JG Plays, were added to the League building fund. For several years the plays were written by graduate students or al- umni, even professional writers. The 1940 play was the work of Richard McKelvey. director of the Children's Theater at that time. There were no JG Plays produced during the first three years of the war. Last spring, however, the jun- iors revived the old tradition, and "Jabberwacky" was presented to the seniors. "Take It from There", this year's play, is written, directed and produced, as was the 1904 show, en- tirely by junior women. Slacks in checks, plaids. brown, navy, black., vivid colors, and lovely new Spring pastels. 5.95 to 25.00 h. THE LJ SHO'P Deftly tailored shirts to go your slacks . in stripes and colors. 3.00 to 12.95 i ° ' :, if " + S ' 4 ., , rp r S. ''f , J GOLto - 4 Suus 7 'V WASHABLE, r ' G' - S~A45 jA f11gi~f ;Jill1 "A MICHIGAN FASHION IN STITUTION FOR 75 YEARS" , % D r p .: f a t. } y ?', i . ' } 'y , " ' 4 J/-,, -. / LO-HEELERS I I At 6.95 WEARABLE COTTONS ... 0 OR. S - "Av I I