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April 11, 1945 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-11

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WEDNESDAY, AP rIL 11, 1945

Food Administrators Quizzed

he Pendulum

ASHINGTON-Without much publicity the
House food study committee headed by
statesmanlike Representative Clinton P. And-
erson of New Mexico has been holding closed
door sessions with the men responsible fo food
- i production.
Last week the committee quizzed war food
chief Marvin Jones, OA head Chester Bowles,
PEA head Leo Crowley, UNRRA director Herbert
-_ Lehman, OWM administrator Fred Vinson and
_^ w representatives of the Army and Navy, this is
the first time in months that all these key offi-
nd managed by students of the University of cials have been together to try to work out a
inder the authority of the Board in Control solution to the food problems.
Publications. Some time this week two matters discussed
Editorial Staff backstage are due to be announced. Perhaps
llips . . . Managing Editor the more important is that Chester Bowles
'armer . . . . Editorial Director will raise the support price for live hogs,
pity Editor now $12.50, to $13.00, with the ceiling re-
tho . . . . Associate Editor maining at $14.75. Bowles will assure the
enberg . . Associate Sports Editor nation's farmers that this .price structure
nedy . . . . . Women's Editor will hold through September of 1946.
. . . Associate Women's Editor Last year the War Food Administration cut
Business Staff the support price for hogs to $12.50 and asked
kland . Business Manager farmers to taper off their record 1943 hog crop
mitt . . . Associate Business Mgr. of 120 million to about 103 million. This was a
. Associate Business Mgr. serious blunder, and was vigorously opposed by
Telephone 23-24-1 Economic Stabilizer Fred Vinson. Result was
that the farmers, afraid they would be left out
on a limb at the end of the war with millions
ember of The Associated Press of unwanted hogs, cut down their run to only
ciated Press is exclusively entitled to the use about 87 million. The OPA assurance should
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or mean an increased hog crop this year and next.
redited in this newspaper. All rights of re- In addition, War Food Administration will
of all other matters herein also reserved.
announce certain relaxations in slaughtering
at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as annonetg
Sma matterregulations to permit more authority for state
tions during the regular school year by car- inspectors and less for federal inspectors. One
>y mal, $5.25. quick result of this move should be the chan-
RR~rENTD Fff ATMeL ASUC~r~rvuenvneling of more meat into interstate trade.
tional Advertising Service, Inc. (odding Nazi Prisoners
College Publishers Representative
Affairs Committee are up in arms over what
Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 they feel was a whitewash given the Army on
its treatment of German prisoners at Papago
liT EDITOR: LOSIS IVERSON Park Camp, near Phoenix, Arizona.
A report by commitee counsel Able Ralph
Burton was mildly critical of the Army's handl-
ls published in The Michigan Daily ing of prisoners. But several members refused
ten by members of The Daily staff to sign because they felt it was essentially a
resent the views of the writers only. "whitewash."
The report was issued without signature, and
no member of Congress participated in the in-
Worl Plice Force referabe
AN SHIVELY, in her recent letter to
ditor, shows rather clearly that she organization, could be set up in part as the
.port" some sort of post-war peace or- world police force, leaving more than enough
(perhaps that embodied in Dum- to handle the internal civil strife of each ndi-
ks) and at the same time she would vidual nation.
ust those forces that will quickly de- And Miss Shively to the contrary, a well-in-
kind of world co-operation. formed public, actively concerned in protecting
kvely is fearfully afraid that her home world peace, is one of the best safeguards against
veCy , is rfuglyafid tht er hed friction. Public opinion formed through free
ort, Conn., is going to be wiped off access to knowledge of world conditions can be
ni a few years by a lot of nasty Ger- an even stronger preventive force than the
Japs (and maybe a few Englishmen threat of the military.
ans too) unless right after this war
Sam raises the biggest o1' army this By actually doing what we say we are go-
ever seen. ing to do-that is, set up a permanent world
peace organization, we move several steps
s heard rumor that maybe Dumbar- toward the goal of all peoples-the desire for
is a pretty good thing, but she's everyone to live together in harmony. We
sure. She's just a little wary about shall more nearly achieve world co-operation;
a lot of foreigners after this war' we shall come closer to the ideal of one world
s going to keep on worrying about under one international governing body with
eigners until she's sure that the one world army to support it (rather than
ates has a real big army-big enough have a collection of self-concerned nations
and any attack from Germany or with large armies to protect their own selfish
r Britain or even Madagascar. Of interests). In this scheme for the future, the
e is all for world co-operation-it's large trained militia-that Miss Shively wants
so long as good old America has will be unnecessary, unwarranted and detri-
hand.mental to the peace of the world.
iss Shively and all those pepole like -Phil Elkus
see is that that kind of set-up just -Ray Shinn
co-operation. It's nothing but dog- _.- -
d might makes right and every nation
best to beat out its neighbor at being Airfield Nam e
'st and toughest.
iss Shively should realize is that world Col. Robert R. McCormick is very happy that
on does not mean every nation hav- he stopped his latest Chicago Tribune drive be-
army to project itself. It means in fore it had a chance to get started.

if in spite of all our efforts to make The Colonel had planned to campaign for
manent peace we still do need some naming the new Chicago airfield in honor
>licing force, then the world should of General Marshall, but changed his mind
world army to protect the world- when he realized the airport would be called
se Finland or Ethiopia starts acting Marshall Field.
-Anita Franz

investigation. One investigator was- sent to
Arizona last month, but his report failed to touch
upon some of the most serious charges made
against the Army at the Papago Park camp.
For some time Florida's Representative Bob
Sikes has been planning a special study of
German prisoners as a result of another Mili-
tary Affairs Committee report four months
ago which he felt was a whitewash. Last week
when the new Papago report came to him,
Sikes not only refused to sign, but insisted
that the wording be changed to make it plain
that committee members had not written the
report or investigated the situation. Sikes
will now demand a thorough investigation by
members of Congress.
(Copyright, 1945. Bell Syndicate. Inc.)
Food Situation
THE FOOD situation always seems to work
out in favor of the enemy. When we cap-
ture him, he becomes a prisoner of war, entitled
to standard Army rations under the Geneva con-
vention. When we reach our friends, on the
other hand, such as the members of the under-
ground F. F. I. in France, they become merely
unemployed. Revolutionaries are rather frowned
upon in peace time, and so the Geneva conven-
tion makes no provision for them.
Then, too, when we are among friends, we
live off the country, to a certain extent; if not
in terms of food, at least in terms of transport.
In France our armies have used 40 per cent of
all the locomotives, nearly 56 per cent of the
freight ears, and 40 per cent of all railroad coal
supplies. We are using 800,000 tons of French
shipping to carry supplies all over the world,
but not to carry food to France. That is the
sound and solid war reason why liberation has
meant less food for France. When we reach
a French village it steps into the war, and
suffers accordingly.
But when we reach a German village, it steps
out of the war, and its immediate local burdens
are probably reduced. We bring war to France
and peace to Germany; that is the logic of
our enterprise, and nothing can be done to alter
it until the war's end.
It is another paradox of war that we have
to look after things better in a German village
than in a French town. For we are among ene-
mies; if we don't look after the water sup-
ply, the water may be poisoned; if we don't
organize some sort of food supply system, the
people may go underground and blow us up.
In any setup under which each individual has
to be watched from morning to night, he will,
in the end, also be fed, somehow, for that is an
essential part of the control apparatus. Those
for whom we assume total responsibility always
eat; the prisoners in our jails were among the
few groups in America whose diet did not
deteriorate during the depression years. The
Germans gave the French more food than we
do, for exactly the same reason; the French
were enemies.
But reasonable as these paradoxes may seem,
they remain paradoxes, after all; and they are
really reasonable only when examined after a
good lunch. The fine points are inevitably
lost unon a French mother, watching German
prisoners of war, on the other side of a fence,
being given oranges, chocolates and tinned
meat. There are no words, in any language,
with which to explain the situation to her.
As if to show how wide this gulf of misun-
derstanding can grow, a French writer recently
blurted in a Paris newspaper: "If the French
suffer dangerously from hunger, and have passed
the whole winter without coal, this is because
the American Army uses our trains and our coal."
This will seem like contemptible nonsense to Am-
ericans who would much rather be home using
their own trains, than in France. All it proves;
really, is how suffering makes people think
strange thoughts, and speak a strange language.
I am sure that when the average Frenchman
hears that a French delegation is going to
the San Francisco conference, the first image
which flits across his mind is not that these

men will help build the peace, but that theyj
will have good meals in California. The French
are turning inward, as those do who are hurt
enough. And we turn in irritation from them,
because they don't give us credit for what we
do do; we forget that what we do isn't enough
to en4 the hurt. One felt that inward-turning
quality in General de Gaulle's sad little recent
speech, in which he told the French they must
rely on themselves; a thought which seems to
have occurred to them only after their friends
We must make the first move, to break down
the wall that is forming between us. But we
are briskly talking about hoar best to rehabili-
tate Germany, and we are also enjoying a
solemn debate on what kind of price ceiling
would best move our 80,000,000 cattle, highest
number we've ever had on the ranges. To the
French this must seem as blazingly silly as
the quotation from a French paper, above,
seems to us. The two nations no longer com-
municate. They are mutually appalled, and
that is not a good beginning for a happy life.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

" OBY DICK" is an exposure and
a dramatization of evil. This
fact alone suffices to explain its long
unpopularity. That it should have
fared better in a century when disil-
lusionment and pessimism pretty
largely supplanted the imperturbably
optimistic attitudes of earlier Amer-
ica, is also understandable.
The novel has sweep, richness of
texture, and breadth of a sort that
provide keen insights often enough
to make the reader stop and re-
flect every few moments. A nod-
ding acquaintance with Greek phil-
osophy is helpful in grasping the
author's ideas. Melville was steep-
ed in and has constant recourse to
How "Moby Dick" got to be ranked
as a youngsters' adventure story I
cannot fathom. It takes a- supple
adult mind to wend itself through the
labyrinthine pages of this book. The
first few chapters are comparatively
light and eminently suitable for the
high school anthology-but even they
seem loaded with symbolism, viz., the
appearance of Queequeg, as noble a
savage as American letters has pro-
duced, the New Bedford chapel, etc.,
that points to more somber evocation
Gradually Ishmael, the narrator,
has himself shipped on a whaler
bound from Nantucket on a mission
whose actual purpose is locked in the
heart of its captain, Ahab. Only
after setting out for sea does this
Ahab make his maniacal appearance.
He stands on a wooden leg, having
been "dismasted" while grappling
with the White Whale--Moby Dick
-which animal comes to signify ev-

erything malevolent in the universe.
It is Ahab's single-minded aim to
seek out the cursed leviathan for
another encounter, for a final fight
unto death of Man versus Evil.
Evil triumphs, dragging Man down
to hell and taking "a part of heav-
en" along. Thus, a sort of diabol-
ism and an unmistakable determin-
ism are implicit in the philosophy
of "Moby Dick."
Any fair critical analysis of the
chef d'oevure would require a great
deal more space. I want here merely
to quote a single passage that ex-
culpates Melville from the charge
# that he had lost faith in democracy.
Perhaps such an implication can be
detected elsewhere--especially in that
poem where he refers to democracy
as a harlot-but no anti-democrat
could write these words: "This aug-
ust dignity I treat of is not the dig-
nity of kings and robes, but that
abounding dignity which has no in-
vestiture. Thou shalt see it shining
in the arm that wields a pick or
drives a spike; that democratic dig-
nity which, on all hands, radiates
without end from God Himself. The
great God absolute! The center and
circumference of all democracy! His
omnipotence, our divine equality."
This is roughly as anti-democratic as
Walt Whitman or Carl Sandburg.
Melville's real loss of faith was
more theological than political. In
this respect, he and Thomas Har-
dy were parallel cases. They both
moved from belief in God, to dis-
belief in God, to belief in the
Devil-or at least that the Devil
had triumphed over God. Our cos-
mos is ruled from Hell, said these
thinkers--as Baudelaire and Rim-


VOL. LV, No. 118
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell hall, by 2:30 p. in. of the datv
preceding publication (10:30 a. i. S;t-
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
April 16, at 3:15 p.m., in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Use of Lane Hall: Due to increased
activities at Lane Hall, it has become
necessary to reconsider all non-
S.R.A. groups making use of our fa-
cilities. The principles on which
groups are to be judged are as fol-
1. Student membership and opera-

salary $166.75 to $189.75 per month,
have been received in our office. For
further information, stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
U.S. Civil Service Announcements
for the following have been received
in our office. Budget Officer, Man-
agemert Planning Officer, $5,228 to
$7,128 a year, Budget Analyst, Ad-
ministrative Analyst, $3,163 to $7,128
a year, Director of Information, $5,-
228 to $7,128 a year, Information
Specialist, $3,163 to $7,128 a year
' Stenographers, Typists, and Clerks,
$1,752 a year-. For further informa-
tion and applications, stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
Civilian freshmen in the College of
Literature, Science, and the'Arts may
obtain their five-week progress re-
ports in the Acadlemic Counselors'
Office, 108 Mason Hall, according to
the following schedule: Surnames
beginning P through Z, Wednesday,
April 11. Surnames beginning I
through O, Thursday, April 12. Sur-
names beginning A through H, Fri-
day, April 13.

tio. ReligiouscEvents Today
3. Approval from Dean Bursley's Botanical Seminar: Professor F. G.
Office. I Gustafson will speak on the subject
Groups wishing regular hospitality "Growth Hormone Studies" this af-
may apply on a prepared form to the ternoon at 3 p.m. (CWT), Rm. 1139.
House Committee constituted by the Anyone interested in hearing this
Board of Governors and approved by talk is cordially invited to attend.,

the Student Council.
To all male students of the Uni-
versity: There will be no refunds or
renewals on lockers purchased for
the Fall Term 1944-1945 at Water-
man Gymnasium or the Sports Buil-
ding after April 14, 1945.
Students, College of Literature,
Science & the Arts: Applications for
scholarships should be made before
April 14. Application forms may be
obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and
should be filed at that office.

A meeting of the University of
Michigan Section of the American
Chemical Society will be held today
at 3 p.m., CWT in Rm. 303 of the
Chemistry Building. Dr. Maurice L.
Moore of Frederick Stearns and
Company will speak on "The Chem-
istry of the Heterocyclic Derivatives
of Sulfanilamide". The public is
cordially invited.
The University of Michigan Wo-
men's Glee Club will hold a rehearsal
today at 3 instead of the usual time.

By Ray Dixon
WE UNDERSTAND that students who are tired
of cramming for five-week exams are going
to attempt one last review-the Army-Navy
Revue to be given tonight in Hill Auditorium.
Some people will attend at 7 p. m. campus
time and some at 8 p. m. town time-but no
one will two-time the boys overseas by buy-
ing a ticket since all profits will go to the
Army-Navy Relief Societies.
Yankee troops push into Holland and now
the Germans are in Dutch.

Attention Pre-Medical Students: House Directors and House Presi-
The Medical Aptitude Test of the dents are urged to note that their
Association of American Medical combined meeting this evening in
Colleges will be given here on Friday, the Grand Rapids Room of the Mich-
April 13, in 25 Angell Hall, at 2 p.m. igan League will begin promptly at
(C.W.T.) . Anyone planning to enter 6:30 (CWT) so that persons so desir-
a medical school in the fall of 1945 ing may attend the Army-Navy
or in the spring of 1946 should take show. Questions must be turned in
the examination at this time. This by Tuesday if they aie to be an-
is the only time the test will be given swered during the meeting.
before next spring. Further informa-
tion may be obtained in Rm. 4 Uni-
versity Hall and tickets are still mer-Racil tAssociation busiess
available at the Cashier's Office. meeting tonight at 6:30 in Union.

State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcements for Veterinary Lab-
oratory Aide A, salary $150 to $170
per month, and Building and
Grounds Maintenance Foreman Al,

Election of Sect. -Treasurer. Plan-
ning of activities. All members and
friends are urged to attend. Please
bring eligibility cards.
Post-War Council will present Pro-
fessor Newcomb who will speak on
the topic of "Propaganda" this eve-
ning in the Union at 6:30. The pub-
lic is cordially invited to attend. 1


By CrockheIuJohnson

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