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April 10, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-10

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Mostly Cloudy and Mild,
Firesh to Strong Winds

llies Reachle, utskirts of Ha


Vienna Center Army-Navy Review Will'

Captured by
Red Fores
Koenigsberg Falls
To Russian Armies
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Tuesday, April 10-Rus-
sian assault forces, swiftly overrun-
ning rapidly-collapsing enemy resist-
ance in Vienna late last night cap-
tured the 2,000-year-old inner heart
of the city, while Soviet forces in the
north conquered the long-beleaguer-
ed East Prussian capital of Koenigs-
The Soviet war bulletin, which was
delayed three hours beyond its usual
time, said early today that the center
of the Austrian capital had been cap-
tured in wild street fighting that has
engulfed more than three-quarters of
the entire city.
The fall of Vienna, second greatest
city of Adolf Hitler's greater Germany
and the Red Army's biggest potential
prize, appeared imminent.
Koenigsberg, ablaze and in ruins
from concentrated Russian artillery
and aerial bombardment, fell little
more than 24 hours after Marshal
Alexander M. Vasilevsky's Third
White Russian Army began storming
the city in an all-out assault Sun-
The battle of Vienna also was ap
proahing a climax. The Russians
swiftly overran street barricades and
overturned trolley cars, and Moscow
dispatches said the metropolis lacked
but eight to 12 miles of encirclement.
Koenigsberg, a city with a pre-war
population of 368,000, first was en-
circled Jan. 30. During the following
month, the Germans broke the en-
circlement, and the Russians left the
fortress city to starve while cleaning
up the rest of East Prussia.
Then Sunday, Vasilevsky's- troops
opened a tremendous assault after
Red Air Force planes flew 5,000 sor-
ties over the ancient fortress of the
Teutonic knights. Breaking through
an outer defense line, the Russians
swept into the center of the city and
captured the citadel.
Marines Gain
Half of Motoim
On Okinawa
GUAM, Tues., April 10-WA)-In-
creasingly heavy artillery, small arms
and machinegun fire held 24th Army
Corps troops to small gains in savage
fighting on southern Okinawa Mon-
day, but in the north Marines ad-
vanced 3,000 to 4,00 yards to gain
control of half of Motobu Peninsula.
Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz'
communique said the infantry was
held "to small local gains" by con-
tinued heavy opposition. The dough-
boys' have the twin goals of Mach-
inato Airdrome, only two miles south
of their present position, and Naha,
Okinawa's capital city, another two
miles further to the south on the
west coast. On the east, they are
driving toward Yonabaru town and
airfield on Nagagusuku Bay.
Supporting the doughboys were car-
rier pilots bombing, rocketing and
strafing the enemy strong points and
ships' heavy guns and the army's own
field artillery bmbarding enemy ar-
tillery and mortar positions.
Today The German Club Schu-
bert prograih at 8:15 p. i.
EWT (715 p. in. CWT)
in the Rackham Assembly

hall. .
Today Interviews for Assembly
positions to be held from
2 to 4 p. m. EWT (1 to 3
p. m. CWT) in the Kala-
mazoo Room of the
Tomorrow IRA business meeting
at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30
p. m. CWT) in the Union.
Tomorrow Prof. Newcomb to speak
on Nazi propaganda under
the auspices of the Post-
War Council at 7:30 p. m.
EWT (6:30 CWT) in Rm.

Be Presented Tomorrow:
O(er10 Io serice men jo Be Fea tured
11. Firstjoint Wartime Produict ion
The first war-time Army-Navy Revue, featuring more than 140 ser-
vicemen stationed on campus, will be held at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT)
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Spotlighting 10 different acts with -- ~

Doc Fielding as master of ceremonies,
the Revue will be the first thing of its
kind attempted on campus since the
last war.
Students will make the show a
holiday from home-work as both
Army and Navy trainees and cam-
pus coeds have been granted It
*1. * *

. . . Army-Navy Revue MC
'U I To ive n
New Play Production
Hit Starts Tomorrow
Babette Blum will be featured as
Hester, one of Uncle Harry's sisters
in Play Production's presentation of
"Uncle Harry," under the direction
of Prof. Valentine Windt of the speech
department, to open at 8:30 p. m.
EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) tomorrow
through Saturday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Miss Blum was last seen in "Junior
Miss" given by Play Production last
semester. Uncle Harry is played by

p. m. (EWT) permission if they at-
All profits will be offered to the
Army and Navy Relief Societies and
an. announcement of the total sum
collected will be announced during
the Revue. Because of the benefit
nature of the production, all 140 ser-
vicemen appearing on the stage are
buying tickets for themselves in ad-
dition to contributing their time and
Music will be provided by three
different Navy ' orchestras--the 80-
piece band, the 15-piece dance orche-
stra under the direction of Frank
Worden and jive music by Foo Foo
Fenner and his Fascinating Five. Also
representing the Navy in the show
will be Doc Fielding, senior medical
student, master of ceremonies and
producer of the Revue; Pete Farago,
accordian player who performed for
a Chicago radio station before join-
ing the service, and the 30-member
Navy Glee Club under the direction
of Leonard V. Meretta of the School
of Music.
Army units on campus will be
represented by Sgt. Vernon Ander-
son of the headquarters staff doing
an imitation act he did profes-
sionally before joining the service;
a Co. A quartet, solos by Pfc. Bill
Corkery; Btats of magic by Cpl.
Bill Borges and Pfc. Dick Thomas
on the piano.
The revue is sanctioned by campus
Army and Navy headquarters and
sponsored by the Union, League and1
Daily. Tickets may be obtained at;
the Union, League, USO, local book-l
stores, restaurants and drug stores
and at the American Legion and VFW
'Za ragu eta '
Cast Listed
Four countries, two states, and one
territory are to be reptesented in the
cast of the annual Spanish play
"Zaragueta", to be presented April
17 and 18 at the Lydia Mendelssohn
The leading lady. Ann Terbrueg-
gen, is from Detroit ant will portray
Maruja, a young Spanish girl. Play-
ing opposite her in the role of Carlos
is Carlos Soares, from Brazil. Vene-
zuela is represented by Blanca Al-
varez, who plays Dona Delores.
Cast Chosen
Other members of the cast are
Robert Woodward, Detroit, as Inda-
lecio; Morris Bornstein, also of De-
troit; as Zaragueta; Angela Pons,
Schenectady, N.Y., as Dona Blasa;
Richard Defendini, Porto Rico, as Dr.
Salurio; June Willard, Scarsdale,
N.Y., as Gregoria; Marvin Holter,
Rochester, N.Y., as Perico; and Pedro
Campos, Mexico, as Ambrosio.
Misadventures of Carlos
The play relates the misadven-
tures of Carlos, a Spanish youth, in
his attempt to conceal gambling and
debts from his aunt and uncle. The
presence of the creditor, a slightly
deaf money lender from Madrid,
complicates matters and leads to
many amusing incidents.

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ARROWS LOCATE ALLIED DRIVES on two fronts against German defenders. In Holland Canadians
drove toward the Zuider Zee and toward contact with airborne troops (A) landed in the northeast.
Other drives neared Bremien and flanked 1-anover. Farther south Goettingen was taken, troops neared
Schweinfurt and a two-pronged drive moved against Nuernberg. Russians were fightig in Vienna.
Vandenberg Hopes for Organized Peace

Senator To Attend
llied Conference
By The Associated Press To Be 1
WASHINGTON, April 9-Senator
Vandenberg (R.-Mich.) said today he on Th
hopes the American delegation to theSa C e n
San Francisco Conference can bring
back a "Treaty of Salvation" for the Students who
world which the Senate will accept. my Specialized
Vandenberg, himself a delegate, ad- gram (ASTRP
dressed the Senate just before the gian TRP
United States delegation met at the ister immediat
State Department to begin discuss- iste mea
ing policy questions which it will the Dean of SI7
face at the Golden Gate Conference University Hall
on World Organization. The two-
"Despite the obstacles which rise which will be
to jeopardize our course," he said, (8 a. m. CW
"despite temporary discouragements Lecture ]Hall,
which fade in potency when weighed only to thos
against the mighty end in view, we teenth birthda
must persevere for organized peace." tober 1, 1944a
Designed tot
Seniors Will Order titude, the test
sections. TheJ
Announcenen ts lems in arithm
Today ometry; the
At U Hall Todaycomprehension
of vocabulary.
Announcements for the graduat-
ing class of 1945 may be ordered be- If he passe
tween 2 and 5 p.m. EWT (1 to 4 p.m. does not aut
CWT) today through Thursday in candidate fo
the main corridor of University Hall. ASTRP. Afte
This is the only opportunity for the outcome
seniors in :all schools to order the ian's permissi
announcements. No announcements inlisted Rese
will be offered after Thursday, and Elredasse
they will not be handled through fore assignme
local bookstores. enters the pro
Literary school seniors must have didate tihl
paid their class dues before they ASTRP for t
order announcements. Dues may be week terms at
paid at the same time announce- ties where su
ments are ordered. Announcements ed.
may be paid for when ordered or
when they are received later in the Those whou
term. 'formation on
The senior class of ht Literary quested to see
school is handling this arrangement ler, at Army
for ordering announcements. State street.

P Exa U,
o wish to take the Ar-
Training Reserve Pro-
qualifying examina-
morning, should reg-
ely with Dean Rea at
tudents Office, Rm. 2,
hour examination,
gin at 9 a. m. EWT
T) in the Rackham.
will be administered,
e men whose seven-
ay falls between Oc-
and August 1, 1945.
test the student's ap-
t is divided into three
first consists of prob-
netic, algebra and ge-
second tests reading
; and the third, level
s the test, a student
omatically become a
r entrance to the
er he is notified as to
of the examination, he
parent or legal guard-
on, enlist in the Army
rve Corps (ERC) be-
nt to an ASTRP unit.
pon his age when he
gram, a qualified can-
be enrolled in the
wo, thre or four 12-
t one of the universi-
ich training is provid-
wish more detailed in-
the ASTRP are re-
Capt. Eric L. L. Swy-
Headquarters, 512 S.

Jurists Plan Peace
Secnrity Agency
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 9-Jurists
from 38 United Nations set to work
today. on the court structure which
many international lawyers contend
must evolve into a main peace-keep-
ing agency if international organiza-
tion is to work.
But as they sat down to their task
the delegates undertook no, such
grandiose assignment as setting up
immediately a world judiciary of that
power and responsibility.
Mechanics For Court
The job now is to draw up mech-
anics for a World Court, to be inte-
grated with the Dumbarton Oaks in-
ternational organization and to
handle disputes now justiciable under
existing international law.
But implications that they are
building important foundations for
the future came from Secretary of
State Stettinius in a welcoming ad-
dress. He said their work must give
effect to peace-loving people's deter-
mination that international differ-
ences shall be settled "by peaceful
methods and on a basis of justice."
San Francisco Conference
Their recommendations are to be
submitted to the United Nations Con-
ference opening in San Francisco Ap-
ril 25 to set up the organization plan-
ned at Dumbarton Oaks.
Newtcornb To Speak
On Nazi Propaganda
"The Battle For the Mind of Ger-
many" will be the title of a speech
to be given by Prof. T. M. Newcomb
of the sociology department under the
auspices of the Post War Council at
7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) in
Rm. 320, the Union.

Nan' T roops
Surrounded in
Holland Push
Approach Gates of
Flaming Bremen
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Tuesday, April 10-Allied
armies struck yesterday for the Elbe
River-last big stream before Ber-
lin-fought into the outskirts of Han-
nover and to the gates of flaming
Bremen, and cut off 80,000 enemy
troops in Holland with a push within
20 miles of the north German coast.
Unexplained fires raged in the
north German cities of Hamburg,
Hannover and Brunswick, where no
Allied bombers had been, indicating
that the Germans were putting to
the torch cities which they appear
unable to defend in the path of the
Allied tide.
The enemy position was also criti-
cal on the center of the front, where
the U. S. Third and First Armies were
128 and 135 miles from Berlin. A
field dispatch said these two power-
ful- armies now were but 150 miles
from the Russians and able to coop-
erate tactically with the Red Armies.
As Lt. Gen. William H. Simpson's
Ninth Army pounded eastward, a
field dispatch said there was not the
slightest indication the Germans
could organize a good defense line
before Berlin.
The Fifth Armored Division cross-
ed the Weser and joined' the Berlin
sweepstakes. The 83rd Infantry in
the van was five miles northeast o(
Ganersheim and about 30 miles
southwest of Brunswick.
The Germans were trying to knock
out bridges .on the Rheine-Herne
Canal, over which the infantry sped
in entering Essen. Tanks and tank
destroyers crossed the canal to give
the infantry support.
The Seventh Armored Division of
the British Second Army captured
Riede, five miles southeast of Bremen,
and charged into the stout defenebs
before the city.


Dorms Adopt CWT
Because of the U~niversity
change to Central War Time and
because all University schedules
have correspondigly been set back
one hour all women's dormitories
and auxiliary dormitories (i.e. con-
verted fraternity houses) will now
close at 9:30 p. m. CWT on week
days; 11:30 p. m. Fridays and
Saturdays; and 10 p. m. Sundays.
Sororities, league houses and
other privately-operated residen-
ces may continue on the familiar
Eastern War Time or change with
the University to Central War
Time, whichever is more conVe-
nient for them. The Women's
Judiciary Council has suggested
that they remain on Eastern War
Miss Alice C. Lloyd
Dean of Women


to play in 'Uncle Harry'

Byron Mitchell, and Betty Blum-
quist is cast as Lettie, the third mem-
ber of the family.
UnclehHarry's story will intrigue
all those interested in crime and pun-
ishment, both of which are given an
unusual slant in Thomas Job's play.
There will be a special rate for all
students at the Wednesday and
Thursday performances. Regular
prices will be resumed for students
at the Friday and Saturday perform-
ances. Tickets may be purchased at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box
Pan-Hel Asks Coeds
To Discuss Rushing

Officer Contributes to 'U'Library Go lection

More Than One
Solution for,
Anti- Semitism'
"There is more than one solution
to the problem of racial and social
prejudice, Prof. Theodore M. New-
comb of the sociology department
said in a discussion of "Some Psy-
chological Aspects of Anti-Semitism"
held last night at the Hillel Ftunda-
Proving with statistics that where
there is an anti-Semitic attitude
there is also some sort of frustration,
Prof. Newcomb stated that a frus-
trated person seeks an outlet, and
the direction of that outlet will fol-
low some organized influence.
To combat prejudices, the different
groups which felt that they are being
discriminated against should get to-
gether and make moves to combat
the discriminating force, such as was
done in the case of the passageof
the Ives-Quin bill in New York,
Prof. Newcomb suggested.
Another solution would be to at-
tack the fundamental institutions
which produce frustrations, and eith-
er cut off or conquer detrimental
propaganda, he concluded.

An American Army Officer, recent
graduate of the University C.A.T.
School and now in Germany, has
been sending crates of propaganda
information, books, posters, and
underground Belgian newspapers\ to
War Historian, F. Clever Bald at
the Clements Library.
One magazine received was the
"Der Undtermensch" (The Sub-Man)
which was a pictorial contrast be-
tween the German supermen and
the Slavic and Jewish people. The
pictures showed healthy, happy-look-

a copy of the London edition of Stars
and Stripes. Bald is trying to fol-
low in the daily news the localities
of which the library has pictures or
stories in their files. The Library
has also received pictures and stor-
ies of Hitler's western front moun-
tain hide-out, a log cabin with secret
and concealed entrances. The Allies
have also taken this.
In one of the crates there were
many Belgian anti-Nazi pamphlets
and Communist party leaflets. The
most noted of these was a copy of

widely printed in papers and maga-
zines in the United States, provoking
an editorial in Fortune Magazine.
The "Signal," a German publication,,
re-printed the picture, asserting that
the Frenchman would suffer more in
a Bolshevik-dominated France.
Striking Contrast
A striking contrast could be made
between the two types of books that
were included in several of the crates
of material sent the library by this
officer. One book, an English read-
er for a German girls' high school, de-

Books published since 1939 have
changed strikingly, if the ones re-
ceived by Clements Library are any
indication. Some just received were
titled "In God's Country" and "Ds
Land ohne Herz" (The Country
Without A Heart) both refering to
the United States. In the first are
pictures of many unusual and to oth-
ers, silly things existing in the United
States-pie eating and beer drinking
contests, novelty outdoor drive-in
restaurants and the like, along with
pictures of gangsters and our slum

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