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April 07, 1945 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-07

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S44NAX', AP-UJ 8, 1945


Sayao Promotes Good Neighbor Policy



Mme. Bidu Sayao, charming Bra-
zilian soprano, who has often been
called "Brazil's Singing Ambassa-
dress," is the only woman representa-
tive of South America on the Metro-
politan Opera's roster of artists and
has received great acclaim for her
operatic and concert appearances.
Interested at Early Age .
Mme. Sayao became interested in
vocal music. at the age of fourteen,
and despite the conventions which
forbade the professions uo daughter.,
o. prominent families. she secret'y
Franeescatti _To.
Play at Festival
Will Perform Famous.
Concerto by Paganini
Zino Francescatti, who will playE
the Paganini "Concerto for Violin
No. 1 in D major" on the third May
3 estival program, is recognized as
the greatest living French violinist
of our day.'
xBorn 1905 in Marseilles
Born in Marseilles in 1905, Fran-
cescatti studied under his father, a
pupil of Sivori, who was the only
pupil of Paganini. This training in
the Paganini tradition was the only
instruction of the young violinist.
He made his first public appear-
ance at the age of five and at ten
played the Beethoven Concerto with
a local orchestra. The success of his
formal debut with the orchestra of
the Concerts de Conservatoire at the
Paris Opera at twenty-two assured
him a place among the few really
great violinists. During the next few
years Francescatti appeared as solo-
ist with the leading orchestras and
conductors of Paris.
Toured England with Ravel
A year later he toured England
with Maurice Ravel, and played many
of Ravel's works including the "Tzi-
gane" which requires unusual tech-
rical mastery of the violin. Under
the management of the impresario
Leon Delort, Francescatti appeared
with all the major orchestras on the
Continent. In Budapest he was com-
pared to Vescey; in Italy, to Paga-
nini; in Germany, to Spohr.
A South American tour in 1938
under the direction of Jose Iturbi
met with great success.
The gifted violinist made his Am-
erican debut with the New York
Philharmonic Symphony in 1939.
Since that time he has toured the
United States and Canada regularly;
the American press has hailed him
as being "worthy of the mantle of
He appeared as guest soloist with
the Detroit Symphony on March 24
this year.'

went to Mme, Theodorini, a noted
vocE teacher. Her parens were soon
convinced that art was more impor-
tant than convention, and the gifted
girl was sent to Paris to study under
Jean de Deszke.
Under her teacher's influence,
Mme. Sayao developed an extraordi-
nary interest in the subtleties of
musical interpretation. She returned
to Rio de Janeiro to make her debut
at the great Teatro Municipal where
she was received with triumphant
acclaim. A tour of the musical cen-
ters of Europe followed: Rome, Mi-
lan, Turin, Bucharest and Paris.
Came As Tourist
Then Bidu Sayao cane to New
York, as a tourist with: no idea of

"There is an exquisite quality about
her singing which is practically un-
rivaled in the concert or operatic
field today."
A personal friend of President Var-
gas cf Brazil. Mme. Savao has bee-cnI

Brow-ght Jagel
Operatic Fame
Tenor Will Perfor-m
Solo Role in 'Te Detm'

ymp h o ny
AT/'ou Prize

arillonet r To Play

j o V1 A7 C ,1 , I .L1 . za u 1ab v t iIl -------..-
active in promoting good relations Frederick Jagel. great American Before Each Concert
between Latin America and the tenor, who will perform in "Te Deum I
United States. She has done much Laudamus" on Sunday. May 6. at Prof. Percival Price, distinguished.7
civilian war work -on behalf of war Hu Auditorium, in the last May Fes- University carillonneur, will high-
bond drives and blood donor cam- . light the fifty-second annual May
tival concert, has had a life of hard.
paigns, as well as entertaining serv- Festival series with special short pro-
icemen from all parts of the coun- work and gratifying achievement. grams while the audiences are as-
try. Jagel, who made a resounding de- Iembling before each concert.
but at the Metropolitan Opera House! A graduate of the Mechlin Carillon F
in 1927, was born in Brooklyn, sang School in Belgium, Prof. Price
Glaz To Appear in church choirs and in movie houses studied at the Toronto Conservatory
up and down Broadway, sang his and at King's College of the Univer-
way through Italy, Holland and pity of London. He also studied con-
In lest Concert Ina r m ,X"X:"%
I Las ~1o eert Spain and finally returned to the ducting in V;ienna under Frederick
VendeSinger- hNilius and under Felix Weingarten ti ,.
Viennese Sne Made s Parernts Were Jagel's Teachers ; n both Switzerland and Vienna.E
First DebutinAidhen Jagel was barely out gf the In 1939 the University carilonneur
s cradle, his parents, who were also received the King George VI Corona-
Hertha Glaz, distinguished con- musically talented, taught him the tion Medal for his performance at
tralto of the Metropolitan Opera As- rudiments of music. By the time he His Majesty's coronation ceremony
sociation, will be heard in the Sun- Ireached school age, Jagel had aCCep- His symphony, "The St. Lawrence"
day night May Festival concert, re. ted the fact that singing would be won the Pulitzer prize in 1934.
placing Blanche Thebom in both the his career. Singing in school and Before assuming thep position as
Beethoven "Ninth Symphony" and church organizations became a mat- University carillonneur, Prof. Price
Bruckner's "Te beum Laudamus." ter of course. held this post at the Massey Memorial HARDIN VAN DEURSEN
The substitution was necessitated After leaving school, he took a job Carillon in Toronto, the Rockefeller
because of difficulties involved in in which he could leave the office at Memorial Carillon in New York City Hardin A. Van Deursen, assistant
advance Philadelphia rehearsals, due 4 p.m. each day and still have time and served as dominion carillonneur professor of voice in the School of
to the extensive spring tour of the for voice study. He continued his for the Canadian Houses of Parli- Music.
Metropolitan Opera Company. church work and sang anywhere else ament in Ottawa. Prof. Van Deursen, who replaced
Miss Glaz joined the Metropolitan he could.
during the 1942-43 season and made Lessons Arranged
her debut on Christmas night 1942 One banner Sunday, when Jagel
as Amneris in "Aida." Born in was singing in a church choir in Far
Vienna, she attended the State Acad- Rockaway, N.Y., Mrs. Eisman, wife
emy of Music in that city. She re- of a wealthy silk merchant, noticed
ceived her final American citizenship his phenomenal voice and invited
papers in the fall of 1943. him to sing before her husband. The
Opened Career at 18 instant Eisman heard him sing, he
The young star opened her career decided to arrange lessons for Jagel
at the age of 18 at the State Opera under French and Italian teachers E Z
in Breslau and remained there for and a dramatic coach.
two seasons. After her debut she did
a year of concert work in Austria,sednJgetotuyiIalad
Sweden, Czechoslovakia and Russia
and n 135 ws egagd asleaingsing in opera there later. The first
conrado of1theGlsegugedOseaiyear in Italy was hard, for Jagel was
contralto of the Glynebourne Opera living, as he puts it. "pretty much P I
Festival in England. on the cuff", studying furiously, sub-
In the summer of 1936 Miss Glaz sisting on as little as possible and
joined the Salzburg International trying to pay his debts. He studied
Opera Guild and attracted wide at- with dele orghi and Corace Catal-
tention throughout Europe with her di, both famous Italian teachers."
performances in Milhaud's "PauvrePefrdi'Aa
Matelot," Mozart's "Cosi fan Tutte," Performed in'Aida'
and Monteverdi's opera, "The Coro- Jagel's performance in Rome as a The King 0(
nation of Popea." Rhadames in "Aida" was the turning
Debut with Los Angeles Philharmonic point of his career, for news of his
Miss Glaz first appeared in the success here came to the ears of
United States with the Los Angeles Tullio Serafin, then directing Italian_
Philharmonic Orchestra in a per- opera at the Metropolitan. SELECTIONS FROM "THE MAGIC FLUTE" AN
formance of Mahler's "Lied von der Jagel made his debut at the Metro-
Erde" and Bach's "St. John's Pas- politan in 1927 at a special matinee
sion" in 1937. Later as leading con- of "Aida" which is known as his
tralto of the Salzburg Opera Guild lucky opera.
she toured throughout the United "The singer has a gorgeous voice. TH URSDAY M AY 3
States and Canada, singing in more powerful but always perfectly con-
than 80 cities. trolled. One douits if in two decades
This season Miss Glaz has per- there has been a tenor singing here
formed at the Hollywodo Bowl and who could equal Jagel," wrote the -- - -
with the New York Philharmonic. Marquette Journal.


Making a career in America. At a
party she met Arturo Toscanini,
greatet living conductor. He asked
tier abruptly:
"Do*you know Debussy's "Blessed
"No," said Mme. Sayao, taken
"Go home and study it," the Maes-
tro said. "We rehearse with the Phil-j
harmonic nexttweek, and you must
be ready for the part."j
After her North American debut in
1936 in "The Blessed Damozel," Mme.
Sayao was annexed by the Metro-
politan Opera, making her debut
there in "Manon," in 1937. She has
thrilled audiences there and at the
Chicago and San Francisco Opera
Companies in such roles as Rosina in
the "Barber of Seville," Violetta in
"La ,Traviata,"
Star Role in 'Manon'
The beautiful Brazilian singer has
made musical history with her inter-
pretations of the title toles of "Ma-
non," "Romeo and Juliet," "Pel-
leas and Melisande" and the piquant
Norina in "Don Pasquale." Charles
Gentry of the Detroit Times said,



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Sunday, May 6,

8:30 P.M.

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