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April 07, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-07

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Lewis Summons Policy
Committee; Crisis in Coal
Negotiations Is Reached

5th Annual Orchestra'Concert
To Be Given Tomorrow at Hill

Perkins' Proposed Contract To Be
Considered; Seizure Is Indicated
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 6-Soft coal wage negotiations virtually broke
down today and John L. Lewis summoned his 250-man policy committee
to determine the United Mine Workers' future course.
While the mine leader did not say for what specific purpose the com-
mittee was called in, it was not understood that the various offers of the
operators and the proposed contract advanced last week by Secretary of
Labor Perkins will be placed before the group. Lewis had accepted the
<>Perkins proposal but operators turned
It down.,

Petitioning for
Assembly Jobs
Ends at Noon

Is Posted

in League

Ive Awaruteu
College of Pharmacy
Announces Winners
Award of five scholarships for the
spring semester was announced yes-
terday by the College of Pharmacy.
The scholarships are given for good
academic worl in the previous seme-
ster and the need of the student for
financial aid.
Recipients of the 'scholarships,
which total $435, include: Virginia
Curtiss, a junior from Lake Orion,
$65 from the Pharmacy Scholarship
Aid Fund set up by John Helfman;
Ruth Vevin, Belleville, freshman, and
Wilma G. Smith, Flint, freshman, $65
each from the Harry Helfman Stu-.
dent Aid fund. Miss Smith also was
granted $40 from the Pharmaceuti-
cal Education Scholarship:
One hundred dollar awards from
this scholarship were made t Alice
MacKenzie, Ann Arbor, junior, and
Kathryn Vergne, a freshman from
Although the scholarships are
granted for one semester only, the
student may reapply when they ex-
mister Does
Not Intend To
Stop Smoking
MANCHESTER, N. H., April 5-(IP)
-Although he declined to foreswear
the use of tobacco-a condition asked
of each applicant-the Rev. Robert
G. Friend, 28-year old minister, was
admitted today to membership in
the New Hampshire Methoelist Con-
"I do not intend to refrain from
smoking unless it becomes clearly
evident that the cause of Christ is
being damaged," Mr. Friend said.
Yesterday, the conference voted to
reject him but the vote was nullified
by Bishop Lewis O. Hartman, presid-
ing, because a layman had participat-
ed in the discussion.
Today's vote was taken in execu-
tive session, and no explanation of
the change in balloting was announc-
In a written statement on the
question of smoking, Mr. Friend told
the conference:
"Smoking with me has never
been a question of 'morality' as
many insist. It has been purely a
personal question of its effect on
my health and pocketbook. It is
true that the use of tobacco by a
minister affects those who are yet
steeped in the anti-dancing, anti-
card playing type of ethics. But
even here, I suspect that the prop-
er approach is the rational one bas-
ed- on health considerations, rather
than the 'moral' one based on sup-
posed guilt and sin.
Ziegler Urges
Road Revision
Charles M. Ziegler, state highway
commissioner, is seeking unanimous
recommendation by Ann Arbor
groups for the relocation of highway
US-12, according to a letter received
by the council from Fred C. Perry,
city clerk.
Recognizing that preliminary work
has already been begun on the pro-
posed location, approved by the city's
representatives at Lansing, Ziegler
urged immediate action to determine
whether or not the route is satisfac-

tory to all groups in Ann Arbor.
Fiance Director's
Job May Be Created
The position of finance director f6r
the city of Ann Arbor may be created,

The committee would have to pass
upon any new contract, as it did the
original 18 demands of Lewis on
February 26.
Meanwhile, the operators said
they will not attend the scheduled
resumption of negotiations Satur-

. .calls policy committee.
day morning. They arranged to
report a stalemate to the War Labor
Board at 3:30 p. m. tomorrow, the
hour fixedt by the board.
Lewis, who had indicated earlier
he would not join in that report to
the board, let it be known that ,he
felt the board had taken notice of the
fact that the negotiations still were
formally underway at 10:00 a. m. to-
morrow. Without committing him-
self, Lewis hinted that he would ap-
pear before the board, or send a rep-
resentative, for the afternoon meet-
ing with the WLB.
All indications pointed to govern-
ment seizure of mines-at least those
affected by wildcat strikes-to pre-
vent further harm to the war effort.
Error Weakens
US. Statement
Germani Translation
Misses Full Effect
An error in translation weakened
the significance of Gen. Eisenhow-
er's first occupation proclamation for
German listeners in occupied zones,
Dr. Werner Striedieck, of the German
department, pointed out.
The proclamation, printed in Ger-
man and English, read, "The Allied
Forces under my command have now
entered Germany. We come as con-
querors but not as oppressors." The
translation, "Wir kommen als em
siegreichen Herr - " carries a
much milder connotation for the
German reader, Dr. Striedieck ex-
plained, meaning merely, "We come
as a victorious army."

Petitioning for the seven top posi-
tions on Assembly Council for next
year will end at noon today, it was
announced by Florene Wikins, As-
sembly president.
Petitions may be obtained in the
Undergraduate Office and in the
Kalamazoo Room of the League.
They are to be handed in the Assem-
bly box in the Undergraduate Office
where a sheet will be posted for in-
terviewing schedules.
Interviewing will be held from 3
p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday
and Thursday and from 2 p.m. to 4
p.m. on Tuesday. All coeds petition-I
ing are asked to sign up for their'
interviewing times.
Positions open to petitioners, who
will be seniors next fall, are those of
president, vice-president of dormi-
tories, vice-president of league hous-
es, and secretary-treasurer. All inde-
pendent women may petition for the.
three remaining offices, personnel
administrator, war activities chair-
inan of dorms, and war activities
chairman of League houses.
Campus Briefs
Lane Hall Luncheon ..
The regular Saturday luncheon
and discussion at Lane Hall will be
held at 12:15 p.m. today, and reser-
vations may be made until 10 a.m.
Following the luncheon at 1 p.m.,
Donald Ellis, graduate student in the
University, will review a recent book,
"The HIstory of Bigotry", and open
discussion will also be a part of the
"All students who are interested,
are cordially invited to attend," stat-
ed Doris Muehl, chairman of the
* * *
'U' Alumnus Missing ..
Brig.-Gen. Gustav J. Braun, who
attended the School of Education
here in 1925-26, has been reported
missing in action.
Gen. Braun was Assistant Divi-
sion Commander of the 34th In-
fantry Division and had been a
colonel in the Air Corps. He was
reported shot down in a small
observation plane south of Bologna
March 17.
Dresden To Speak ...
Mr. Max Dresden of the physics
department will be the speaker at
the Mathematics Club meeting at 8
p.m., Tuesday, in the west conference
room of the Rackham Building.
"Algebraic Methods in Crystal Sta-
tistics" will be the subject of the1
lecture. The Mathematics Club is
composed of professors and graduate
students in the mathematics depart-

year-old youngster in BuffleBorn, Germany, is surrounded by a group of
his friends as he puffs on a cigar dropped by a soldier of U. S. Third
Army enroute to Frankfurt.
Reid L. Rayner To Speak at
Electrical Engineers' .,Meeting
1'* - - -

Beethoven, Bizet
To Be Featured
Selections by Beethoven, Schu-
bert, Bizet and Sousa will highlight
the fifth annual Michigan Massed
Orchestra Concert to be presented at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
Approximately 180 players, selec-
ted mainly from the University Sym-
phony Orchestra organizations with-
in Ann Arbor territory and represen-
tations from other leading south-
eastern Michigan orchestras, will
participate in the war edition of this
To Open with Beethoven
Beethoven's "Egmont Overture"
and Schubert's Unfinished Sym-
phony ("Symphony No. 8 in B min-
or") will open the concert. Other
compositions include "Holiday for
Strings" and "Jazz Pizzicato", "In-
termezzo" from Delibes' Ballet Naila.
"L'Arlesienne Suite II" by Bizet and
Sousa's famous march, "Stars and
Stripes Forever".
Two harp ensembles will be fea-
tured in special harp selections, as
well as in the various orchestra num-
bers. One ensemble is under the
direction and training of Lynn
Wainwright Palmer of- the Univer-
sity, while the second quartet is com-
prised of personnel from the Michi-
gan Harp Club, directed by Velma
Froude of Detroit.
Harrison Is Guest Conductor
Guy Fraser Harrison, conductor of
the Rochester Civic Orchestra, asso-
ciate conductor of the ° Rochester
Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
and director of the Eastman School
of Music, will act as guest conductor

of the Massed Orchestra perform-
ance. A member - of National Music
Camp faculty at Interlochen, Harri-
son is particularly adept in handling
large scale music projects.
Arrangements for the concert are
being handled by a committee of the
Michigan Civic Orchestra Associa-
tion in conjunction with the School
of Music. William W. Norton, direc-
tor of the Flint Symphony Orches-
tra, is president of the Association
for the current biennial term.
House Defeatls
B ill ToCreate
Extra Grades
LANSING, April 6 - (P) - After
hearing a warning of a "taxpayers'
rebellion" if government expenses
continue to mount, the house of rep-
resentatives today defeated by a vote
of 11 to 65 a bill permitting schools
to establish 13th and 14th grades.
Rep. John P. Espie, eagle Republi-
can and chairman of the Ways and
Means Committee, told the legislature
that "cities' tell us they can't take
care of the expenses they have now,
and the burden of maintaining the
extra grades undoubtedly would fall
on the state."
"This school structure has to stop
some place," Espie said. "We have
to struggle now to support 12 grades.
He predicted that by 1955 the legis-
lature would be asked to appropriate
$100,000,000 for school aid, and that
"if we as a legislature continue to
increase this tax load, we'll have a
taxpayers' rebellion."

Speaker at the April 12 meeting of
the Student Branch of the American
Institute of Electrical Engineers will
be Reid L. Rayner, transmission
maintenance engineer ofrthe Michi-
gan Bell Telephone Company.,
Mr. Rayner will speak on "Tele-
phone Carrier Systems," illustrating
his speech with a movie entitled "The
Use of Concentric Cables."
All electrical engineers are invited
Price T'o Open
-W-- - - -- . 1- 1 -
Weekly Carillon
Rec ital Ser.ies
Prof. Percival Price, University car-
illonneur, will initiate a weikly series
of carillon recitals which will be
continued throughout the term at
3:15 p. mn. E. W. T. tomorrow.
Carillon Concerts Popular
The daily short, informal noontime
recitals and numerous formal pro-
grams given by Prof. Price through-
out the year have attracted towns-
people as well as students from all
points of the campus. He has given
carillon recitals in Canada, England,
Belgium, the Netherlands, France,
Germany and Denmark.
To Play American Airs
The first program will be divided
into four groups: selections by Han-
del-"Air With Variations," "Men-
uet," "Gavotte" and "Mouree"; Sir
Hamilton Harty's "A Little Fantasy
and Fugue," composed for carillon
and published by the University of
Sydney in Australia; selections from
"Don Giovani," "Serenade," "Min-
uet" and "Drinking Song," all by
Mozart; a group of American airs,
"Red River Valley"; "Yankee Doo-
dle," "Lonesome Valley" and "New
Year Jubilee", will conclude the re-
Prof. Price will repeat this program
in a recital at 7:15 p. in. Thursday.
Lane Hall To Hold
Open House Today
{ Thp ~ t'rnriT a , ' Hallonpn hoe.

to the meeting, which will be held at
7:30 p. m. in the Union. Refresh-
ments will be served.
Officers elected at'the-last meeting
were Jesse Sadto, president; Jerome
Drozin, vice-president; Russ Young-
dahl, secretary; Hugh Balch, treas-
urer, and Norm Carson, student coun-
cil representative.

111! . ---*---. - _ _ .:. _ . __-.- --_-_-_-_- - --- -_-_-_ - ___ _il

1432 Washtenaw Ave.
William P. Lemon, James Van Pernis,
E. Gertrude Campbell, Director of Religious
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music
9:30 A.M.: Church School Intermediate, Senior
and Adult departments.
10:20 A.M.: Junior department.
10:45 A.M.: Nursery, Beginner and Primary de-
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. The Reverend
Leslie A. Bechtel, Executive Secretary of the
Detroit Presbytery -will preach on "The First
Step in the Kingdom."
5:00 P.M.: Westminster Guild discussion on
"Why Missions." Supper follows.
Series of Study Classes:
Every Thursday night, at 8:00 in the Michigan
League. Conducted by S. H. Wylie.
The public is cordially invited.
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. Shrady Hill, Curate
8:00 A. M.: Holy Communion.
11:00 A. M.: Morning Prayer and Sermon by
Mr. Hill.
11:00 A. M.: Junior Church.
5:00 P. M;:Evening Prayer.
6:00 P. M.: H-Square Club meeting at Steere
residence, 1618 South Blvd.
6:00 P. M.: Canterbury Club (students and
servicemen) Supper and Meeting, Student
Center, 408 Lawrence St.
During the Deek
Monday, (Annunciation), 7:15 A. M. Holy Com-
Tuesday, 10:00 A. M.: Holy Communion, War
Wednesday, 7:15 A. M.: Holy Communion (fol-
lowed by breakfast at Student Center. Res-
ervations, 5790. ' "
Friday, 4:00-6:00 P. M.: Open House, Student
120 South State
Ministers: Dr. James Brett Kenna
Rev. Ralph Gordon Dunlop
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, Director
Mary McCall Stubbins, Organist
9:30 A.M,: Class conducted by George Car-
10:40 A.M.:Church School for nursery through
sixth .grade.-
10:40 A.M.: Sermon by Rev. Dunlop,
"A Man's Shadow."
5:00 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild meeting. Miss Mil-
dred Sweet will be the speaker.
6:00 P.M.: Young Married People's discussion
William and Thmpson Streets
Mass: Daily 6:30, 7:00, 8:00.
Sunday Masses: 8:00, 10:00, 11:30.
Novena devotion Wednesday evening, 7:30.
409 S. Division St.
April 8: Unreality.
10:30 A.M.: Lesson sermon.


State and Williams Streets
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D,
Director Cong'l Disciples Guild: Rev, H. L.
Assistant Director: Miss Bobbie Simonton
Director of Music : Leonard V. Meretta
Organist: Howard R. Chase
9:30 A.M.: Church School Junior and Inter-
mediate departments.
10:30 A.M.: Kindergarten and Primary depart-
10:45 A.M.: Public worship. Prof. Preston Slos-
son will give the sermon, his subject being,
"Give Us Peace in Our Time, O Lord!"
5:00 P.M.: The Congregational-Disciples Stu-
dent Guild will meet Sunday evening at the
First Congregational Church. Following the
supper Mrs. Pickerill will open the "Love,
Courtship, and Marriage" series with a dis-
cussion on "Before You Get Engaged." The
evening will be closed with a Worship Service
lead by Hal Woodul.
5:30 P.M.: The Ariston League meets in Pil-
grim Hall. An article on Missionary work will
be read and a discussion will follow.
512 East Huron
Roger William's Guild House, 502 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student
Miss Ruth McMaster, Associate Student
Saturday, April 7
7:10 P.M.: Choir Rehearsal in the Church.
8:30 P.M.: Roger William's Guild will have a
Steak Roast at the Island. Meet at the Guild
Sunday, April 8
10:00 A.M.: Roger William's Study Class.
"Experimental Faith and Personality."
11:00 A.M.: Morning Worship. "Now That Christ
Is Risen." Rev. C. H. Loucks.
5:00 P.M.: Dr. Avard Fairbanks will speak to
the group, illustrating his tal kwith sculp-
tury work.
6:00 P.M.: Cost supper.




... le i U1 .UIUJt1 p"1 1 o ,
featuring square dancing, singing
Dean Asks. Rooms . ., and games, will be held from 8 to 12
p.m. today, Buff Wright, chairman,
Due to an acute rooming shortage announced yesterday.
predicted for May Festival visitors by Students will be invited to make
the Dean of Women's office, Ann Ar- use of the workshop, call folk or
bor residents are asked to share all square dances, and work on posters.
extra rooms by registering with the Refreshments will be served during
Dean's office. the evening.


(Continued from Page 2) 5, Dr. Avard Fairbanks will speak to.
- ---the group, illustrating his talk with
c y sculptural work; 6, Cost supper.
First Congregational Church:
First Church of Christ, Scientist: State and William Sts. 10:45 a.m.,

409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday nwrn-
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject
"Unreality". Sunday school at 11:45
a.m. A special reading room is main-
tained byi this church at 706 Wolver-
ine Bldg., Washington at Fourth,
where the Bible, also the Christian
Science Textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures"
and other writings by Mary Baker
Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur-
chased. Open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5
First Baptist Church: 512 E. Hur-
on. Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister and

Public Worship. Prof. Preston W.
Slosson will give the sermon, his sub-
ject being, "Give Us Peace in Our
Time, O Lord!" 5 p.m., Congrega-
tional-Disciples Student Guild will
meet at the First Congregational
Church. Following the supper Mrs.
Pickerill will open the 4"Love, Court-
ship, and Marriage" series with a
discussion on "Before You Get En-
gaged". The evening will be closed
with a Worship Service led by Hal
University Lutheran Chapel: 1511
Washtenaw. Service Sunday at 11,
with sermon by the Rev. Alfred
Scheins. "Doubt and Its Cure". Gam-

will be held. Mrs. Pickerill will dis-
cuss "Before You Get Engaged". The
evening will be closed with a Worship
Service led by Hal Woodul.
First Presbyterian Church: 10:45
a.m., Morning Worship service. Ser-
mon by the Rev. Leslie A. Bechtel on
"The First Step in the Kingdom".
Mr. Bechtel is the Executive Secre-
tary of the Detroit Presbytery. 5 p.m.,
Westminster Guild discussion on
"Why Missions". Supper follows. All
students are welcome.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Student Class at 9:30
a.m. Prof. Carrothers will lead the
discussion on "Living Positively in a
Democracy". Morning Worship Ser-
vice at 10:40 o'clock. Rev. Ralph G.
Dunlop will preach on "The Shadow
of a Man". Wesleyan Guild meeting
at 5 p.m. Mildred Sweet, speaker.

State and Huron Streets
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Miss Janet Wilson, Organist.
Mrs. Claude Winder, Church School Supt.
10:00 A.M.: Unitarian-Friends' Church School.
10:00 A.M.: Adult Study Group, Dr. John M.
Trytten, speaker on: "To What Extent Should
Parents Influence the Selection of Their Chil-
dren's Vocations?"
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship. Rev. Harold
Scott, Th.D., Flint, Michigan, preaching on:
"Religion for Moderns."
sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church-
East Washingtonat South Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Service.
Sermon by Robert Eibling, Vicar.
Trinity Lutheran Church-
East William at South Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Service.
Sermon by Rev. Henry 0. Yoder
Lutheran Student Association-
309 East Washington St.
5:00 P.M.: Program - Mr. Frank Littell,
Director of Lane Hall, speaker.
6:00 P.M.: Supper and fellowship hour.


11i 1




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