DAILY I .. .. _... _ .... _..- - _ . ._-I z_ _ A N A I _Y WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: UNRRA Kept Out of Albania THE TREADMILL Professors . t By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-For months the Albanian radio has been broadcasting daily appeals to the outside world for food, clothing and medi- cal supplies. But although UNRRA is supposed to care for the war-torn countries, and although Albania has suffered more than most, UNRRA still has been unable to enter Albania. Backstage reason, according to UNRRA of- ficials, is that the British want to send 1,200 British Army officers into Albania to super- vise UNRRA relief for UNRRA. This, in turn, horrifies the Albanians. A total of 1,200 British officers in tiny Albania could mean a throttle-hold on the country, if they wanted to exercise it. And knowing all too vivid- ly what happened when Great Britain went into neighboring Greece, the Albanians refuse to admit the British military. Faced with starvation or military domination, they have chosen starvation. The British proposal to send 1,200 officers into Albania is based upon an agreement that whenever a country is liberated, relief sup- plies must be the responsibility of the Allied military for the first six months and UNRRA must work under the military. However, Albania was never occupied by any Allied army. Neither British nor U. S. troops entered it. But now that the Nazis have been completely chased out, the British want to come in under the excuse of administering UNRRA relief. The Albanians see no excuse for trading one set of foreign troops for another. Note-The British also demanded of Tito that they send more than a thousand British officers to handle UNRRA relief inside Yugo- slavia, but Tito refused. Finally Russia backed him up and Tito got his UNRRA relief without British troops-only 40 UNRRA workers and 60 British workers. UNRRA officials are hoping that the British will make some similar com- promise in regard to Albania. .Byrnes and Battleships. SECRETARY of the Navy Forrestal was irked when War Mobilizer ,Byrnes chopped 72 warships off the Navy's program, but the ad- mirals were not merely irked. They were fight- ing mad--especially Admiral Ernie King. Byrnes had found out that the Navy was planning these ships for post-war, not this war. He knew their construction would take away valuable steel from the Army and other stra- tegic uses. For instance, the tractor and farm-machin- ery program is scheduled for a cut of about 40 per cent because the Army claims it is al- ready short of steel. This, despite the desper- ate need of producing more food. So Byrnes figured the post-war ships could wait until after the war, since they won't be finished for two years or so anyway. Also he figured that it was perhaps the job of Congress-not the admirals-to decide how big the post-war Navy should be. All of which nearly broke the heart of Ad- miral King. He had been talking for months of starting now to build a post-war Navy; also had Peen indiscreet regarding the country- now an ally-against which those ships might be used. Maybe this also got back to Byrnes. Circus Goes to Jail.. .. T HE CIRCUS stopped in Washington to water the animals the other day on its regular trip north. It stopped a little sorrowfully. There was none of the blare and fanfare and bragga- docio of the old days. It was going north to open a new season and try to pay several million dollars to the victims of the Hartford fire, after which its vice-president, its manager, its can- vassman, its seatman, and several others will surrender in Hartford to go to jail. These top executives looked visibly different this year. Jim Haley, vice-president and di- SN SECOND 4 THOU GHTS- By Ray Dixon NOW that sorority rushing is over, we thought the campus would settle down to calm and equanimity. But along comes the big time change and all is confusion. It seems that, in spite of Dewey's defeat, it's time for a change of time. rector, is a long slab-sided chap from Alabama, who is called "Slim" and is thin anyway. Butt now he has lost thirty pounds and is literally wasting away. Twenty years ago he came down to Sarasota, Florida, from the Alabama sandhills without a nickel in his pocket, educated himself, and slav- ed his way up until he was appointed general manager of the Ringling estate. It was his care- ful handling which reduced the estate's debt to the government from $4,000,000 to around $850,- 000. He even took over the Red Cross chairman- ship, pulled the chapter out of debt, and made it one of the first counties in the United States to triple its quota for three straight years. Slim Haley went int the circus as financial manager at the request of the several factions of the Ringling family, whose descendants have been fighting each other. He never pre- tended to be a circus man. He was a fiscal agent. But he was in Hartford on the day of the fatal fire, was arrested, and sentenced to a maximum of five years in jail. The seatman on the fatal day had set up the seats exactly as he had before, day-in-andday- out, for years. Also the canvasman. Then came the fire, the tragic stampede, and scores of children crushed, Jim Haley and the other circus men go round the lot with a haunted look, remembering that day. They look as if they themselves were now dying by inches. And after they get the circus launched for the season they hope to pay sev- eral millions in damages-they are going up to Hartford-and jail. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) 0 Current Movies By BARJRIE WATERS At the Michigan .. . HISCOLUMN hereby adds its signature to the long line of enthusiastic compliments being paid "A Song to Remember," Columbia's biography of Frederick Chopin which is now playing at theMichigan. The film will doubt- less rank high on this year's entertainment rec- ord. Chopin, played by Cornel Wilde, is pres- ented as a weak-willed genius who is torn all his life between patriotism for his native Pol- * and and his duty to his art as typified in his love for George Sand. It may not closely ap- proximate Chopin's actual life, but, after all, Broadway has successfully presented fiction- ized versions of the lives of Schubert and Grieg without adverse criticism. Paul Muni plays Chopin's teacher, Joseph Els- ner, in the familiar manner which has hypno- tized critics for many years. All he need do is precede each line with a full half-minute of anticapatory facial contortions, coughs and grumbles, and it is immediately proclaimed art. Merle Oberon, on the other hand, is a lady I vastly admire. As Madame Sand she is prop- erly selfish and brilliant and inordinately hand- some in the lush color surroundings. Unlike co-star Muni, when dialogue comes her way she rips right into it without' several feet of preliminary by-play. With the performances of Miss Oberon and Wilde, superlative renditions of Chopin's bet- ter known works, a lavish re-creation of 19th century Paris filmed in technicolor, "A Song to Remember" would seem to hold something of interest for even the most casual of movie- goers. At the State . . "THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU," at the State, is Hollywood's ump-teenth exposi- tion of the pit-falls of wartime romance. Tread- ing familiar ground, it strikes one as neither better nor worse than its predecessors. You could do much worse of an evening. The film, from Warner Brothers, has some extra interest because of its quartet of stars. While Dennis Morgan is something of a familiar figure, the remaining trio, Eleanor Parker, Dane Clark and Faye Emerson, are all comparative newcomers of whom much is expected in the future. Therefore, some interest attaches to seeing them in their nascent state. Miss Parker, for example, is slated to play the role of Mildred in the forth-coming re-I make of Maugham's "Of Human Bondage." In "The Very Thought of You" she emerges as a photogenic personality with a fairly in- teresting voice. Although she acquits herself well enough in the case at hand, one wonders how she will meet the precedent set by Bette Davis in the Maugham role. Clark, who was the lone high-spot in the very dreary "Hollywood Canteen," performs a simi- lar function for "The Very Thought of You." He's an extremely amusing person and when the right material comes his way he'll be one of the screen's top comedians. At the performance I attended, some mem- bers of the audience, who I presumed to be erstwhile Republicans, booed Miss Emerson with great fervor in every scene in which she appeared. Of course, that's American poli- tics for you. By the same token, I shall abstain from any critical appraisal of Miss Emerson's performance since someone would inevitably chalk it up to political bias. By PAULA BROWER THERE has been some doubt in my mind as to whether a new col- umn should simply appear one morn- ing upon the editorial page, or whe- ther suitable introductions should be attempted in its behalf. In any case the latter course of action could ful- fill one of two functions: a iustifica- tion for such bold thrusting of a new effrontery upon The Daily's readers, or an outlining of the columnist's purpose in composing his semi-week- ly gem e m What is the purpose in writing a column and allowing it to be printed? To amuse the public? My only hum- or is so unwitting that frequently it proves embarrassing. To enlighten the public? Such erudition I could not pretend to. Obviously whatever pctentialities may be lurking well- hidden in The Treadmill lie well out- side of these realms. As its name indicates, The Treadmill does not have great hopes for achievement. All it can do is point out things which every-f one has known all the time andl perhaps distort them or exaggerate them or build upon them in the hopes that some of their implica- tions may become clearer. To the achievement of this end I welcome your criticism, hope for your support, fear your censure, and forth- with begin. The French film, "Grand Illusion", which was shown at Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater last week-end, was one of the most thoroughly impressive movies which has been in Ann Arbor fcr some time. It strikingly illus- trates the fear that so threatens to overwhelm our generation-the fear of futility, that whatever we do, it won't make any difference. It is tragic and it is completely + defeating-the grand illusion-the hope that men keep on clinging to,< no matter how vain, how hopeless,1 how without point or reason it1 seems. Men find themselves in an intolerable position.- they hope1 and work solely to extricate them- selves from it-but what difference will it make whether they succeed or fail? If they get out what will they do? How can it possibly mat- ter if they do one thing instead of another after they get out, and hew can it even matter if .they get out at all? The grand illusion- that it does matter. Futility they are afraid even to glance at. gain, it alone was the thing that kept them going, the lamp that they hurnished devotedly and which went on existing, miraculously indestruc- tiole throughout repeated smashings. At the first prison camp the men spend their nights digging a tunnel leading outside of the 'area. "The war will be over by the time you finish it," one of them jokingly re- marks. The other dismisses it with a wave of his hand. "The grand illu- sion!" he explains lightly. And four days before the tunnel is to be fin- ished they are moved to a nearly ..cape-proof fortress in the moun tains, but the illusion remains intact. The men have tried to dismiss their sense of uselessness by pro- ducing a show-a typical army burlesque. There was no reason for doing it beyond being a way to spend their time. One of the men devotes all his time to reading Pindar. Is there any purpose in this other than occupying his time? For him it has fargreater importance than that, but what difference will it make to anyone whether or not and how much he knows about Pindar? The captain clings to his aristocratic reserve which holds him aloof from the other men, he cherishes his white gloves and his immaculate groom- ing--symbols of the toppling social structure wherein his importance lay. But the proletarian officers, Marechal and Rosenthal, spend their time braiding a rope with which to escape. It is the intellectual and the aris- tocrat who are the victims, and they are fully aware of it. The intellectual retreats into the best escape he has found; the aristocrat, recognizing the meaninglessness of his existence, sac- rifices it for those who think that escape really matters. The two vic- tims know the emptiness of the illu- sion and are defeated by its futility, but the other two, seeing only that they are prisoners and therefore that they must escape, are oblivious to all this. The very continuation of their lives is part of the grand illusion. In fact ycu have the feeling that their very escape is really the crowning joke which is played up- on them, but they are the only ones who do not realize that it is a joke. They escape the prison, but the only hint they get of the joke is the continual question that they have in their minds: what next? what after we get back to France-- if we get back to France? And the movie ends on the question with which it began. The two men tramp over the snowy Swiss Alps, pain- fully making their way back to France..- What for? The captain and the Greek student knew: they stayed behind. On January 30, 1943, at the New York annual meeting of the American Council of Learned Societies, I, an accredited delegate, presented a reso- lution, suggesting that the Council should in some statement to the ad- ministrative officers and the faculties of American colleges and universities affirm the conviction that "in a democracy the professors in univer- sities and colleges should serve only the public interest." In addition and to this end the resolution proposed that "all teachers in institutions of higher learning be required to note to their college officials their con- tractual connections with corpora- tions or private and even public utili- ties." These connections should be noted after teachers' names in some readily accessible publication "so that any pronouncements may be judged by the public and the press as to whether such pronouncements emanate from a financial interest or from an academic (unpaid) interest in the public welfare." This resolu- tion was fully given in Science, organ of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, May 7, 1943. At the present time, when ad- justed compensation for congress- men is being actively pushed, it seems fitting to propose that Unit- ed States Senators and Represent- atives also register their affiliations with corporations. Naturally this should also be extended to the members of the many scientific bureaus of the United States Gov- ernment. Possibly even the secre- taries and clerks of all government employees should be put under civil-service regulations, with the possible exception .of a secretary who had been a paid employee of a congressman three months before his nomination. The immediate motivation of the proposal was the public statement by Secretary Harold Ickes that when he requested aid from the National Aca- demy of Sciences, to aid "small" busi- ness, the Academy gave him only men with such paid connections and their advice coincided always with the de- sires of the paid interest represented by these "advisers." It has been known, since the in- vention of the National Electric Light Association, that this single corporation organization employed some 1,500 professors to lecture or write against public ownership of utilities without revealing the pro- fessorial paid interest. At present probably five to ten thousand pro- fessors have some such connection. -Louis C. Karpinski I i i. a "Grand Illusion" is concerned with a group of French officers who were prisoners of Germany during the last war. Despite the fact that the grand illusion was shattered again and a- India Politis FIELD MARSHAL Lord Wavell, Vi- ceroy and Governor-General of India, was summoned to England re- cently to discuss, Indian political problems and the problems the con- tingents of troops from Europe will bring when they arrive in India after the defeat of Germany. The political question in India has long. been a controversy over the philosophies of self-rule and of im- perialism. The Indian National Con- gress Party proposed the formation of a cabinet representing all phases of opinion in Indian life during the March, 1942 mission of Sir Stafford Cripps. Members of the Party were informed that such a move would be "impractical in wartime". It has been said that the National Party is not representative of all India, but it cannot be disputed that it is the only nationally organized party. True, the Moslem League and the Indian princes do not espouse the National Party's cause, but it would seem that the form which the politi- cal controversy is taking is nothing but a "vicious circle". The divergent groups won't get together. until they are promised freedom, and the Brit- ish won't grant freedom until the Indian people achieve some sort of unity. If India is not to become ram- pant, which she very well has a right to do in the light of her for- mer treatment, the western na- tions of the world might heed the advice offered by Krishnalal Shrid- harani, Indian Nationalist, now at Columbia University, in an article in the March, 1945 issue of the magazine, Asia. He suggests that we support industry, stop playing the ",master race role" and do our best to develop personal and politi- cal freedom for the peoples of In- dia. -Anita Franz KEEP N* * ** w DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) made because of lack of facilities for providing water to all gardens. Water may be carried from the faucets in cans and pails, but the use of hose is prohibited. All new gardeners and those who failed last year to make their contri- bution of one dollar toward the cost of plowing must make this payment before being assigned garden space. Lectures Spanish Lecture: La Sociedad His- panica will present the last lecture in the annual series on Wednesday, April 4, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Professor Irving Leonard will speak on "El Viaje de Sarmiento por los Estados Unidos." Tickets for the individual lecture will be on sale at the door for those who do not hold tickets for the series. Academic Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The civilian freshman five-week progress reports will be due April 7 in the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. The Five-Weeks' Grades for Navy and Marine Trainees (other than Engineers and Supply Corps) will be due April 7. Department offices will be provided with special cards anc, the Office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. The special short course in speeded reading will meet in Rm. 4009 Uni- versity High School Building, Tues- days and Thursdays at 5. There is no charge for this non-credit course offered for college students who wish to improve their reading ability. Playwriting (Eng. 85 and 150): Laboratory production of students' one-act plays. Rehearsal schedule week of April 2, fourth floor, Angell{ i Xa1 " WTrlnP~Dd O'E2 9nl. ~F T'heiy'rla~ R A Geology 12 Bluebook will be giv- en on Wednesday, April 4 at 9 a.m. Students whose names begin A-F will take the bluebook in Rm. 101 of the Economics Building; G-Z in the Natural Science Auditorium, Events Today Alpha Phi Omega: There will be a meeting at the Michigan Union to- night at 7:30. All members and can- didates are asked to attend. Those candidates who have been chosen for pledgeship this semester will be an- nounced. All men who have been or are now members of The Boy Scouts of Amer- ica and who have not already turned in their names as candidates for membership are invited to attend. Junior Research Club: The April Meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held tonight in the Amphi- heater of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies at 7:30 p.m. Program : "The 17 Ketosteroids". Gardner M. Riley, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynegology; "The Metabolism )f Caffeine and Related Purines". Oliver Buchanan, Dept. of Biological Chemistry. Polonia Club: There will be a meet- ing this evening at 7:30 at the Inter- national Center. The evening's pro- gram will include the singing of Pol- ish melodies and folk songs. All stu- Jents of Polish descent are invited to attend. U.S.Q.: There will be a meeting of Regiment X at 7:30, at Harris Hall. This meeting is compulsory. Coming Events The Philippine-Michigan Club will present Mrs. Pilar Lim speaking on "Asia Sees America's Vision", fol- lowed by songs and folk-dancing by members of the club, Wednesday, April 4, 8:30, Hill Auditorium. I ' As we understand it timing the students. remember that when o'clock class at seven o'clock. t, the University is two- All you've got to do, is you go to your eight o'clock it's really eight Some say the solution to the dilemna will be to carry two watches. This will be all right providing you can remember which wrist is which wrist -and what watch is what watch. s Even more confusion will result if pened to get the Central War Time the Eastern War Time wrist. *:* * * you hap- watch on , t I Personally, we know what we're going to do - just listen to the Carrillon. When it strikes eleven bells, we'll quickly bong the nearest University official on the head for the twelfth one and dash off to lunch. * WITH WAR BONDS * * * * * * * * * * * * ; * BARNABY By Crockett Johnson _........ I'll call Dormant andCompany andsay we're unable at the moment to reach Mr. O'Malley. And. as frrtheintejrestdueothbn dsh4 -,rnc.. Tell them the entire staff of O'Malley Enterprises is making everv effort to reach O'Malley. I Cepy.ighl, 1945, lb. Newspgp~ E , Ns k. I am sorry, Mr. White. I had to get rid of a pest I s