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April 03, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-03

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Forces Roll Fifteen
Miles into LHolland
Ninth Army Columns Reach Weser
River Near Pied Piper Town, Hamelin
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Tuesday, April 3-American troops again crushed German at-
tempts yesterday to break out of the Ruhr, where 110,000 Nazis are trapped,
as British and Canadian forces to the north smashed 15 miles inside Hol-
land and sped within 68 miles of the German north sea coast, threatening to
seal off another huge enemy group in the Western Netherlands.
In the race toward Berlin, swift U. S. Ninth Arny columns striking
far beyond the encircled Ruhr, were nearing or might already have reached
the Weser River near the pied piper town of Hamelin, 155 miles from Berlin.
<350,000 Nazis Captured

Local Vote Is
Lightas P
Candidates Win
2,400 Votes Are Cast
In Biennial Election
Local and county Republican in-
cumbents and new GOP office-seek-
ers easily won 'over their Democratic
opponents, final election results re-
With many city and county voters
absent from the polls, slightly more
than 2,400 votes were cast in the city
election with William Brown run-
ning unopposed for mayor receiving
Fred Perry, incumbent city clerk,
also :running unoapposed.received ap
proximately the same number of
Cecil 0. Creal, running for chair-
man of the Board of Alderman re-
ceived 1,931 votes against Democratc
aspirant Arbie Clever's 497, a ratio
of approximately 4 to 1.
Walter Barth, Mark Mayne, Ben
E. Pryer, Cornelius Ulberg, Julian
R. Frederick, William Saunders, Shir-
ley Smith, and Bernard Harkins were
elected to the Ann Arbor Board of
For the two vacant posts on the
University Board of Regents, Ann
Arbor also voted 4 to 1 for the GOP
candidates, Otto Eckert, and Dr.
Charles Kennedy; Eckert receiving
1,860 votes and Kennedy, 1,858 votes.
For the remaining state positions,
Republicans polled slightly more than
2 to 1 over the Democrats with Eu-
gene B. Elliot far ahead of E. Burr
Sherwood for State Superintendent
of Public Instruction; and Charles
Ziegler leading George A. Dignan for
state highway commissioner.
In the non-partisan election for
two Supreme Court justices, local
voters gave Judge Herman Dehnke
and Walter North a slight lead over
the other contestants,
Prof. Jones To
Give Talk on
Milton's Poetry
"Milton and American Liberty" is
the subject of a lecture to be given
by Prof. Charles W. Jones of the
Department of English of Cornell
University, at 4:15 p.m. today, in
Rackham Amphitheater.
The lecture, given under the auspi-
ces of the English department, is one
of a series of exchange lectures which
have been arranged between this
University, the University of Toron-
to, Western Reserve University and
Cornell University. Under the system
each university sends a member of
its English department to lecture at
one of the other universities.
Today Prof. Menefee will talk on
"Engineers in Court and
on the Platform" before
members of Sigma Rho
Tau at 8 p.m. in the Un-

A dispatch from Gen. Omar N.
Bradley's 12th army group head-
quarters said a total of 350,000 Ger-
mans had been captured in March,
150,000 of them by the Third Army
and 90,000 by the First Army, whose
troops yesterday smashed Nazi break-
out attempts and counterattacks in
the Winterberg and Warburg areas.
Forward elements of the sprint-
ing Ninth Army were moving under
a security blackout in the attack
toward Berlin, and along the center of
the front the U. S. Third Army reach-
ed the Werra River on a broad front
and crossed that stream near Eisen-
ach, 155 miles southwest of Berlin
and 90 miles from Leipzig.
Hlalfway Across Germany
The Third Army now was more
than half-way across the waist of
Germany, racing toward the Czecho-
slovakian frontier about 90 miles
away, in an effort to split the Reich
nd prevent German troops from
retreating into the Bavarian Alps.
Other Third Army units made a new
crossing of the Fulda River in this-
eastward sweep.
The American Seventh Army fan-
ned out in sizeable advances to the
north, east and west, and the adja-
cent French First Army at the south-
ern end of the front captured 60 lo-
calities in 48 hours, took many pris-
oners, and widened its bridgehead
across the Rhine near Karlsruhe to
25 miles.
Pharmacy Will
Be Discussed

Berlin Killers
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April ?-The German
radio said tonight an intense man-
hunt was on for the killers of
three unnamed but apparently
prominent persons who were shot
to death in one of Berlin's most
fashionable and closely guarded
Kennedy, Otto
Eckert Taking,
Reg-et tPosts
GOP Candidates Are
Sweeping Michigan
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, April 3.-Michigan Re-
publicans appeared today, on the
basis of incomplete retu:ns ,from
Monday's biennial spring election, to
have swept seven state elective posi-
tions at stake, while two incumbent
justices of the State Supreme Court
seemed to have been reelected.
In the most apathetic balloting in
modern state history, preoccupation
with the war, inclement weather and
lack of heated contests for any offi-
ces combined to hold the ballot count
well under a quarter of the state's
2,200,000 record vote cast in last
fall's general election.
Double Rivals Vote
The Democrats appeared to be los-
ing their last two openings on the
Board of Regents of the University
of Michigan, as Dr. Charles S. Ken-
nedy, Detroit, and Otto E. Eckert,
Lansing, ran far ahead of the Demo-
cratic candidates, Edward Martin
Welch, Detroit, and Dr. J. Walter
Orr, Flint.
Returns from 805 out of 3,856 pre-
cincts for Regents gave Kennedy,
(Rep.) 54,624, Eckert (Rep.) 54,004,
Welch (Dem.) 21,068, Orr (Dem.)
Initial returns from normally Dem-
ocratic Wayne County showed the
Republicans and Democrats running
almost neck and neck and, while no
one was prepared to predict. that as
the final outcome, it was considered
cymbolic of the lack of interest in
the state's industrial capital.
Returns to Office
The only Democrat holding his
head above the tide was Chief Justice
Raymond W. Starr of Grand Rap-
ids, and he was running for re-elec-
tion to the State Supreme Court on
a non-partisan ticket. He was brack-
eted in the winning column with As-
sociate Justice Walter H. North, a
Republican and incumbent. The
seeming losers were W. Leo Cahalan,
Wyandotte, and Herman H. Dehnke,
Returns from 799 out of 3,856 pre-
cincts gave: North, 36,314, Starr 41,-
103, Cahalan 12,838 and Dehnke 16,-
027. .
Seeking his first full-term as State
Highway Commissioner, Republican
incumbent Charles M. Ziegler, of Lan-
sing, had a better than two-to-one
lead over his Democratic opponent,
George A. Dingman, Wayne County
Drain Commissioner.
The count in 803 out of 3,756 pre-
cincts gave Ziegler (R) 55,598 and
Dingman (D) 22,385.
Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, state sIper-
intendent of public instruction, ap-
peared to be having no trouble re-
turning to office for his fifth elect-
ive term.
Returns from 805 precincts out of
3,856 gave Elliott (R) 56.290, and
Sherwood (D) 20,941.

YANKS DRIVE ON OKINAWA-Pointers from flag indicate approximate extent of American beachhead
on Okinawa, Pananese Island on the southwest flank of the homeland. (The Island has been cut in two
by American Forces, Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimit z reported late Monday.) Arrows from flags point to
airfields taken on Okinawa and to Kerama Islands, taken by American forces recently.

Resignation of War Mobilizer
Byrnes Is Accepted by FDR

By Dr, Lewis


Dr. H. B. Lewis, Dean of the Phar-
macy School, will speak on "Phar-
macy in Michigan, 100 Years Ago and
Today" will be the topic of a talk
before the Prescott Club at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 300 Chemistry Build-
Dr. Lewis will read letters written
before postage stamps were available,
dated about 100 years ago, in which
observations were made concerning
pharmacy in a town near Ann Arbor.
He will also discuss some older patent
medicines and will present pharma-
ceutical problems of the future in
the light of developments in the last
50 years.
On the same program Hannah J.
Freyer, a student in the School of
Pharmacy, will give a talk entitled
"Is There a Substitute for the Pro-
gressive Hospital Pharmacist?" Miss
Freyer will compare the system used
by the progressive pharmacist with
the slipshod system in which pre-
scriptions occasionally are filled.
The Prescott Club meets every
three weeks. At each meeting two

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 2.- Presi-
dent Roosevelt today accepted the
resignation of War Mobilizer James
F. Byrnes and thereby gave the
broadest official hint to date, that
Germany is as good as beaten.
By agreement reached months ago,
Byrnes was to stay unin Une e
pean end of the global war job was
Fred M. Vinson, Federal Loan Ad-
Sigler Locates
New Witnesses
In Hoo per case
LANSING, Mich., April 2-()-
Kim Sigler, Special Prosecutor of
the Carr Grand Jury, declared in a
press conference tonight that witnes-
ses previously unmentioned in the
investigation of the murder of State
Sen. Warren G. Hooper have been
located, and that he believes the mys-
tery shooting of the senator will be
Sigler replied to questions ,which
had been submitted in writing by
newsmen, frequently resorting to un-
illuminating "no comment" answers.
He declined to give any hint of the
identity of the new witnesses he men-
The Special Prosecutor, who has
been designated as spokesman for
State and Detroit police officers par-
ticipating in the inquiry, said he still
is convinced that Hooper was shot
because he had "confessed" to the
Grand Jury and would have been one
of its star witnesses

ministrator, was chosen to succeed
him as director of the Office of War
Mobilization and Reconversion.
Byrnes had agreed last November
to stick to his post-'-as Mr. Roosevelt
then stated--"until the elimination
of Germany from the war."
The 65-year-old "assistant Presi-
dent" submitted his resignation on
the day American troops surged a-
cross the Rhine in strength, telling
the President he felt V-E day "is not
far distant."
The President held the resignation
while Allied Armies fanned swiftly
over the Reich and then, in apparent
agreement that Germany could now
be regarded as virtually eliminated,
released the former Senator and Su-
preme Court Justice with "heartfelt
On Capitol Hill today, several Sen-
ators paid tribute to the departing
Byrnes, but Senator Johnson (Dem.,
Colo. gibed at him for advocating a
manpower control bill at a time when
he was planning to return to civil
There was no immediate word as
to who would succeed Vinson as Fed-
eral Loan Administrator. Republi-
cen and Democratic legislators a-
greed, however, that Vinson would
not retain his old, as well as his new
Gen. Rose Is
Killed i Action
Led Epic Drive into
Germany Last Week
WASHINGTON, April 2-(A')-Maj.
Gen. Maurice Rose, whose division
led an epic drive into Germany last
week, has been killed in action, the
War Department announced today.
Without giving time or circumstan-
ces, the War Department said the
Commander of the Third Armored
Division, a unit of Lt. Gen. Courtney
Hodges' First Army died "while lead-
ing his division in spearheading the
advance of United States troops in
His was the division that led the
way into the heart of the Nazi realm
with a drive of nearly 100 miles be-

U.S. Bombers
Smash Italian
Escape Routes
Planes Hammer Nazi
Po Valley Installations
By The Associated Press
ROME, April 2-U. S. Air Force
medium bombers launched at main
German escape routes from northern
Italy today as tactical planes ham-
mered enemy communications and
installations in the Po Valley.
Meanwhile, it was announced that
Allied warships have been raking
Nazi positions along the French-Ital-
ian frontier, including the harbor of
San Remo.
The German High Command com-
munique said fighting had broken out
LONDON, April 2.- (A)- The
Nazis officially claime dicoday that
the assassins of the mayors of
occupied Aachen and Meschede
were members of the "Werewolf".
underground terrorist organiza-
tion, which Berlin said is organ-
ized to resist Allied occupation
A radio describing itself as an
underground Werewolf station
took the air with claims that
Werewolkes already had murder-
ed some American Army officers,
including three of high rank, and
had been active in Frankfurt and
on the "forgotten front" in the
French-Italian border region, and
acknowledged Allied seizure of "a
small foothold on Petit St. Bernard,
a 7,064-foot mountain 15 miles south
of the Swiss border. An offensive
drive in this sector would threaten
the rear of German forces holding the
Po Valley in Italy.
Reports of renewed activity in the
area were viewed as significant in the
light of the naval action off the
French-Italia ncoast. The U. S. de-
stroyer Laub was identified as among
the ships in action.
Meat Market
To lie Probed
WASHINGTON, April 2.- 0/P) -

Island Is
Yanks Meet Little
Enemy Resistance
Associated Press War Editor
Strategic Okinawa Island, on the
scuthwest flank of the Japanese
homeland, has been cut in two by
American forces, Fleet Adm. Chester
W. Nimitz reported late Monday.
Only scattered Japanese resistance
was met by doughboys of the 24th
Army Corps as they cut across the
island from the west coast beachhead
to the east coast near the village of
Meanwhile, in the Philippines Am-
erican forces suffered small losses as
they took the major port of Legaspi
in the first strike against Luzon's
east coast.
Long Advances
Admiral Nimitz said advances .av-
eraging several thousand yards were
made on Okinawa by doughboys and
Marines along the entire 10th Army
lines. They were supported by carrier
planes, naval guns and artillery fire.
Increasing Japanese activity was no-
ted in the rugged central sector of
the island. Marines of the Third
Amphibious Corps advanced in the
Observation planes were using the
two Okinawa air fields taken soon
after American forces hit Okinawa
beaches Easter Sunday morning.
Radio Tokyo claimed that the Am-
erican invasion of the Ryukyus, of
which Okinawa is the main island,
was pushed 52 miles westward to the
small island of Kume, westernmost
of the archipelago. The report was
not confirmed by Allied sources.
Japs Claim Resistance
Radio Tokyo insisted that the Jap-
anese defenders of Okinawa were
resisting the reinforced Americans
furiously and that 41 ships of 'the
ank invasion armada have been sunk.
Tokyo broadcast the death in ac-
tion of 14 Japanese admirals boost-
ing to 108 the total loss of admirals
since May, 1944.
Preceded by effective naval and
aerial bombardments and spearhead-
ed by the 158th regimental combat
team, American doughboys of the
14th Corps, Sixth Army, made the
landing at Legaspi, finest port on
Luzon's east coast.
Legaspi, on southeast Luzon, is the
capital of Albay Province. A railroad
connects it with Manila, about 215
air miles northwest.
New American advances were re-
ported on Cebu and Negros Islands,
central Philippines.
Pound Formosa
The relentless pounding of For-
mosa and Japanese shipping on the
China Sea by Philippine-based bomb-
ers continued.
Official American reports from
Guam said a large force of Super-
fortresses, probably 15, unloaded ex-
plosive and incendiary bombs on the
big Nakajima aircraft engine plant
on the outskirts of Tokyo early Mon-
day, Japanese time. Two of the low-
flying B-29s were lost to enemy ac-
A Chinese high command commu-
nique Mnday said that the strategic
cities of Laohokow and Nanyang, in
Hupeh and Honan provinces, still
were held by Chinese forces.

Earlier Radio Tokyo claimed com-
plete Japanese occupation of Nan-
Petitions Open
Petitions for scholarships totaling
approximately $3,000 to be awarded
students in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts must be sub-
mitted by April 14 to Rm. 1220, An-
gell Hall, Prof. E. A. Walter, assistant
dean of the Literary College an-
nounced yesterday.
No scholarship is automatically-re-

Drive Is Obstacle R ace Toward Berlin

Associated Press Correspondent
GER WALD, Germany, April 2.-The
drive across the northern German
plain is not now a battle but an ob-
stacle race and it appears no longer
a question of getting to Berlin-but
who will get their first,
(Gallagher gave his colleagues
several anxious hours today when

the U.S. Ninth Armwy drove straight
through the Teutoburger Wald moun-
tain pass two miles south of Biele-
feld on the autobahn leading to
Berlin. Farther south Second Arm-
ored Division tanks and other infan-
try elements fought in other Teuto-
burger Wald mountain passes.
More than 7,500 prisoners have
been taken by the Second Arm-
ored's combat teams in the past

As this is written a task force un-
der command of Lt.-Col. Hugh R.
O'Farrell of Atlanta, Ga., is driving
along the autobahn just south of
Bielefeld, held up only by an overpass
blown down on the Hitler super-
The pwerfiul Ninth Army armor
sliced western Germany in slivers
with steel shears which cut 26
miles in the past 24 hours, fighting

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