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April 01, 1945 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-01

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5 U N IJA V , AxPRIL 1,


Seeks Social
Security Aid

GM Council


DETROIT, March 31 -(')- The
national GM council of the United
Automobile Workers (CIO), repre-
senting some 300,000 union members
in General Motors Corp. plants, in-
structed its officers today to re-
quest the corporation to finance a
social security program for UAW-
CIO members which would be ad-
ministered by the union.
The plan, proposed by Walter P.
Reuther, director of the union's GM
department, calls for the corpora-
tion to contribute an amount equal
to three per cent of the workers'
annual earnings toward a sickness,
accident and life insurance fund.
Lewis, UMWAccept
Keep Working Order
WASHINGTON, March 31-(P)-
The soft coal operators and John L.
Lewis today accepted a War Labor
Board order to keep on producing
coal under the present contract, but
Lewis demanded written assurance of
retroactive pay.
President Lewis of the UMW, whose
union this week voted him authority
to call a strike if he deems it neces-
sary, said the miners were willing to
"accede to the order of the WLB.",

Coeds Reveal
Ideas on Mates
Startling Results Seen
In Hygiene Class Poll
KALAMAZOO, Mich., April 1-(UP)
-Kalamazoo College coeds -have
pretty definite ideas as to what they
will expect from post-war husbands-
to-be and they made them known
in a hygiene class poll this week.
Some of the resultstare startling
as they indicate that the war years
have made the girls intensely prac-
tical. Definitely the girls do not
want a "mother's boy," a sleek-haired
romeo or a blue-eyed prince charm-
The latter, in fact, might have
trouble in getting even a single date
on the campus if the girls' replies
can be taken as a criterion.
The reasonably intelligent male,
with an income at least large enough
to support a family, a man who
knows how to cook, wash dishes and
be faithful-is the one who will lead
the coed to the altar if she has her
Here's what a boy must have to
get a "yes" from the coeds:
Character, spunk and a liking for
mystery stories, children, home-cook-
ing, dogs, card parties, games, pic-
nics, and midnight snacks. He must
write interesting letters and must
not be afraid of getting his hands
in mother earth.

* *;:=

.p .*

Conference Invitation Is Denied Warsaw Poles
Allies Expected To Endorse Freedom of Press

a Give New
Peace Set-Up
F 0
Fial Control
Principle Put Forth at
Inter-America Meeting
WASHINGTON, March 31-(A)--
The principle of world freedom of
news exchange probably will be en-
dorsed by the United Nations at San
Francisco, and, going beyond lip
service, there appears strong likeli-
hood that the nations formally will
give their proposed world security or-
ganization the job of doing some-
thing about it.
Mexico City Declaration
The way was paved by a strong
declaration of principle by the Amer-
ican nations at Mexico City last
Imonth. What happened there, di-
rectlyunder the leadership of United
States Secretary of State Edward R.
Stettinius, jr., marks the high spot
thus far in an American campaign
in behalf of an American idea and
The chances now are that the
statesmen convening at San Fran-
cisco April 25 not only will endorse
the principle, but will assign the
job of promoting world news free-
dom to the economic and social coun-
cil of the world organization. State
Department advisors to the Ameri-
can delegation regard the council
as the place to fix responsibility for
developing a worldwide free exchange
of information as an essential step
in preserving future peace.
Stettinius Urges Action
SecretaryrStettinius has said he
"earnestly hopes" the general sub-
ject may be acted upon favorably at
San Francisco, after the long step
forward at Mexico City,

U. S. Brita in Turn Down
Soviet Demands r Bid
Parallel Action of London, Washington Adds
To Breach Between Western Allies, Russia

,« ;


< >

A U. S. BAZOOKA GUN-Gets a close inspection by Prime Minister
Winston S. Churchill during his inspection tour of American troops
somewhere in England.
No, Girls, No Luck -- No Nylons

01 Fuesco5
A frivolous sandal that brings
_ _ _
~~3 S
_ S
- K
There's gmour in its ight,
opened look. There's joy in its gently clinging fit.
S08 East Washington Phone 2-2685

WASHINGTON, March 31-(/P)-
No, girls, victory in Europe will not
provide nylon stockings.
Mobilization director James F.
Byrnes regretfully described to re-
porters today his effort to funnel
nylon into hosiery when the demand
for parachutes tapers off.
"I was told it was absolutely es-
sential for combat and automobile
tires-better than rayon," he said.

I thought there still might be some
left over.
"But they told me it was needed
for mosquito netting in the Pacific,
where cotton rots. I thought we
could provide that. and still give the
ladies some.j
"Then they told me it must be used
for knapsacks instead of cotton duck,
because duck was so heavy.
"I retired. That was my fight for
nylon stockings."

WASHINGTON, March 31-()-
The United States and Britain flatly
turned down today a' Russian de-
mand that Poland's present Warsaw
government be invited to the San
Francisco United Nations conference.
Diplomats here interpreted the So-
viet move as an effort to ram the
Moscow-sporisored regime, undiluted,,
down the throats of the other allies.
Senators closely concerned with
foreign affairs indicated deep regret
that the Moscow government had
posed such an obstacle to full co-
operation in the meeting to set up
a world peace agency.
U. S. Delegates To Investigate
American delegates to San Fran-
On Campus...
Workshop Will Meet *. .
The second meeting of the "Work-
shop on Anti-Semitism" will be held
at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow at the Hillel
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy-
chology department, will lead a dis-
cussion on "Socio, Psychological and
Economic Aspects in Europe." This is
the first in a series of four discussions
on the general topic, "The Several
Causes of Anti-Semitism." Prof.
Shepard will emphasize the exam-
ples of anti-semitism witnessed in
Germany and pre-war Russia.
Town Hall Meeting .
The eighteen-year-old vote ques-
tion will be discussed at the sec-
ond Student Town Hall meeting to
be held at 7:45 p. m. Thursday in
the Lane Hall lecture room, John
Condylis and Martin Shapero, co-
chairmen, announced yesterday.
The meeting will be the second
in a series of three student forums
devoted to student affairs topics
under Lane Hall sponsorship.

cisco prepared to go fully into the
issue at their next preliminary meet-
The parallel action of London and
Washington dramatically widened
the gulf which has been developing
between the two western allies and
Russia ever since the Crimea confer-
ence a month and a half ago.
In diplomatic discussions here
some concern is being expressed as
to whether the vital unity of the big
three around which future world se-
curity would be organized will be
anywhere near reality at the open-
ing of the conference April 25.
Second Issue of Yalta Meeting
This is the second explosive issue
within three days stemming from
the Yalta meeting and involving the
Big Three powers and the peace or-
ganization parley: The first was the
White House disclosure of a Cri-
mean secret deal by which both
Russia and the United States would
ask for three votes each in the As-
sembly of the proposed world organ-
ization. That will come up at the
next meeting of the American dele-
gates too.
The second Allied diplomatic head-
ache developed this way today:
1--Tass, Russian news agency,
announced that Russia accepted
and advocated the demand of the
Warsaw Polish government for an
invitation to the San Francisco
conference. In fact, Moscow said
that it had suggested to Washing-
ton and London some time ago
that if the proposed new Polish
government of national unity could
not be set up in time, then the
Warsaw government should be
asked to send' a delegation,
2-In London, 'a British foreign
office spokesman said that the Rus-
sian proposition is "out of the ques-
3-A short time later in Washing-
ton a State Department official, oth-
erwise unidentifiable, said that be-
cause of the agreements reached at
Yalta to set up the national unity
government the United States gov-
ernment does not agree to the ex-
tension of an invitation to the pres-
ent provisional government of Poland.



- I I



(Continued from Page 4)
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course
or courses unless this work is made
up by April 5. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans-
A Geology 12 Bluebook will be giv-
en on Wednesday, April 4 at 9 a.m.
Students whose names begin A-F
will take the bluebook in Rm. 101
of the Economics Building; G-Z in
the Natural Science Auditorium.
Mathematics refresher section for
veterans only will be held Monday
through Friday at 5 p.m. in Rm. 18
Angell Hall beginning Monday, April
2 and continuing indefinitely. Ad-
mission to the section can be obtain-

ed from Professor C. M. Davis, veter-
an's advisor, Rm. 19 Angell Hall.
Playwriting (Eng. f5 and 150):
Laboratory production of students'
one-act plays. Rehearsal schedule
week of April 2, fourth floor. Angell
Hall: Monday 3 to 5, Wednesday 2
to 5, Thursday 3 to 5. Schedule by
plays posted on English Department
Bulletin Board, Angell Hall. Further
schedules will be posted there.
Faculty Recital: The final program
in the group of piano recitals by
members of theaSchool of Music fac-
ulty wil be heard at 8 :30 this eve-
ning when Helen Titus will present
compositions by Beethoven, Brahms,
Pattison, and Shepherd. The public
is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet this afternoon at 5. A
special Easter program has been ar-
ranged and students are reminded to
bring their Lenten envelopes. Supper
and fellowship hour will follow at 6.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet this Easter Sunday evening
at the Guild House, 438 Maynard, at
5 p.m. Following a light supper will
be an hour of Easter music and sing-
ing of old favorites.
"Can There Be a Federated Eur-
ope?" Professor Preston W. Slosson,
Professor of History. 7:30 p.m. this
evening, International Center.
Comin gEvents

April 2, at 2 p.m. Professor C. E. Love
will talk on "A Family of Definite
Integrals" in 318 West Engineering.
All those interested are invited.
Polonia Club: There will be a meet-
ing Tuesday, April 3, at 7:30 at the
International Center. The evening's
program will include the singing of
Polish melodies and folk songs. All
students of Polish descent are invited
to attend.
Workshop cn Anti-Semitism: The
second meeting of the Workshop will
take place at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the
Hillel Foundation Lounge. This is the
first of a series cf four meetings on
"The Several Causes of anti-Semi-
tism." Prof. John Shephard of the
Psychology Department will lead the
discussion on "The Socio Psychologi-
cal and Economic Aspects in Europe.
The Women's Research Club will
meet Monday, April 2, at 8 p.m., in
the West Lecture Room of Rackham
Building. Miss Dorothy Karl will
talk on "Sovereignty in Air Space."
Junior Research Club: The. April
Meeting of the Junior.Research Club
will be held Tuesday, April 3, 1945, in
the Amphitheater of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
at 7:30 p.m.
Program: "The 17 Ketosteroids".
Gardner M. Riley, Dept. of Obstetrics
and Gynecology; "The Metabolism
of Caffeine and Related Purines",
Oliver Buchanan, Dept. of Biological
U.S.O.: There will be a meeting of
Regiment X, Tuesday, April 3, at
7:30, at Harris Hall. This meeting is



Only 3
more days ...
to reserve
your copy
of the
19i 'Ensian



earlier according to Uni-
versity clocks but the usual
time according to city
clocks. This device will
forestall the necessity of
University personnel alter-
ing their private schedules
to conform with the EWT
of Detroit, Ann Arbor and
neighboring factories. Un-
der the plan classes which
now begin at 8 a.m. EWT,
will start at 7 a.m. (oh
horrors) CWT. The lunch
hour will thus run from 11
a.m. to 12 noon. Students
will leave classes when
University clocks read 11
a.m,, eat lunch in non-Uni-
versity dining-rooms at 12
noon, Ann Arbor time, and
return to the class-room an
hour later to find Univer-
sity clocks registering 12
noon. No final decision has
been reachedsconcerning
Women's hours but it is
supposed that girls will
have to be in 9:30 p.m.
CWT, on week nights or
10:30 Ann Arbor time. The
time ruling was made to
conform with a request by
the state legislature.

up for practice, all promis-
ing material, according to
mentor Fisher. Bo Bow-
man, last year's ace, leads
the field of hurlers while
George Supp, "Red" Lou-
then, Jack Hackstadt, Jack
Markward, and Tom Ros-
ema complete what appears
to be a well - rounded
mound staff.
The tentative first team
line-up now places Bob
Stevenson, last season's
spark plug, behind the
plate; Jack Hackstadt, who
worked as a relief pitcher
in 1944, on first; speedy
Walter Kell, who shared
third with Mike Farnyk
last year at second; fresh-
man Jack Weisenberger
covering short; and gridder
Joe Ponsetto in the hot
BillGregor, the Wolver-
ine's big stick at the plate
in '44, appears to have the
inside track on left field;
veteran Don Lund, in his
third year of varsity base-
ball, will get the call in
center; and Bill Nelson,
former reserve outfielder, is
the likely starter in right.

Seminar il Applied
and Special Functions:



. I

On Monday,



,li I






We Are Selling Our Surplus Books At BOTH STORES



WANT 13th NCAA CROWN - Michigan's veteran
swimming coach, Matt Mann, counts on his three com-
panions, (left to right) Captain Merton Church, who
wan he 50-vard jfreepvle v en P~ft and He ini Kessler.


I 1 -


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