THE MICHIGAN DAILY lJ1 Y tL '; r4A"1::YA 1; h3-}:; W ASHING TON MERR Y 0RUOUN~D: Food Shortage Analyzed' FIRST NOVEL BY YOUNG WRITER: Prof. Boys Reviews 'Forever Amber' By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON.- Basic cause of our food shortage boils down to the fact that the food planners have been trying to figure too close to the line. Instead of working during the last few years to provide a margin of safety, they have tried to schedule production so that when the war ends we will not be left with large food stocks on hand. While the nation today is not going to starve, we would really be feeling the pinch if we had had a poor harvest last year-or if we have one this year. Chieflynresponsible for this "bare shelf" policy have been two of War Food Administrator Mar- vin Jones's most trusted advisers-Lee Marshall, recently resigned as director of distribution to return to Continental Baking Company; and Lieut. Col. Ralph W. Olmstead, former deputy director of the Commodity Credit Corporation and now head of the WFA Office of Supply. Olmstead was once secretary to Ex-Senator Pope of Idaho. Marshall made his position clear last May, when he declared that "food stocks now are large enough to roll smoothly over the various distribution factors. They are large enough to permit -us to consider the post-war situation as well as what must be done more immediately. That is why I say that from here on out we must exercise the greatest possible care with regard to food procurement in order that we may come out as even as possible at the end of the war." Rationing Canned Foods AS LATE as last December, in a secret meeting at the White House, Marvin Jones opposed the rationing of canned foods. But insiders in the food picture are con- liomilnie Says "AGAPE IS GOD'S WAY to man, Eros is man's way to God." Here are two sentences by Nels F. S. Ferre in his "Swedish Contributions To Modern Theology." The Passover of the Jews just celebrated and Good Friday of the Chris- tians turn upon the nature of God and possibility of man. In the Jewish faith God is worshipped as the persistent lover of his suffering devotees. "Let my people go to provide a feast in the wil- derness" was Moses' and Aaron's plea to Pharaoh. More than a thousand years later, Jesus of Nazareth with his disciples was celebrating that Passover at the time when his hour ar- rived for capture, trial and crucifixion. In a unique medley of petition and loyalty Jesus prayed: "Why hast Thou forsaken me? Not my will but Thine be done." This great de- votion and his ability to lift his human desires to the level of the Deity's wish, he owed in part to his parents. Their instruction in the faith of his sires had been superb. That he was subject to his parents from the age of twelve, at which time he had been received by the Rabbis, until aboyt his eighteenth year, is a hidden period. As educators we should lament the posity of information about those vital years. Joseph whose life was so inclusive and satisfying that Jesus always addressed God as Father and Mary whose place in history is exalted by Catholic Christians to that of "Mother of God," were Jews. Better yet, they were faithful parents who faithfully furnished that precious lad with reli- gious attitudes and wisdom. Fully as dramatic as the cross itself, though not so theological, is the fact that this week around the globe in tiny hamlets from Jeru- salem to Bogota or Sidney and in great cities throughout all the continents that handful of Jews, about seventeen or eighteen millions in all, carry on the ritual in which Jesus was disciplined. He was keeping that celebration with his disciples when a few corruptors of the people plotted his arrest. Why dramatic? First, because the Judo-Christian religion is one and there is the pathos of a deep misun- derstanding between two divisions of a single faith. Second, because the loyal Jew and the reverent Christians are very near to each other in civilian behavior but are far distant from each other in their interpretations of sacred history and religious practice. Third, because our men will fight a war for freedom of wor- ship, only to discover that at home in America after 150 years of that basic Democratic politi- cal principle there are citizens on the fringe of worship who persistently repudiate the spirit out of which this freedom arose. Fourth, be- cause we approach a World Conference in the city named for Francis of Assizi and as a re- sult of persistent sectarianism our leaders in religious thought will be only indirectly a part of a World Peace Conference, confidently, called to bring humanity out of a war oc- casioned in part by Christian Germany's per- secution of Jews. We of the majority, perhaps 375 million Chris- tians do well to discipline ourselves with the following from that Swedish scholar, "Agape (love) to God, lacks entirely the egocentric note an dis identical with the complete abandon- ment of self." Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education vinced that the key man behind Judge Jones was Olmstead. Jones, they say, has given Olmn- stead free rein, and Olmstead has insisted upon a hand-to-mouth policy in the face of warnings by the nation's leading food author- ities, who could see a couple of years ago that we were in danger of a real shortage. Olmstead has been lucky so far, although even with our good crops of the last few years thee have been several occasions when we have been unable to meet our commitments to Britain and Russia. Whenever we have had an unusually, large supply of a particular food, Olmstead has demanded that it be taken off the ration lists, instead of ordering an increase in canning. This happened last year with pork, now in short supply. Likewise, in 1943. there was a period when fats and oils were plentiful and reserves could have been accumulated. Instead, Olmstead, with the sanction of his then boss Roy Hen- drickson, permitted diversion of edible fats and oils into the making of paints, varnish and soap. But no control over soap was im- posed, with the result that today, when UNRRA is crying for soap to prevent epidemics among weakened Europeans, there is none available. Personally, Olmstead rules his organization like a tyrant, with many members of his own staff joining outsiders who deal with him in the constant chorus of complaint. To all corners, Olmstead's stock reply is, "I'll run my own busi- ness. You provide the ships and I'll have the food there to load." But today he is not able even to load the ships that arrive as scheduled. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate. Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT : Bretton Woods By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE BRETTON WOODS PLAN has been crit- icized for being complicated. It is not so very complicated. The nations of the world, under Bretton Woods, pledge to keep their currencies at stable values. Is that complicated? Second, they agree to set up a pool of money fromwhich member nations can obtain help, if needed, in order to keep their currencies stable. Is that complicated? Too much comedy has been made about the difficulties of understanding the Bretton Woods plan for a World Fund. Many of the most familiar institutions of our modern life are just as "complicated" as Bretton Woods. An ordinarily intelligent man, for example, might have serious difficulty if he tried to describe how his life insurance policy operates, and what makes it safe, and how premiums and dividends are computed. Ie buys insur- ance, nonetheless. And he drives a car with- out laughing himself sick every time over that silly complicated carburetor. A goat-like approach to Bretton Woods is equally uncalled-for, and equally funny. One of the questions which always comes up about the World Fund is this: "Won't the poorest nations borrow and borrow from the Fund, until all the money is gone and the Fund is bankrupt?" That is just as intelligent as asking, about a neighborhood bank: "Won't the first bum who comes walking down the street borrow all the money out of it?" Does anyone suppose that this brilliant objection has not been foreseen? Another objection is this: "Since the Fund allows other nations to take our dollars out, and replace them with their own currency, won't all the dollars vanish and nothing but bad money be left at the end?" Look, honey; there isn't going to be any bad money; that's the purpose of the Fund. You can have bad money only if you don't have the Fund. The very existence of the Fund guarantees that one kind of money can be trans- lated into another, and thereby makes it as good as the other. In actual practice, most nations won't even use the Fund. They will be able to convert their own currencies into any other, direct; the fact that there is a World Fund will make this operation safe for both parties. The existence of the Fund will tend to preserve con- fidence, somewhat as bank deposit insurance tends to preserve confidence in all banks. Those who talk about "bad money" don't realize that the World Fund is a plan for making all money good; they are objecting to a plan for a fire- proof building on the ground that it might burn. A further objection to the Fund is that it will allow other nations to "buy our goods with our own money." So it will. But, under the Fund, there is a very easy way, simplicity itself, for us to balance the score against these other countries. That is to buy goods with their money. That is the kind of reprisal which hurts nobody, and makes the world stable; and the Fund encourages it. If any- body dares to buy from us, why, we buy right back from them. This kind of going-on is called business, and it is a peculiar objection to the Fund to charge that it promotes it. (Copyright, 1945. New York Post Syndicate) (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of book reviews by members of the faculty. A discussion of a recently published book will apear on this page each Sunday.) LAST summer amid persistent re- ports of peace-feelers came rumors of another impending event of start- ling importance in the publishing field. Little by little the literary gos- sip columns fed us meager and tan- talizing details about a new novel destined to be a second Gone With the Wind. The myth grew; the Mac- millan Company was so certain it had a giant on its hands that it was going to put its whole yearly supply of paper into it. Finally, on the eve of publication, we were given conclu- sive proof of the book's potential greatness in the widely circulated picture of the author, the beautiful Kathryn Winsor. The actual appearance of the book marked the climax of one of the. greatest pre-publication promotions in history. It is interesting to specu- late on the effectiveness of this cam- paign. To be sure, the book has from the start been near the top of the best-seller list, but almost without exception it has been treated harshly by the critics. Amber's Loves Depicted The story of Forever Amber is cen- teredtaround the heroine, Amber, and depicts her many loves against the colorful background of Restoration England. There is, of course, one true love, but neither Amber nor Bruce let any silly constancy stand in the way of greater things. Hollywood will make much of all this (what they won't do with the Plague and the Great Fire!), but, as in the case of For Whom the Bell Tolls, we must distinguish between literature and cinematic narrative. No one objects to Macmillan's and Miss Winsor mak- ing a lot of money as long as they don't pretend that 'they are giving the world a classic. (It is reported that Miss Winsor was considerably upset bythe casualness with which the critics received her book.) Interpretations Questioned At its best, Forever Amber is cer- tainly readable; the description of the Plague is as vivid as the best ac- counts of disease-ridden Bilidad prison or devastated Cologne. And for the reader familiar with the per- iod, it is interesting to see famous personages of history and literature come to some kind of life, though Miss Winsor's interpretations are often open to question. Herein lies one of the greatest weaknesses of the book. The publishers' blurbs m'ade much of the fact that Miss Winsor had read hundreds of books in her attempt to make the background au- thentic, and such industry is certain- ly commendable. However, frequently the bare bones of the research stick through. In one place, for instance, there is a good deal of talk about one of Dryden's plays, which might well have been seen by Amber or her friends, but the remarks about it sound more like an M.A. thesis than those we might expect to find in a novel. Also at times the author has lifted obvious devices from such books as Defoe's Moll Flanders and Roxana. One is tempted to say, in fact, that those two books will tell you more about what Miss Winsor is trying to portray than Forever Amber ever could. King-Size Novel It is remarkable that in these days of a paper shortage a mediocre novel of a thousand pages should find a publisher. The New York Times re- cently reported that the overseas edi- tion now being prepared will be about half the length of the original. If the cutting is done properly this should greatly improvethe overall quality of the book. No doubt part of the un- wieldiness can be traced directly to a desire on the part of the publishers to emulate Gone With the Wind, but certainly GWTW is much more suc- cessful at retaining the reader's in- terest; it is also better written. For- ever Amber more closely resembles the interminable Anthony Adverse, the first of the modern king-size novels. Lacks Lurid Details Anyone who follows the papers knows that the distinction of a book's being banned in Boston is no longer the great tribute it once was. Cer- tainly Strange Fruit, another best- seller that achieved this moral Oscar, is harmless enough, and so is Forever Amber. While it is true that Amber is an amoral creature who would never be able to make the approved list of USO hostesses, the book lacks those lurid details which offend so many readers, even non-Bostonians. Rox- ana is much worse, for one, and even Moll Flanders. Stylistically the book leaves much to be desired, though most of the narrative is dealt with adequately. Particularly irksome is the author's inability to handle dialogue. At times she tries to approximate the everyday speech of the late seventeenth cen- tury but the gadzooks are curiously mixed up with straight 20th century slang. We certainly have no objec- tions to translating the Restoration into the idiom of our own day, but we would like consistency on this point. Why a Best Seller? It is, of course, in the best tradition of criticism to tear a book to pieces, but there is no particular malice on the part of the present writer. He is, however, interested in a larger prob- lem-what makes a bestseller a best- seller? It would be rewardiing to make a study of the great bestsellers of the past two hundred years (many of which are now completely forgotten). These books obviously have some- thing which appeals to popular read- ing taste; just as obviously it is usu- ally not a quality which can stand the test of time. By standards of uni- versal greatness Forever Amber falls far short, but that does not stand in the way of current popular approval. Possibly it should be judged by less strict standards than those applied to it here. From the literary point of view (notthe financial) it is unfor- tunate that Forever Amber received such Young and Rubicam acclaim, for it put the critics on the defensive and prevented them from judging , the book as it should have been judged, a first novel by a promising young writer.t -R. C. Boys I w .~ {. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN t f SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 110 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices To the Members of the Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The April meeting of the faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic year 1944-45 will be held Monday, April 2, 1945, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. 1025 An- gell Hall. The reports of the various commit- tees have been prepared in advance, and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the February meeting. Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, April 4, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Detroit Armenian Women's Club' Award: The Detroit Armenian Wo- men's Club offers a scholarship award of $100 for 1945-46, open for compe- tition by undergraduate students of Armenian parentage residing in the Detroit Metropolitan district who have had at least one year of college work and who have demonstrated both scholastic ability and excellence of character. The award will be made by the scholarship committee of the club May 15, 1945. Applica- tions will be received and forwarded by F. E. Robbins. Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall. Students, College of Literature, Science & the Arts: Applications for scholarships should be made before April 14. Application forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed at that office. Michiganensian: Deadline for sub- scribing to the 1945 Michiganensian has been set for April 4. To the Members of the University Senate: A special meeting of the University Senate is called for Mon- day,, April 9th, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater for the pur- pose of receiving and discussing the report of the Senate Advisory Com- mittee, "The Economic Status the Faculty". Rules governing participation Public Activities: I. of in Participation in Public Activities: Participation in a public activity is defined as service of any kind on a committee or a publication, in a pub- lic performance or a rehearsal, or in holding office in a class or other student organization. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but merely is indicative of the character and scope of the activities included. II. Certificate of Eligibility: At the beginning of each semester and sum- mer session every student shall be conclusively presumed to be ineligi- ble for any public activity until his eligibility is affirmatively established by obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, in the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents, a Certificate of Eligibility. Participation before the opening of the first semester must be approved as at any other time. Before permitting any students to participate in a public activity (see definition of Participation above), the chairman or manager of such activity shall (a) require each appli- cant to present a certificate of eli- gibility (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have presented certificates of eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all other from participa- tion. Blanks for the chairman's lists may be obtained in the Office of the Dean of Students. Certificates of Eligibility for the first semester shall be effective until March 1. III. Probation and Warning: Students on probation or the warned list are forbidden to participate in any pub- lic activity. IV. Eligibility, First Year: No fresh- man in his first semester of residence may be granted a Certificate of Eli- gibility. A freshman, during his second sem- ester of residence, may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility provided he has completed 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 2/2 times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1, E-0). Any student in his first semester of residence holding rank above that of freshman may be granted a Cer- tificate of Eligibility if he was admit- ted to the University in good stand- ing. V. Elizibility General: Tn ror n the Committee on Student Affairs the X or I cannot be removed promp- tly, the parenthetically reported grade may be used in place of the X or I in computing the average. Students who are ineligible under Rule V may participate only after having received special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. Victory Gardens: It is expected that the plots for victory gardens at the Botanical Garden will be ready for; use early this week (unless the rain continues). Those who have ap- plied for space may learn their plot numbers by phoning to O. E. Roszel at the Storehouse. There are a few more plots available than applica- tions already received. The use of some fertilizer in these gardens is recommended this year. A restriction on watering must be made because of lack of facilities for providing water to all gardens. Water may be carried from the faucets in cans and pails, but the use of hose is prohibited. All new gardeners and those who failed last year to make their contri- bution of one dollar toward the cost of plowing must make this payment before being assigned garden space. Applicants for Combined Curric- ula: Application for admission to a combined curriculum must be made before April J0 of the final pre- professional year. Application forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed with the Secre- tary of the Committees at that office. Academic Notices Attention Pre-Medical Students: The , Medical Aptitude Test of the Association of American Medical Col- leges will be given at the University of Michigan on April 13. The test is a normal requirement for admis- sion to practically all medical schools and will not be repeated until next spring. Anyone planning to enter a medical school in the fall of 1945 or in the spring of 1946 and who has not previously taken the test must write the examination at this time. Further information may be obtain- ed in Room 4 University Hall. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The civilian freshman five-week progress reports will be due April 7 in the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. The Five-Weeks' Grades for Navy and Marine Trainees (other than Engineers and Supply Corps) will be due April '7. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to 'Y' i }, I BARNABY I- the fact that J. J. O'Malley put O'Malley Enterprises, Inc., in our hands without contacting us personally,' inriatase 's hen hus vwith vastlv bigaer affairs., I'm certain he'll get in touch with us very soon. And we'll realize howj ridiculou were nnv of theslinht. 14 By Crockett Johnson I'll make one more attempt to establish communication with my fm mirm ' I'll fr to drnw I I- I(