Sir igau
Fair and Mi1l.
Ohio's Divers Are
Michigan's Poison
Mert Church Presented With Coaches'
Swimming Award; Schlange- Stars
Sparked by three champion divers and a great long distance freestyler,
the Ohio State swimming squad last night captured the twenty-second
annual National Collegiate Swimming Championships with fifty-seven
points, eight points more than the second place Michigan squad.
Buckeye, Hobie Billingsley, took first places in both diving events while
team-mates Ted Christakos and Bob Stone occupied the other place berths.
Seymour Schlanger garnered the rest of OSU's win margin, as he snagged
Easter Rites
To Be Given
Sunrise Services Will
Be Held at Churches
Easter services in Ann Arbor chur-1
ches will be conducted from sunrisei
until 11 a. m. today with many of]
the churches holding two services in
commemoration of Christ's resurrec-
The Sunrise service at the Bethle-
hem Evangelical Church will begin
at 7 a. m. The service will consi
of a trumpet duet and a meditation
entitled "Transformed Life." The
meditation will be followed by a reci-
tation, "Easter Morning," and the
Easter Story. The Junior Choir will
Following the Sunrise service,
breakfast will be served in the
church dining-rooms. The sermon
topic for the 10:30 service will be
"The Easter Triumph."
A 6 a. in. service will be held in
the Trinity Lutheran Church. Rev.
Henry Yoder's sermon topic for
that service is "Beyond the Grave."
"Death Is a Gain" is the topic for
the 10:30 a. m. service.
The Baptist Roger Williams Guild
will have a Sunrise service at Cedar
Bend this morning. Members will
meet at the Guild House at 7:15 a. m.
for breakfast before proceeding to
Cedar Bend for the service at 9:30
a. m. At 11 a. m., Rev. Chester
Louck's sermon topic will be "Easter's
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn's Easter ser-
vices at the Zion Lutheran Church
will begin at 10:30 a. m. today.
At 5:30 p. m. today, the St. And-
rews Church will hold an Easter,
pageant. Holy Communion will be
given at the 7 p. m. and 11 p. m.
The two Easter services at the
Presbyterian Church will be held at
9 a. m. and 10:45 a. m. today. Rev.
James Van Pernis' topic will be "Be-
yond Tragedy," while Dr. Lemon will
speak on "The Vast Expected."
At the Congregational Church
Dr. Parr will talk on "He Changes
Sunset Into Sunrise", and "The
Universal Hope." These services
will be held at 9:30 a. m. and 12
a. m. Howard Chase will play an
organ solo between the services.
"Easter and You" is Rev. Schiep's
subject for the Easter service to be
held in the University Lutheran Cha-
pel today. Dr. J. Brett Kenna's
theme will be "And This Is Life Eter-
nal." He will conduct services at 8
a. m. and 10:45 a. m. in the First
Methodist Church.
Ruthven Observes
Three-Fold Hoiday
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, presi-
dent of the University, is celebrating
a threefold holiday today - April
Fool's Day, Easter, and his 63rd
Dr. Ruthven will complete his 16th
year as University president in Octo-
ber. He took over the .chief adminis-
trative position in 1929.
Today Helen Titus will give final
piano recital in current
School of Music series at
8:30 p. m. in the Lydia
number one positions in the 1,500
meter and 440 yard freestyle, also
taking second place in the 220 yard
Michigan's captain,' Merton
Church, winner of the 50 and 100
freestyle titles, was awarded the
title of "Outstanding National
Swimmer," by Bill Merriam, presi-
dent of College Swimming Coaches
Going into the final night of the
two-days competition, Ohio State was
in first place, seven points ahead of
Michigan, and nineteen points ahead
of third-place Cornell.
In the first event of the evening,
the 100 yard freestyle, Michigan
started a point drive which kept her
out in front up to the diving.
In this 100 marl heat, Mert
Church snared first place in a close
shoulder to shoulder race with
team-mate Chuck Fries, which was
not decided until the last five yards.
The Big Red's contribution, Joe
Di Stasio, finished next, ahead of the
other contender in the race, Jim
Shand of Princeton. Church's time
for the race, :52.3, was quite fast.
(See DIVING, Page 7)
Legion of Merit
Is Awarded to
Col. Eo. H .Young
The Legion of Merit has been
granted by the War Department to
Colonel Edward H. Young, Judge Ad-
vocate of the China Theater of Op-
erations, for "his sagacious plan-
ning, zealous leadership and untir-
ing efforts in maintaining the high-
est educational standards in all
phases of military law and military
training," while serving as Com-
mandant of the JAG School from
February, 1942, to December, 1944.
Administered Instruction
"Without standards or precedents
to guide him, he planned, organized
and administered a broad course of
instruction for the training of 1700
Reveal 344
Bids Given
The climax of our four anxious
weeks of rushing was reached yes-
terday afternoon when the names of
344 women bid by the eighteen soror-
ities on campus were revealed by
Panhellenic Association and the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women.
Pledging will take place in each
house at 5 p.m. tomorrow and until
that time, actives and the women
who have been bid will continue to
maintain a strict silence period.
The lists of sororities and their
prospective pledges follows:
Alpha Chi Omega: Sally Ann Al-
brecht, Detroit; Sally Lou Ball, East
Lansing; Helen Cole, Gary, Ind.;
Martha Dieffenbacher, Havana, Ill.;
Phyllis Esslinger, Royal Oak; Kath-
erine Frick, Detroit; Grace Lathrop,
Yonkers, N. Y.; Audrey Lawrence,
Detroit; Shirley Mattern, Ann Ar-
bor; Jean Lee Morris, Snyder, N. Y.;
Virginia M. Post, Detroit; Dorothy
Quick, Detroit; Beverly Price, Hem-
lock; Carolyn Street, Santa Fe, N. M.;
Helen Thomy, Ann Arbor;
Alpha Delta Pi: Marjorie Bassel-
man, Detroit; Dorothy Beatty, Bir-
mingham; Esther Lou Carlson, Erie,
Pa.; Betty Cooley, Highland Park;
Betty M. Dyer, Ferndale; Patricia
Green, Detroit; Patricia Hampson,
Cincinnati, 0.; Patricia Heard, Chi-
cago, Ill.; Ruth Hoffman, Rockford,
Ill.; Mary Jane Huegely, Dearborn;
Wanda Patricia Krawiec, Belcher-
town, Mass.; Mary Lou Larmee, Ann
Arbor; Donna Jane Meyer, Grand
Rapids; Evelyn Schurr, Lima, 0.;
Janet Stober, Maplewood, N. J.;
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Charlotte
Abrams, Detroit; Joyce Agatstein,
Chicago, Ill; Betty Mae Becker, Cel-
lar Rapids, Ia.; Clarice Bercey, Mil-
waukee, Wis.; Janice Bernstein, E.
Cleveland, O.; Trenice Dodak, Wash-
ington, D. C.; Blossom Davis, Knox-
ville; Tenn.; Frances Don, Chicago,
Ill.; Carol Feinberg, Bayonne, N. J.;
Brena Feldman, Atlanta, Ga.; Jac-
queline Green, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Pearl
(See SORORITIES, Page 5)
Quotas Filled
As Drive Ends
Red Cross Donations
Continue to Pour in
The 1945 American Red Cross War
Fund drive ended yesterday with
every local quota filled and city and
county reports still coming in.
The special group composed of
donations from University Hospital,
army and navy personnel on campus,
and civilian students went over the
top with $7,679.98, which exceeds the
quota of $7,400. Members of the Uni-
versity faculty and other personnel
contributed a total of $5,834.25, also
over their quota.
Reports from the Union drive indi-
cate that campus men contributed
over $700. Fletcher Hall led the
men's houses with a total of $71.35,
and Allen Rumsey ran second with
$62.50. Of the fraternities, Sigma
Chi contributed $37 to top the Alpha
Tau Omega house with $33.
. According to reports incomplete as
yet, Ann Arbor's total stands at
$92,409, which is 116.8 percent of
their quota. Washtenaw county do-
nations have reached the total of
$168,350, or 125.3 percent of the
county quota.
The Red Cross membership drive is
conducted throughout the month of
March annually for the support of
the services which the organization
rderst civlinand sriea
Nazis rack Down
Allied Secret Agents
LONDON, March 31 -(A)- Amid
reports of mounting confusion and
hunger in the Reich, Nazi officials
appealed to the people today to aid
in tracking down Allied agents who
are infiltrating into Germany and
"spreading unrest and demoralizing
German troops."
* * =k
Allied Troops
Drive Deeper
Into Germany
Avoid Bloodshed
Now, He Warns
By The Associated Press
PARIS, March 31 - General
Eisenhower tonight called on Ger-
man units to surrender and avoid
unnecessary bloodshed and declared
that Allied troops were "driving ever
more deeply into the very heart of
Following is the text of Gen.
Eisenhower's instructions to the Ger-
man forces to surrender:
"The following order, dated March
31, 1945, is issued at the order of
the s.preme commander, Allied ex-
pediti(.liary forces:
"Thc German government has
ceased to exercise effective con-
trol over wide areas. The German
high command has lost effective
control over many units, large and
small, of the German forces.
"In these circumstances, in order
to avoid further unnecessary blood-
shed and sacrifice of human life, the
supreme commander of the Allied
expeditionary force has issued a se-
ries of instructions.
"Here are instructions to mem-
bers of the Wehrmacht..:
"Soldiers of the German Wehr-
macht! To save yourselves further
sacrifice, and loss of life, this is
what you must do:
"1. Units in contact which no
longer receive orders from the Ger-
man command are to cease hostili-
ties. The units are to be assembled.
Until further orders, the present
commanding officer of each unit is
responsible for the discipline of his
* * *
' UNTER DEN LINDEN-The aim of Allied fighting men is to march in
triumph down this busy street-Berlin's famous Unter den Linden which
is the Fifth Avenue of the German capital.
judiciary Council ToInterview
Publications Board Petitioners
Eisenhower Asks Nazi Surrender
Germans Try
Savagely To
Escape Trap
None Acceding.Yet
To Surrender Plea
"2. Surrender of troops
takes place by sending an
sary to the nearest Allied
mand post, under
c f a white flag.
must take place
manner and with
military discipline.
"3. Units out of
under the command
the protection
The surrender
in an orderly
observance of
contact remain
of their officers
until further orders. The units are
to be assembled and commanding
officers remain responsible for the
discipline and supply of the troops
under their command until further
"The above order takes effect im-
Apparently believing that all
residents of the Law Club are
somehow inextricably connected
with the U. S. Army, the 22 ever-
cordial Latin American judge ad-
vocates, during their three day
visit to the JAG School, have sa-
luted almost every male on sight,
including civilian law students.
"They probably think that we
are high ranking intelligence of-
ficers," one law student reported.
"We took the part," he said,
"and saluted them in retprn."
Any person filling University eligi-
bility requirements may petition for
the student vacancy on the Board
in Control of Student Publications
before April 7.
All petitions, which should contain
Revue of Talent
Of Army, Navy
Will Be Given
For the first time since arriving
on campus, servicemen stationed here
are combining their talents to pre-
sent an Army - Navy Revue on
Wednesday, April 11, in Hill Audi-
Featuring both Army and Navy
talent, the show has received the
sanction of Army and Navy units
and will be sponsored by the Union,
League and Daily.
All profits from the Revue will be
offered to the Army and Navy Re-
lief Societies.
The night of the show will assume
a holiday atmosphere as both coeds
and servicemen haverbeen granted
late permission. Servicemen froint
each of the units will be permitted
to remain out until 11 p.m., EWT, if
they attend the Revue, and Miss
Alice C. Lloyd, dean of women, has
also granted 11 o'clock permission
to coeds.
Ticket sales will begin early next
week. It is expected that townspeo-
ple and faculty as well as students
will support the show.
at least twenty-five student signa-
tures, may be picked up any time
before Saturday in the' Student Of-'
fices of the Union. Those who peti-
tion will be interviewed concerning
their qualifications, extra curricular
activities, and their policy in regard
to student publications by the Men's
Judiciary Council the following week.
Board Represents 3 Groups
y The Publication Board consists of
six faculty members, two alumni and
three students and is the supervisory
group which determines the func-
tional policy of The Daily and the
Michiganensian. Set up by the Uni-
versity Regents, it serves as a liaison
between the student-managed publi-
cations and the Regents. The Board
appoints all junior and senior staff
Hume's Term Ends
The term of student representative
Bob Hume expires this semester, and
the new representative will be chosen
in a general campus election, April
20. The new Board member, whose
term extends for three semesters, will
take office immediately.
A statement of the qualifications
of each candidate will be published in
The Daily before the election. The
Council will announce the candidates
late next week.
City Election
Will Be Held
Spring election balloting in Ann
Arbor will begin tomorrow morning
at 8 o'clock (EWT) and continue
until the polls close at 9 o'clock p.m.
William E. Brown, jr., mayoralty
candidate, and Fred C. Perry, in-
cumbent city clerk, are among the
names of unopposed candidates. City
electors will vote on two amendments
to the state constitution, Supreme
Court justices and other state of-
fices, including University regents.
Contests will result between Arbie
B. Clever, Democrat, and Cecil O.
Creal, Republican, for the office of
council president, and aldermanic
candidates in the First, Third, Fifth
and Seventh Wards.
Pope Observes
Joyous Easter
ROME, March 31 -(')- Thou-
sands of United Nations fighting men
weppre rcive~d todayv by Pop~e Pius
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Sunday, April 1 - The
Allies clamped a steel deathlek
around the Ruhr Basin last night
but the Germans fought savagely in
an effort to break out northeast-
ward toward Berlin, now only 170
miles away, and there was no sign
that they were ready to accede to
Gen. Eisenhower's new demand for
"This is the final great battle
of the west," wrote Associated
Press Correspondent Hal Boyle
from Paderborn, six-way road hub
in which the battle of annihila-
tion centered.
The battered Nazi cohorts, fight-
ing fiercely, gave every indication
they intended to battle to the last.
There were indications that rem-
nants of the German armies, form-
ing as best they were able, were
massing along the River Weser for
a final stand and possibly a desper-
ate, last-ditch counteroffensive, in-
spired by Hitler.
High Allied officers were con-
fident that such a suicidal offen-
sive would shatter against the ring
of Allied steel but admitted it
might result in a bloody finish to
the war.
American combat officers gave no
evidence-of the obvious jubilation of
March 28--(Delayed)-(-)--Field
Marshal Albert Kesselring became
German commander in chief in the
west after Field Marshal Karl Von
Rundstedt told Hitler further re-
sistance was hopeless and that
peace should be made at any price,
according to information now
available here.
Supreme Allied Command officers
and freely predicted that, the Ger-
mans might try another offensive
before admitting defeat. Very few
officers who have been battling the
Germans expect the war to be over
before two or three months.
Allied Supreme Headquarters made
no break in its security blackout but
broadcast an invitation by Gen.
Eisenhower to all isolated German
forces to surrender.
Red Tanks Roll
Toward Graz
Armored Spearheads
Knife Far into Austria
LONDON, March 31-P)-Russian
tanks rolled 22 miles across south-
western Hungary today, reaching the
Austrian border at a new point only
39 miles east of the key city of Graz
and 117 miles from Italy, where Ber-
lin said other Soviet armored spear-
heads had knifed deep into Austria
south of Vienna and were battering
toward Wiener Neustadt, 22 miles
south of the capital.
Tolbukhin's Third Hurtles Westward
While the southern wing of Marshal
Feodor I. Tolbukhin's Third Ukrain-
ian Army hurtled westward towrd a
possible linkup with Anglo-American
forces in Italy, Berlin said the north-
ern elements of his army were storm-
ing the approaches to Sopron, last
Hungarian fortress southeast of im-
periled Vienna, and 31 miles from the
Reich's second city.
On the northern roads to Vienna
and Austria, Marshal Stalin announc-
ed that Red Army forces in upper
Silesia had captured the German
strongholds of Ratibor and Bieskau
as another Soviet army battered
towar dthe Moravian Gap gateway to
Tokyo Says Invasion 'Armada'
Is Moving on Key Ryukyu Island
Aircraft, Guns of U. S., British Pacific Fleets
Go Through Ninth Consecutive Day of Assault
. . . gets Legion of Merit
officers and officer candidates as
judge advocates," the citation reads.
"At a time of critical need to the
Government," Col. Young trained a
corps of officers "capable of assum-
ing responsible positions as judge
advocates in every branch of the ser-
vice. His unremitting devotion to
duty in the accomplishment of the
training mission assigned to him has
contributed much to the efficient ad-
ministration of military law through-
out the Army."
GUAM, Sunday, April 1-(f)-The
thundering Allied fleet and air at-
tacks on the Ryukyu Island bridge
to Japan apparently neared a peak
of fury today as Tokyo declared an
invasion "armada" was moving on
the key island, Okinawa.
Aircraft and guns of the combined
American and British Pacific fleets,
operating under the U. S. Fifth Fleet
Command of Adm. Raymond A.
Spruance, struck all along the Ryu-
kyu chain.
Assault Being Intensified
"Seawalls were breached by gun-
fire," the announcement added, "and
defense, gun positions, airfields and
bridges were heavily hit."
Okinawa Shrouded by Smoke
Okinawa was shrouded by thick
layers of smoke, Associated Press
Correspondent Hamilton Faron re-
Faron, aboard Vice Adm. Marc A.
Mitscher's carrier force flagship, said
there was no sign of activity among
the island's nearly half million popu-