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March 07, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-07

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Fifty-Fifth Year

~ ~ ~ Thie Pendulun~,



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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Contrdi
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon
Paul1 Sislin -,
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

Editorial Staff
Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
* . . Associate Sports Editor
* . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
S . . Associate Business Mgr.
* . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.

Nationl Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pablibers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44



Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written. by mnembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Social Equality
THE LOWER HOUSE of the New York State
Legislature advanced the position of social
equality last week when it passed an anti-dis-
crimination law by a large majority. The Ives-
Quinn bill, assured of State Senate confirmation
by statements of both party leaders, sets up a
,permanent commission agamin5t discrimination in
A five member agency charged with eliminat-
ing biased employment on grounds of race, creed,
color, religion or national origin will have the
power to issue orders enforceable in New York
State courts. Certain unfair practices have been
specifically declared unlawful by the act, and
imprisonment and fine penalties for refusal to
obey provisions of the bill have been set up.
Coming as it does shortly after a court
decision in the same state upholding the
right of newspapers to refuse discriminatory
advertising, it is an indication of a significant
trend. Definite action advancing those demo-
cratic ideals which have so long enjoyed little
practical application is being taken by the
states as well as the national government.
The position taken by the people of the State
of New York on, the Ives-Quinn bill can well
serve as encouragement to Americans through-
out the nation. It is from the people that the
impetus nust come for true democratic prac-.
-Milt Freudenheim
Red Cross Drive
WE WOULD all do everything possible for our .
relatives, friends and sweethearts in ser-
vice. If someone overseas were to send us a
letter of request we would not hesitate to des-
patch the requested article to them.
But there are certain things we cannot do
for them personally, certain things which re-
quire immediacy and proximity, such as entei-
tainment in hours of relaxation and communi-
cation in the event they are taken prisoner of
The Red Cross attempts to do these and
n.any other things for military personnel. It
also serves civilians on the home front in times
of catastrophe. But in order to function the
Red Cross must have monetary support. It
is up to us to provide this support.
The campus drive, organized by the League
and the Union, will begin today and will
extend throughout the month. When you are
approached for a contribution, give as much
as you can, afford-and more.
-Anita Franz
e a
Vot111g Pivileges
ONE OF THE chief objections to extending the
voting age in this country to include the 18-
to-21-year-old group is the travesty of democ-
racy that traditionally marks student elections
on college campuses. The lack of interest on
the part of the student body in these elections
and the corrupt practices in which the candi-
- L.... .f- n i... . ini.,4 4t. . wl .n ,i.1 tnnlr , , otn n arnn,.

ERIC RUSSELL BENTLEY'S brilliant criti-
cism has reached full fruition in his first.
book, "A Century of Hero Worship." This work
commends itself unmistakably to -the student
of Western thought. Under the author's guid-
ance one can observe in it meticulous examina-
tion of what he calls "heroic vitalism" as exem-
plified by Carlyle, Nietzsche, Wagner, Shaw, D.
H. Laurence, Spengler and Stephen George.
The blurb warns-and Bentley himself repeats
the injunction--that we ought not to look for
any facile means of equating this philosophy and
fascism. Yet, shortly after the book appeared,
and it might as well have been entitled "A Study
In Ambivalence" because Bentley tried to show
that each of his subjects was split between demo-
cratic and autocratic impulses, Sterling North-
usually a percipient critic-wrote an article in
The Washington Post which was a total mis-
conception of that thesis. Basing his argument
in part on Bentley's analysis, he drew the oppo-
site conclusion from it. His reasoning goes like
this: the heroic vitalists, that is, roughly, those
thinkers who exalt virility and believe in the
great man theory for variously psychotic reas-
ons, were Romantics; Romanticism de-empha-
sizes reason and so does fascism; ergo, heroic
vitalism, romanticism, and fascism are all the
This is an altogether unacceptable gener-
alization. True, much was made of personal
passions during the Romantic era-but they
were above all directed in humanitarian and
revolutionary channels. Concern with hu--
man rights came above any other to men like
Hugo in France, Goethe in Germany, Burns
in England, and Thoreau in America. When
else could a Byron have dedicated his life
to the liberation of Greece, a Shelley have
come forth with his heretical pronuneciamen-
toes, a Hood have written "The Song of the
THIS was the period during which William
Godwin affirmed his belief in Socialist ten-
ets-which inspired such novels of purpose as
"Caleb Williams" that, in turn, fired the imagi-
nation of Wordswoth and Coleridge who, until
the Reign of Terror, were heart-felt defenders
of the French Revolution. Could an age irre-
deemably infused with reactionary ideas have
produced a paper on "The Pernicious Effects
Which Arise From The Unnatural Distinc-
tions Established In Society"-such as that
written by Mary Wollstonecraft?
Release from the cold impersonality of neo-
classicism did involve less worship of reason
and the intensification of "sensibility," But,
this was not wholly to the bad. A good case has
been made out more than once, notably by Jac-
ques Barzum, arraigning neo-classicism on the
grounds that it was too conservative. Pro-
fessor Bernbaum says of this epoch that it
believed "the proper study of mankind was
Man-a dualistic creature, capable of virtue
and reason, but addicted to vice and folly, and
therefore requiring for his salvation much disci-
pline. It was well that the state disciplined
him by force; the Church through prohibitions;
and literature through satire. "Such, we are told,
were the views of men in other respects as
different as Pope, Swift, Addison and Johnson-
who were the most admired and influential
writers of the age.
But notice the intellectual dead-end to which
we have been brought. The scholars tell us that
Romanticism was reactionary in that it .acted
as the harbinger of fascism-and classicism was
reactionary in that its apostles favored sup-
pression of the people. Now, literary history is
nothing more than the alternation of classi-
By g1(gy lixoai
Spring came and went so fast that students
hardly had a chance to get used to walking in
the mud. instead of on the ice
Ann Arbor is reputed to have the most
beautiful spring in America-occasionally.
* .* *

In spring a young man's fancy lightly turns
to thoughts of courses he is going to take this
Contribute to the Red Cross-and that's no
V-Ball will end at midnight and band leader
Hal McIntyre will kindly play a song by Coal
Porter in honor of the curfew.

cism and romanticism. One follows after and
overlaps the other. If both systems obviate
the existence of liberal thought, so would any
mixture of them-which reduces it to a phan-
tasy, as unreal as all phantasies and twice as
BUT liberal thought is deal. It reappears in
every period-our own included. Though
some irrationality may be seen in William
James' views, they are basically democratic.
Though Robert Huchins' orientation is classi-
cal, his politics exceed the President's in pro-
gressivism. Our Founding Fathers were steep-
ed in classicism-no one of them more so
than Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of
A host of similar examples can be cited. All
of them add up to the impossibility of system-
atizing thought around concepts that have
never been, and cannot be, satisfactorily defined.
Berzun has demonstrated-and this is one of
his better contributions to the subject-that
there are scores of conflicting definitions of
Hard and fast, arbitrary compartmnentaliza-
tion of these movements and equation of them
with political cycles should be scrupulously
avoided. That this is not done often enough
comes largely from the current error in ap-
proach which begins by trying to make the
development of ideas as pat and exact as
mathematical problems. This they will never
Current Movies
At the State . ,
MOST AMERICANS are fools for Westerns,
regardless of the familiar pattern this type
of film has fallen into. The State's current ex-
hibit, "Tall In the Saddle," is a perfect example.
It possesses every ingredient you have come to
expect: a stolid, woman-hating hero. a band of
rustlers, a knock-down-drag-out brawl, and a
gun-fight or two. It is apparently what a large
section of the movie-going public wants and
"Tall In the Saddle" will probably prosper no
matter what some lowly scribe says.
Familiar a tune as it is, "Tall In the Saddle"
does occasionally contrive to get away from
routine, mainly by virtue of an unconventional
heroine. Ella Raines, one of the very best of
the new starlets who has yet to do an impor-
tant role, contributes an amusing portrait of
a masculine-mannered cow-girl with a base-
ment voice and a disconcerting ease with the
old six-shooter which is miles away from the
usual demure, sun-bonneted Western heroine.
The film's most diverting moments come from
her direction. John Wayne outdoes Gary
Cooper for sheer Western langour and seems
to be the small fry's idea of what the perfect
cowboy should be.
Accepting it for what it is, I really found noth-
ing to seriously object to, except for one agoniz-
ing moment when a pre-Goldwyn cowboy leaves
a poker game glibly remarking, "Include me out.
At the Michigan .
to the screen under the auspices of Sam
Goldwyn after a year's absence in the wilds of
radio work and overseas tours. The occasion for
his celluloid comeback, currently on view at The
Michigan, is "The Princess and the Pirate," as
wild a contrivance as you'll see in some time.
The wispy plot has Hope as a ham actor,
Sylvester the Great, who becomes involved in
pirate doings on the Spanish Main. He rescues
a captive princess from the designing clutches
of a mildly disturbing character called The Hook,
carried around a coveted treasure map tatooed on
his chest and engages in a beer-drinking contest
the like of which the P-Bell has never dreamed
of. He loses the girl in an ending you can see
coming a mile off, but which laid the majority
of Sunday's audience in the Michigan's collec-
tive aisle.
In support of Hope, newcomer Virginia Mayo
plays the princess competently and is as choice

a piece of scenery as you could find most any-
where. As Hope observes in the picture's best
line, she is "well-stacked."
The net result is a typical Hope-ian romp
that should please his most devoted fans no
end. The film's decidedly emphatic technicolor
and breakneck pace may prove a little exhaust-
ing to the less hearty, but on the whole it's a
consistently enjoyable piece.

VOL. LV, No. 88
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angel Hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Automobile Regulations: All stu-
dents who possess automnobile pr-
mits are requested to report the 1945
license numbers of their cars to the
Dean of Students Office at their
earliest convenience. Students who
have received exemption cards or
who are entitled to exemption priv-
ileges should likewise report their
new license numbers to the Dean of
Students Office.
The following resolution was adop-
ted by the Regents at their meeting
on Dec. 29, 1944, and is now in force:
Resolved, That it is expressly for-
bidden hereafter that any University
department or official shall either
directly or indirectly approach an
employee of any other department
with inducements or suggestions the
natural result of which would be to
cause such approached employee to
desire transfer or to become dissatis-
fied with his or her present position.
In all cases where the transfer of an
employee is desired, the official de-
siring the transfer should first con-
sult the head of the department in
which the employee is currently serv-
ing, or, in cases of clerical positions,
the Office Personnel Committee.
Nothing herein shall be held to
modify the By-laws Sec. 3.06 with
respect to the duties and powers of
the Office Personnel Committee.
Identification Cards: All Identi-
fication Cards which were given out
during the Summer or Fall Terms
must be validated by the Dean of
Students for the Spring Term. Cards
which were not turned in at regis-
tration in Waterman Gymnasium
should be left at Rm. 2, University
Hall, at once. Cards which are not
validated will not be honored for the
Spring Term by University officials.
Eligibility Certificates: for the
Spring Term may be secured imme-
diately if the report of Fall grades is
brought to the Office of the Dean of
To the Members of the University
Council: The University Council
Meeting for March has been can-
To the Members, of the University
Senate: At the meeting of the Uni-
versity Council held Jan. 15 the fol-
lowing two recommendations of the
Standing Committee on Public Rela-
tions were approved:
1. That the individual members
of the Faculties of the University of
Michigan cooperate to the fullest
I extent with the University News Ser-
vice by informing the Director promp-
tly of honors received, contributions
published, andtdiscoveries made.
2. That greater use be made of the
facilities of the Extension Service in
taking to the people of the state pro-
grams dealing with little-known Uni-
versity activities. Two examples of
such activities, which can be drama-
tized readily, are the Speech Clinic
and the Fresh Air Camp.
-- --________-- .
Rules governing participation in
Public Activities:
Participation in Public Activities:
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a
committee or a publication, in a pub-
lic performance or a rehcarsal, ori1n
holding office in a class or other
student organization. This list is not
intended to be exhaustive, but merely
is indicative of the character and
scope of the activities included.

Certificate of Eligibility: At the
beginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligi-
ble for any public activity until his
eligibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee 'on Student Affairs,

in the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility.
Participation before the opening of
the first semester must be approved
as at any other time.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above),
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each appli-
cant to present a certificate of eli-
gibility (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and (c) file
with the Chairman of the Committee
on Student Affairs the names of all
those who have presented certificates
of eligibility and a signed statement
to exclude all other from participa-
tion. Blanks for the chairman's lists
may be obtained in the Office of the
Dean of Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Prob~ation and Warning: Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to particip'ate In any pub-
lic activity.
Eligibility, First Year: No fresh-
man in his first semester of residence
may be granted a Certificate of Eli-
A freshman, during his second sem-
ester of residence, may be granted
a Certificate of Eligibility provided
he has completed 15 hours or more
of work with (1) at least one mark
of A or B and with no mark of less
than C, or (2) at least 21/2 times as
many honor points as hours and
with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3,
C-2, D-1, E-0).
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Cer-
tificate of Eligibility if he was admit-
ted to the University in good stand-
Eligibility General: In orer to
receive a Certificate of Eligibility a
student must have earned at least H1
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding sum-
mer session, with an average of at
least C, and have at least a C average
for his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of X
and I are to be interpreted as E until
removed in accordance with Univer-
sity regulations. If in the opinion of
the Committee on Student Affairs
the X or I cannot be removed promp-
tly, the parenthetically reported
grade may be used in place of the X
or I in computing the average.
Students who are ineligible under
Rule V may participate only after
having received special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
Honor Societies: The attention of
honor societies is called to the fact
that the date of Honors Convocation
has been set for April 20. It is re-
quested that all societies hold their
elections as early as possible after
the beginning of the Spring Term so
that the names of new members may
be included in the Honors Convoca-
tion program.
Dean of Students
Registrants: Second semester elec-
tions should be added to your record
in the Bureau, both Business and
Teaching divisions. Also any change
of address and telephone.
University.Bureau of Appointments
Califcrnia State Civil Service an-
nouncements for Senior Bacteriolo-
gist, $200 basic salary plus $25 war-
time emergency increase and Super-
vising Food and Drug Chemist, $260
basic salary plus $25 wartime emer-
gency increase, have been received in
our office. For further information,
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Federal Civil Service announce-
ments for Industrial Occupations and'
Skilled Trades, $2,190 to $2,798 a
year, Engineering and Allied Fields,

$2,433 to $3,828 a year, and Scien-
tific Fields, $2,433 to $3,828 per year,
have been received in our office. For
further information, stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
Detroit Civil Service announcement
for Medical Social Case Worker, $2,-
520 to $2,880, has been received in
our office. For further information
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
The United States Civil Service
Announcement for' Junior Prof es-
sional Assistant has been received in
our office. Salary $2,433 a year. Only
requirement is a Bachelor's degree.
Examination is open to SENIOR
STUDENTS. For further informa-
tion and applications, stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of #ppoint-
Detroit Civil Service Announce-
ER, Salary $1.05 an hour, SECOND
ENGINE) $2,829 to $3,174, nd DIET
KITCHEN COOK, Salary $1,820 to
$1,952 have been received in our
office. For further information stop
in at Mason Hall, Bureau of Ap

$170 a month, COBBLER A2, $143.75
to $166.75 a month, ELEVATOR OP-
ERATOR C, $110 to $125 per month,
$145 a month, SCHOOL CHILD AC-
to $340 per month, PLUMBING IN-
SPECTOR I, $180 to $220 per month,
UTIVE VI, $577.50 to $687.50 per
month, SEAMSTRESS CI, $120.75 to
$143.75, ACTUARY IV, $360 to $420
D, $115 to $132.25, INSTITUTION
BUTCHER B, $155.25 to $178.25, CI
VIL ENGINEER II and III, $230 to
EXECUTIVE I, $180 to $224.25.
Choral Union Memberships: There
are a fewtvacancies in the mens
sections of the University Choral;Un-
ion which will be filled in the order
of application by competent singers.
Those interested should communi-
cate with Professor Hardin Van
Deursen, home phone 6621.
University Lecture: Mr. Wyndham
Lewis, English author and artist, will
lecture on the subject "Hemingway,
Tolstoy,.and War," at 4:15 p.m., in
the Rackham Amphitheatre, under
the auspices of the Department of
English. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture. Mr. Carey Mc-
Williams, formerly Commissioner of
Immigration and Housing of the
State of California, will lecture on
the subject "Minority Groups in the
United States" at 8 p. m., Tuesday,
March 13, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre, under the auspices of the De-
partment of Sociology. The public
is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Freshman Health Lectures for Men,
Spring Term 1944-45: It is a Univer-
sity requirement that all entering
freshmen are required to take six
lectures in personal and community
health and to pass an examination on
the content of these lectures. Trans-
fer students with freshman standing
are required to take the course
unless they have had a similar course
These lectures for men will be
given in Room 231, Angell Hall at
5:00 p. m.hand repeated at 7:30 p. m
as per the following schedule.
Lecture Day Date
1 Monday March 5
2 Tuesday March 6
3 Wednesday March 7
4 Thursday March 8
5 Monday March 12
6 Tuesday March 13
Please note that attendance is re-
quired and roll will be taken.
Upper-classmen who have root ful-
filled the requirements are requested
to do so during this series.
This lecture requirement does not
apply to Veterans.
Preliminary Examinations for the
Doctorate in English will be given
according to the following schedule:
American Literature May 9, 9-12
a. m.
English Literature 1700-1900, May
12, 9-12 a. m.
English Literature 1550-1700, May
16, 9-12 a. m.
English Literature Beginning to
1550, May 19, 9-12 a. m.
All those expecting to take the ex-
amination should notify Professor
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, March 9, from 4 to 6 p. Tn. in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. Dictionaries may be used.

Extension Division: Opening dates
of courses in Ann Arbor -are sched-
uled to coincide with the campus cal-
endar of classes. Persons who would
like to have other courses added to the
program are asked to list their speci-
fic interests with the Extension office.
The following classes will be of-
fered by the Extension Service begin-
ning this week.
Spanish 1b: This course is a con-
tinuation of Spanish la. Two hours
credit. $12.
Del Toro. 106 Romance Language
Building. Tuesday, March 6, 7 p.m.
Spanish 2k: This course is a con-
tinuation of Spanish 2a, Two hours
credit. $12.
Del Toro. 106 Romance Language
Building. 'Thir'day, March 8, 7
English 31. Section 7: 'Tuc 'day,
Thursday, Saturday at 11:00. This
section was originally scheduled to
meet in 302 SW but will meet in 2225
Angell Hall.







That's okay,
Mr O'Mall y.
And if we can
le of further
help to you,
just call us.. ,

Willie!. ..1 told you only to
take messages when you're
minding theswitchboard!
2- J fl
f _ {

Amazing, isn't it, Barnaby? The vast
hoard of invaluable information these
seasoned old stockbrokers have right
at their fingertips. Garnered from a
lifetime of hard experience, I suppose.

By Crockett Johnson
But everybody was out and I had to be polite to
a bigshot like this O'Malley guy who's going to
take over1Hunos-Wattall, Ltd., don't I? And-'
An international financier!
And does he know hes been
'chatting with an office boy! o
Copyight, 1945,The Newspape PM,i. 10

English 293: Members of the
will meet for organization in
A. H. on Thursday, March 8,

at 4


... and,no kidding, when
I answered the phone, who
was it but J. J. O'Malley' . ,

J. J. O'Malley, the international
financier, You heard of him-
/O'Malley? Oh, HIM.

Copigh, 1945,TheNewspapeFPMInc.
So long'

C C 401
So long,

Howard, Mr. Herringbone
wants you. You forgot to
fill his ice-water carafe-
' 7 1 __________

Latin American Studies 194, There
will be an organization meeting of



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