R Ec Ox 'III .M ICIGAN IIAILY tL 1, arx:sY l ri S l; ;S45 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Army Parachutes Out-Dated 7he Pendulum MILITARY TRAINING. Poll Indicates Approval By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-It has now been over a year since this column exposed Army tardiness in ordering the quick-release parachute, but un- fortunately the old-fashioned triple-release har- ness is still dragging some victims to death. Latest tragedy was Lieut. Joseph H. Burton, Jr. of Los Angeles, drowned in the Warwick Riv- er, Virginia, after he was unable to unbuckle his parachute. The body, when found last week, showed that Lieutenant Burton had been able to unfasten one buckle, but not the other two. The parachute was wrapped around his legs and had dragged him under the water. The quick-release parachute features a lit- tle metal box worn on the chest, permitting the parachutist to get out of his harness in ten seconds, instead of laboriously un- fastening three buckles under the thighs and over the shoulder. Though the army at first denied statements in this column that quick- releases are necessary, they have now been ordered. But production has been slow, and men on the home front are not yet sufficiently equipped. Bretton Woods Veto . . . DESPITE the overwhelming vote of the people last November for international cooperation, a majority of the House Banking and Currency Committee is preparing to report unfavorably on the Bretton Woods agreement-first test of the willingness of Congress to participate in international organizations. There has been overwhelming support of Bretton Woods from church, labor and busi- ness groups, .but the 12 Republicans on the com- mittee and two Democrats are ready to vote against the agreement as it now stands. The Democrats are Barry of New York and Baldwin of Maryland. Lobbying against Bretton Woods has been conducted by the top layer of the American Bankers Association--which wants bankers free to make both long and short-term, loans abroad without any government control. The attack has been leveled against the stabiliza- tion fund, without which the international bank would be largely futile. The committee majority will probably not vote against the entire agreement, voting in- stead to tag on various amendments which will necessitate another international conference. Treasury and State Department officials are doubtful if, once we have rejected the Bretton Woods proposal, another agreement can be worked out. Roosevelt and Al Smith ... I T WAS THE LATE Al Smith who more than anyone else persuaded Franklin Roosevelt, I. then discouraged by his physical setback, to run for governor of New York in 1928. The race gave FDR his real start toward the presi- dency. Later Smith was bitterly critical of ,Roosevelt's domestic issues, but with the war they became more friendly. And when Al died last October, Roosevelt paid him a great trib- ute in his Boston speech. Today a modern housing project is being built near Oliver Street, the humble East Side district where Al Smith was reared. And to commemorate the man who came out of the slums to be governor ,f New York, a committee is raising money to build a plaza in the center of the housing project. It will contain a fountain and a plaque to the memory of Alfred E. Smith. When the fund-raising committee wrote Presi- dent and Mrs. Roosevelt, asking for a contribu- tion, a check for $10 came back from war-busy Franklin Roosevelt with no letter; another check for $10 from Eleanor Roosevelt with no letter. From Tom Dewey came a check for $50 with a beautiful letter. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: IslationitstskW1 By SAMUEL GRAFTON SOME CHANGE is bound to come over our poli- tical climate after the war in Europe ends. All our sense of the moment should be stirred by what is now happening. First there will be an elevation of the spirit; then, perhaps, a flat- tening out, and a letdown. The isolationist dor- mouse will stick his nose out, and sniff the new air, and he will ask, perhaps, that our boys should be sent home at once. That cry is standard poli- tics after any war; it will not be neglected after this one. If the isolationist dormouse meets with a good reaction on that slogan, he will go further, he will demand a new automobile and the end of price control. Then he will count every mouthful of food we send to Europe, and he will be against sending any, because, after all, the war there will be over. Something tells me that the isolationist dormouse Japan, as war, and physically to win it. comments It will be will take over the war against his war, his particular and special he will demand that we almost turn our backs on Europe in order The dormouse will also have many to make about Britain and Russia. safe to be nasty again. CINEMA AN ENTHUSIASTIC audience of encouraging size turned out at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night to view the Art Cinema League's second offering of the season, "Grand Illusion." If I'm any judge of audiences, they went away more than satisfied. "Grand Illusion" is Jean Renoir's study of Ger- man prison camps in the First World War. It can be called a classic now in a much truer sense than was possible in 1938, for upon hear- ing the lines about "the grand illusion" you suddenly come to realize that there is here an actual timelessness. Aside from this timeless- ness, which strikes one with curious force, there of course remain the moments which impressed you upon first viewing this film: the exchanges between the professional soldiers, the prison guard glibly explaining the architectural dates of $he grim prison to Jean Gabin; the moment at the play rehearsal when a soldier dons a woman's dress and a blonde wig-all as impres- sive and genuine as on first view. Once again, you come to the conclusion that here is a completely admirable film. For those of my sophomore French accomplish- ments, there are English captions to help out. This occasion raises one's hope for the thriv- ing future of the Art Cinema League, with presentations of American, English and Rus- sian films as well as French. --Barrie Waters 0 N SECON D TII1OUG HT... :ID YOU HEAR about the redskin student who was told to outline a book and wrote an Indian summery? With all of these optimistic predictions roaming around the country, it seems that a lot of people are developing a good sense of rumor. The OPA is going to begin rationing leather shoes for babies so it looks as though you are going to have to do more than shake dice when baby needs a new pair of shoes. It will be a strange, twilight period, between the end of the one war and the end of the other. One seeks for indications as to what its spe- cial quality will be, its feel, its smell. One thing to guard against is a general feeling of disappointment, an unexpectedly bitter taste. We have made "the end of the war" a Cin- derella symbol, shorthand for glory. But as the smoke blows away, there will be Europe, ruined; and its politicians bickering, and of gratitude to us, not much sign. Europe, leaning against its ruined walls, will not somehow feel it has much to be grateful for. We shall look at the mess, and there may be a tendency for some to say, "What did we do it all for?" and the remark may again seem profound, though it will be infantile enough. We shall be healthier if we can force our- selves to understand that we face an un- ending, more than lifelong task, of making this a somewhat saner world; that sometimes we have to use war as our method, and some- times other methods, but the task goes on. It has no end. The sensible among us have promised ourselves nothing for after the war, except a chance to fight for progress in a less bloody way; but that is a good thing, too; you don't get that for two cents and a wish. The coming period will put a strain on our unity; for Hitler will not be at his desk any longer, working so hard to keep us together. It will be polite to 6have private emotions again; or perhaps we might say semi-private emotions, for the war with Japan will still be on: The earlier question, of who gets into the war first, will be replaced by the later one, of who gets our first; and there will be a kind of tension, a cautious circling-about of commercial interests, like wrestling bears; and this will take place in a bleak sort of domestic atmosphere, as our troops move across the country from Europe to the Pacific, hello, good-bye. Some men and machines will be set free to follow their noses, and some will still have to follow the leader. The way we behave in peace and the way we behave in war will be thrown into even more dramatic contrast than usual, for we will be doing both, in effect, ?1r the same time. We must watch out for a kind of splintering, a tearing and rending as some of us go to Europe to get business, and some tell Europe to go to hell, and some go to Japan to die. It may be messy. There will be treaties to conclude in Europe, while we fight in Asia, and if we botch the partial peace, we may take the heart out of the partial war. But we may no longer use the easy emotions about national unity which we have borrowed from the war; we must use our own emotions about sticking together; what- ever is in us, and whatever we've learned, . comes out now. That is what the end of the war in Europe will really mean; school's out; we're on our own. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) By BERNARD ROSENBERG THE DETROIT FREE PRESS op- ines editorially that it would cre- ate a sensation if Frank Lloyd Wright said something sensible for a change. It is true that Wright is a sort of anarcho-pacifist, and so exceedingly unpopular these days. But no one of the hundreds who maintained a hushed silence through Wright's ex- tempore speech last week in Detroit's Rackham Building (which he re- ferred to as a mausoleum) could doubt his ability to say significant and sensible things. Wright has strong, uncompromis- ing views. He is an advocate of or- ganic architecture which he has been trying to explain for some fifty years. Recently The Ladies' Home Journal published his 479th expository article. The basic idea in them all is that a building should be made to serve our needs in a functional way. Its pur- pose is not external ornamentation. Heretofore, Wright believes, men have built from the outside, and concerned themselves only incidentally with how livable and comfortable a house was within. Our architecture is an accurate reflection of what ails West- ern Man generally. We have been interested in fripperies and have for- gotten the interior character of a contemplative life. This observation represents the profoundest kind of truth about our present state of mind which sees us worshipping superficial success and neglecting the spiritual- ity of an inner life, of that "non- attachment" philosophers used to dis- cuss in a less materialistic age. To Wright, architecture is by definition "the structure of things." It thus has to do with music, for instance, or a system of econom- ics. The principle of balance can be applied everywhere so that man will not continue to hang by his eyebrows from skyhooks in asym- metrical torment. By studying the laws of nature and conditions as they exist today without reference to outmoded notions, an architec- tonic basis can be set up for the world. What a nation builds is what it is. Suppose that some future archeolo- gists were to dig up the America of 1945. Could there be any unique monument of our times? Wright thinks so, but he is in some doubt as to whether it would be a water- closet or a washbowl. Too much of our architecture is still medieval (as one stroll around this campus will prove) and classical (look at Wash- ington, D.C.) These types cannot be dissociated from the monarchic ideas which produced them. The big boys in business, who do our building, are not very different in make-up from the Roman plutocrats who construc- ted their villas in antiquity. Wright thinks we need a free architecture for a free people. Most of the plans he has devised for housing have been termed im- practical because they call for spreading out over larger than us- ual areas of land. A goodly per-i centage of people in this country have been crowded into cramped slum areas. With an equable dis- tribution of land and a little plan- ning, every American family could live the full life from which so many have been debarred. If we all had one acre of land, the state of Texas could not be filled. This is a fact conveniently overlooked by those who are more interested in fighting for foreign markets than in running our country as we could. Urban housing, to begin with-in Wright's opinion-needs to be revolutionized, since it is at present about as beneficial to civ- ilization as static is to the radio. Wright left a mid-Western, univer- sity after three and a half years of study. He never took a degree, and he is posiby the most important architect alive. He advises those who 1would fuilow in his steps, "Having read the books, throw them away. Go out and experiment. Learn by your mistakes. I always did. Suc- cesses have only blinded me. Get a conviction about something and do it. If everyone felt that way about war, we would have none." This last Gandhian statement I doubt. If ev- eryone said to himself, I simply will not bear arms, of coui;e there would be no war, but conditions must be changed radically before man can bring hinself to say such a thing. In the final analysis, there is no donbting Wright when he main- tains that any well-behaved slave could obey the four freedoms. The right of every man to lead his own life is a good infinitely greater than any our government has as yet devised. Moreover, Frank Lloyd Wright is a great man, and the Free Press' deprecation of him proves it.' (EDITOR's NOTE: In connection with the discussion of post-war compulsory military training being considered in The Daily this week, we are reprinting the results of a .polltaken on this issue last semester.) Results of a scientifically designed sampling of campus opinion, tabu- lated last semester, indicate campus approval of a post-war program of compulsory national service training. Campus opinion on a program of compulsory training was divided as follows: For men only.........51.5 per cent For men and women.. 17.0 per cent Opposed to any service program ..........30.5 per cent Doubtful .............1 per cent The second question which ask- ed opinion on the type of training to be given showed that 25 per cent favored military training ex- clusively; 71.5 per cent favored military plus other kinds of train- ing; and 3.5 per cent expressed doubt as to the type of program. The third question asked for opin- ion on the type of control which a compulsory service training should have. It was found that 78.5 per cent favored control by a joint board representing Army and Navy, civil- ian government, and educational au- thorities; 16.5 per cent were for Army and Navy control exclusively; 3 per cent said government control, other than Army and Navy; and 2j -per cent were doubtful. When ask- ed, "What should be the relation of such a program to the college and DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 108 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all men- bers of the University. -Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m; of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices To the Members of the University Senate: A special meeting of the University Senate is called for Mon- day, April 9th, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater for the pur- pose of receiving and discussing the report of the Senate Advisory Com- mittee, "The Economic Status of the Faculty". To the Members of the University Council: It is planned to hold the April meeting of the University Coun- cil on Monday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. For women students returning from out-of-town on the night of April first, Easter Sunday, the clos- ing hour will be 12:30 a.m. Identification Pictures are now available in the booth outside of Rm.' 2, University Hall for students who had pictures taken at Waterman Gymnasium during registration for the Spring Term. Victory Gardens: Members of the faculty and other University em- ployees who desire space for a vic- tory garden at the Botanical Gar- dens should apply for it at once to Mr. Roszel. Applications must be in within a week. Attention Pre-Medical Students: The Medical Aptitude Test of the Association of American Medical Col- leges will be given at the University of Michigan on April 13. The test is a normal requirement for admis- sion to practically all medical schools and will not be repeated until next spring. Anyone planning to enter a medical school in the fall of 1945 or in the spring of 1946 and who has not previously taken the test must write tle examination at this time. Further information may be obtain-' ed in Room 4 University Hall. To the Members of the Faculty College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The April meeting of the Fac- ulty of the College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts for the academic year 1944-45 will be held Monday, April 2, 1945, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. The reports of the various com- mittees have been prepared in ad- vance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be re- tained in your files as part of the minutes of the February meeting. Hayward Keniston Agenda 1. Consideration of the minutes of, the meeting of March 5, 1945, (pp. 1161 and 1162) which were distribut- ?d by campus mail. 2. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee- Professor E. S. Brown. b. University Council- Professor D. L. Rich. No Report. 2. Executive Board of the Graduate School-Professor K. K. Landes. d. blanks will be furnished by camp mail and are to be returned to De Crawford's Office, Rm. 255, W. Er Bldg. Attention Engineering Facul Five-week reports below C of Navy and Marine students who a not in the Prescribed Curriculu also for those in Term 5 and 6 in t Prescribed Curriculum, are to turned in to Dean Emmons' Offi Rm. 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not lat than April 7. Report cards may obtained from your department office. A cadeic Notices Physical Education for Wome All classes will meet at the Womei kthletic Building at the designat .ours beginning the week on Mo lay, April 2. Outdoor activities w 3egin on Wednesday, April 4, f'hursday, April 5 according to t Schedule. A Geology 12 Bluebook will be gi m on Wednesday, April 4 at 9 a. students whose names begin A vill take the bluebook in Rm. 1 f the Economics Building; G-Z he Natural Science Auditorium. Psychology 42: It will be necess 'or Dr. Zeigler to be out of town lay and the lecture in Psychology Psychology of the Abnormal) zot be given. English 32, Section 7 will not m oday. H. V. S. Ogd Applicants for Combined Curri fla: Application for admission to ombined curriculum must be ma )efore April :0 of the final p >rofessional year. Application for nay be obtained at 1220 Angell H ,nd should be filed with the Sec ary of the Committees at that offi Events Today University Lutheran Chap._-4 ANashtenaw, will have a speci 7riday Communion Service today :30. The Rev. Alfred Scheips oreach on the subject, "Bought w a Price." Zion Lutheran Church: E. Wa ngton at S. Fifth Ave. Commun service on Good Friday noon at 1 ind Holy Communion Service at 7 .n the evening. university careers of young people involved?" 84 per cent of those polled favored a choice of service within a fixed age range, so that the program would either precede or follow college training, varying in individual cases. Compulsory service at a fixed age, regardless of educational status, was favored by 13 per cent and 3 per cent were doubtful. Some outstanding differences of opinion were found in comparisons of the vote between the sexes. One of the most obvious differen- ces was found between men. and women on the subject of exclusive Army and Navy control of the program. Of the men, 25 per cent favored Army and Navy control while only 7 per cent of the women were for that type of control. A majority of the women, 89 per cent, favored control by a joint board representing Army and Navy, civilian government and educa- tional authorities while 71 per cent of the men voted for this. Another difference was found in the opinion of men and women as to whether women should be included in the training program. Twenty-two per cent of the women polled favored training for men and women while anly 11 per cent of the men were for inclusion of both sexes in the pro- gram. Thirty per cent of the m n Toted for military training exclusiv ly is compared with 18 per cent of e women voting that way. -Evelyn Philli , ri I £ 4 lI 1i. n Y~ s s r a le Is all e. I k1 at ill h - 30 i Coffee Hour: The Student Religi s Association's weekly Coffee Hour 'll aonor Professor and Mrs. Kenneth . Hance in Lane Hall at 4 o'clock ,his afternoon. All members of the student body are cordially invited to be present. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 4:30 p.m., in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "The Role of Cop- per in Biological Reactions" will be discussed. All interested are invited. Coming Events Luncheon-Discussion: The review of Nehru's autobiography "Toward Freedom" originally slated for last week will be presented by Doris Muehl Saturday at noon in Lane Hall. Those anxious 'to attend should make res- ervations for the luncheon by calling q U. but find S. troops are closing in on Frankfurt, after all the bombing they'll probably only an eenie wienie. BARNABY They want interest' On that $100,000,000 loan I made!.. What about the interest on O'Malley Debenture Bonds? Call Mr. O'Malley back, please -What?. . . You don't know his By Crockett Johnson O'Malley Enterprises, Inc. Good morning ... You want p'