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March 29, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-29

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"HURflAYt 1I 4BCll 2% ;194ZL

Labor, Business
Pledge Includes Rights
Of Unions, Management-

Leaders Sign Post-War Charter

Chamber, read the document aloud.
A few minutes later all three signed
Each expressed confidence that his
own organization would approve the
peace charter, and Murray observed
that it was being submitted especial-
ly to the people of the United States
for their approval-"We want people
to talk and think about it and give
us their counsel."
* * *
irector Seeks
BargD amr walt
UAW Strikers
FLINT, Mich., March 28.- (U)-
Carl Swanson, United Automobile
Workers (CIO) regional director,
called a meeting tonight of some
12,000 striking employes at the AC
Spark Plug Division of General Mo-
tors Corporation in an effort to halt
a worktstoppage which began Mon-
day with a walkout of 600 workers.
Similar pleas made by Interna-
tional UAW (CIO) officers were re-
jected last night at a meeting of
2,000, workers.
Swnson and E. S. Patterson. In-
ternational UAW General Motors
representative, said the workers re-
fused to resume production because
of the company's action in discharg-
ing ten workers and suspending five
others in connection with Monday's
If other employes are found "who
took an &ctive part in causing and
leading the strike, disciplinary action
will be invoked against them," H. W.
Anderson, Vice-President of General
Motors, told Walter P. Reuther,
UAW-CIO Vice-President, today.
State Congressmen
Threaten Coalition
LANSING, March 28.--()-A bloc
of Republican House members rep-
resenting urban areas threatened to-
day to form a coalition with the Dem-
ocratic minority, if this is necessary
to obtain additional state aid for
Rep. Louis H. Freye, Muskegon
Republican, Chairman of the bloc,
said he expected the group would
achieve its best effects by working
within the House Republican caucus.

High lights
On Campus...
lIon(or Assembly
Jordan Hall will hold its annual
Hon6r Assembly at 7 p.m. today, in
the main lounge of the dormitory.
Scholarships and awards will be
presented to deserving freshman wo-
men. Dinner guests will include Miss
Alice Lloyd, dean of women, Miss
Jeanette Perry, and Mrs. Mary C.
Brummage, assistant deans of wo-
men, Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Shiel,
Miss Waldo Stahmer, Phyllis Mof-
fitt, Shirley Eibler, Phyllis Van
Brocklin, and Janice Goodman.
Saturday Dance
The International Center will hold
a dance at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the
Racklham Assembly Hall, Assistant
Director George Hall announced yes-
Chaperons for the dance will be
Prof. and Mrs. Albert Marchwardt,
Dean and Mrs. Peter Okkelberg and,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klinger. The
dance will be open to foreign stu-
dents and American friends.
JGP Rehearsal
Women with acting and dancing
parts in the Junior Girls' Play will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today, in the JGP
offices in the League, according to
Carol McCormick.
Attendance is compulsory, but any-
one who is unable to attend should
contact Miss McCormick. At this
meeting, scripts will be given out and
rehearsals will begin.

Casts of Laboratory Theater
One-Act Plays Are Announced
Students in Prof. Rowe's English 85 Class
Write Plays To Be Given at 'U "High School


The casts of the four one-act flays
to be produced by the Laboratory
Theater were announced yesterday
by William Cooke, production mana-
ger. The pilays were written by stu-
dents in Prof. K. T. Rowe's English
85 class.
Carolyn West will play the hgroine
"Lucy" of Joan Lochner's play "Pale
Blond Boy". The play is Miss Loch-
ner's first attempt at playwriting,

Winston Churchill (left), cigar in hand, talks with General of the
Army Dwight D. Eisenhower at an unspecifie(l point on the bank of the
Rhine river. This is a British official photo.
Combined Good Friday Service
To BHeld at Methodist Church
Minister's Association Sponsor Three Hour
Program of Hymns, Meditation, Worship


A combined Good Friday service,
sponsored by the Ann Arbor Minis-
ter's Association, will be held from
noon to 3 p.m. tomorrow in the First
Methodist Church, consisting of three
separate, though continuous hours,
of hymns, meditation, and worship.
Music Hour
An hour of music, depicting the,
life of Jesus in hymns, will be the
first interval of worship, and is to
be under the direction of choir dir-
ectors from three of the participat-
ing chmches. Mrs. Frieda Vogan,
organist at the First Presbyterian
Church will be the accompanist.
The Ann Arbor Youth Council will
conduct the second hour program
which will consist of meditation from
1 to 2 pm.
Kenna To Speak
The final hour of worship will be
a sermon by Dr. J. Brett Kenna ofj
the First Methodist Church, and Rev.
. .- --__- -_
Clarke Speaks
At Raekharn
"The days of pioneer oceanography
are past," Dr. George Leonard Clarke,
Associate Professor of Zoology at
Harvard University and Marine Biol-
ogist at the Woods Hole Oceanogra-
phic Institute at Cape Cod, declared
yesterday afternoon in the addressI
which he delivered in the Rackham
The descriptive work is done, Prof.
Clarke continued, and we are now
in a new era. We are getting in-
creased data and new instruments
practically unheard of before the war,
he said.rPeace research has stopped,
he remarked, and the Woods Hole
Institute is now working under Navy
contracts. We now realize, he stated,
how important it is for our organiza-
tion to work as a team, for the asso-I
ciation of men with original ideas
has brought results.
Oceanographic methods may be
used in the study of the Great Lakes,
Prof. Clarke stated. He showed slides
representing the methods being used
at the Woods Hole Institute, and a
moving picture of a sample project, a
research cruise.


H. L. Pickerill of the Congregational
Church, will be in charge.
Although persons are encouraged
to attend the entire service, Rev.
C. H. Loucks of the Baptist Church
stated that they may attend any
p rtion of theworship they desire.
Lutheran Churches
To Hold Services
Preceding the regular Good Friday
services, Trinity Lutheran Church
will hold Maundy Thursday com-
munion services at 7:30 p.m. today.
Both Trinity and Zion Lutheran
Churches will conduct Good Friday
services tomorrow in their respective
churches. The Trinity service will
be held from 1 to 3 p.m. and will be
conducted by Rev. Henry Yoder,
assisted by Rev. Erwin Bondo of
Christ Lutheran Church, Willow Run.
Communion will follow this two-hour
worship program consisting of sac-
red Good Friday litany and medita-
tions on the Seven Last Words on the
cross. ,
Zion Lutheran Church will con-
duct worship from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
tomorrow, and Rev. E. C. Stellhorn
will lead the service. A communion
service will also be held at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the church for those
who wish to partake of the Holy
Supper on Good Fiday.
Good Friday candlelight services
will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Unitarian Church with Rev. E. H.
Redman officiating. The topic of
his sermon will be the "Relevance of
the Cross."
OPA Increases
Ration Values
WASHINGTON, March 28-()-
The OPA tonight increased pork ra-
tion point values to spread small sup-
plies more evenly, shortly after Sen-
ate investigators tossed back to OPA
the packers' phase of the meat short-
age problem.
The boost of one or two points a
pound on most pork cuts and pork
products will become effective next
Sunday. Price Administrator Ches-
ter Bowles said an estimated five per
cent less pork will be available for
rationing in April than in March and
the point increases are necessary to
aid in getting a better distribution.
Increases also were ordered for
lard, shortening, margerine, salad
and cooking oil. Point values for
all cuts of beef, lamb, veal and but-
ter will remain unchanged.
The Senate Agricultural Commit-
tee, investigating the civilian meat
shortage, a short time earlier check-
ed back to OPA the packers' demands
for "a small reasonable profit."
After hearing "Big Four" packer
Thomas E. Wilson reiterate the tes-
timony of other meat producers that
OPA price ceilings are driving the
industry into bankruptcy or govern-
ment control, the Senate Agriculture
Committee dropped that phase of
their inquiry.
Chairman Thomas (D.-Okla.) told
the committee that attorneys for
the packers and the OPA will try to
work out an agreement. The com-

Helen Titus, pianist, will present3
the final recital in a series of School
of Music facultytprograms at 8:30
p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Mendels-
shn Theater.
Miss Titus will open her program
with selections by Beethoven and
Brahms. "Two Florentine Sketches",
"Etude in C Sharp" by Pattison and
Shepherd's "Second Sonata" will
comprise the remainder of the pro-
SRA Coffee Hour.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Hance
will be guests of honor at the third
weekly Lane Hall Coffee Hour from
4 to 6 p.m. Friday, Joyce Seigan,
social chairman of S.R.A. announced
Hance is associate professor in the
speech department and faculty ad-
visor to Student Town Hall.
Hostesses will be Alice Schwaderer
and Allene Golinken.
R~ailway ...
(Continued from Page 1)
all-steel bodies. One is still being
used by a railroad between Pontiac
and Jackson.
First Streamlining
At present only two passenger
trains run per day, one leaving To-
ledo and the other leaving Frankfort
each morning except Sunday.
The company specializes in freigh-
ting and offers the advantage of
avoiding the delay which other rail-
roads between the Upper Peninsula,
Toledo, and points east encounter
whenthey go through Chicago. Ten
to twelve cars per day is the average
freightage .into Ann Arbor alone.
'Ann Arbor" was Kept in the name
of the railroad because of Asi py's

Final Recital

1 *. 0

Frterich Circle
Will Present
TCes Dames'
"Ces Dames aux Chapeaux Verts,"
a French comedy by Albert Acre-
mant. will be presented May 2 at
8:30 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn
This year's production marks the
39th year, consecutive since 1907,
that the Cercle Francais has pre-
sented a French play.
A psychological study of four old
maids and an old bachelor, "Ces
Dames aux Chapeaux Verts" shows
the narrow-mindedness of such peo-
ple and the tragedy of their frus-
trated life. When a young Parisienne
orphan is placed in their custody,
new ideas and sunshine enter into
their figuratively dark home. As the
curtain falls in the last act, the
young girl is betrothed to a former
sweetheart whom she met in a weal-
thier period of her life, and the youn-
gest of the old maids is about o
marry the old bachelor.
This charming prologue in three
acts met with great success in France
when it made an uninterrupted iun
tor one year at the Theatre Sarah
Bernhardt in Paris.
Tennis Players
To Meet Today
To Determine Future
Organization of Club
Tennis players are invited to an
organization meeting of the WAA
Tennis Club at 5 p.m. today in the
At this meeting the club will de-
cide whether to remain as one unit
or to divide into advanced and be-
ginners' gruups, and a meeting time
will be arranged. Anyone unable to
attend this first meeting may call
Harriet Risk, Tennis Manager, at
The activities of the club will in-
clude instruction for beginners, club
tournaments, and rainy day meet-
ings at which rules, court strategy,
and techniques of team play will be
discussed. The club members will
work on the courts if the labor short-
age makes it necessary.
o~ifoffl... . R
Tournament To End
All first round games in the WAA
individual elimination bowling tour-
nament must be played off by 5:30
p.m. today.
The schedule for the second round
will be posted tomorrow at the WAB.
Any game not played off at the time
scheduled will be regarded as de-

although she received the freshman
Hopwood award in 1944 for her short
All.-Girl Cast
"Pale Blond Boy" is a play about
one man, but there are no men in the
cast. The story is told by the women
who know him. Dorothy Edgar, Eras
Kussurelis, Beth-Sheva Laikin, and
Anne Partney play the principal
"Voice of the Mountain", a sym-
bolistic play by Eleanor Goodrich will
feature Loraine Shepard and Mae
Dix. Miss Betty Lesley will arrange
the dances for the prologue.
Veterans Return
"As You 'Were" by Mary Lou An-
drews considers the problems of the
returning veteran. Arthur Shef, John
Maring, Martin Litman and Henry
Kaminski will play the leading roles.
"Let the Great Gods Command"
by Lois Barker is the story of a
mercy killing. The play has only
f ;ur characters, played by Sherry
Murray, Barbara Weisiberg, Richard
Milliman and James Land.
Bety Feltenstein, Evelyn Burden,
and Ellen Estlun will assist in pro-
The date, tentatively set for the
presentation is April 23, in the audi-
torium of University High School.
The production is sponsored by the
English Department in cooperation
with the Speech Department.

at 5S1etb


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~ppt4 1Pecffi t
For An Early
HIKES in the Arboretum are
more fun when you're wear-.,
ing a playsuit, or shorts and
a T-shirt from the Campus
Shop. It's a spring custom to
get your sun tan as early as
possible, so begin to wear our
"exposure" clothes now.







I ut~ywu r i a PPwlii -vsl wwwo i:I




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