THE MICHIGAN DAILY TflUR SDAY, lV4ARWTI 29, 1945 c . r ,9 r rxgttn ttt1 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Paletstine Policy Protested Fifty-Fifth Year £?ttCPJ to the 6/ or - c% .~ . -I I5 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the lofid in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Fay McFee . Editorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor . ,. . Editorial Director . . . . . .City Editor Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . Associate Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor Business Staff Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. Associate Business Mgr. . . . Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also i66(ared. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPREENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING 1W National Advertising Service, Inc. Coftege PublisbersRepresentative. 420 MADIsoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. cmicAGO - BOsTon - Los ALaEs - SAN FNANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944=45 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY BRUSH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Labor Wastage "MANAGEMENT'S RECORD is something to think about before lashing out in bitter- ness at labor unions and their members," Art Kraft concluded an editorial which appeared on this page Saturday. The testimony of Senator Glen Taylor, Ida- ho Democrat, on his experience as a war worker before his election to Congress, brings into strong relief the enormious amount of labor hoarding which is being practiced by certain firms. - "There was a great deal of loafing; but lest the Senators receive a wrong impression;1'let me say that I do not want them to think that the workers were at fault. I, too, loafed. It was simply because we did not have enough to do. "I can say in all truthfulness," Taylor de- clared, "that I never heard any wt iker in the plant eoimplain because he was over- worked. The only complaint I ever heard was that there was not enough to do. "A good many workers' quit their jobs at the plant and went somewhere else. They would say, I cannot take this. I came here to do an honest day's work. I have always done an honest day's work.' Perhaps a worker would say, 'I have a son in the service and I am leaving.' "Workers would leave and in a week or two they would come back. They all gave the same ekplination of their reason for returning. 'The place I went to was much woi'se than this.' Possibly it was one of the shipyards or steel mills. So they would come back." Senator Taylor's words indicate that labor wastage is not to be blamed on any one class of people. -Myra Sacks ByWDEW PEARSON WASHINGTON-President Roosevelt's meeting with Arab ruler Ibn Saud was the topic of vigorous discussion at a significant meeting of 1,000 Jewish leaders at the Hotel Astor in New York recently. It may have interesting reper-. cussions. Considerable criticism was directed at Roosevelt for his remark that he had learned more about the Moslems and the Jews in five minutes with Iban Saud than he could have learned in a dozen letters. Congressman Emanuel Cellar, New York Dem- ocat and staunch Roosevelt supporter, was one of the most vehement critics of the president at the New York meeting. "There were one million Jews in and around my district in New York who voted for Roose- velt unanimously," Congressman Cellar said. "Their vote made the difference between his victory or defeat. "The Jews," he continud, "do not propose to stand for this sort of thing. Roosevelt is going to have to learn that he can't fool all of the Jews all of the time." senator Ed Johnson, Colorado Democrat, but usually a Roosevelt hater, was also a speaker at the meeting and gleefully joined in the criti- cismi. Referring to the statement that Roose- velt had learned so much about the Palestinian question from the King of Saudi Arabia in five minutes, Senator Johnson said: "it is very strange how the president could have learned anything about the Jewish ques- tion from Ibn Saud. Ibn Saud had never before been outside his own kingdom, and thee is not a single Jew inside his kingdom. Arms for Arabs? SENATOR BREWSTER, Maine Republican, an- other speaker, criticized the present Chur- chill-Roosevelt policy which prevents further migration of Jews to Palestine. "It is extraordinary," he said, "that you have a Jewish national home-to which the Jews can- not go." Then Brewster dropped a bombshell. He reported a Washington rumor that Ibn Saud had asked for an American military mission to train an Arab army and that the President had agreed to send fifty to sixty American officers to Arabia as a military mission. Note-Not all Jews favor the policy of a Jew- ish homeland in Palestine. The President's chief miotive in conferring with Ibn Saud is under- stood to have been Arabian oil, for which Ameri- can firms have important concessions. Also the President may have wanted to counterbalance Russian influence in the Moslem world. Germany Grumbles . * . AUTHENTIC REPORTS from inside Germany tell a terrible story of German disintegration as a result of combined Allied air and ground blows. Travelers in Germany' during the last month say that huge crowds mill around railroad sta- tions night and day waiting for trains which appear infrequently. Police who try to dis- perse mobs are becoming more and more in- effectual. Many local police have joined the ho'de of refugees, until it is almost impossible for Hitler to control the country without using troops. Even Gestapo men are deserting. They are trying desperately to make deals with the Allies through neutral border towns. Army desertions have increased by leaps and bounds. One new and perhaps most significant devel- opment is that most German farmers now flatly refuse to ship food to the cities. This is partic- ularly reminiscent of what happened in the fall of 1918. Farmers have no faith in the German money, give up what goods they are forced to only at the point of a gun. Ilannegano on urfew ... DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN Bob Hannegan, who never observed a curfew until Justice Byrnes's order came out. but who has been a good boy ever since, recently ran into New York restauranteur Toots Shor, whom he brought * ON SECOND 4- THO U G HT... By Bay Dixon THIS IS the first time in years that the Univer- sity of Michigan has held summer school in March. We're thinking that the old weatherman has done a much better job of alleviating the coal shortage than Jimmy Byrnes ever did. * * * * The U. . First Army is in Limburg-not to be confused with cheese or kidnapping, On second thought, it's a good thing that Limburg was captured after we took Cologne. * * * * Ihe Yanks have also crossed the Dill River, putting the Nazis in somewhat of a pickle. to the White House during the last campaign. Hannegan asked Shor if he would stay open the extra hour permitted under Mayor LaGuar- dia's new order allowing night spots to remain open until 1 a. m. "Heck, no," replied Slior. "I am 100 per cent patriotic, If Roosevelt wants us to close up at twelve, we will close' at twelve. Besides, anyone who ain't drunk by midnight ain't trying." Inside Germw*any ... HITLER'S OWN newspaper, Voelkischer Beo- bachter, last week carried a significant article by Dr. Michael Baumel telling how the Allied offensive is affecting the German people. It says: "Who would deny that this war is tormenting us more and more? Who has not felt himself near death and, in the face of the destruction of his own possessions, has not thanked fate for the gift of bare existence beneath the smoking ruins? The look on the faces of men and women who surge up from the cellars says more than any words. Their eyes are the eyes of tormented people." De- spite all this, Hitler is still urging the German people to carry on. (Copyright, 1945, Bell yndcate) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Treaty Business By SAMUEL GRAFTON WE ARE STILL the enigma of the world, in the field of economic collaboration with our allies. The Congressional basket is piled high with proposals which are awaiting action. The chief clerk's desk, in both Houses, is becoming a clutter of unanswered messages. Mr. Roosevelt has asked the Senate to ratify the Mexican water treaty; but the Senat has preferred to use its time to slug Mr. Aubrey Williams. He asked the Senate to ratify the Anglo-American oil treaty, but so much opposi- tion developed that the treaty had to be quietly withdrawn for renegotiation. Perhaps there were some valid objections to it, but the incident has made Britain (and the world) remember dole- fully how hard it is to get any kind of treaty business concluded with the United States. We need a world trade conference, and one is being talked about in the State Department. Such a conference would give us a picture of what the world is going to want to buy from us, and what it will try to sell to us; it would give our business men something solid to figure on for postwar. But the world cannot meet in a trade conference until it knows what it is going to use for money. The Bretton Woods monetary agreement answers that question, by setting up a World Fund, to help keep currencies stable. But Congress is taking its time about Bretton Woods, and until it acts on Bretton Woods, there can be no world trade. Here, again, the world is gaining the opinion that agreements with us (especially economic agreements, which may offend small but pow- erful interests) have to pass through an ex- tremely sticky process. We cannot, really, go on forever, holding formal economic conferences with the rest of the world, only to find that we can't deliver what has been agreed upon. If it keeps up, our invitations to such conferences are going to cease to be thrilling to a world which looks to our leadership in restoring trade. We have a curious, almost provincial, ap- proach to international economic agreements; we expect them to be absolutely satisfactory, in every detail, to every element of the Am- erican community. That cannot be; we have to give in order to get. Great Britain doesn't like certain features of Bretton Woods at all; she would like much more flexibility in alter- ing the value of her currency than i provided; but she has consented; she has given in to us. We have no apparatus for giving in. In the Congressional arena, through which agreements must pass, any offended American interest seems able to delay action, whether it be a State, like California, which doesn't like the Mexican water treaty, or oil companies which object to the Anglo-American oil treaty, or bank- ers who want the initeniance of currency stability to be a private business, instead of a public utility. These interests deserve all possible consideration, and yet we do have to try to struggle through to a somewhat larger view. We cannot live entirely alone, and pre- cisely and absolutely as we like, with seven cats and fourteen dogs, without being considered sort of eccentric, and hermit-like, and unfriendly. A Presidential messenger has just brought in two more documents, and placed them on top of the tottering pile on Congress' desk. Mr. Roose- velt wants the power to reduce tariffs by 50 per cent, as a basis for negotiating trade deals. And he wants us to join the Food and Agricul- tural Organization of the United Nations, an advisory body through whose researches the world hopes to learn how not to go hungry. The pile grows higher, and the world waits and watches. No doubt there will be sound little arguments urged against both proposals, but what of the sound big argument that America has to learn to live in the world and with the world? (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) Liberals TO THE EDITOR: It has been the consistent policy of The Daily editorial staff, I believe it fair to say, to emphasize the fact that we must have a progressive out- look on the social, political, and eco- nomic problems of our day. We must keep moving, unceasingly striving to attain the higher objectives of life. We must march onward, gradually transforming the ideals of democracy into reality. While humanity is marching for- ward, the conservative-so is he depicted-exerts all his energy try- ing to impede this movement, if not to reverse its direction. It is the conservative who obstructs the path leading to true democracy. It is the conservative to whom the concept of hunian rights is but a secondary consideration. It is the conservative who is the deadly foe of the general welfare of the na- tion, of the happiness and security cf the common people throughout the world, That the conservative has often. been guilty of these accusations there can be no doubt. Against the con- servative there can justifiably be levied charges that he does frequently oppose democracy and that his ac- tions are not always conducive to the general welfare. The danger to democracy and to the common good of mankind from this source, however, is almost negli- gtble when compared to the destruc- tive effects of the teachings and writings of the "half-baked liberal". 'or it is often this type of liberal who brings the conservative into being. Not content with stating his views, this liberal must constantly revert to the most infantile kind of side re- marks which repel anyone who makes the slightest attempt to be fair. That the half-baked liberal has a right to do so I do not deny. It is' merely that the stand of this liberal is, in a sense, a perfect farce. The latter, at first perhaps very eager to hear this liberal's stand, will become increasingly irritated by the child- ishness of the writer. The more dis- gusting the liberal, the more effec- tively will his reader be driven to the other side. May I suggest to these liberals a re-reading of the groat writings of their idols. Only this time, instead of loking for phrases they can sling at the conservatives, may I request that they notice the digni- fied humility of these men. May they observe the trusting sincerity of Jefferson and Lincoln and the rough fair-and-square attitude of Jackson. Then may they make the characteristics of these men the b:asic principles of their daily liv- irg. In io doing they will convert more conservatives than could. be done by writng a thousand books. ---arry Daum, L.S.A. Town Hail r 10 THE EDITOR : Last Thursday night I attended a meeting of the Student Town Hall. I went because I wanted to compare the biped with other peds. I made some careful mental notes which I will present to you. I feel positive that I was surround- ed with intellect of the most liberal and progressive type that the Cam- pus is capable of producing. The reason that I know this is because nearly everyone there had ideas and aired them. But something had gone wrong: a lot ofthese people,un- consciously or otherwise, were talk- ing the talk of isolationism. They want us to disarm and return to the status quo of the Thirties so that we won't become militarists or (some said) Imperialistic in Design. They said that if we take steps to protect ourselves against agression in the fu- ture,other nations wouldn't like it and would be mad at us for it and probably would raise bigger armies (and navies too) just for spite and come over here and hurt us. The funny part about all this is the fact that every one of these paw-in-trap citizens would spit smack in your eye, or worse, if you accused them of being reactionaries or isola- tionists because every one of them would indignantly insist that he be- lieved in world-wide co-operation among nations (as long as all the other nations behaved themselves and deserve to associate with US.) He would shout that he certainly believed in freedom and representation for small nations (as long as the little snips didn't combine and try to put one over on US) and he'd holler that he believed in a world police force to keep an eye on John Bull and the Reds (calling them the English people and the Russian people sounds much friendlier, don't you think?) because anyone could see with half an eye that. if they weren't policed they would fix US. Who does US think we is, any- way? It seems to me that's the biggest cause of the trouble. We have sat in the middle of the par- lor floor so darn long that we don't want to play IT in what we have seared ourselves into thinking will turn out to be a. game of Modern Musical Chairs, What other explanation is there for this type of thinking? Here we are, just emerging from the most terrible war of all time, with deep scars on our minds, bodies, and Republican pocket-books (bless 'em) because we were so bigoted, blind and just plain cussed stubborn that we wouldn't lift a finger to prepare an adequate defense until the Japs called our bluff and somebody smacked us in the head with Mein Kampf. Why can't we learn that peace for US lies in spelling it in the lower case, ceasing lip service and really doing our part in the thank- less task yet to come by sacrificing some of our blessed, blessed sover- eignty for the good of more endur- ing peace in the world? Why can't we do the things we are forever blatting our heads off about? I'll bet you fifty cents the Senate will turn the whole deal down cold when the fateful day comes. I'll bet another six bits the American people will let them, too. Any tak- ers? I can't think of a bet I would more cheerfully lose. Now I have only one thing left to say: In this sense, let's take steps to make sure that we become a whole nation of losers! -John Jadwin I: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Uncle Sam SAM IS AN UNCLE in more ways tian one. The old boy is now paying doctor and hos- pital bills for about one baby out of every six in the, country. Half a million progeny of nieces and. nephews claim him already, and he expects 250,000 more. For two years the federal emergency maternity and infant care program, designed to help the wives and babies of low-salaried service-men without cost to them, has been functioning, and so far, Uncle Sam has paid out $70,000,000 to help embryo families of men in the services. Immediately, some people will shout "social- ism" }-and "what's this country coming to when the government sticks its nose into such per- sonal affairs?" Whereupon some young wife and mother might well reply, "I'd rather have a living and healthy child that the government-its Uncle Sam-helped us to ha've than the memory of one who died because we couldn't afford a competent doctor or hospital." We are inclined to agree with that young wife and mother. -B ettyann Larsen Negro Toops FOR 6"HE FIRST TIME in American History, white and Negro troops are fighting side by side. There were two Negro platoons in one com- THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 107 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices To the Members of the Faculty College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The April meeting of the Fac- ulty of the College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts for the academic year 1944-45 will be held Monday, April 2, 1945, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. The reports of the various com- mittees have been prepared in ad- vance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be re- tained in your files as part of the minutes of the February meeting. Hayward Keniston Agenda 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of March 5, 1945, (pp. 1161 and 1162) which were distribut- ed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee-- Professor E. S. Brown. b. University Council- Professor D. L. Rich. No Report, c. Executive Board of the Graduate School--Professor K. K. Landes. d. Senate Advisory Committee on Uni- versity Affairs-Professor N. E. Nel- son. e. Deans' Conference- Dean Hayward Keniston. 3. New Business. 4, Announcements. There is a very urgent need for more Dailies. -Mrs. Ruth Buchanan Museum Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports on standings of all civilian Engineering freshmen and all Navy and Marine students in Terms 1. 2, 3, and 4 of the PrescribedTCur- riculum are due April 7. Reportj blanks will be furnished by campus, mail and are to be returned to Dean Crawford's Office, Rm. 255, W. Eng. Bldg. Attention Engineering Faculty: By Crockett Johnson Hello, Mr. Boggs, I called to- WHAT?. . . An interest payment Five-week reports below C of all Navy and Marine students who are not in the Prescribed Curriculum; also for those in Term 5 and 6 in the Prescribed Curriculum are to be turned in to Dean Emmons' Office, Rm. 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than April 7. Report cards may be obtained from your departmental office. Attention Pre-Medical Students: The Medical Aptitude Test of the Association of American Medical Col- leges will be given at the University of Michigan on April 13. The test is a normal requirement for admis- sion to practically all medical schools and will not be repeated until next spring. Anyone planning to enter a medical school in the fall of 1945 or in the spring of 1946 and who has not previously taken the test must write the examination at this time. Further information may be obtain- ed in Room 4 University Hall. Students who are planning to peti- tion the -lopwood committee for per- mission to compete in the contests should read paragraph 18 on page 9 of the Hopwood bulletin and sub- mit their petitions before April sec- ond, Victory Gardens: Members of the faculty and other University em- ployees who desire space for a vic- tory garden at the Botanical Gar- dens should apply for it at once to Mr. Roszel. Applications must be in within a week. Lectures Spanish Lecture: La Sociedad His- panica will present the sixth lecture in the annual series tonight at 8 in the Michigan Union. Mr. Francisco Villegas will speak on "Deportes en Costa Rica." Tickets for the indi- vidual lecture will be on sale at the door for those who do not hold tick- ets for the series. A cademic Notices Language Examination for M. A. Degree Candidates in History: This examination will be held on Friday, March 30th at 4 p. m. in Room B Haven Hall. Students should bring their own dictionaries and are re- quested to sign up in advance in the History Office. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for June: Please call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 University Elementary School, on Thursday or Friday afternoon,. schools. The University will pay the fee for this April examination. Any- one wishing to take the examination must register a.t the Information Desk of the Graduate School Office in the Rackham Bldg. before March 30, Students, College of Literature, Science & the Arts: Applications for scholarships should be made before April 14. Application forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed at that office. The special short course in speeded reading will meet in Rm. 4009 Uni- versity High School Building, Tues- days and Thursdays at 5. First reg- ular meeting today. There is no charge for this non-credit course offered for college students who wish to improve their reading ability. Concerts Faculty Recital: The final program in the group of piano recitals by members of the School of Music fac- ulty will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Sun- day, April 1, when Helen Titus will present compositions by Beethoven, Brahms, Pattison, and Shepherd. The public is cordially invited. - Events 7oday Tea at the International Center, every Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m. Faculty, foreign students, and their American friends are cordially invited. Post-War Council members are asked to attend an important meet- ing at 4 in the Union. New members are cordially invited. Please bring eligibility cards. There will be a Phi Lambda Upsilon meeting in the Chemistry Building, Rm. 303, at, 4:30 p.m. All members are urged to come. Refreshments will be served. Compulsory meeting for all dormi- tory and League house War Activities Chairmen will be held at 5 o'clock today in the League. Room will be posted. Trinity Lutheran Church: E. Wil- liam at S. Fifth Ave., will have a Communion Service this evening at 7:30. On Good Friday from 1 to 3 p.m. there will be a regular worship service and communion following. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert will be held in the ladies lounge of the Rackham Build- ing at 7:45 p.m. An all-Brahms pro- gram will be played featuring varia- f Y. ' ,_ BARNABY And I'd pay all my debts, too. From the petty cash drawer af Say! I'll call Mr. Dormant! The obliging banker who floated all I'll explain how anxious I amn to return the four nickels I've _ 7