Swo T II MICHIGAN DAILY fsa ND MARC 28, 1945 Vet Aid Bill Forced Back to Committee Prof.Maddy Announces Music Camp Season at Interlochen By The Associated Press LANSING, March 27-(AP)-A bill to provide for "bargain" sale of state-owned lands to veterans for homestead purposes was returned to the House Military and Veterans Affairs Committee today in what Rep. Pat- rick J. Doyle, Dearborn Democrat and its chief sponsor, said he feared was an attempt to kill the bill. Land Prices Down The bill would make available to ( v 'Best Film of Year' Says Board of Review "Grand Illusion" starring Jean Ga- bin and Eric von Stroheim will be presented by the Art Cinema League at 8:30 p. m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This is the second offering of the Art Cinema League since its reor- ganization at the beginning of the semester. The purpose of the League is to give students the opportunity of viewing films of exceptional artistic merit which do not reach many com- mercial theatres. Both American and foreign films are shown, and those students tak- ing Russian, Spanish, French and German will be able to acquaint themselves with an active use of the language. "Grand Illusion" was chosen "best film of the year" by the National Board of Review. The film is a French production with English sub- titles. Tickets for the movie may be ob- tained at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office starting today. BRITISH SUPPORT LANDS ON RHINE EAST BANK-British troops of the Cheishire regiment land near a destroyed bridge on the east bank of the Rh ine River, at Wesel, Germany, to support British Commando forces. They crossed on "Buffaloes," fr om which the men at right are disembarking. This is a British official photo. Jobin Interprets French Affairs In Final Lecture Believes Dissension Caused Her Downfall Unity and better preparation might have postponed the defeat of France in 1940, Antoine J. Jobin of the French department, declared in the sixth and final lecture of the Cercle Francais at 4:10 p. m. yesterday in Alumni Memorial Hall, but he con- tinued, "40,000,000 Frenchmen against 80,000,000 Germans and 45,- 000,000 Italians could not have held out long." The morale of the French people was low in 1938-9, he said, and with internal dissension and too many factions within the country a more serious state of affairs resulted in France because of its location next to Germany than in other democra- cies where a similar situation was prevalent. The French in 1917-8, Prof. Jobin ascertained, had great faith in Wood- row Wilson's plan for world peace. MUSIC SEMINAR TODAY: Discussion To Be Conducted By Les Hetenyi,_New Director 4-- _______________________ The third regular Music Seminar, sponsored by the Student Religious Association, will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall when Les Hetenyi, new director of the seminar, will con- duct a discussion on the second part of Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis" which will be played during the sem- inar. Hetenyi Born in Budapest Hetenyi, who is also president of the Veteran's Organization on cam- pus, was born in Budapest, Hungary, where he received his primary and secondary education. Three weeks before the war broke out in 1939, he came to the United States. While working on his B. A. in Business Administration at Penn State, he also taught three courses on opera as' a student instructor. Hetenyi was in the army from De- cember, 1942, to October, 1943, and before coming to the University, he JLjrnrltf H ld Dr' Robert Elman, Professor of Surgery at the Washington Univer- sity School of Medicine, St. Louis, will be the guest speaker at the annual initiation lecture of Alpha Omega Alpha, national honorary medical society. The lecture will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday, in the Rackham Amphi- thlatf'. All medical students and faculty are cordially invited to at- tend., Senate Committee Okays Nurse Draft WASHINGTON, March 27.-(1)- Acting with :surprising speed, the Senate Military Committee voted un- animously today to sponsor Nurse Drafting Legislation after broaden- ing a House-approved bill to permit induction of married women. I, Contrasted to the fictitious concep- tion, French women contributed, he B maintained, a great deal to the war By Fraternty effort, many of them being engag- ed in transportation, factories, and . Lambda Chi Al ha held a Fo fund- farms. From his experience at the Uni- versity of Dijon Prof. Jobin observed that the French student interested in social and political problems reveals a great maturity of mind. Engaging in no outside activities and appear- ing overworked, they might, he as- serted benefit from the healthy form of recreation practiced in the United States. er s Day Celebration and dinner March 25 at the chapter apartment. Twenty-five alumni were present including G. Zimmerli, '17, who acted as m.c., W. Lockwood, '14, who was a charter member of Sigma Zeta Michi- gan chapter, and Chuck Bernard, All- American center in 1930. Guest speaker was Dr. Dow Bax- ter, of the forestry department. taught German at the University of Pennsylvania, Came To Ann Arbor in 1944 In July, 1944, he came to Ann Ar- bor, and is now working on his Master's Degree in musicology, which is defined as a "scholarly and scienti- fic study of music, including histori- cal, and accustical research, and teaching techniques. "The Develop- ment of Singing Styles in Opera," which is the subject of Hetenyi's thesis, is an example of the subject- with which musicology deals. Mozart's "Magic Flute" will be the next master-work to be consider- ed at the seminars, and discussion and playing of the various movements will continue for the next few meet- ings. Only Prerequisite Is Interest "Any suggestions for future pro- grams, if made in person at one of the seminars, or if left in writing at Lane Hall, will be considered as much as possible," stated Hetenyi, who ad- ded that "there are no prerequisites necessary for attendance at the sem- ' inars except an interest in music." Students' Plays 'To Be Produced Lab Theater To Give Amateurs a Chance In its Laboratory Production for Playwriting the English Department in cooperation with the Speech De- partment will give its second series of four one-act plays. The date for presentation has been set tentatively as the 23rd of April in the auditor- ium of University High School. The plays which were written in Mr. Kenneth T. Rowe's class in the writing of the one-act play are "Voice of the Mountain" by Eleanor A. Good- rich; "Pale Blond Boy" by Joan Loch- ner, "As You Were" by Mary Lou Andrews, and "Let the Great Gods Command" by Lois Barker. Mr. William Cooke, Special stu- dent in the English Department is in charge of production. "The presentation gives the stu- dents an opportunity to see their plays in production and to see the difficulties involved," said Mr. Cooke who was the Director of the Port Huron Little Theatre before coming to Ann Arbor. "Final casting will be announced today," said Mr. Cooke. "This too gives an opportunity to students since anyone may try out for a part, Numbering among its summer ac- tivities band, orchestra, choir, radio, drama, dance and art divisions, the National Music Camp at Interlochen will hold its 18th annual season from July 1-Aug. 27, Prof. Joseph E. Mad- dy, president of the camp, announc- ed recently. Formed in 1927 as a non-profit ed- ucational corporation for the purpose of strengthening school orchestras and bands, training American play- ers and conductors for symphony To Be Available To Student Body Selesnick Promotes New Campus Project To incorporate the library of the Hillel Foundation into a reference collection for the entire student body is the prime function of the recently reorganized Hillel library committee, directed by Sheldon Selesnick, '46. "Rather than limit the library shclves to works primarily of in- terest only to Jewish students, it is our plan to have all students feel that in this library they can find a handy source of all kind of read- ing material generally applicable to their college needs," Seh'siick affirmed yesterday. Organized on a whole committee- subcommitee basis, the library group will, after setting the library in workable order, catalogue present books and select and acquire new books, working partly through pub- lishing contacts. They plan also to check the required and supplemental reading lists of campus courses of governmental, historical and socio- logical natures. "Because the library committee is already one of the largest at the Foundation, it serves too as an ex- cellent social oiganization, in which all students, and especially the newer ones, may develop the abil- ity to work together in harmeny," Selesnick declared. This secondary objective is a logical outgrowth of the plan to make the library an all-campus function, he pointed out. As a social organization, the com- mittee is preparing a program of dances and parties and other out- ings, with a picnic already scheduled for early April. Although first set up through Hillel, the committee's ac- tivities purpose to increase its scope so that it will not be limited merely to that organization. Some 25 students who form the library committee have already be- un work on the objectives of the group. Selesnick has asserted that there still remain enough projects for four or five additional sub- committees. Those who are inter- ested in the twofold purpose of the committee are invited to the gen- eral meeting at 3 p.m. today at the Foundation. r. Clarke To Give Address Dr. George Leonard Clarke, ma- rine biologist, will speak on "A Con- sideration of Oceonographic Methods for Great Lakes Problems" at 4:15 p. m. tomorrow in the Rackham Am- phitheatre. The address is under the sponsorship of the Zoology and Geology Departments. Lantern slides and a 16 mm.. film will be used to illustrate important physical and biological aspects of the Great Lakes. Employing his vast research experience in this field, Dr. Clarke will compare methods used in the study of the oceans with his studies made in the Great Lake re- gions. The speaker has explored extensively in the areas of the West Indian and North Atlantic Oceans. Dr. Clarke is an Associate Profes- sor of zoology at Harvard University and the Marine Biologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute at Cape Cod. orchestras and stimulating American composers, the National Music Camp has become one of America's out- standing educational institutions. Youngest Symphony in the World One of the major music organiza- tions cf the summer camp is the "youngest symphony orchestra in the world," the National High School Or- chestra under the direction of Prof. Joseph E. Maddy and guest conduc- tors. Interlochen is the only place where "teen-aged" youth master and perform a symphonic program every week. Choral organizations include the High Suhool Choir, Festival Choir, High School Girls' and Boys' Glee headed by Maynard Klein, director of choral music at Tulane University and Sophie Newcomb College, New Orleans. Band Nhumbers More than 100 The National Music Camp Sym- phonic Band numbers more than a hundred players. Walter C. Welke, conductor of band and orchestra at University of Washington, Seattle, was the regular band conductor dur- ing 1943 and 1944 and expects to return for this year's season. Guest conductors last year included War- rant Officer Thor Johnson, former Chcral Union director, Dr. Howard Han ,,on, Clarence Sawhill, Robert L. Sanders and Prof. William D. Revelli. Courses carrying residence credit will be offered by the University at Interlochen in the departments of music, speech and physical education, ,ome of which carry graduate credit. In addition to the regular eight-week summer courses, the University offers several short-term refresher courses for teachers in connection with high EchCol band, orchestra and choral festivals or clinics. Camps Divided into Six Units The Interlochen camps are divided into six separately organized units: campus area, including the outdoor Interlochen Bowl where frequent concerts are given; high school girls' and high school boys' divisions; Jun- ior girls' division (Camp Interlo- chen); junior boys' division (Camp Penn Loch); and college division. Deeb Condemns O bjector's Camp 'Intolerable Conditio' Eists at Germfask GRAND RAPIDS, March 27-(M)- U. S. District Attorney Joseph F. Deeb said today that unless certain changes are made in the operation of the camp for conscientious object- ors at Germfask, Michigan, he would "ask that the camp be transferred from this judicial district." "I do not hold National Selective Service Headquarters in any way at fault," Deeb told newsmen, stating that an "intolerable condition" at the camp had resulted from highly-edu- cated conscientious objectors "com- ing under the supervision of men unable to cope with them." Camp Germfask, which is located in the ,Seney Wild Life Refuge, is sponsored by Selective-Service and operated by the Department of the Interior. It has been the scee of a long list of "incidents" including de- sertions and one instance in which objectors destroyed canned food- stuffs and broke dishes. Deeb advocated a change in ad- ministration policy at the camp as a means of curtailing the number of in- dictments against interned conscien- tious objectors. I . =A MICHIGAN MEN AT -WAR (EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributions to this column should be addressed to the Mili- tary Editor, Michigan Daily, 420 May- nard.) Among former University students now serving in the armed forces are Lieutenant FRANK O'BRIEN, busi- ness manager of The Daily in 1943, Private ALBERT COHEN, president of Hillel Foundation and a member of the debate team while he was on campus, and Ensign MERV PREG- ULMAN, All-American guard in 1943. Lt. O'Brien is serving with the infantry in the Philippine Islands while Pvt. Cohen, who was gradu- ated from the School of Business Administration in June, 1943, has been overseas serving in Italy and France since last August. Ens. Pregulman reports meeting MEL SRILVER, a classmate both at the University and at Columbia Midship-i men's School recently at a fueling base in the South Pacific. The Air Medal recently has been awarded to Flight Officer ROBERT K. CAVAN for "meritorious achieve- ment" while participating in heavy bombing attacks against military and industrial targets in Germany and western Europe. F. O. Cavan, a former student, is navigator on an Eighth Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress. He is a member of the 385th Bombardment Group. * * * Lieutenant SHELDON KUSHNER, who attended the University until he entered the army air forces in Feb- ruary,d1943, has just completed pilot B-24 training at Smyrna Air Field in Tennessee and is now entering B-29 school. * * * Serving as Personal Equipment Of- ficer in a Twelfth Air Force Thunder- bolt squadron in Italy is First Lieu- tenant EDWARD B. BARRETT, who received AB and LLB degrees from the University before entering the air forces. Lt. Barrett arrived over- seas in July, 1944. * * * A second Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal has been awarded to another University graduate, First Lieutenant ROBERT A. PLATT, pilot of an Eighth Air Force Flying Fortress. * * * Staff Sergeant JOHN L. INGER- SOLL, an administrative specialist with a fighter group in China has completed 18 months of overseas ser- vice, most of it with the Chinese- American Composite Wing of the Fourteenth Air. Force. Sgt. Ingersollrwas a member of Phi Delta Theta social fraternity and Sphinx honorary fraternity while on campus. Ending Today 4 I4E EXCITIH STORY OF YOUTH . ADVENTR! UNION DANCE Thi W eek "BUNNY HOp" on MARCH 31 . . . 9-12 EGG HUNT - Mar. 29 t, atCpeCd CLASSIFIED ADVLTISING ll '1 LOST: Glasses in red case Monday afternoon near campus. Reward. Call Jeanne 'Clare, 2-4561. LOST: Navy blue leather wallet with zipper on 2 sides. Contained check and about $8. Call Lois Calvin 2-1288. Reward. LOST: Tan gabardine top coat. Call Don Shapiro, 3022. LOST: Eversharp pen. Black with gold trim, near Angell' and Uni- versit Halls- Rward- Call Hria 6710 and receive substantial re- ward. LOST: Brown billfold Friday on cam- pus or in Chem. building. Return cards and billfold to Frances Paine, 502 E. Madison. Phone 7017. HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED: Women or girls for lunch counter and soda fountain. If you are in need of part time, evening, or week end employment, contact Mr. B. John- son at 226 S. Main St. Etn ICAI V and get your HAKE UP! '4 . ., '45 'ENSIAN IllI I