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March 27, 1945 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-27

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1 _ . _

Begin with War s End

"To relieve possible unemployment the state of Michigan must be
prepared to enter the postwar period with a large backlog of public works
projects in the completed blueprint stage ready to start construction,"
Robert N. Cross of the Bureau of Business Research said in an interview
"The projects, the total 'estimated construction cost of which is
$473,427,817, should provide employment for the possible postwar unem-
ployed in Michigan," he stated. "Tm- - --
mediately following the war, a series county highway purposes and $4;000,-
of public works will probably be need-
ed upon which construction can start 0 for the use of other local units
at once, requiring a high proportion for new buildings and capital im-
of "on site" labor and a minimum of provements to meet requirements in
potentially critical material such as sanitation, health, education and
steel and brass," he continued, add- other fields."
ing that these projects should be soA
well planned in advance both from Application Checked
the physical and financial stand- "Each application must be checked
points that the advertising of bids to assure need, workability, and com-
and the letting of contracts can pro- pliance with the act," he said, point-
ceed with the minimum of delay. ing out that every application is
Unemployment, he said, will not wait checked both through agencies which
the materialization of half-formed can determine its worth and through
ideas. the Buildings Division of the State
State Aids Local Units Administrative Board, which pro-
vides the engineering and architec-
"To promote postwar planning an tural examination. "The applica-
appropriation was made by the 1944 tions are examined to see whether
special session of the legislature to they will fit the needs of the com-
pay fifty per cent of the cost of munity, how many man-hours of lab-
preparing blueprints for local public or will be provided by the project, the,
works. This has led to over 1,800 ap- amount of machinery needed and the
plications for planning aid from local amount of outside financial aid which
units of government, with each of will be necessary to complete the pro-
Michigan's 83 counties represented," ject," he continued, demonstrating
he said. "The Bureau of Business that in this way plans can be judg-
Research is now in the process of ed according to their practicability.
making an inventory and analysis of "The process of classifying plans
these projects which were submitted according to cost of project, cost of
to the State Planning Commission by plans, time required to complete
various local governmental agencies. plans, completion date and other
Of the total applications," he said, .
"h n scharacteristics at first appear bur-
$1,000,000 has been set aside for densome," Mr. Cross explained, "but
through a punchcard system for
{ . To sorting and tabulating and the as-
STo sistance of Alan D. Meacham of the
Sorting and Tabulating Station at
Be D iscussed the University, the evaluating of the
projects has been greatly simplified
and accelerated."

Legislators Ur ge
New Search for
Iron in State
Interests Want 'More
Exploration in North
By The Associated Press
LANSING, March 26-Upper pen-
insula interests are demanding more
aggressive state exploration for new
iron ore deposits since it became
known that the Penn Iron Mine at
Norway, last underground mine in
the Menominee Range, will close this
summer, P. J. Hoffmaster, state con-
servation director, said today.
Hoffmaster said legislators report-
ed pressure to give the Conserva-
tion Department's geological survey
an additional $25,000 for exploratory
work, besides $12,000 sought for the
agency's original surveys.
Aggressive Effort Asked
Hoffmaster said he ha&' received
urgent letters from Grover C. Dill-
man, president of the Michigan Col-
lege of Mining and Technology, and
George E. Bishop, secretary of the
Upper Peninsula Development Bu-
reau, calling for "more aggressive"
state effort to uncover new deposits.
Hof master said the department's
geologists 'Vere quite hopeful" of
finding more ore bodies to continue
mining operations in the area.
He insisted, however, that state
work be limited to general explora-
tion and not extend to the actual
sinking of test drills. The latter, he
said, was a job for private industry
which would profit from the discov-
Ore Running Out
Reportifng estimates that known ore
reserves in the Upper Peninsula are
running out faster than the public
realizes, Hoffmaster warned that the
opening of a new mine requires sev-
eral years of preliminary work and
that many mining communities face
lean years before new mines are
ready, even if exploration is quickly
Additional Red Stamps
To Be Valid April First
WASHINGTON, March 26.-UP-_
Five additional red stamps for buying
meats and fats wi'll become valid
April 1, along with five more blue
coupons for processed foods.
Both sets, the OPA announced to-'
day, will be good through July 31.
The new red stamps, in book four:
K2, L2, M2, N2 and P2. The blue
stamps, also in book four, are: T2,
U2, V2, W2 and X2.

generator on the western front, one of a number which was used to
provide a smoke screen for British preparations for thejump across
the Rhine River, now under way.
'U' Grad in 'Philippie Islands
Refuses Jap Go'vernmn Post

"Brazilians look to America as the
perfect country, the nation where
everything is solved," Mrs. Dinorah
Vital Brazil, federal inspector for
high schools in Rio de Janeiro, stat-
ed in an interview yesterday.
Touring the United States on a
State Department grant to study
language teaching methods at Michi-
gan, Columbia and Harvard, Mrs.
Brazil is observing courses offered
Latin American students in the Eng-
lish Language Institute and the
l-llle- --i--ive-
Menmbershiip Is
Now Under Wad
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
is holding a membership drive from
March 24 to April 8.
The Foundation offers to its mem-
bers activities in the religious, cul-
tural, social, social welfare and edu-
cational fields.
Membership of the foundation now
includes 80% of the Jewish students
on campus, in contrast to the 50%
belonging at the time of its founding
18 years ago. The goal of the cain-
paign is to attain at least 90% mem-
Director of the Foundation, Rabbi
Jehudah M. Cohen, is assisted by
eight student directors, who are in
charge of coordinating activities. The
Student Council, a body of 25, is
elected by the members of the Foun-
Newly elected Student Council of-
ficers are David Loewenberg, presi-
dent; Betty Korash, vice-president;
Sheldon Selesnick, 2nd vice-presi-
dent; and Fay Bronstein, secretary.
Chairmen of the enrollment com-
mittee are Betty Ginsberg and Helen
Alpert. Student Director in charge is
Beryle Walters,
Lane Hall To Hold
Religious Seminar
The third session of a seminar in
religious thought will be held at 7:30
p. m. today in Lane Hall.
Continuing the study of Soren
Kierkegaard, Danish poet and phil-
osopher, Franklin H. Littell, director
of Lane Hall, will lead a discussion
regardiing a poetic style which Kier-
kegaard called "indirect communica-
tion." All students interested in the
discussion are invited to attend.
Faculty Members
Guests of Fraternity
Sixteen faculty members and stu-
dents of the Departments of Chem-
istry and Chemical Engineering at
tended a "Michigan Night" banquet
and meeting of the Detroit profes-
sional chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma
last night in Detroit.
Those attending from the Depart-
ment of Chemical Engineering were
Professors G. G. Brown, Lars Thom-
assen, W. P. Wood, and H. H. White.
Professors C. S. Schoepfle, R. K. Mc-
Alpine, L. O. Case, A. L. Ferguson,
H. H. War, and L. C. Anderson rep-
resented the chemistry .department.

'Brazilians Believe America
Is Perfect,' SaysInspector

School of Education. She will leave
Saturday for Boston.
Students Interested.
"I think we know more about the
United States than you do about us,"
Mrs. Brazil commented. She re-
marked on the number of high school
students she had met who did not
know that Portugese is the langu-
age of Brazil. "Some of them even
seemed disappointed that I did not
appear in costume. But at the same
time, I was pleased at the interest
they showed in Latin America," she
"In Brazil, six years of English is
t squired during the seven-year high
school' course. Every Brazilian girl
wants to visit the United States, and
we are enthusiastic about anything
connected with your country. Your
movies have helped to build up this
feeling," Mr. Brazil remarked.
National Program
Discussing the differences between
the educational systems of the United
States and Brazil, 'she pointed out
that the organization here varies
from state to state, whereas in Brazil
the program is set up on a national
basis. To be accredited, any school
must pass a governmental inspection,
Mrs. Brazil explained.
"I enjoyed observing Dr. Fries'
methods of teaching English to for-
eign students, and I am really im-
pressed and fascinated by his system.
In Brazil, English is taught simply as
a native tongue, but this is very much
simpler," she said.
V (rads Work in
Emrbassy at Madrid
Three Michigan graduates are sta-
tioned at the United States Embassy
in Madrid, according to: a letter re-
ceived by Mr. T. H. Tapping, general
secretary of the Alumni Association.
They are Lucie Clark Killin, '37 Ed.,
Margaret Jane Kasley, '35, and Jean
Anderson, '40. Miss Kasley has work-
ed at the Embassy since 1943. Miss
Anderson and Miss Killin arrived
there last year.

Maximo Kalaw, '23 Ph.D., newly
appointed Secretary of Public In-
struction and Information in Presi-
dent Osmena's cabinet, was offered
the post of Minister of Information
in the Japanese "New Order" move-
ment of the Philippines, a letter
from Carlos P. Romulo, Resident
Commissioner, informed T. H. Tap-
ping, general secretary of Alumni
Dr. Kalaw, Professor .of Political
Science at the University of the Phil-
ippines, was asked to collaborate and
support the Japanese Occupation
government and was offered several
posts. He replied that he would
think it over, and that evening he
escaped from Manila into the hills
of the Island of Mindoro, where he
stayed until the landing of Mac-

World Peace Is Goal of
School superintendent
DETROIT, Mar. 26--('P)-Propos-
ing an international office of educa-
tion Dr. Alexander J. Stoddard,
Philadelphia's superintendent of
public instruction, asserted today that
an enduring peace can be built "only
through the processes of education."
Addressing the economic club of
Detroit, Dr. Stoddard said such an
office should not have administrative
powerssofeducation in thenations,
but should have specific research,
publicity and advisory powers and

Arthur's troops on Leyte, in October,
President Osmena learned of his
whereabouts through guerrilla run-
ners and appointed him to his*pres-
ent office.
Dr. Kalaw was exchange profes-
sor here in 1931 and has been a
member of the Philippine National
Assembly since 1935.
Mwliiau Grad.'
n 11
I s Commiiended
General Praises Him
For Work in Solomons
An article on Edward H. Sharkey,
who received his B. S. E. degree in
electrical engineering from Michi-
gan in 1938, and who spent six
months as Air Corps Technical Rep-
resentative in, the Solomon Islands,
recently appeared in the Bell Lab-
oratories Studies magazine. -
Brigadier-General William A. Ma-
theny commended him for his "work
in connection with development and
improvement of special equipment
and installation." Mr. Sharkey had
developed high frequency electrical
equipment for coaxial cable systems
in the Western Electric Company
laboratories,, which he entered in
Commenting on the frequent
bombing raids on the Solomons, Mr.
Sharkey wrote that the men spent
much of their time digging or oc-
cupying foxholes and that they head-
ed for the shelters "on the double,"
when an alert sounded.
"The main difference between air
raid alerts here and there," he wrote,
"is that nobody worries about you
except you."


He said the finding of jobs
60,000,000 persons alone would
solve the post war problems.


Ramirez Is Elected
President of Society
New members to the executive com-
mittee of the Latin American Society
were elected for the semester at a
recent meeting of the club.
Dario Ramirez, of Colombia, was
chosen president; Francisco Villegas,
of Costa Rica, secretary; and Gilbert
Pesquera, of Puerto Rico, treasurer.
Blanca Alvarez, of Venezuela, Arcy
Nobrega, of Brazil, Augusto Malabet,
of Colombia, and Judith Jimenez, of
Puerto Rico, were selected as repre-
sentative members for the commit-

(Continued from Page 2)
ing set. If you are interested and
cannot attend the organization meet-
ing, call Mr. Morse, Ext. 682, for
further information. There is no
charge for this non-credit course.
Representatives from the Curtiss-
Wright Corporation, will be in our
office Thursday, March 29, to inter-
view all engineers who would be in-
terested in their company. Call Bu-
reau of Appointments, University Ext.
371, for appointment.
The make-up examinations in
Geology 12 and 65 will be given on
Wednesday, March 28th at 4:00 p. m.
in Room 2054 of the Natural Science
German I Make-Up Final Exami-
nation will be given from 10 to 12
a.m. Wednesday, March 28, in Rm.
201 University Hall. Students who
missed the final examination should
see their instructors immediately to
get permission to take the make-up.
Make-Up Examination for Psychol-
ogy 31: today at 4:30, Rm. 2121 N. S.
Any students who took X or In-
complete please come at this time
prepared to take an examination.
Events Today
All students interested in learning
about Girl Scouts and Brownie pro-
gram are invited to a meeting in
Room 2207 University High School
today at 4 o'clock. Miss Dorothy
Jacke, Secretary of the Ann Arbor
Girl Scout Council, will be the speak-
er. There will be an exhibit of ma-
Undergraduate Education Club: All
students taking education courses are
invited to attend the meeting today
at 4:30 in the University Elementary
School library. This meeting will be
an informal get-together for the pur-
pose of completing plans for the

Seminar: The Seminar in Religious
Thought will continue under the
leadership of Mr. Littell at 7:30 this
evening in Lane Hall.
The Christian Science Students'
Organization is holding a meeting
tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the
Michigan League. All are welcome to
Coming Events
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
on March 28 at 4:15 p. m. in Room
303 Chemistry Building. Dr. R. K.
McAlpine will present "Some Ex-
periments on the Rate of a Chemical
Reaction." All interested are invit-
"The Way of the Cross": an ora-
torio by Alexandre Georges, will be
presented at the First Methodist
Church Wednesday evening, March
28, at 8 o'clock. The Senior Choir
will sing and will be assisted by Bon-
nie Ruth Van Deursen, soprano;
Harriet Por ter, contralto; Avery
Crew, tenor; Hardin Van Deursen,
baritone; Bernard Mason, violinist;
Mary Oyer, cellist; Ruby .Joan Kuhl-
man, pianist; Frieda O. Vogan, or-
ganist. The entire ensemble will be
under the guest direction 'of Solon
Aloerti of New York City, who ar-
ranged and edited the work. The
public s cordially invited.
There will be a Phi Lambda Upsilon
meeting in the Chemistry Building,
Rm. 303, on Thursday, March 29, at
4:30 p.m. All members are urged to
come. Refreshments will be served.

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