A4TUII DAY, MARCA1' ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAGE FIVE Union To Have Mixer Dance At 2 p.m. Today 'Foo-Foo Fenner's' Band To Play; 'Sweater Weather Hop' Title of Union Evening Dance The first Saturday afternoon mixer of the semester will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. today at the Union and will feature the music of Foo- Foo Fenner's Fascinatin' Five. Fenner himself will tickle the ivor- ies for the entertainment of dancers who will gather for the affair de- signed to acquaint freshman, trans- fer and old Michigan students. The mixer will be highlighted by dancing and. part of the time music will be furnished by phonograph rec- ords. The Union's Rainbow will be taken over for the affair for which there is no admission charge. Stu- dents are 'reminded t.hat they may attend with or without dates, A "Sweater Weather Hop" will be presented by the Union from 9 p.m. to midnight tonight with sweaters comprising the proper attire for co- eds. Their dates will be clad in sport coats or uniforms and door prizes will be awarded to the smoothest sEeater and sport coat attired couple. These will be selected by the Union Social Committee and only those at- tending in the "uniform of the day" wil be eligible to compete. Music will be provided by Bill Lay- ten and his orchestra, and during the intermission, Dick Chenoweth, AIS, USNR, and Bob Grandy, AIS, USNR, will hold positions of masters of ceremonies. At this 'time, the pri- zes will be awarded. Tickets are on sale at the Union desk and one ticket per Union mem- her will be sold. League Keeps Coed Records The average coed probably does not realize that a vigilant eye, in the person of Merit Committee, is being kept on all her activities on campus. This group of about fifteen girls keeps a file in the League with cards for every girl on campus. One card lists all the activities in which she has participated each year on campus, and other cards give her ratings by committee chairmen, who comment on her dependability,ability, and willingness to work. Judiciary Council uses these files when considering applicants who have petitioned for League positions, and they are also used when recom- mendations for employment are be- ing writtei for University graduates. "Working on Merit Committee re- quires a great deal.of efficient book- keeping, as any mistakes on our part might be to the detriment of some- one else," Joanne Pullum, '45, said, "and we are always glad to add care- ful workers to our staff." WAA Club To Hold Breakfast Hike Members of WAA's active Outing Club will meet at 8:00 a. m. to- morrow at WAB and will then hike to the Island for breakfast. The group plans to prepare its own breakfast outdoors and will have an- other opportunity to utilize its "tin can cookery" ability. During the first weeks of the fall semester, the Outing Club held a cookout on Pal- mer Field and during the winter months participated in various win- ter sports. In April, women belonging to the club will -take a hostel trip to Sal- ine Valley. Two groups will partici- pate. One will leave at 9'30 a. im., and the second will depart at 12:30 p. m. to enable those with Saturday morning classes to go with the club. GIVE! to the RED CROSS Filmy head scarfs are practical as well as flattering for evening wear. A blonde is twice as dazzling in black lace, and white or palest pink set off brunette beauty to perfection. The scarfs also keep the hair in place and protect it from moisture. New Accessories Vary Coed's Old Spring Outfits for Easter By PAMELA ASKEW With Easter Sunday the next two to be tucked in the neckline, with weeks, the coed will begin to look one end secured by a jeweled pin. for her Easter outfit, which she will For shoes, Peg can use her tailored wear proudly to church with her best pumps with the faille bows and high, beau. heels. Her hat will be a tiny skull This year, the trend is not towards cap of black felt with two fresh our buying a whole new outfitwfor white carnations at one side, and with the shortages of clothing, buy-se will wear short white cotton ing for the sake of buying is dis- Growig Pp a Reefer Coat couraged. However, the clever coedIGrnngePp andee lod s can vary her old suit or dress with navy blue reefer that is getting to nge enous highlights that will createbe a little too 'small girlish' for her. a new ensemble' But it must serve for this spring, and Scarf Brightens Up Suit Jan wants to 'grow it up'. In a Let's take three coeds with a last shop, Jan finds a navy blue, white, years suit, coat or dress and make and lime green striped blouse with a sparkling new combinations. Peggy, 1 huge pussycat bow at the neckline. who is brunette and petite, has a By tucking in the collar of her coatI moss green gabardine suit with a and tacking it under the lining, she cardigan neckline and tailored skirt. can wear the blouse with the bow Last year she wore her suit with a falling down the front. A lime green white blouse and brown hat and scoop hat with a twist of navy gros- shoes, but this Easter she wants graine at the narrow brim and white something different. First, a striped gloves, complete the outfit. taffeta scarf in pink, grey and green, New Color Combinations Joan is just middling, with black hair and blue eyes, and while she! Overseas Letter purchases a new yellow coat for East- er, she must wear her last year's dress. The color is toast brown, Relates Story which goes well with the coat, but needs accents. A wide black suede belt, with a huge gold buckle will replace the old leather belt, and short black gloves cuffed in white The varied and interesting work pique will be added. f n .,A f~x -~ ~ - --x~ ~ ~ - - --a~ ~- ~ I +1X Funny Paper Party' Theme Of USO Event Quiz Shot To Star Comic Strip Characters for Contestants' Fun; Prizes, Decorations Also The daily comic strips familiar to so many students will be the theme of the "Funny Paper Party" to be held from 8 p.m. to midnight today at the U.S.O. Music for the party will be fur- nished by Bob Cooch and his Orches- tra, local crchestra which has won recognition for itself after having appeared at many campus affairs. The orchestra is composed of high school and college boys and promises new renditions of popular hit tunes. Versatility i the orchestra's keynote and they promise everything from the sweet snd mellow down to the hot and sol:d numbers. Comic Quiz Show Highlight of the evening's enter- tainment will be a comic strip quiz show. under the direction of Mr. James Neal, dramatic coach for am- ateur groups in Detroit. Contestants fcr the quiz show will be chosen at random from couples on the floor and prizes will be awarded to the winning persons. Questions asked on the quiz show will all be about cartoon characters. "Who was Mrs. Pruneface?" or 'Where did O'Malley get the pink wings?" are typical of what might ba a,:ked. New Fquipment Decorations will be in keeping with the general theme of the dance. The newly decorated gamne room will be opei throughout the evening and everone is invited to use the equip- mcm which has recently been added. irrangements for the party have been made by Regiment Y whose colonel is Helen Alpert. All Junior Hcsteses who are members of this regiment must attend the party or se d a registered Junior Hostess as their substitute. Hostesses To Meet All Junior Hostesses of the USU are invited to attend the meeting at which Dr. Harry Edgren, represent- ative from the Regional Division of the US( National Headquarters in New York, will be present at 7:30 p. mn. today at the US. At this time the advisors for each regiment of USO Junior Hostesses will present USC pins to all girls in their division who have completed one hundred hours of service to the Club. Physically Fit' To Be By-word Of U.S. Women WASHINGTON - (') - Relax, brother, and stop worrying about your babe becoming beefy with bulg- ing giceps after the war. The women themselves are going to see that they don't get that way. They realize that you want them to remain trim and glamorous albeit in fine physical fettle. Any kind of postwar physical fit- ness program that might develop American Amazons is out. So is compulsion, which might not be so good for the figure, they figure. . You can take that for keeps, straight from the National Women's Commission on the Form Feminine, { also known as physical fitness, and its chairman, Laurentine Collins, of Detroit. Commission members, including representatives from fashion circles, medical groups, the pulpit, schools, army and navy, are here discussing the woman's part in strengthening the nation psysically. Standards which may be set up for men will not do at all for women Miss Collins told a reporter. She ex- plained the viewpoint of what some persons used to call the weaker sex: The need for improving women physically is just as real as for the men. But women are different, bio- logically, psychologically and, up to now, sociologically. They don't go in for mass forma- tions. "0 woman got to want to ! do a thing and plan her own pro- gram." (And what might she want to do?) Swimming is wonderful for a woman or horseback riding, bad- minton, tennis and ever so many things like that. But the principal idea is to make her think it is im- portant to her. JG Play News The scenery committee for Junior Girls play will begin to paint the backdrop from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Anyone interested in working on the committee should call Nancy Tressel, chairman, at 2-4547. Helen Alpe t has been appointed to succeed Betsy Perry as publicity chairman. Galens To Qive Caduceus Ball Gene Divine Orchestra To Play At Medical Dance Today Galens honorary medical fraternity will sponsor the 1945 edition of Ca- duceus Ball from 9 p. m. to midnight today in the League Ballroom. Music for the semiformal dance will be furnished by Gene Divine and his orchestra, from Michigan State College. All medical students and faculty of the Medical School have been invited to attend. Central committee members in- clude Sigmund Zawacki, chairman; Jim Skinner, music; William Brown III and Bob Ideson, tickets; and John Stewart and Ed Sundell, publicity. Chaperons are Dr. W. M. Brace and Dr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Patten. Among the patrons for this year's Caduceus Ball are: Dr. and Mrs. Albert C. Furstenberg, Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Buxton, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Coller, Dr. and Mrs. Henry K. Ransom, Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus C. Sturgis, Dr. and Mrs. Frank N. Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Johnston, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Cur- tis, Dr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hodges, and Dr. and Mrs. Max M. Peet. Dr. and Mrs. Norman F. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Albert C. Kerlikowski,' and Dr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Frolick.! The Child Care Committee needs women students to serve as leaders and assistant leader's for city Girl Reserve troops. Petitioning for League Posts Opens to Junior, Senior Coeds Petitioning for League Executive and Judiciary Council positions is familiar with "The President's Re now open to junior women .who will port" for recent years, paying partic have senior status next fall and who ular attention to the position in whic- have participated in League activi- [hey are interested and to incorpor ties at least one year, Natalie Mat- ate a criticism and appreciation o tern, judiciary president, announced ibis background in their petitions. yesterday. CPetition blanks may be secured a Executive Council positions include tne Social Director's Office in th those of president, secretary, treas- League, and must be turned in b: urer, and chairmen of the orienta, rnon March 31. tion-tutorial, merit, social 'and uhtld Interviewing will take place from care committees. Three positions as April 3 to April 16, and those wish- USO colonels are also open, one of ing to inter view may sign up in the whom will be designated to sit on Undergraduate Office. The inter- tne council. views will last ten minutes and One senior position and two junior each candidate will have an .o por- posts are open on the Judiciary Coun- tunity to elaborate on the plans and cil. ideas incorporated in her petition. "Primary qualifications for all of During the interview, members of the offices are intelligent, alive the Judiciary Council will feel free interest and a thorough knowledge to ask her any questions pertain- of the organization in which the ing to the office desired, and along candidate desires membhrship and i=nes of general knowledge. a knowledge of her rights, privi- Women petitioning for positions o3 lcbes and limitations as such a the Executive Council must also b member," Miss Mattern said. prepared to discuss long term policie Original, far-sighted and compre- for the Council, including sucl hensive discussion of policy and ac- points as class projects, war project. tual administration is desired in all drives, eligibility, and proposals fo erence, candidates are advised to stu- on over-all plan on League activitie: dy the constitution of the Michigan Candidates must present eligi- the constitution of the Michigan bility cards and sulmit a card con- I League which' shall be posted in the taimng the naies of three refer- Undergraduate Office and to become ences including a house director, acquainted with the recent amend- faculty member, and an upperclass ments which may be found in she woman. These names will be used War Council minutes in the League at the discretion of the Council and I brary. Womentdesiring to petition all such information will be con- are also urged to make themselves fidential. ' liii I,, i E I ' e of a Redc ross worker was recently described by Marjorie S. Kendall, '42, in a letter to the Michigan Alum- nae Council. Miss Kendall is stationed in New Zealand with the American Red Cross. She writes: "I doubt if a Red Cross Girl has ever been able to tell you what she does for we never do the same thing twice and are called upon to do most everything. When I first came I was sent with three other girls to a Marine Camp miles away from any town.It was our job to keep those boys entertained. "We established a small Red Cross Hut which provided a lounge, can- teen, writing desks and stage. Our largest project was a regimental tal- ent show in which over 300 men took part. The talent we found in that outfit Was amazing-singers, come-' jians, a flame swallower, actors, in- strument solos, dancers, and quar- tets." "After the Marines left, I was re- assigned to a leave area. in a resort section. Here my work was alto- gether different. We met many men coming to town on the train or bus, got rooms for them, gave informa- tion as to where they could get bicy- cles, horses, golf clubs, play tennis,! swim, etc., gave three dances a week,. ran a date bureau, and organized native concerts for large groups. It was most interesting going into a strange town and working the whole thing out from the ground up." Over the Christmas months, we had a terrific time getting accom- modations for the men. It is summer here in November and December andj the tourists all came. The New Zea- land Air Force was stationed here, and our men were coming down 260 and 300 per day. For three and a half months we had an averageof 400 men in private. homes all the time. Most of the homes charged nothing and provided meals in spite of the tea, sugar, butter, and meat rationing'' "Besides the large things we are responsible for, we do many odd' and small things for the men here. Sew -on buttons, look at pictures of' wives and sweethearts, buy presents for children and girls, loan money,' arrange fried chicken dinners for small groups, and in general do any- thing they ask us to that we pos- sibly can. One of the oddest things I have been asked to do was to find' a two months' old baby for one of the men. He had never seen his own son at home and wanted to hold a, baby of the same age as his child." COME TO.( FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. William P. Lemon, James Van Pernis, Ministers F.Gertrude Campbell, Director of Religious Education. Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music 9:30 A. M.: Church School Intermediate and Senior Departments 10:20 A. M.: Junior Department. 10:45 A. M.: Nursery, Beginner and Primary Departments. 10:45 A. M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr. Lemon for Palm Sunday-::The Greatest Paradox." 4:00 P.M.: Preparatory Lenten Class Topic: "Why Pennsylvania?" 4:00 P. M.: Senior Class in Religion Topic: "Dialogues with God About An Important Choice." 5:00 P. M.: Westminster Guild Address by Claude Williams of Detroit. Supper will fol- low. Tuxis will join with the Guild for this meeting. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY IN ANN ARBOR; Series of Study Classes: ". Every Thursday night, at 8:00 in the Michigan League. Conducted by S. H. Wylie. The public is cordially invited. ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division at Catherine The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector The Rev. Shrady Hill, Curate (Palm Sunday, March 25, 1945 and Holy Week) 8:00 A. M.: Holy Communion. 11:00 A. M.: Morning Prayer and Sermon by Dr. Lexwis. 11:00 A. M.: Junior Church. 6:00 P. M.:H-Square Club Supper, Page Hall. 6:00 P. M. Canterbury Club Supper, Student Center. 7:30 P. M. The Litany in Procession and Ad- dress by Mr. Hill. (Men and Boys Choir) Holy Week Tuesday and Wednesday- 7:15 A. M.: Holy Communion, 10:00 A. M.: Holy Communion. Maundy Thursday- 7:15 A. M.: Holy Communion. 10:00 A. M.: Holy Communion. 8:00 P. M.: Holy Communion. (Men and Boys Choir). Good Friday- 12-3 P. M.: Three-Hour Service. Easter Even- 4:00 P. M.: Holy Baptism. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 120 South State Ministers: Dr. James Brett Kenna Rev. Ralph Gordon Dunlop Music: Hardin Van Deursen, Director Mary McCall Stubbins, Organist 9:30 A.M.: Class conducted by Dr. Blakeman. 10:40 A.M.: Church School for nursery through sixth grade. 10:40 A.M.: Bishop Bruce R. Baxter of the Port- land area will preach. 5:00 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild meeting. Mr. Frank- lin Littell will speak on "Strengthening the Religious Community." 6:00 P.M.: Young Married People's discussion group. GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave. Harold J. DeVries, Pastor 10:00 A. M.: University Bible Class, Ted Groes- beck, leader. 11:00 A. M.: Morning worship. Message by the pastor: "God's Work for God's Workers." 7:30 P. M. "The Doom of Satan." 7:30 P. M. Thursday: Communion Service. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 512 East Huron Roger William's Guild House, 502 East Huron Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student Counselor Miss Ruth McMaster, Associate Student Counselor Saturday, March 24- Afternoon and Evening: Work Party at the Guild House with Picnic Supper at 6:00. 7:10 P.M.: Choir Rehearsal in the Church. Sunday, March 25- 10:00 A.M.: Study Class in the Guild House. "Psychology of Christian Personality." 11:00 A.M.: Morning Worship in the church. "The Kingly Christ." 5:00 P.M.: Candlelight Dedication Service in the Guild House. Miss Frances Lee, leader. 6:00 P.M.: Cost supper. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and Williams Streets Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. Director Cong'l Disciples Guild: Rev. H. L. Pickerill Assistant Director: Miss Bobbie Simonton Director of Music : Leonard V. Meretta Organist: Howard R. Chase 9:20 A. M.: Church School-Junior and Inter- mediate Depts. 10:30 Primary and Kindergarden Depts. 10:45 Public Worship. Dr. Parr will preach on "The Universal King." The sixth sermon in the serie, "The Universals." 5:00 Congregational-Disciples Student Guild. Supper and Social Hour. Devotions by Dick J Heaton. Dr. Parr will give an interpretative reading, "The Other One." Holy Week-Noonday Services in this church. ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL William and Thompson Streets Mass: Daily 6:30, 7:00, 8:00. Sunday Masses: 8:00, 10:00, 11:30. Novena devotion Wednesday evening, 7:30. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets Edward H. Redman, Minister Miss Janet Wilson, Organist. Mrs. Claude Winder, Church School Supt. 10:00 A. M.: Unitarian Friends' church school. 10:00 A. M.: Adult Group, Prof. Willard Olson, speaker: "Is Discipline Essential in the Edu- cation of Children." 11:00 A. M.: Service of Worship conducted by Rev. Edward H. Redman. Rev. Claude Williams, People's Institute of Applied Religion, Detroit, preaching on: "One God, One People, and One Goal." 3:00 P. M. . HighSchool AUY Group meeting at home of Prof. David Owen. 2305 Devon- shire Road, with Mjss Marie Hartwig speak- ing and showing movies on "Youth Hostel- ing." 5:00 P. M.: Joint meeting of Unitarian Stu- dent Group and Westminster Guild at the First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw, with Rev. Cla'ude Williams as speaker. n GnT4 1m 9~nhrr~JJ~Fi17~F ~fY1hJJF1 I' intotAz Stitcjo/S m4.. r4 --4 4 4 [" UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER