PAGE TWO T E IIHGAN DAILYA Destruction of 731 Jap ircraft Disclosed TURDAY, MARCH 24; 1945 NIGHT 0 Nimitz Reveals Enemy Losses in Carrier Strike Yanks Take Northern Luzon Airfield, Lash Jap Convoy Off Indo-China By The Associated Press U I Destruction or probable destruction of 731 Japanese aircraft during the recent carrier task force plane strike against the Nippon homeland was reported by Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz late Friday.- The admiral's announcement, am- plifying previous communiques, in- dicated that many of the planes were bagged while attacking the Fifth Fleet as it retired from Japanese waters. Luzon Airfield Capture Revealed Meanwhile, Gen. Douglas MacAr- Senate Rejects Administration Post Nominee By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 23.-Chick- en raisers got a price increase today, the draft bill got quick House appro- val and Aubrey Williams got the axe. It was a varied day in Washington, also including a meeting of Presi- dent Roosevelt with members of the American delegation to the United Nations conference next month and the still continuing Capitol Hill ar- gument about meat shortages. Chicken Price Increased The chicken price increase is a cent and a half per pound at retail Economic stabilizer William H. Davis said it was intended to encourage production ad help offset lack of other meats. Aaguments about these other meats produced a suggestion by Rep. Miller (Rep., Neb.) that OPA chief Chester Bowles ought to resign. Rep. Slaugh- ter (Dem., Mo.) retorted that if Bowles hadn't done a good job of running OPA, "your dollars would be wortn precious little now." Meat packers contend that OPA price policies have hampered them in getting meat to consumers. Not a voice was lifted in opposition as the House passed a one-year ex- tender of the draft law. It was un- changed from its present form, de- spite efforts that had been made to stipulate how soon after induction a man could be sent into combat. Sen- ate action comes next. Senate Rejects Williams Senate action today was a 52-to-36 rejection of President Roosevelt's nomination of Aubrey Williams to be head of the Rural Electrification Administration. The ex-social worker and National Youth Administrator called his defeat "a gratuitous interference" wit. presidential powers. Fiv2 of the eight delegates to the United Nations meeting talked brief- ly .with Mr. Roosevelt. He was re- ported to have told them the Ameri- can delegates would have much free- dom of action. A War Production Board report on February munitions said produc- tii n has just about reached the peak. Records, Games Will Highlight Fun Fest The March Fun Fest, planned by the Hillel Foundation Athletic and Games Committee, will be held from 3 to 5 p. m. tomorrow at the Foun- dation. Dancing, checkers, card-playing, chess, ping pong and the symphonic record collection will be available for entertainment, and refreshments will be served. Chairman of the committee is Ben- nett Shulman; Milton Budyk is Stu- dent Director in charge. thur, reporting from the Philippines, disclosed American capture of an- other important airfield on north- western Luzon and the smashing of a Japanese convoy off French Indo- China. The fleet communique said Yank naval fliers shot down 281 Japanese planes, destroyed 275 on the ground, probably destroyed or damaged 175 others and indicated extensive dam- age to seven major air fields on Kyu- shu Island. Earlier communiques listed 15 to 17 Japanese warships crippled in the inland sea. Action Lasts3 Days The admiral said the action lasted from March 18 to March 21. Since the two strikes against the Japanese homeland were March 18 and 19 the later action probably represented the Nippon aerial attacks on the retiring fleet. The Japanese claimed 11 of the carrier task force warships were sunk. Nimitz previously reported only one seriously damaged. The Yank drive toward Baguio, summer capital in the Philippines, was highlighted by seizure of Nagui- lian town and its airfield. In the Balete Pass sector, northeast Luzon, American doughboys inflicted heavy losses on the Japanese as they repulsed four counterattacks. Lash Convoy Off Indo-China Off Indo-China American fliers lashed a seven ship convoy. They sank two destroyers, two freighters and a mine sweeper. Four Japanese interceptors were shot down. One Yank plane was lost. At Washington Brig. Ben. Lauris' Norstad said 170 Superfortresses have beon lost--84 in combat-since they started operations from the Mari- anas last June. The general disclos- ed that 13'/2 square miles of Tokyo were reduced to ashes in the March 9 B-29 hit there. Japanese Premier Kuniaki Koiso was quoted by Radio Tokyo as tell- ing the Imperial Diet that Nippon was fully prepared to repulse any invasion of the homeland ,og Quarantine To Be Enforced Washtenaw County's dog quaran- tine, will be effective starting tomor- row until July 31, Dr. Otto K. En- gelke, county health director, an- nounced yesterday. There were 19 mad dogs reported in the county during February and MVarch, supposedly light rabies months, Dr. Engelke said. Under the quarantine, all dogs must be penned or tied and led by a leash under the owner's control. Vi- olations of the ruling will result in the animal being placed in the dog pound. MARSHAL ALBERT KESSEL- RING--has replaced Marshal Von Rundstedt as Commander-in -Chief of the German fores on the West- erni Front, according to dispatches frominheadquarters cif Marshal Sir 'ern r d L. Montgomery, Comman- drr r21st Army group in Europa. Attacks Cripple I'm TokyoTFactorles WASHINGTON, March 23.-(!P)-- The Superfortress incendiary attack against Tokyo on March 9 knocked oue at least 20 per cent of the city's industrial production for three mon- ths and five per cent for a full year. Brig.-Gen. Lauris Norstad also told a news conference today that 170 B-29's have been lost since they started operations last June 5. Of these, 84 were lost in combat and 86 as a result of accidents and similar operational losses. Norstad, Chief of Staff for the 20th (Superfortress) Air Force, said the fie attack on Tokyo had destroyed an estimated 3,000 plants and shops, a total of 200,000 to 250,000 buildings, and left an estimated 1,200,000 fac- tory workers homeless. 'Free Press' Will NEW YORK, Mar. 23-(P)-Motion picture producer Lester Cowan an- nounced today that his next film would be "Free Press," a $2,000,000 production dramatizing the news- paper man's profession as climaxed by the work of war correspondents throughout the world. Cowan said the idea stemmed from discussions and correspondence with Kent Cooper, executive director of the Associated Press; Hugh Baillie, president of the United Press; Joseph V. Connolly, general manager of In- ternational News Service; Cranston Williams, general manager of Ameri- can Newspaper Publishers Associa- tion; and John S. Knight, president of the American Society of News- paper Editors. House Passes One-Year Draft Extension Bill Measure Approved Without Single Protest By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 23.- A one-year draft law extension bill sped through the House today in less time than it takes a draft board to make a man 1-A. Less than five minutes was re- quired to dispose of the measure. Army spokesmen had urged that the draft machinery be kept intact. There was no debae-only a brief' explanation of the 11-line bill by Chairmar. May (Dam., Ky.) of the military committee. There was notI even a vote, passage coming under procediure by which a single obje- tion could have delayed considera- tion. But the absence of an objection automatically passed the bill. The legislation continues in opera- tion until not later than May 15, 1946 the Selective Training and Ser- vice Act of 1940 and implementingf amendments approved since then. Should the war on all -fronts be over before May 15, 1946, the draft law would be dead. Should it still be raging at that time, an additional extension would have to be consid- ered by Congress. Prompt Senate consideration of the bill was expected by administration' leaders. They succeeded in keeping cut of *the House-app3 ved bill all restrictive amendments that had been advocated by m ry members. The suggested amendments-which still may be considered as separate ' Iegilaton later-would have required a stated period of training for new inductees before they were sent into combat and would have slapped some home front manpower controls into the bill. Generals .. (Continued from Page ) Col, Aristides Sosa de Quesada, Judge Advocate General of the Army and former Minister of National De- fense, and Capt. Am:.>.ndo Nin y Rodriguez, Cuba; Lt.-Col. Manuel Menendez Rios, Guatemala. Representing Mexico will be Brig.- Gen. Raul Fernandez and Brig.-Gen. Aristeo Barrueta, while Col. J. Rodol- fo Marin, Judge Advocate General of the Nicaraguan Army, and Para- guayan military leaders, Capt. Wer- ceslao Benitez (Navy), Prefect, Port of Asuncion and Chief of the Mili- tary Tribunal, and Lt.-Comm. Jesus Blanco Sanchez, Member, Supreme Military Tribunal, are also partici- pating in the conference. Attending from Peru are Brig.- Gen. Leonidas Gonzalez Honder- man, Member, Council of General Officers of the Army, and Col. Luis Alberto Arboleda Vinas L., Assis- tant Chief of Staff, G-2. Others of the group are Maj. Manuel Alfonso Martinez of Salva- dor, and Maj. Artigas Plaza, Judge of Military Instruction and Profes- sor of Mitary Penal Law, and Maj. Artu o J. Balinas, Professor of Military Law and Inspector Gen- cral of the Army, both of Uruguay. Accompanying the group as inter- preters are JAGD officers, Lt.-Col. Miguel A. Burset, Maj. Jose G. Vivs and Mai James M. Scott, graduates of the 20th, 19th and 4th officer classes of the JAG School. ICL ASSIFIE D LOST AND FOUND REWARD for return of green and black striped Shaeffer Jr. fountain pen. Call Marilyn Koebnick 7279. LOST: Man's yellow gold wedding ring Wednesday. Engraved DJC- REW 7-10-43. Reward. Call 2- 2653. Robert Wright. LOST: Silver bracelet made of for- eign coins. Sentimental value. Reward. Call 2-3225. Rm. 304. LOST: Black morocco wallet with identification card. Call Deb Stoll, 2-2591. Reward. LOST: Keuffel and Esser log-log decitrig slide rule, serial 988091. Return to Daily. Reward. WANTED WANTED: Male or female boarders. Reasonable rates. Call 5974. WANTED: Young lady to share an apartment. Very reasonable and near campus. Call 2-6287. Prizes annually awarded to Ger- man students competing in written contests were made possible by two former University students, Thomas B. Bronson, '81, and Herman W. Koethe, '10. Following his retirement as an in- structor at a boys' school, Bronson gave $1,000 to the University, the proceeds of which were to "further and encourage a study of German literatures." The Bronson-Thomas award in which this fund is endowed, is presented to students writing the best essay dealing with some phase of German literature from 1750-1900. Thomas Lauded Calvin Thomas, '74, professor of German language and literature at the University from 1878-1896, in whose memory Bronson donated the gift, has been teimed "one of the greatest American scholars in dra- matics, especially the works of Go- Clarke To Talk On Great Lakes Slides To Accompany Zoology Lecture Here Dr. George Leonard Clarke, pro- fessor of zoology at Harvard Univer- sity and noted marine biologist, will speak on "A Consideration of Oean- ographic Methods for Great Lakes' Problems" at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday in the Rackham Amphitheater. The lecture, which is under the sponsorship of the Zoology and Ge- ology Departments, will be illustrated by lantern slides and a 16mm. film. Dr. Clarke, who is the Marine Biol- ogist at the Woods Hole Oceanogra- phic Institute at Cape Cod, has had Wide experience in the fields of zo- ology, limnology, and oceanography. Centering most of his work around the West Indian and North Atlantic regions, he has done extensive re- search in the physical and biological characteristics of the oceans. He is the president of the Limnological Society of America. Kathleen Rinck To Give Recital The third program in the current series of School of Music faculty re- citals will be presented by Kathleen Rinck, pianist, at 8:30 p.m. tomor- row in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- ter. Miss Rinck, who earned her Master of Music degree at the University in 1941, became a teaching assistant in the School of Music during the Fall Term, 1942-43. She previously taught piano at Whitworth College, Brook- haven, Miss. Her program will include three Beethoven sonatas. The final recital of this series will be given by Helen Titus on Sunday, April 1. Election Held at Marly Markley New officers of the Mary Markley Dormitory, 1219 Washtenaw, elected at the first house-meeting of the semester are Ann van Leeuwen '47, vice-president, and Rachel Shields '48, secretary . Officers of the fall semester retain- ed are Evelyn Hufnagel '47, presi- dent, and Barbara Storgaard '47, treasurer. The group, second only to Adelia Cheever in war activity time, elected Patricia Stein, '48, as War Activi- ties chairman. "Social plans for the semester in- clude parties for servicemen and vet- erans, steak-roasts on the Island, faculty dinners ,and the traditional Senior Breakfast in June." Evelyn Hufnagel, president, announced. c ESSAY CONTEST: Students of German Benefit By Bronson, Koethe Donations ethe." Called to Columbia Univer- German department there until his sity, he left campus and headed the death. In 1937, Koethe, practicing law- yer in Indianapolis, initiated the Koethe-Hildner contest, which he finances annually. The awards en- courage students to make precise and accurate translations of German into English and vice versa. Still active in University affairs, Koethe had two sons enrolled here prior to their en- try into the armed services. Hildner Popular Jonathan A. C. Hildner, honored in this award, left the University in 1938 after 50 years teaching service as professor emeritus of the German department. Advisor to foreign stu- dents of campus for more than 20 years, Prof. Hildner was popular among students, many of whom re- ferred to him as "Dad." Teaching his German classes by means of German folk songs, he believed that students in elementary languages could best learn the subject by having it pres- ented in an original manner. Winners of the 1944 Bronson- Thom award, tieing for first place, were Shelby Dietrich and Sarah Smythe. David Wend won first place honors of the 1944 Koethe-Hildner contest, Robert Taylor placing sec- ond. ancing, Games1 Will 1iorhliohlt Lane Hall Social An Open House, sponsored by Lane Hall, and created for the purpose of developing student leadership at so- cial functions, will be held from 8 p. m. to midnight today in Lane Hall, Buff Wright, chairman of the pro- gram, announced. There will be square dancing, table games, a work shop, painting, and refreshments. Miss Wright said, "we hope that the open houses will be held every Saturday for students who would like to participate in any of the activities offered." Planning these open houses, and assisting Miss Wright, are Alexander Lomako, Ruth McMaster, Martha Taylor, Barbara Panzner, Bill Con- ant, Bob Lutweiler, and Fujiye Yo- shihara. Hercules Will Speak on Negro Eric E. L. Hercules of San Fernan- do, Trinidad, and author of "Democ- racy Limited," will speak at the sec- ond Saturday luncheon of the seme- ster in Lane Hall at 12:15 p. m. today on "America's Greatest Problem, the Negro." In addition to the luncheon, Miss Olive Bainton, Regional Secretary for the American Friends Committee, will interview all students who are inter- ested in summer work camps and ser- vice groups. Miss Bainton, a gradu- ate of Swathmore College and now stationed in Columbus, O. Will con- duct interviews from 10 a. m. to noon- and from 1 to 2 p. m. today. Measles Prevention Is Asked By State LANSING; March 23.-(AP)- Dr. William Dekleine, state health com- missioner, disclosed today the Amer- ican Red Cross had been asked to give Michigan for public distribution a quantity of gamma globulin, a by- product of blood plasma production which is used as a measles preventa- tive. Dekleine said the move was en- dorsed by the state advisory health council. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Michigan SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 103 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices To the Members of the University Senate: A special meeting of the University Senate is called for Mon- day, April 9th, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater for the pur- pose of receiving and discussing the report of the Senate Advisory Com- mittee, "The Economic Status of the Faculty". Id"ntiii'"ation Cardsxwhich[x have been validated for the Spring Term are now available in the booth out- sice Rm, 2, University Hall. New identifica tion cardsi will NOT be ready for several days. Notice will be given as soon as they may be picked up. NOW State of Michigan Civil Service announcements for Institution Bus- and Civil Engineer II, and III, salary iness Executive I. and III, salary range from $180 to $356.50 per month, from $230 to $340 per month, have been received in our office. For fur- ther inforniation stop in at 201 Ma- son Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Civil Service announcements for the following have been received in our office: Division Chief of Claim Settlements, $2,400, to $5,000, Princi- pal Claim Settlement Agent, $3,750 to $3,750, Advanced Claim Settlement Agent, $3,000 to $3,750, Senior Claim Settlement Agent $2,628 to $3,000, Claim Settlement Agent $2,328 to $2,628, Junior Claim Settlement Ag- ent $2,028-$2,328, and Assistant Claim Settlement Agent, $1,728 to $2,028. The- positions for which these exam- inations will be given cxist in the state office at Harrisbui-rg and the area office;; in Harrbibr g, Philadel-! phia, Pittsburgh, and Wilkes-Barre. Applicants must have been legal res- idents of Pennsylvania for at least one year immediately prior to mak- ing application. For further infor- mation stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. rThle iUnited States Civil Service Commission gives notice that the closing date for the acceptance of applications for PUBLIC HEALTH P P tESENTATIVE. $2,433 a year, will k AlMarch 27, 1945. Appliatons must hrfiled wit h he US. Civil Slr- BUY MORE WAR BONDS h I "WINGED VICTORY" WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! DAY OR NIGHT Continuous from 1 P.M. omm"Nommynow A16ri!/ lRttlJlP3 XGPW .fT TNEsfTX'E' Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M. Eves. 43c Cast of 300 G.I."s Last Times Today Also "Shooting of Dan McGoo" Color Cartoon . wifh'. - --==- , ,. I 1