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March 23, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-23

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Fair and Warner

Von Runstedt Replacedat estern
s t t vv s4'


Red Army Is
3 Miles tronm
Czech Border
Silesian Offensive
Traps 45,000 Nazis
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 22. - Russian
troops, in a powerful new two-prong-
ed offensive in Upper German Sle-
sia, have smashed to within three
miles of Czechoslovakia in twin ad-
vances of 25 miles and killed or cap-
tured 45,000 enemy troops in a 450-
square mile trap west of the Oder
River, Moscow announced tonight.
Massed forces of Marshal Ivan S.
Konev's First Ukrainian Army were
battling forward in an all-ou; assault
to clear industrial Upper Silesia and
win the last Nazi war production
centers in the rich region.
400 Towns, Villages Taken
Marshal Stalin announced Konev's
forces had toppled the key industrial
city of Neustadt and more than 400
other towns and villages in the first
stages of the Russian break-through.
Konev's offensive dove-tailed with
a thunderous assault which the Ger-
mans said the Russians had launched
against the Baltic port of Stettin
and with a fast-driving Red Army
offensive over German-reconquered
territory in Hungary. Berlin said
the latter drive had reached within
95 miles of Vienna.
Seven Miles from Danzig
Moscow's war bulletin announced
that meanwhile Marshal Konstantin
K. Rokossovsky's Second White Rus-
sian Army was hammering closer to
the twin Baltic ports of Danzig and
Gdynia. Advancing through the ca-
nal-webbed Vistula delta south of
Danzig, the Russians seized nine
places, including Russoczin, seven
miles below the former free city.
In East Prussia, Marshal Alexan-
der M. Vasilevsk's Third White Rus-
sian Army struck from three sides
against the last German outpost of
Heiligenbeil, while Red Army dive-
bombers lashed the battered rem-
nants of enemy troops being thrown
back into the sea.
Gains in Carpathian Mountains
Other Soviet troops in Czechoslo-
vakia carved out new gains in the
Carpathian Mountains north and
northwest of Zvolen in Czechoslo-
vakia, while Moscow announced Rus-
sian, Yugoslav and Bulgarian troops
had smashed a German bridgehead
thrown across the Drava River mid-
way between Budapest and Belgrade.
Smashing through German defen-
ses in 25-mile advances both west
and south of the Oder River city of
Oppeln, 46 miles southeast of Bres-
lau, Marshal Konev's men encircled
and routed an enemy group south-
west of Oppein. More than 30,000
were killed and 15,000 captured, Mos-
cow said.
County Tops
Red Cross Goal
Washtenaw County went over the
top in their Red Cross War Fund
drive yesterday with a total of
$134,300 set by county officials.
Reports are still coming in from
communities in the county, and the
total is expected to be well above
the quota. Ann Arbor still lacks
$643 towards its goal of $75,100.
Meanwhile, further reports from
the League indicated that contribu-
tions from most of the campus soror-
ities have increased the total col-
lected in the student Red Cross drive
by $657. Collegiate Sorosis led the
houses in amount donated with $95,
which is almost three dollars per per-
son. Kappa Alpha Theta followed

with $62 total contribution.
Returns from League houses have
not yet been totalled. The quota for
women students set by the League is
$4,000, and to date, approximately
$2,600 of that, goal has been turned
Today The regular International
Center tea dance will be
held at 4 p. n.
Today Mixer dance for gradu-
ates from 8 p. m. to mid-
night today on third floor
of Rackham.
Today Dr. Felix Gross speaks on
"The Small States in
Post-War Europe" at 8

By The Associated Press
1-Eastern Front: 32 miles
(from Zelln)
2-Western Front: 265 miles
(from Mainz).
3-Italian Front: 544 miles
(from Reno River).
Grad Panty To
Be Held Ta
At Rackhamt

Kesselring Leaves
Ita lyfo r New Ptost
Two U. S. Armies Crush Opposition
West of Rhine in Costly Battle
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 22-Dispatches from three U. S. correspondents at
separate sectors of the western front said that Field Marshal Karl Von
Rundstedt, top-flight Prussian strategist, had been reported shorn of
command in the west and that his successor was Field Marshal Albert
Kesselring, Nazi favorite of the Italian fighting.
Quarreled with Rommel
Coupled with diasters in the West was Von Rundstedt's asserted drink-
ing. One dispatch said Von Rundstedt was understood to have drunk him-
self into a state of illness.
These reports came from the U. S.


For Prize


The All-Graduate Party, an infor-
mal mixer dance for graduate stu-
dents, will be held from 8 p. m. to
midnight today on the third floor of
the Rackham Building.
The dance is open to all graduate
students, including those in the pro-
fessional schools. Sponsored by the
Graduate Council, it is designed to
provide an opportunity for students
in the different departments to be-
come better acquainted.
There will be dancing in the third
floor Assembly Hall, with the music
of popular records from the Rack-
ham Building collection. During the
evening there will be several mixer
dances, and a floor show featuring
Dick Thomas as boogie-woogie pia-
nist, Elsa Goodman as vocalist, and
members of JGP.
Bridge tables will be set up in one
of the alcoves, and gin rummy, darts,
progressive games, and bingo will be
played in the. Conference Rooms.
Prizes-including cigarettes-will be
awarded the winners. There is a spe-
cial prize for "the biggest wolf of the
evening," it was announced by mem-
bers of the Entertainment and Pub-
licity Committees.
Refreshments will be served buffet
style in the third floor kitchen.
Miss Ruth Kelly and Lt. and Mrs.'
L. Robert Walsh will be chaperones,
and the patrons of the dance are
President and Mrs. Ruthven, Dean
and Mrs. Yoakum, Dean and Mrs.
Crawford, Dean and Mrs. Fursten-
berg, Dean and Mrs. Stason, Dean
and Mrs. Bunting, Dean and Mrs.
Bennett, Dean and Mrs. Vaughan,
Dean and Mrs. Edmonson, Dean and
Mrs. Stevenson, Dean and Mrs. Dana,
Dr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Assistant
Dean and Mrs. Rea, and Assistant
Dean and Mrs. Okkelberg. Most of
the patrons will be present at the
McConkey Gets
IN ewPosition
Elected Director of
Architectural Society
Prof. George M. McConkey of the
School of Architecture was elected a
director of the Michigan Society of
Architects at its annual meeting in
Detroit yesterday, the Associated
Press reports.
A member of the University fac-
ulty since 1911, Prof. McConkey help-
ed design the Detroit River Tunnel
for the Michigan Central Railroad.
He received his B.A.E. here in 1914.
Other officers elected yesterday
were Roger Allen, Grand Rapids,
president; Adrian N. Langius, Lan-
sing, first vice-president; Earl W.
Pellerin, Detroit, second vice-presi-
dent; Joseph W. Leinweber, Detroit,
third vice-president; L. Robert Blake-
slee, Detroit, secretary; Malcolm R.
Stirton, Detroit, treasurer; Talmage
C. Hughes, Detroit, executive secre-
tary; Robert Frantz, Saginaw and
Eero Saarinen, Bloomfield Hills. dir-
U' Veteran Group
Totals Over 400
An increase of 73 veterans from
last term's , University enrollment
brings the total number up to 406,
including three women and members
of 16 other countries' armies, the
largest veterans group in any Michi-
gan educational institution.
The three women are a Marine,
WAVE and a WAC, the latter a vet-
eran of overseas service. Three
Army men from Canada, eight from
China and one each from Chile,
Greece, India, Mexico and Turkey
are included in the veteran enroll-

YANKS CROSS GERMAN SUPERHIGHWAY-Tr~ops of the 9th Infantry Division, U. S. First Army,
move forward from the Ruhr-Frankfurt Autobahn, Hitler's superhighway, after it was cut by them
near Himburg, east of Honnef, Germany.

VOTING-8:45 TO 2:45:
Two Union Vice-Presidents
To Be Picked in Election Today

Vice-presidents to the Union Board
of Directors will be chosen in a lim-
ited campus election from 8:45 a. m.
to 2:45 p. m. today at the polls in the
main corridor of University Hall.
One of these three-Morton Schol-
nick, Frank Ruck, Don Lund-will
be chosen to represent the combined
schools of Public Health, Forestry,
Business Administration, Music and
Bombers Blast
Cebu as Yanks
Take Guimaras
AssoCiated Press War Editor
American doughboys of the 40th
Division seized Guimaras Island in
the Philippines Wednesday, Gen.
Douglas MacArthur announced to-
day (Friday), while Yank bombers
heavily blasted Japanese installations
on Cebu, one of the few remaining
major Philippine Islands in Nippo-
nese hands.
The 40th Division units hopped
across the narrow strait from Iloilo,
principal city on newly-won Panay
Island, without opposition, to capture
Guimaras. It was the 27th Philip-
pine Island to be invaded by Mac-
Arthur's troops.
Hit Cebu
For thre straight days American
bombers hit Cebu Island, to the
east of Guimaras, with 214 tons of
explosives, concentrating on Japanese
bivouacs and supply dumps around
Cebu City. Navy rocket planes sank
an enemy midget submarine off Cebu
On Luzon Island the 33rd Division
pressed closer to Baguio, Benguet
Mountain stronghold where the last
main Japanese opposition on the
island is reported centered. The
33rd reached the Maguilian River
and airfield on the outskirts of Bag-
Air bombers patroling the China
Sea blockade routes sank or damaged
12 Japanese small freighters and four
landing craft.
Radio Silent
Radio silence continued to shield
movements of the U. S. 5th fleet
with its powerful carrier task force,
which hit Japanese warships and
shore targets in the Nipponese inland
sea Monday.
Japanese radio broadcasts indicat-
ed the American war fleet might be
headed for the Ryukyu Islands or
Formosa and possibly future attacks
on these southern Nipponese strong-
holds. The radio said the U. S.
force was "fleeing" southward, with
Japanese planes in pursuit.
Debating Teams Go
To Wayne U. Today
Five debating teams from the De-
partment of Speech will go to Wayne
University today to discuss compul-
sory arbitration of labor disputes.
The teams, three affirmative and
two negative, will include John Con-

Education on this governing board of
the Union.
Only men students in the above
schools will be allowed to vote. As
part of their qualification, they must
present their identification cards at
the time they vote.
John Timms, unopposed to repre-
sent the Law School, will automatic-
ally become a Union vice-president
for the Spring term.
In accordance with campus elec-
tion rules, two persons representing
the Men's Judiciary Council, in
charge of the election, will be at the
polls at all times. Voters may cast
their ballots for only one candidate.
No campaigning will be permitted
within 50 feet of the polling place.
Complete returns of the election
will be printed in The Daily tomor-

Meeting Views
Post-War Draft


Informal Discussion
Shows Opinions Vary
Meeting to discuss post-war mili-
tary training in an informal way, the
students participating in the first
student Town ':all threw forth sug-
gestions about peacetime conscription
that varied from viewing it as the
beginning of a competitive armament
race to seeing the establishment of a
one-year term of training for eight-
een-year old boys as a ground for tol-
erance and national unity.
The open forum followed a debate
presented by the Stump Speakers of
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering speech
society, to clarify the basic issues in-
George N. Sapulding and James
Stelt, members of the society who de-
livered the affirmative arguments,
spoke of the physical, social, educa-
tional and safety values to be gained
from the one-year compulsory train-
The two debators taking the nega-
tive side were Horace Campbell and
Marvin Shafer who emphasized flexi-
ble preparedness without conscrip-
tion, charging that compulsory train-
ing would bring a change to the Am-
erican attitude of personal freedom.
More mFunds
Asked for OPA
WASHINGTON, March 22.- (UP)-
The White House asked more money
for the OPA today in view of "grow-
ing inflationary pressures and a de-
crease in the supply of civilian
goods" in the next fiscal year.
OPA's total of $178,000,000 was in-
cluded in a request President Roose-
velt sent Congress for $1,120,453,300
to finance civilian war agencies
through the 12 months beginning
July 1.
Other items in the appropriation
War Shipping Administration $458,-
595,000, War Labor Board $13,405,000,
Selective Service $54,500,000, Office

Th ree Million.
Leave Tokyo,
Japs Report
By The Associated Press
evacuation of nearly 3,000,000 air raid
victims from Tokyo-one of the
greatest mass civilian evacuations of
the war-is in progress in the bomb-
torn Nipponese capital, the Japanese
indicated Thursday.
A Domei, Japanese News Agency,
broadcast recorded by the FCC said
Home Minister Shigeo Odachi told a
Diet committee that Tokyo probably
had less than 4,000,000 inhabitants
now, with more to leave. The city's
pre-war population was around 7,-
000,000, making it the third largest in
the world.
Defensive Mobilization
The prospect of population centers
of Japan being isolated by an Ameri-
can invasion was raised as the gov-
ernment speeded steps to organize a
civilian national, or "special-attack,"
Gen. Kaneshiro Shibayam, Vice
Minister of War, was quoted by Tokyo
radio as telling a Diet committee the
corps would be on a national scale,
so that "every member of the nation
may be assigned appropriate defense
duty in case of emergency."
Transportation Difficult
Minister of Agriculture and Com-
merce Toshio Shimada reported rice,
wheat and sweet potatoes had already
been distributed and stored in "great
Transportation difficulties in the
Nipponese homeland were explained
by Yonezzo Maeda, Transportation
and Communications Minister. He
told a Diet committee that passenger
traffic must be held to a minimum
while rail lines are handling move-
ment of materials resulting from the
"dispersal of factories and buildings."
Government officials previously
had said the industries would be
moved to Manchuria, or put under-
War Casualties
.Rise by 19,998
WASHINGTON, March 22-()-
The cost of the Army's drive to seize
the west bank of the Rhine River be-
gan to show up today in the casualty
After more than a month during
which the weekly increase in report-
ed casualties grew progressively
smaller, the Army and Navy releas-
ed figures showing a rise of 19,998.
The Army accounted for .18,223 of
the increase.
Undersecretary of War Patterson,
listing Army losses of 767,680, said
the report covered the fighting dur-
ing the latter part of February, It
was at that time that the First and
Ninth Armies jumped off from the
Roer River line in their final push to
the Rhine.
Coupled with the Navy's casualties
of 91,907, the Army figure pushed the
over-all casualties since Pearl Har-
bor to 859,587.
Concurrently with the announce-

Ninth and First fronts and head-
quarters of Montgomery. If true, it
would be the second time Von Rund-
stedt fell from grace.
The first was when he reportedly
quarreled with the late Field Mar-
shal Irwin Rommel over methods for
the battle of the Normandy beach-
head. He was recalled after Nazi-
picked generals carried Germany to
the brink of disaster in the battle of
Rhine Defenses Smashed
In the meanwhile Paris correspond-
ents report that two U. S. armies
crushed all major resistance west of
the Rhine today in the last phase
of a battle that cost the Germans
100,000 captives alone, and the enemy
said the river barrier was about to be
stormed both from the Palatinate
and opposite the Ruhr, which was
One German report said Lt. Gen.
George S. Patton's Third Army had
massed 300 regular and amphibious
tanks and strong engineering and
motorized units for a smash into the
mountains inner core of the Reich.
Another declared that Field Mar-
shal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery had
opened a thunderous artillery bar-
rage to screen a Rhine crossing west
of Wesel, adding to destruction
wrought by the thousands of war-
planes which throughout the day
sowed ruin through the Ruhr valley.
New Objectives Cited
Third Army strategists now were
free to plan the crossing of the Rhine,
for possibly no more than 4,000 Ger-
man effectives remained in action
west of the stream after one of the
worst disasters ever visited on Ger-..
man arms.
Written off were the great Rhine
cities of Mainz and Ludwigshafen,
where resistance folded during the
day and the few defenders were
chased into corners from which there
was nobretreat, with the Rhine
bridges blown.
Veteran Rally
Airs Problems
Blanchard Discusses
'Community's Relation'
Representatives of the local vet-
eran organizations, and a personal
delegate of Governor Kelly's spoke at
the Veterans' Rally held yesterday
in Rackham Amphitheate.
Representing Gov. Kelly, Carl Blan-
chard, of the Office of Veterans'
Affairs at Lansing, discussed the
"Problem of the Community to the
An advisory commission, consisting
of members of all the national and
federal veteran organizations and
special members who were veterans
of World War II, was established and
given the task of coordinating the
works of each separate organization.
This commission was also to collect
specific data regarding state boards
that would help the veterans, such
as Regents, Education, Hospitaliza-
The Veterans Commission was or-
ganized on the basis of cities or coun-
ties depending upon the need and
locale. These smaller agencies han-
dled the specific problems of veter-
State To Have Vet
Training Centers
WASHINGTON, March 22.-()-
The addition of three Michigan col-

MP's Quarrel
With Church ill
In Parliament
Delegation to World
]Parley Is Disputed
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 22-A bitter poli-
tical row flared up in Commons to-
day when Laborites accused Prime
Minister Churchill of packing Brit-
ain's seven-man, two-woman delega-
tion to the World Security Confer-
ence at San Francisco in order to
maintain his conservative party's'
supremacy after the war.
Tempers Snapped
Tempers snapped in the usually
staid house as Churchill announced
that Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden
would lead these delegates to the co-
ference beginning April 25:
Clement Attlee, Deputy Prime Min-
ister and Lord President of the Coun-
cil; Lord Cranborne, Dominions Sc-
retary;' Lord Halifax, British Ambas-
sador to Washington; and five Parli-
amentary Secretaries, George Tomli-
son of the Labor Ministry; William
Mabane, Food; Dingle Foot, Econo-
mic Warfare; Miss Ellen Wilkinson,
Home Security; and Miss Florence
Horsburgh, Health.
When the Prime Minister announc-
ed Eden, a Conservative, would lead
the delegation, the Labor members
immediately attacked. Aneurin Bev-
in, a consistent critic of Churchill,
asked why Attlee, a Laborite, had not
been given the chief role.
No Constitutional Authority
Churchill explained that Attlee had
no constitutional authority while
Eden, holding the Seals of State, was
responsible for the conduct of foreign
"That is not thie 'answer at all,"
Bevan shot back.
Then Emanuel Shinwell struck.
"Is it not all quite consistent with
his (Churchill's) declaration at a
Conservative conference," Shinwell
asked, "that the Conservative Party,
having got all they wanted in the
way of assistance and guidance in
the war, are now going to get every-
thing which is useful in their own
Four Conservatives
The delegation was composed of
four Conservatives, three Laborites
arnd two Liberals.
Shinwell's statement was met with
cheers and countering jeers.
Churchill roared back:
"He (Shinwell) has done every-
thing in his power to break up this
government and hopes to gain after
its dissolution. what he would never
gain while national affairs predom-
inated in men's minds."
Fair Representation
"Any fair minded man would say"
added Churchill, "that the Labor
Party had fair representation"
"Not from you," shouted Shinwell.
"I am responsible for nominating
this delegation," Churchill snapped,
"and they (the Laborites) have fair
representation in this delegation."
Snmall Nations of Europe
Will Be Discussed Today
"Small Nations in Post-War Eu-
rope" will be the topic of Dr. Feliks
Gross, former secretary-general of
the Central and Eastern Planning
Board, in an address to be delivered
atQ"m ^Jti ~nlln fe"4

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