THE MICHIGAN DAILY "THTMSDAY, MARCH 22, 194s ___________________________________________________________ I I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: British Paid Right Wing Greeks FORUM ON 18-YEAR-OLD VOTE: Extension of Franchise Condemned Evelyn Phillips . . . Managing Editor Margaret Farmer . Editorial Director Ray Dixon . City Editor Paul Sislin . Associate Editor Hank Mantho Sports Editor Daye Loewenberg . Associate Sports Editor Mavis Kennedy . . Women's Editor Business Staff Dick Strickland . . Business Manager Martha Schmitt . . . Associate Business Mgr. Kay McFee . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. 4E9"ENTO FOR NATION.L ADVERTIaING BY National Advertising Service, hc. College Pablisers Representatie 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CICA4O - BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * A FRAICISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: LOIS IVERSON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NisiP "GUESS democracy is just for white men." So said a Chinese boy trying to understand the position of the Negro in this country. His conclusion may become a true summa- tion of democracy in the United States if the trend evidenced by the exclusion of released Japanese from the Pacific Coast continues. The majority of the 60,000 Japanese-Ameri- cans recently released and the 30,000 previously relocated had lived in the West Coast area. They now find it virtually impossible to return, This situation is a result of the efforts of the American Legion, Associated Farmers of California and the Native Sons of the Golden West, who in 1944 opposed the mass release, and, failing to secure a measure on last November's ballot intensifying the state alien law, have at least secured their fundamental aim in "keep- ing the Japs out of California." As Assemblyman Gannon of Sacramento, chairman of the California Committee on Japa- nese Problems said, "The anti-Japanese feel- ing on the Pacific Coast is not engendered by the war alone-it is something that has prevail- ed for years." The root of the trouble is economic, lying in the need of fruit-growers and farmers for manpower and in their resentment of land- owning by the Nisei. An Oregon apple-grbw- er said of the re-location plan, "This is a chance to stop ownership of second-genera- tion, American-born Japanese. They're better educated, and will be tough competition fn years to come." Another objection has been that the stand- ard of -living of the Japanese is lower; they work longer hours for less wages. In this practice they have been encouraged by the fruitgrowers themselves. The Japanese-Americans, now without land, consequently are settling elsewhere. Since their machinery is still in California, and the work- ers must distribute themselves where they can find immediate work, the fruit-growers-the very ones who helped bring about the present conditions-may be forced to ask for the re- turn of the Japanese to relieve the manpower shortage. More critical is the threat to democratic ideals. If a group can demand and obtain certain privileges and suppress and exclude another group, the effect is suspiciously what even the Hood River American Legion and the Associated Farmers of California would term fascist. If the United States cannot succeed in practicing democracy among races at home, it can not very hopefully expect either full cooperation at the peace confer- ence or respect in a closer postwar community of nations. Patricia Cameron Conuni'is T HE NATIONAL Broadcasting Company's re- cent move to eliminate the "middle com- By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Goverpor Lehman's UNRRA is doing its best to hush it up, but a very strange thing has happened in Greece. A Brit- ish UNRRA worker was killed, and in his pos- session were found receipts for money paid by the British to Greek factions, to encourage them to fight against each other. The incident was in no way the fault of Governor Lehman or his Washington staff, since the Near East UNRRA is under a Brit- ish director. Here are the so far-suppressed facts as to what happened. The UNRRA worker who was killed was L. F. Ram Shepherd, chief of UNRRA's Greek mission's intelligence division. On the rolls he was listed as "Mister" Shepherd, but actually he was a colonel in the British army. Colonel Shepherd joined' UNRRA right after the liberation of Athens, but during the whole time up until his death he was acting fo Brit- ish intelligence, though using the American flag on his car. After he was killed, UNRRA officials who took an inventory of property in the Colonel's hotel room found receipts for huge amounts I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Senator's Justice By SAMUEL GRAFTON SENATOR VANDENBERG is taking Justice with him to San Francisco, as a sort of secretary, lie says he will be guided by Justice in all he does. The Senator has been talking a great deal lately about the sweet, brave girl, with the bandage over her eyes, and the scales in her hand. He has long conversations with her, and then he tells us, in speeches and state- ments, what she has said. So far they seem to have talked mostly about the Polish border. Doesn't any other subject come up in the Senator's talks with this dis- tinguished female? It has always been my impression that Justice was a well-rounded sort of girl; that she could talk fluently on a num- ber of themes, Shakespeare and the musical glasses, the hungry children of the world, and how hard it is to be out of a job. It is only since the Senator has taken over as Justice's press representative, so to speak, that the young. lady seems to have narrowed her range, and to have no interest left in the world beyond Wilno and Lwow. It is rather strange to think of. Justice as having a one-track mind. The Senator has promised faithfully to follow Justice wherever she goes, and he has made touching protestations of his loyalty to her. "Whither thou goest, I will go," he has said. Is he going to keep that pledge when Justice gets tired of squatting on the Polish border, and begins to look around? "You know," she may say to him during one of the duller sessions at San Francisco, "I think it's time we endorsed Bretton Woods, Van, old fruit." "I beg your pardon?" the Senator may say. "Well, there's more to life than the Polish frontier," she may whisper. "Hmmm," the Senator may answer. "You said you would do what I wanted," she is likely to reply, beginning to sniffle a bit, in the im- memorial fashion of the disappointed lady. The Senator can hardly tell Justice to pack up her things and go home. After all, he did say she was the biggest thing in his life. Anyone who takes Justice by the arm may find himself in for a longer walk than he intended. I can see her, during one of these strolls, steering the Senator over to look at the starving children of France, and, with womanly gentleness, offering the tender suggestion that America at once send some of its relative plenty abroad, to ease the great hunger. "It's not exactly the problem Im working on," the Senator will say. "Oh, you!" All you do is talk about Lwow, Lwow,' Lwow." It will do the Senator no good to protest that he can't take carte of everything. "Justice wants to feed those children," she will answer, speaking about herself in the third person, with charming childlike directness. "I want you to go right into the Senate tomorrow and tell therm that." The Senator may try to protest that he was elected to do a certain job, and that he has to stick to it. In which case the answer may be: "Elected to save Lwow, hey?", and, of course, there is nothing quite so unpleasant as a sarcastic woman. Justice is one of those girls who think of everything. The afternoon must arrive when she will bring up a matter which Senator Vandenberg has probably overlooked, "You know," she will remark to the Senator, 'Jus= tice doesn't think you're altogether serving her, when you puff up one question of detail, the Polish border, to the point where you may hurt the peace by upsetting an agreement anong Mr. Roosevelt, and Mr. Churchill and Mr. Stalin." .Those three men." I can hear the Senator saying. "I didn't even know you knew them." "Know them?" she will say. "In a way, I think I helped introduce them to each other. That was some time before I met you, dear." (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) of gold sovereigns, The receipts were dated1 Oct. 22 to Nov. 29, four days before the trou- ble broke in Athens. The receipts said: "I have received from Mr. L. F. R. Shepherd a sealed bag said to contain 1,000 gold sovereigns." These receipts were signed by Greek leaders of various Royalist and Right Wing organizations. The amounts mentioned in the receipts varied Irom 100 sov- ereigns to 2,000. S.S. Flag Hid Intrigue .* IN OTHER WORDS, all during the period when Greek political factions were trying to work out their own problems, a British colonel, dis- guised as an UNRRA worker, was paying Greek Royalist factions to fight the EAM-ELAS group which had done most of the guerilla fighting against the Germans. After the fighting started, Colonel Shepherd kept on stirring up trouble. As an UNRRA officer, supposedly on a mission of mercy, he could travel freely between the British zone and the ELAS zone. And he did. Furthermore, he did so in a car draped with the American flag. Under cover of the American flag he vwent into ELAS territory ostensibly to talk about food distribution, but actually to get military infor- mation. When Colonel Shepherd's car hit an ELAS mine during the last days of the battle, it was still proudly bearing the Stars and Stripes, symbol of the land in which the Greek people have so much faith. Greek T ragedy .. AS EARLY as October, 1943, one year before the Greek trouble Utarted, this column told how all Greek guerilla factions were brought by the British to Cairo and all voted unanimously, together with the Greek cabinet, that King George of Greece must not return until a plebiscite regarding him had been held by the Greek people; but that Churchill, ignoring this, wired King George to return to Greece at the head of his troops. Also disclosed was how Churchill's own advisers warned him that trouble was sure'to break out if he backed the right wing Royalists. Chief loans which the Greek government owes abroad are to the Hambro bank of London. At one time Churchill was helped out finan- cially by the Hambro family. Most of Chur- chill's colleagues in the British cabinet have vigorously dsagreed with his Greek policy, especially Foreign Minister Eden. Roosevelt also sent Churchill some hot cables regarding Greece, after this column published the text of the Prime Minister's cable to General Sco- bie to treat Athens as "a conquered city". Sir William Matthews is Governor Lehman's chief of UNRRA in Greece and the Balkans. He is so resented by American UNRRA work- ers that they signed a long statement protest- ing against his operations. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate) t.Lttpj14,die &at.P MUCH has been written in the past regarding the campus spirit at the University. Many excellent ideas have been presented but little has been done either by the student body or the officials of the University. It seems that the students are unaware of the possibilities open for their fuller enjoyment of college life, and the administration has done all within its power to discourage any attempt on the part of the students to enjoy their life while at school. The trend at Michigan is toward making old men and women of its students. Nothing but the atmosphere of the black cap and gown and the stack of academic tones is to prevail. Cer- tainly it is our prime object to gain knowledge, but in doing this must we retire to cells and forget that life is also to be enjoyed? We talk about freedom; freedom for all races, creeds, nationalities; freedom of speech, thought and expression, yet that institution which should be the greatest proponent of all the freedoms' thas enslaved its own people, and it attempts to rule and regulate every move of its students. In the past there have been many ideas ad- vanced for social activities at Michigan, many of them have been good ideas, heartily approved of by all the students and many of the more en- lightened members of the faculty. The most recent idea has been the one of electing a Queen for the Bunny Hop to be held before Easter. What, I ask you is so harmful about that? Will it degrade the student body? Will it bring scorn to the University? Will it dis- iolv*e or impa ile "Academic standards"? such is the attitude of the administration, (the actioln of the students in acquiescing to this dictatorial domination is no more com- mendable. Who is to stem the tide? While we are busy decrying the lack of freedom elsewhere, we find that we too suffer from the lack of freedom at home. There is a need of mending our own fences. Are we equal to the task? That is for you as indi- viduals to answer. -Ken Bissell THE PROPOSAL now in the state legislature to permit 18-year-olds to vote should be defeated. The ar- guments advanced by its proponents seem to me to be founded on emo- tional and unreasonable grounds. Most familiar of these arguments is the "If he's old enough to fight, he's old enough to vote" routine. This is a splendid example of the sort of syllogism which seems reasonable and logical at first glance, but falls through upon closer scrutiny. "Those who are old enough to fight are old enough to vote. 18-year-olds are old enough to fight, therefore 18-year- olds are old enough to -vote," is the pattern such arguments take. Exam- ination of the major premise, how- ever, takes the support out from under the whole thing. There is absolutely no connec- tion between a young man's ability to fight and his insight in choosing the men who will guide the nation. The fighting which the average soldier does consists not in evalu- ating the merits of several pro- posals and then following the one which seems most reasonable, but rather it depends upon his physi- cal strength, his ability to obey orders, to surrender himself to discipline, to work with other peo- ple for the good of the group. Choosing a President or council- man or coroner, on the other hand, demands the ability to sift campaign speeches for the worthwhile parts, to distinguish those men whose accom- plishments outrank their words, to know a little about the possible out- come when liberals or conservatives are in office. This is something that cannot be taught to youngsters, can- not be gleaned from grade and high school civics courses, but rather must be learned from contact with people. And it must not be contact made in the protected atmosphere of a high school history class, where our states- men and politics are glorified for young minds, but contact made in new surroundings, in new circum- stances. Whether the high school graduate goes directly into the busi- ness world or heads for college, he is heading for new experiences with people, experiences which will help to qualify him to judge the merits of candidates for the offices tifat con- trol his city or country. Whether he learns caution from an unpleasant experience with a fel- low employee or from the pages of a social psychology book makes little difference really . . . the important thing is that he will have learned to exercise such caution. And the eigh- teen-year-old just graduating from high school has not learned this fun- damental rule in dealing with people. Another favorite claim of the supporters of the bill is the state- ment that the high school grad- uate knows more about civics than he ever will the rest of his life. That strikes me as being ridiculous ... we may learn the mechanics of government in civics classes, but we know little of the personalities of government. Some of those who advocate ex- tending the franchise to the eigh- teen-year-olds use the argument that eighteen-year-olds live in this country, work here, play here, etc., and should therefore have a voice in the government. So do 16-year-olds, some of them. But because a minor- ity of 18-year-olds have the neces- sary stability and background to make intelligent selections, there is no reason to extend the franchise to include the majority who do not have such qualifications and who would therefore overrule any benefits accruing from such a measure, as well as adding to the great number of incompetent over-21-year-old vot- ers. Extending the franchise to in- clude greater numbers of voters is not the answer to the imperfec- tions in our election system. Let us rather aim at educating the pres- ent voters, at preparing them for their task. Let us make them intel- ligent, realistic, reasonable voters ... let us take out of the process of election the emotionalism which blocks true voting intelligence, the same emotionalism which is be- hind the proposal to give eighteen- year-olds the vote. -Marge Faraday r : 10 r ; .: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 t THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 101 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem-- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the Presient, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices To the Members of the University Council: It is planned to hold the April meeting of the University Coun- cil on Monday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The Summer Session of the Grad- uate Curriculum in Social Work, which is given at the Rackham Mem- orial Building in Detroit, will open for registration Friday and Satur- day, June 15 and 16, classes begin- ning Monday, June 18. The session will close Friday, Aug. 10. This is a change from original dates set. Identification Cards which have been validated for the Spring Term are now available in the booth out- side Rm. 2, University Hall. New identification cards will NOT be ready for several days. Notice will be given as soon as they may be picked up. American Red Cross War Fund: If you have not been solicited in regard to your contribution toward the American Red Cross and wish to make your pledge, please call at the Cashier's Office, 104 South Wing, and receive your membership card and pin. Students who entered the Fresh- man Hopwood Contests should call for their manuscripts at the Hop- wood Room before Friday of this week. Dr. Edgar J. Fisher of the Institute of International Education will be holding conferences with foreign students from 9 to 11 a.m. at the International Center today. All in- terested students should contact the Center for appointment. The Ilillel Foundation will now accept reservations for the Pass- over meals. Reservations will not be accepted after 5:30 p.m., Friday, March 23. This, semester meals will be charged as follows: for the whole week, $17.00, for the individual Se- dar, $2.25. Twenty red ration points, (two stamps), will be required only from those eating the whole eight days. Due to the present wartime conditions no reservations will be taken without money or stamps. International Center Camera Club: There will not be a meeting this week. The next meeting will be two weeks from today on April 5. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Feliks Gross, Managing Editor of "New Europe," will lecture on the subject, By Crockett Johnson "The Small States in Post-war Europe," Friday, March 23, at 8:00 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under the auspices of the Depart- ment.-of Political Science. The public is cordially invited. Professor Antoine Jobin, of the Department of Romance Languages, will give the sixth of the French Lec- tures sponsored by Le Cercle Fran- cais on Tuesday, March 27, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of his lecture is: "Souvenirs de France." Academic Notices Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students who fail to file their election blanks by the close of the third week of the Spring Term, even though they have registered and have attended classes unofficially will forfeit their privi- lege of continuing in the College. E. A. Walter Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week of the Spring Term. March 24 is therefore the last date on which new elections may be ap- proved. The willingness of an indi- vidual instructor to admit a student later does not affect the operation of this rule. E. A. Walter Registration for Graduate Record Examination: The Graduate Record Examination will be given on the eve- nings of April 16 apd April 17 in the Rackham Bldg. This examination, required of all degree candidates in the Graduate School, is open to Seniors in the undergraduate units and td students in the professional schools. The University will pay the fee for this April examination. Any- one wishing to take the examination must register at the Information Desk of the Graduate School Office in the Rackham Bldg. before March 30. To all lale students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students of this College, e- cept veterans of World War II, must elect Physical Education for Men. This action has been effective since Tune, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University, Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Ar- thur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Asso- ciate Dean E. A, Walter (1220 Angell Hall). Except under very extrordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Spring Term, The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. - Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and The Arts: Attendance re- port cards are being distributed through the departmental offices. In- efti + - c "irorc i -carifn.,c aron on page 46 of the 1944-45 AN- NOUNCEMENT of our College. E. A. Walter Summer Session, 1945: Students who are interested in electing courses in Surveying to be given at Camp Davis during the summer session are requested to notify Prof. Harry Bou- chard at 209 W. Engineering Bldg. English 85 one-act play tryouts will be held today and Friday at 3 p.m. fourth floor Angell Hall. All students interested in participation are invited. Geometry Seminar: Today at 4:15 p.m. in 3001 Angell Hall. Professor G. Y. Rainich will speak on introduc- tion to asiomatics of projective geom- etry. Tea at 4. The special short course in speeded reading will be given for students who wish to improve their reading ability. Those interested will meet Tuesday, March 27 at 5, Rm. 4009, University High School Building, School of Education. At that time the course will be explained and time of meeting set. If you are interested and cannot attend the organization meeting, call Mr. Morse, Ext. 682, for further information. There is no charge for this non-credit course. Concerts Student Recital: Ruby Joan Kuhl- man, pianist, will present a program of compositions by Scarlatti, Beetho- ven, Brahms and Debussy at 8:30, Friday evening, March 23, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Given in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, the program will be open to the general public. All-Beethoven Program: The third program in the current series of Sun- day evening piano recitals by mem- bers of the School of Music faculty will be played by Kathleen Rinck at 8:30 Sunday, April 25, in Lydia Men- delssohn Theater. It will include Beethoven's Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3, Sonata, Op. 31, No. 2, and Sonata, Op. 110. The general public is in- vited. Events Today Inter-Guild Tea: Tihe "Inter-Guild Inventory" will continue at Lane Hall today at four o'clock with a talk by Rev. H L. Pickerill entitled "Congregationalists, Disciples and Protestant Action." Miss Priscilla Hodges is to be secretary of the event. All students interested in this study of Protestantism are cordially invited to attend. Sophomore Cabaret Central Cm- mittee: There will be a meeting for members today in the Undergradu- ate Office. Eligibility cards must be brought to this meeting. Tea at the International Center, every Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m. Faculty, foreign students, and their American friends are cordially invited. Hillel Foundation Workshop Com- mittee Meeting: There will be a meeting of the Workshop Committee at 4 p.m. today at the Hillel Founda- tion. All members must attend. A rhion-illmhp P etpae t4' 9 .1 r T BARNABY - - Imagine the excitement and O'Maley Enterprises, Inc. Good Va'vY V~., inn I 0 as in Ouphe. M as in Mbiro. Mr. Black's secretary is veryJ A ,, a ;n th Double L s busy at the moment but she .4 I I