2TE MICHIGAN DAILY rGI ME Newman Club Will Sponsor All Campus Spring Formal Friday Soph Cabaret Needs Helpers Final Opportunity To Register' For Committees Is Announced Army Nurses 1T"keldi ngs r. and .., En gagements Do Red Cross A Spring Formal, open to the en- tire -campus and sponsored by the Newman Club of St. Mary's Cha- pel, will be held from 9 p. m. to mid- night, Friday, April 6, in the Rain- bow Room of the Union, and will feature Bill Layton -and his orche- stra, announced Dotty Uhl, chair- man of the dance. Open Ticket Sale Tickets will be on sale to all stu- dents and may either be obtained at the Newman Club Rooms following Sunday masses, or from members of the dance committee which includes Charles Birdsall, Kay Kaye, Mary Driver, Ann Maloney, Doris Heidgen, Tom Donnolly, Floyd Miller, and Robert King. "Due to the manpower shortage," Miss Uhl stated, "girls are urged to ask their favorite man to the for- mal." Colored programs will be giv- en to the girls as souvenirs, the chair- man added, and she also disclosed that "intermission entertainment is being kept as a surprise, but it will be very good and well worth waiting for." Late Permission For Servicemen Miss Uhl announced that late per- mission has been obtained for mem- bers of the Army, Marine, and Navy units on campus, although the defi- nite time will be made known later. "Now that the boys have late permis- sion,", she said, "and since the girls have their regular weekendpermis- sion, there is no reason why every- one can't come to the first really Spring formal of the semester." Sophomore coeds who are interested T in working on any of the various com- Ther of E M.orse mittees for Soph Cabaret will.ha dugveeoM. and Mrs. Morse W. i mteesfor ophu Cabart will hav Rew of Lakewood, to Pvt. Philip G. their last opportunity to sign for Whelan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles committee work from 1p.n m. to 5:30 M. Whelan of Pleasant Ridge, has p. m. today at a special booth which been recently announced. has been set up at the League d Both Miss Rew and Pvt. Whelan Women who have already signed attended the University. Pvt. Whe- need not do so again. The Cabaret Ian is a member of Alpha Tau Ome- booth is only for those who have not ga fraternity. He is now serving over- as yet indicated their committee prf-sas erence or the desire to work. RELIEF TEA TO BE GIVEN TODAY Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven will open her home from-3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today for a tea for Norwegian Relief, guests being required to present a bundle for Norway as admission. Merit Committee will sign eli- gibility cards for any campus ac- tivities except student publications and WAA any afternoon untili March 30 at the League. No woman can participate in any campus activity without an eligi- bility card, which may be ob- tained by presenting a report card showing at least eleven hours of C for upperclassmen, or fifteen hours for freshmen at Room 2 University Hall. Every woman of the sophomore class is urged to participate in the newly revived Cabaret, which was discontinued at mtheoutbreak of the war when the women of the sopho- more class turned their attentions to a war effort program. Eligibility cards and enthusiasm are the only prerequisites for women who are interested in Sophomore Cabaret committee work. Women may sign to work on any of the com-1 mittees in which they are interested. GIVE! to the RED CROSS LO-HEELE /64 ( Mr. and Mrs. Hawley D. New-1 berry of Detroit have recently an- nounced the engagement of theiri daughter, Julia, to William L. Cul- ligan, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam L. Culligan also of Detroit. The announcement was made at a dinner at the Alpha Phi sororityI house of which Miss Newberry is a member. She is a senior in the University. Mr. Culligan is a senior in engi-I neering training as apprentice sea- man, U. S. Naval Reserve at the University. He is a member of! Phi Delta Theta fraternity and aI member df the "M" Club, Triangles and Vulcan, honorary engineering societies.! * * The marriage of Sally Baubie,1 daughter of Mrs. Eaton Baubie and Raymond Bauble to Lt. Luther M. Sandwick, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Sandwick of Washington, D. C. has been announced. Both Lt. and Mrs. Sandwick, Jr. attended the University. The bride is a member of Alpha Delta Phi sorority. Lt. Sandwick is in the Army Air Corps and is stationed in Great Bend, Kansas. The engagement of a former Michigan student, Doris May Ar- ner, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Don C. Arter of Three Rivers, Michi- gan, to John J. Coury, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Coury of Wheel- ing, West Virginia, has been an- nounced. While at the University, Miss Arner was affiliated with Gamma Phi Beta so.rority and Iota Sigma Chemistry Society. Mr. Coury is a senior in the Medical College of western Re- serve University where he is affil- iated with Alpha Kappa Kappa fraternity. * * * The marriage of Virginia Pierson,1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pierson of Jackson, Michigan, to Lt. Allan R. Wright has been announced. Miss Pierson graduated from the University School of Dental Health last year. Overseas J ob 'Angels of Bataan' Carry On With Work in Theaters of War In Field, Evacuation Hospitals With the spirit of the "Angels of Bataan" behind them, American nur- ses have donned navy blue and army O. D. 's through Red Cross recruit- ment committees in 300 communities. American military nurses band the globe wherever American troops are fighting, working in field hospitals arid evacuation stations in forty coun- tries overseas, and on hospital ships and planes in all theaters of war, Nurses On All Fronts As each new front opens, Army nurses come in on the heels of the fighter, and their care of the sick and wounded has helped the Medical Department to keep casualty deaths down to less than three percent. This helpful care is given at the expense of the nurses' rest and personal com- fort. These courageous Red Cross nur- ses never give up fighting, even after they have been bombed off such islands as Bataan. One of the vet- erans of service in the jungle hospital on Bataan, while awaiting the day when she can return to the island, was one of a group of Army nurses who went into Leyte to help set up field hospitals for the thousands of casualties. Bataan Nurse In New Guinea, an army nurse was the first white woman the natives had seen in three years. She flew in aboard a C-47 hospital plane, as- sisting the flight surgeon. On the other side of the world. another of the Bataan nurses is now working in France close to the front lines in an evacuation hospital. Aboard hospital ships, Red Cross recruited nurses care for casualties being transported to new hospitals within the foreign theaters, or en route back to the States. Coed Girl Reserve Leaders Needed Coeds are needed immediately to serve as leaders and assistant leaders for the Ann Arbor Girl Reserve troops, according to Dusty Miller, Child Care Committee chairman. Women who wish to volunteer need only the desire to work with high school students, and be willing to contribute at least two hours a week to the work. All those interested are asked to call Barbara Osborne at 23225. Further information may be obtained from Miss Osborne. Coeds Needed For Hospital Volunteer Work With the new semester getting well underway, coed hospital volunteers; are still needed at both University1 and St. Joseph's hospitals.# 1945 makes the third year that the sophomore class has sponsored its project of volunteer hospital work contributed by University women. Soph Project has aided both hospitals in an effort to alleviate the scarcity of nurses which has been prevalent during the war period and coed vol- unteers have come to occupy a vil1 role in the efficient functioning of both hospitals.. According to the February report of Soph Project's Central Commit- tee, there was a sharp decline in the number of volunteers and the amount of hours contributed during that month over previous months of last semester. University women may arrange hours of work at the hospitals to suit their own schedules and any amount of time they contribute will be more than appreciated by Uni- versity and St. Joseph's Hospitals.E Workers may assist in the wards, on the private floors, in offices and clinics, in the admitting depart-+ ments, in 'pediatrics and on various other jobs throughout the hospitals. JG Play News Central committee for Junior Girls play will meet at 4 p. m. tomorrow in the JGP office in the League, ac- cording to Peg Kohr, assistant chair- man. The purpose of the meeting will be to check eligibility cards and to sub- mit proposed budgets. Each chairman will be required to turn in to Mary Bartley, secretary-treasurer, an item- ized list of posposed expenditures. Dorothy Jean Harvey has been ap- pointed to be prompter for the play. * * * Ten more women are to be select- ed for the singing chorus. They will be chosen from the list of those who tried out, according to Anne Cross- ley and Masaka Ono, co-chairman of the choral group. Counselors Club To Hear Speaker Meeting at the WAB at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday in the WAB, the Camp Counselors Club will hold its first meeting of the semester. Miss Dorothy Yaki will be the guest speaker and will discuss the achievements and purposes of lead- ership in the Girl Scouts. All mem- bers are invited to attend as well as those interested in the subject. 4,95 \ BOY CAP t ,i f Nqy C , r , ti . . p' . " s ck5 " "' ir" *_: ;, ,., .. i'.? "s .'': t t i ,' ,.;. t L. .. _. . xa.Y1 : j '. A S .Y 3 4 t Your "bobby sox" favorite., a "moe" toed all leather flat primed for lots of fun and carefree tramping. 3.0 .:: ,., . -,' . . THE JAUNTY YOUNG HAT that's tops for I Spring casuals college crowd. in the high school and Done for us by Be/war Iy e It's lovely to send thoughts on Easter! A dainty gift.. . something new as the sea- son itself is most appropri- ate. You'll find we've many charming ideas to go forth as your Easter greetings. w t J A New $aucy Scent Perfume . . Eau de Cologne is a heart catcer Thereavill be S. R. Q* wher you use Visny's' Jeu Caher Every drop's a heart catcher! Price 00, plus tax Cologne . . 1.50' Perfume: ..~ By the dram . 1.50 By the ounce 12.00 V J s Y, i f a $ y a S $ 2 >" in good wool felt .. , red, Kelly, powder, grey mix, navy, brown. atabl po" or EASTER Pin your Easter corsage on to a suit that will do justice to the occasion . Smartly fashioned from all-wool or gabardine and enhanced by the luscious colors of Spring. Choose from either cardigan or la- pelled necklines. farom 29.95 And give to the RED CROSS CLASSIC c00 ieece TOPCOATS With Hand-Picked Seams X9.510 Easter Frills Charmingly delicate froth for neckline emphasis that she'll adore for Easter. Tailored and fancy dickies 1.25 to 5.00 Bows and Collars . 2.00 and 3.00 Tailored by :u. '. i ,.; . n - £ 5 -, tLuscious," YOU'LL SAY, when you see. the beautiful colors, feel the feather-soft fabric, note the super-smooth tailoring. The sort of coat you'll toss on over suits I I .... -r - - - v- 7 1 - I II I1 I I