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March 21, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-21

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&;; Lt4igan IaIyI
Fifty-Fifth Year

The Pentdulum 4 4

Extension of Franchise Favored





Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

.Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon .
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

. . . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
* . Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . Business Manager
. . . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 2324-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Rhif, Crossing
ALLIED MILITARY timetables were speeded
up all along the way when forces of the Amer-
ican First Army made Ither surprise coup at
Remagen and succeeded in crossing the mighty
Rhine River barrier in force almost before the
Germans knew what was happening.
Prior to the American blow, Allied reconnais-
ance showed the Germans feverishly erecting
defenses before this, the last great natural bar-
rier before the heart of Germany's industrial
middle. An all-out battle with the Germans
making a possible last stand was indicated, but
the battle was ended before it began by the
audacity of the fast-moving Allies.
The complete disorganization of the Ger-
man forces, fighting what was supposed to
be a delaying action in front of the Rhine,
was shown by the fact that the Hindenburg
span was not blown up by German demoli-
tion forces in their flight. Allied command-
ers, quick to sense the possibilities in that
piece of good fortune, sent their troops
pouring across the river and in doing so
may have shortened the war by months.
Now that the bridgehead at Remagen is secure
and is being steadily expanded, the situation of
the Germans may be more closely examined.
Militarily, tge crossing has largely nullified all
German efforts to fortify the East bank of the
Rhine, now that these defenses can be at-
tacked from the rear and "rolled up." Thus,
the way is opened for other crossings all along
the line, from which the final assault may even-
tually be made. Immediately, the crossing places
in jeopardy the industrial Ruhr, heart of the
German munitions network.
One other factor which cannot be overlooked
is the psychological significance of the cross-
ing on the German people. The Germans have
traditionally regarded the Rhine as an impene-
trable barrier against Western invasion. That
it should be taken at all, let alone with such
apparent ease, is undoubtedly a severe jolt
to the confidence of the German populace. Its
repurcussions may be severe.
While there is as yet no cause for undue
optimism, the fact remains that the hurdling
of the Rhine has placed the Allies in the
most favorable position they have enjoyed in
the Western campaign. The next few weeks,
or perhaps days, should go a long way toward
determining just what Allied commanders
will be able to do in this new situation.
-Bill Mullendore
Occupying Germany
THE PLAN for the post-war occupation of Ger-
many was outlined at Yalta. United States
troops, according to decisions made by the lead-
ers of the 'Big Three' and their subordinates, will
occupy approximately one third of the Reich.
But as to the nature of the occupying forces
there is still considerable doubt. With the
defeat of Germany drawing closer to a cQn-
clusion, discussion will undoubtedly grow in
..both volume and intensity. Parents and wives
of men already overseas will want them returned
to the States as soon as possible. The veterans
overseas, already discussing in their publica-
tions the nature of the forces which will occupy
Germany, will want to get back to civilian life
as soon as the victory is won. An undeterminate
number of these men, fearful of postwar unem-
ployment, or for other reasons, may volunteer
to remain overseas as occupation troops. No

one, to my knowledge, believes that these volun-
teers will be in sufficient number to occupy
(",ermanv aa Q(nX

SAMUEL RICHARDSON seems to have spent
the better part of a lifetime studying
womankind and shunning the company of men.
It is therefore not at all extraordinary that
his set of values should have coincided at so
many points, with that generally attributed to
the weaker sex. Richardson, like his heroine
Pamela-in the novel of that name-tended to
put the prudential and the expedient on a level
completely disproportionate to its real import-
ance. I think he fully shared Pamela's self-
Author or fictional protagonist can equally
be the source for such narcissism as suffuses
this book. The epistolary technique gives Pam-
ela a plenitude of opportunities to write home
to mama. She herself compare the "lowly Lady
Divers as against the high-minded Pamela.
Lowly I say because she could stoop to such
vain pride; and high-nfiinded I because I hope
I am too proud ever to do the like!" (The punc-
tuation is not mine).
Only by immersion in it could Richardson
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c'ellei to the &litop
To the Editor:
I should like to congratulate the Daily-and
especially Miss Betty Roth-very heartily for
the first-rate editorial entitled "Federal Tax
Power" which appeared in Wednesday's issue.
Quite unusual for Daily editorials, this article
exhibited very clear thought and a completely
fair-minded attitude on the part of the author.
The style-concise and forceful-is also to be
highly commended.
Even though I respect her views and atti-
tudes very much, I do not believe, however, that
I am in complete philosophical agreement with
her. The attempt to put through the proposed
twenty-second amendment is, of course, a pow-
erful endeavor by those in positions of great
wealth to secure themselves permanently in those
places, for they definitely fear-and perhaps
rightly so-that they are losing their influence in
the economic world. Immediately, therefore,
this proposed amendment can be condemned as
resulting, on the whole, from undemocratic mo-
Far more than this, though, is the fact that
our Constitution is a body of fundamental
law; it is not to be amended by provisions of a
general statutory nature. As our present chief
justice, Mr. Harlan F. Stone said in the case
of United States v. Classic (1941), we read
the Constitution "not as we read legislative
codes . . . but as the revelation of the great
purpases which were intended to be achieved
by the Constitution as a continuing instru-
ment of government." The proposed amend-
ment is clearly not one expounding broad and
flexible principles; it would be completely out
of place in our Constitution. It is primarily
because of this factor, together with the con-
sideration of the motives, that I oppose the
Looking at the problem from an economic
point of view, I believe that Congress should
consider itself under no limitations in levy-
ing taxes on incomes (that part of one's income)
derived from inheritances and gifts; for it is
through these means that such great wealth
has so often been concentrated in so few fami-
lies. But the levying of extremely high taxes on
that part of one's income which is derived from
his ordinary earnings (in the common use of
the term) is, in times of peace (and only then),
quite a different matter. For it has a very
wholesome and inspiring effect on us to know
that the possibility always exists that we can
keep .a great portion of the rewards of our work.
It gives us a splendid feeling of freedom-in a
world of so many necessary restraints-just to
realize that those who reach the top can enjoy
their position. It makes us have a much more
courageous and self'reliant spirit merely to be
aware that the objects of our indefatigable
striving will not be taken from us.
Changes in technology and the increasing
complexity of our social and economic life
necessitate great changes in our thought and
attitudes; but let us never destroy that magni-
ficent spirit of our frontier forefathers, who
scoffed at danger and would die before they

would accept any help or request any favor
from a neighbor. On account of these princi-
ples do I sincerelr hope that Congress, purely
as a matter of policy, refrain from levying
unusually high taxes on great incomes derived
from a person's every-day earnings. The
American spirit is too precious to be destroyed.
-Harry Daum
Free Press Pledged
DELEGATES to the Inter-American Conference
at Mexico City approved the Washington-
sponsored declaration pledging the twenty Amer-
ican republics represented to make information
freely and impartially available to their own
press and people, end wartime censorship as
soon as possible, and promote unfettered gath-
ering and sending of information by all news
Approval of the declaration was another
step toward the world-wide free press that is
necessary if the peace is to be lasting.
-Margaret Farmer

have recorded with apparent approval the
hypocrisy and trickery of such an attitude.
The indictment becomes so much more effect-
ive because it is made unwittingly. For,
this view asserts that chastity has no value
independent of the price it will bring on
what one critic has called the matrimonial
Lord B,-Fielding was later to dub him Lord
Booby-a rich and fairly benevolent member of
the British aristocracy, has designs on one of
his domestics. He tries every means to win her:
letters, threats, kisses, cajolery and finally ab-
duction. But, all to no avail. Pamela, ever-
vituous Pamela, goes into a swoon born of her
quintessential goodness at the very approach of
this would-e seducer whose hot breath is no
sooner wafted in her direction than she col-
lapses. Emotional paroxysms ensue in the
more violent scenes and mere sophistry in the
calmer ones.
Lord B says with some justice, "Pamela,
you chop logic very prettily." Hec n reason-
ably ask, "What tle deuce do we men go to
school for?" Female scheming wins out and
virtue, far from being its own reward, is duly
and handsomely recompensed.
OF COURSE, if any modern author attempted
to examine such moral problems as Richard-
son dealt with in the same priggish vein, he
would be greeted derisively and consigned to
the literary dustbin. "Pamela," however, seems
to have been popular enough. It still is to a
certain extent. I even know of one girl who
waded through volume two.
Yet, its deficiencies were obvious even to
critics of the eighteenth century like Samuel
Johnson and especially to Henry Fielding who
originally entitled his take-off on Richardson,
"Shamela." What started out as a burlesque
grew into that "comic epic in prose" known to
the world as "Joseph Andrews." Joseph is
Pamela's brother. A parallel situation to that
of Pamela exists between him and his mistress.
Thus Lady Booby tries to overpower Joseph,
but fails. Fielding describes this with beauti-
ful and really quite blistering satire, i. e.,
"The lady, being in bed, called Joseph to her,
bade him sit down, and having accidentally
laid her hand on his, she asked him if he had
ever been in love."
Richardson laid stress on code and conform-
ity. He could never rid himself of the awe
a commoner feels for his social superiors. Field-
ing, on the other hand, was an accepted member
of the gentry-so he could afford to deride it.
Fielding's real hero is not Joseph but Parson
Adams, the kind of man who may suffer a
thousand quixotic mishaps but whose every
native impulse bubbles over with good will. He
treats everyone with a characteristic generos-
ity Fielding admires.
Parson Adams' sincerity is his most signifi-
cant trait. Fielding judged his people by their
motives-whereas Richardson was interested in
the deed done, not what lay behind it. Obedi-
ence to custom had centrality in Richardson's
mind. Pamela abides by the established proto-
col. Lord B wishes to violate it (and her). Ergo,
he is a fiend. But, no matter how shrewdly
Pamela may have been calculating, the fact
that she was not seduced and did not succumb
until she had wrung a proposal from her master
attest sufficiently-for Richardson-to her purity
of body and soul
Not that I want to kick the corpse of Pamela
or her creator, but the state of mind they
personified can be ddected all too often in
these parlous days. My old girl friend Sheila
who seems to be re-appearing in variously
coquettish disguises on campus, says she would
rather read Richardson than Plato. Draw your
own conclusions, ye who would save the Re-
public of Letters.
THE LARGE GROUP who braved last night's
discouraging weather to view Robert Frier's
tinted travelogue, "Mexican Holiday," at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre was, amply reward-
ed by a colorful, varied look at our neighbor
to the South.

Ranging from the untravelled paths of rural
Mexico to the glamour and glitter of the cap-
ital city, the film maintains a pleasant pace.
The main points of interest are, of course, the
thrilling climatic shots of the volcano Pari-
cutin on an explosive rampage. There are also
some stunning shots of the Grotto of Mummies
in Guanajuato.
Aside from the inevitable sunsets and land-
scapes, Mr. Friers has injected some mild sex
appeal into the proceedings. The fabulously
beautiful Mexican screen star, Dolores delRio,
'is glimpsed at work on a film. Also, a com-
pletely gorgeous blonde creature crops up at
several points in a variety of bathing suits, but
she goes unexplained in Mr. Friers' comment-
ary. For the ladies there is also Mr. Errol
Mr. Friers supplies a running narration for his
film. His voice was not too pleasant to listen
to, but the commentary was light and amus-
ing and unobtrusive.
-Barrie Waters

PROPOSED constitutional am-
endment is now pending in the
Michigan legislature which, if pass-
ed-first by the House and Senate
and then by the majority of the peo-
ple of the state-will profoundly
affect suffrage in this state. Despite
the importance of this measure-an
amfendment which would lower the
legal voting age in Michigan to 18-
many people are not even aware of
the existence of the issue and more
do not fully understand it.
I. went to Lansing recently with
five other University students to at-
tend a public hearing of the House
Judiciary committee on this pro-
posed amendment. I heard argu-
ments pro'and con. I heard a repre-
sentative say, "18-year-olds are now
being asked to fight for their coun-
try. If they're old enough to fight,
they're old enough to vote." And I
heard another representative claim,
"There is no connection between
fighting and voting. A good soldierj
is not necessarily an intelligent vot-
I heard a mother of two children
tell the' committee that she sin-
cerely believed 18-year-olds are
capable of voting intelligently. I
hearet one committee member ask,
"Why lower the voting age to 18?
Why not 17 or 16 Cr 12?" And I
heard a Flint high school student
answer, "The minimum legal vot-
ing age must be set somewhere.
Some number must be arbitrarily
decided upon as the limit. Prob-
ably 18 was chosen for two reasons
-the draft age is now set at 18.
Also-most people graduate from
high school at 18. And one of the
purposes of the proposed new limit
is to avoid the lapse of interest in
government between the age of3
graduation and the age of 21."3
I heard a high school civics teacher
tell the committee, "I not only be-

lieve that high school students know
more about government and current
affairs than their parents did at thej
same age, but I also believe that
many of them know more about these'
matters than their parents do right
There were innumerable argu-
ments on either side. It seems to
me, however, that all of these argu-
ments, the whole issue of the pro-
posed lowered age requirement, re-
solves itself into two questions, the
first of which is Are 18, 19, and 20-
year-olds capable of voting intelli-
In the first place it is true that
under our present voting system
we are asked to choose the best
man to fill every position from
President of the United States to
county coroner and few people, no
matter what their age, are capable1
of voting as intelligently as is de-
sirable. Also it is true that many
who are now qualified voters do
not fulfill this duty. Many in the
over-21 group fail to investigate
the qualifications of the candidates
or fail to learn the issues;involved
in each election. Some vote hap-
hazardly. Some check a familiar
name or the straight party ticket
square. It's easier that way. Some
people-many thousands in Michi-
gan--do not vote at all.
Are 18-year-olds capable .of voting
intelligently, then? I believe that
they are. Psychologists say that the
average age of reaching mental ma-
turity is 18. The state recognizes
this maturity in fields other than
voting. 18-year-olds may marry;
they may own property; they may
work where they wish without special
permission. At 18 most young people
graduate from high school where
they have been trained in civics, his-
tory, and current affairs. They have

an active interest in the world about
them. They understand their gov-
ernment well enough to vote intelli-
gently; they would be interested
enough to go to the polls.
Few 18, 19, and 20-year-olds would
be non-voters. This has been illus-
trated in Georgia where the per-
centage of non-voters of the over-
21 group was overwhelmingly lar-
ger than the percentage of non-
voters among the 18 to 20-year-
olds. I think, therefore, that young
people are capable of voting intel-
But whether or not one admits that
18 to 20-year-olds are capable, can
it be denied that these people should
have the privilege of representation
in the government of the country in
which they live? Some argue that
people under 21 are represented by
the votes of their parents, and this
is probably true of children. But at
18-often sooner-children have de-
veloped into individuals with re-
sponsibilities of their own and a
personal active interest in their gov-
ernment. They are seldom really
represented by their parents' vote
and they have no vote of their own.
People of 18, .19, -and 20 live in
this country. They study here,
work here. They must pay taxes,
obey laws. Now, in wartime, many
are fighting. Many are being kill-
ed. Is it right that these young
people should not have even a
small voice in the management of
the government of their country?
Is it right that the young people
who are working and fighting
should have no voice in their gov-
ernment's labor, military, and for-
eign policies? Is it right that they
should have no voice in their gov-
ernment's plans for a peaceful to-
morrow in which they are going to
have to live? I don't think so.,
-Betty Erbaugh





(Continued from Page 2)
University Lecture: Dr. George L.
Clarke, Associate Professor of Zo-
ology, Harvard University, and Ma-
ine Biologist of the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institute, will speak
on the subject "A Consideration of
Oceanographic Methods for Great
Lakes Problems" on Wednesday,}
March 28, at 4:15 p.m. in the Amphi-
theater of the Rackham Building.
The lecture is under the sponsorship
of the Departments of Geology and
Zoology. It will be illustrated with
both motion pictures and lantern
slides. The public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
College of Literature, Science and'
the Arts, School of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course
or courses unless this work is made
up by April 5. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans-
Registration for Graduate Record
Examination: The Graduate Record
Examination will be given on the eve-
nings of April 16 and April 17 in the
Rackham Bldg. This examination,
required of all degree candidates in
the Graduate School, is open to
Seniors in the undergraduate units
and to students in the professional
schools. The University will pay the
fee for this April examination. Any-
one wishing to take the examination
must register at the Information
Desk of the Graduate School Office
in the Rackham Bldg. before March
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and The Arts: Attendance re-
port cards are being distributed
through the departmental offices. In-
structors are requested to use green
cards for reporting freshmen, and
buff cards for reporting sophomores
and upperclassmen. Reports of fresh-
men and sophomores should be sent
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall; those of jun-
i ors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three - week' ab-
sences, and the time limits for drop-
ping courses. The rules relating to
absences are printed on the attend-
ance cards. They may also be foundI
on page 46 of the 1944-45 AN-I
NOUNCEMENT of our College.
E. A. Walter

Summer Session, 1945: Students
who are interested in electing courses
in Surveying to be given at Camp
Davis during the summer session are
requested to notify Prof. Harry Bou-
chard at 209 W. Engineering Bldg.
The Make-Up Final Examination
for Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54 will
be given Thursday afternoon, March
22, at 3:00 o'clock in Rm. 207 Eco-
nomics Bldg.
Students who entered the Fresh-
man Hopwood Contests should call
for their manuscripts at the Hop-
wood Room before Friday of this
English 85 one-act play tryouts
will be held today and Friday at 3
p.m. fourth floor Angell Hall. All
students interested in participation;
are invited.
German I Make-Up Final Exami-
nation will be given from 10 to 12
a.m. Wednesday, March 28, in Rm.
201 University Hall. Students who
missed the final examination should
see their instructors immediately to
get permission to take the make-up.
Student Recital: Ruby Joan Kuhl-
man, pianist, will present a program
of compositions by Scarlatti, Beetho-
ven, Brahms and Debussy at 8:30,
Friday evening, March 23, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. Given in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music,
the program will be open to the
general public.
Events Today
Seminar on Student Christian
Movements today at 4 o'clock, Lane
Hall. Topic, Protestant student or-
ganizations at the University of
A meeting of the University of
Michigan Section of the American
Chemical Society will be held at
4:30 p.m. in Rm. 303 of the Chemis-
try Building. Dr. George Glockler of
the State University of Iowa will
speak on "Modern Concept of the
Molecule." The public is cordially
The first meeting of the spring
term of the A.I.E.E. Student Branch
will be held tonight, 7:30, at the
Michigan Union. Dr. B. F. Bailey of
the E.E. Department will speak. Ac-
tivities of the National Chapter will
be discussed. A movie on X-rays will
be shown.
The A.S.M.E. will hold its first
meeting of the semester this eve-
ning in Rm. 316 of the Michigan
Union at 7:30 p.m. A sound motion
picture "Target for Tonight" will be
shown. During the business meeting
various committees will be chosen
and activities for the semester will
be planned. All engineers are wel-

Introduction to Mental Health, will
take place at 7:30 in Rm. 35, Angell
Professor A. W. Binder of the Jew-
ish Institute of Religion, New York,
will speak on "Jewish Life in Jewish
Music" at 8 p.m. in the Kellogg Audi-
torium, under the auspices of the
Student Religious Association and
the School of Music. The public is
cordially invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica will present
Robert Friers in "Mexican Holiday,"
a color film travelogue, today at 8:30
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. Tickets may be obtained at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office. In
place of the regular Wednesday
meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica,
all members and students of Spanish
are urged to attend.
Alpha Kappa Delta, Sociological
Honorary, will meet this evening at
the home of Professor A. E. Wood.
The members will discuss "What Do
You Think Will Be the Major Social
Problems of the Post-War World?".
All members and friends are invited.
Coming Events
The second Inter-Guild Tea and
discussion of interdenominational co-
operation will be held Thursday,
March 22, at four o'clock in the Lane
Hall library. Rev. H. L. Pickerill will
speak on "Congregationalists, Disci-
ples and Protestant Action." All in-
terested students are invited to at-
The Post-War Council will hold an
important meeting Thursday after-
noon at 4:30 in the Union. All mem-
bers are urged to attend, and those
who wish to join the Council are
invited to come also.
Tea at the International Center,
every Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m. Faculty,
foreign students, and their American
friends are cordially invited.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Ladies Lounge of the Rackham Buil-
ding at 7:45 p.m. An all-Beethoven
program will be featured including
the Leonora Overture, Concerto No. 4
in G Major, and the 9th Symphony.
All graduate students are cordially
invited to attend.
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 3065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. at
12:15 p.m. on Friday, March 23.
Program: M. W. Senstius will review
'"Mining in the Netherlands East
Indies" by A. L. ter Braake. All
interested are cordially invited to
The Hillel Foundation will now
accept reservations for the Pass-
over meals. Reservations will not be
accepted after 5:30 p.m., Friday,
March 23. This semester meals will
be charged as follows: for the whole
l ur~r ~1 '7.00fonrthp indivialiSp-








By Crockett Johnson
- Copyright, 1945, The Newspaper PK Inc.


-- -.



Quite a story here on the
financial page abouty

"Rodney Black, president of O'Malley Enterprises,
Inc., ... J. Hawkwood White, general manager...
T T ~ ra, ir.-iijrc'r ha nnprcn~rr ,,h

The paper says my offices are in the





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