TIE MIChIGAN DAILY &I'P 3tr4igzrn aitj WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Pacic StrategyDiscussed' orzdteicesvihu vnhaigfo CAMPUS FORUM ON 18-YEAR-OLD VOTE Extension of Franchise Discussed Fifty-Fifth Year l -v. 31l - -~~~e r. .. ... Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . . .City Editor Associate Editor * * .Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor Business Staff . . Business Manager . . . Associate Business Mgr. * . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in thisnewspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVERTIGNG DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Represetative. 420 MADISON AVE. 1 NEW YORK. N. Y. cNICAGO * BoSToR . Los ARtLGRS . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. - 4 Student Town Hall STUDENT TOWN HALL, new all-campus pro- ject, promises vigorous discussion on matters of current student interest. Such issues as post-war compulsory mili- tary training and the 18-year-old vote, which, are scheduled for discussion, are the immedi- ate concern of the student body. We belong to the age group which will be affected by the proposals and what we think about them is important-important because if we are to have a hand in making the decisions, we must formulate opinions. The need for being well-informed in this dy- namic age has been called to our attention innumerable times, but nothing so forcibly brings it home to us as the turn of recent events. A recent Daily poll revealed that this campus was overwhelmingly in favor of compulsory military training. Why? What do students think about it? What are their arguments? The 18-year old vote has again come to the fore with the State legislature considering it and listening to a body from this campus. Here is an opportunity to decide if you are for or against it and why. Student Town Hall presents a- sounding board for these questions and permits the voicing of all shades of opinion. The emphasis in this new group has been placed directly on student participation; its success depends on campus support. -Betty Roth By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Great Britain's newest mem- ber on the Anglo-American Combined Chiefs of Staff, Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland Wil- son, had a private chat with Washington friends recently in which he gave the tip-off to Russia's interest in the war against Japan. Wilson told his friends about the backstage talks which American, British and Russian staff officers had at Yalta while Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin were talking of political matters, and remarked that the Russians had not understood the importance of the campaign in Burma until it had been discussed at Yalta. He said that the Russians were never aware that the Japanese had planned to invade India through Burma and that it was necessary to free Burma to keep China in the war as a communications and supply link. Actually, this was the first confirmation by any high Allied officer that Pacific strategy had been discussed at Yalta. Previously, Roose- velt, Byrnes and Churchill all said the subject was not discussed. Field Marshal Wilson made several other sig- nificant points. He admitted, among other things, that the campaign in Italy had been one big headache after another. However, Wilson pointed out that the invasion of Italy had clear- ed the Nazis out of the Mediterranean, had also gone a long way to build up United Nations morale more than a year before the liberation of France Nazis Kept Busy WILSON, who was former British commander in the Mediterranean, also disclosed that a total of 50 Nazi divisions were kept busy by the early fighting of the Allies in Italy and by Tito's partisans in Yugoslavia. Wilson also disclosed for the first time the troubles. Britain had in trying to deal with General Mikhailovitch, the right-wing Serb leader who was dumped by the Allies in favor of leftist Tito. Wilson told how he had per- sonally commanded Mikhailovitch to bomb the Salonika-Belgrade railroad to prevent a Nazi retreat, but that Mikhailovitch had refused. Mikhailovitch even tried to prevent the rescue of Allied fliers downed in Yugoslavia and they were only brought out with the aid of General Eaker's air force and special American OSS men. Wilson revealed. The British Field Mashal defended himself against the charges that he was responsible for the low bread rations in liberated Italy, ex- plaining that the British were the first to pro- test the low ration in Italy and that he personally had written Washington asking that the 200- gram rations for dock workers be increased. Wilson even stated that he had personally auth- muSIc LAST NIGHT, Desire Defauw and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra terminated the Sixty- Sixth Annual Choral Union Series. The pro- gram, though rather unimpressive, offered the listener an opportunity to hear selections that are seldom performed. Unfortunately, the Chicago Symphony has not upheld the standard attained by the late Fred erick Stock. Due to absence of the former qual- ity, one is uncomfortably conscious of the orche- stra's quantity. The lack of balance appears to be the most obvious defect. It is not often that the music lover has a chance to become acquainted with the works of the 18th century French composer, Gretry. The Ballet Suite from "Cephale et Procris" produced a refreshing and delightful sensa- tion. However, the orchestra might have been cut down to half its size in order to effect a more favorable result. Heavy orchestration is anything but indicative of the 18th century's delicate ballet music. The performance of Respighi's Suite for "Small Orchestra" was obviously guilty of the identical musical crime. Rameau's "Hen" reminded one more of a hyena than a hen. Especially in this group one sensed the unbalanced sections. The orchestra seemed to feel more at ease in the Romantic idiom. Although Glazoun6w's Symphonic Poem, Stenka Razine, is not one of the composer's best compositions, the charac- teristic Russian themes gave the strings a chance to display their talents. Chausson's Symphony in B-Flat 'Major, highly characteristic of Franck, lent iself well to the powers of the huge orchestra. The broad themes of the movements were carried rather competently by the string sec- tion. The highlight of the symphony rested in the sweeping themes of the second move- ment.. The first tlhree selections from Berliog's "Dam- nation of Faust," except for a few messy spots, were satisfying. But the celebrated Rakoczy March contained too much -brass and too little spirit. Even thebeautiful Air for the G-string failed to achieve poetic perfection. The second en- core, the march, Hands Across The Sea, con- cluded the concert. --Kay Engel orized the increase without even hearing from Washington. Russians Kept Hands Off ? THROUGHOUT his talk, Field Marshal Wil- son consistently maintained the Russians had not interfered either in Yugoslavia or Greece, but had "played it straight" all the way through. One important omission Wilson made, how- ever, was a hushed-up incident which took place in Italy last June 26th when a Red Army military mission statione at a British- controlled military field at Bari, took off without permission, flew straight to a secret airfield in Greece, landing at EAM head- quarters there. This was the first Russian mission to land in Greece before its liberation from the Nazis. A flabbergasted British junior officer was at the airport when the mission landed. The Russians conducted a systematic study of the entire EAM organization, mhen left to report to Moscow. Significantly, members of this mission later returned to Greece as formal Russian diplomatic attaches, have become increasingly leary of the way Britain has run the Greek show. The first direct warning the British received of incipient Russian criticism came right after the Yalta cnference, when the Moscow radio leveled a blast at the "Quisling prime mini- sters (of Greece) chosen to combat Commu- nism." This was considered a direct slap at the British. Capitol Chaff .. ENATE veterans did quite a bit of eyebrow arching the other day when a messenger de- livered a case of rare Scotch whisky to Judi- ciary Committee Chairman Pat McCarran's of- fice . . . OWI got every major newspaper and wire service on a single conference telephone line the other night, had many an editor preparing for a momentous news break, then gave them a story about the cost of textiles which was not for re- lease until two days later. . . . Vice-President Truman is unhappy that his new job brings him so much into the public spotlight. . . . Every time Truman opens his mouth or sits down to play the piano, it's news. . . . Tru- man's military aide, Col. H. H. Vaughan, tried frantically to stop publication of a cheese-cake picture showing movie actress Lauren Bacall flashing her limbs on top of a Press Club piano with the Vice-President strumming the key- board below. . . . Governor Ellis Arnall of Georgia is the only chief executive of a state who can talk the deaf and dumb language fluent- ly. Arnall was brought up with two deaf boys as neighbors, has become the hero of physic- ally handicapped people all over the country. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate)- Current M'ovies By BARRIE WATERS At the icgan . . MOSS HART'S "Winged Victory" has reached the screen and is on view at the Michigan. The film has been fortunate in having director George Cukor at the helm. His excellent handl- ing has made the film the enjoyable event it is. True, there still remain such scenes from the stageplay as the one in which "Silent Night" is interrupted by an air raid, probably the most desperately contrived bit of pathos since Eliza crossed the ice. But when it gets down to de- tailing the training of the pilots it becomes ex- tremely interesting and adopts a documentary quality which is highly effective. The gentlemen in the cast, recruiting from the Air Corps, are all uncommonly photogenic and have such dazzling smiles that you frequently get the impression that you are looking at an animated toothpaste ad. The ladies, portraying everything from a 'farm-girl to a Brooklyn housewife; are similarly endowed. All this pul- chritude would be fine in a Fox musical, but when it's representing average American youth, it strikes the wrong note. As a friend of mine remarked after seeing it, "I still can't decide whether they were wear- ing white uniforms with blue halos under red spotlights . , . or blue uniforms with rede halos under white spotlights." At the State . THE STATE'S "Bride By Mistake" is an exam- ple of a lot of very attractive people with nothing much to do. Since they are also a tal- ented lot, they make nothing more interesting than most, and The Bride squeezes by as an adequate evening's entertainment. It's another one about the poor little rich girl, Loraine Day, who fears suitor Alan Marshall loves her money more than her sterling femi- nine qualities. She puts him to a test with com- plicated results. The script isn't a particularly brilliant one although it contains an hilarious bridge game which is worthy of a much more pretentious picture. It also dabbles in slapstick, the high point occuring when Miss Day and company become involved with a gushy sprinkl- ing system. EDITOR'S NOTE: In an effort to inter- est the student body in pertinent politi- cal and social questions and to provide opportunity for discussion of these ques- tions, The Daily is co-operating with var- ious campus groups in presenting each week pro and con views on topics being studied by those groups. The discussion on this page will be opened by an analy- sis of the question by an interested and qualified member of the faculty. A pro and con student discussion will appear the following day, accompanied by edit- orials written by members of The Daily staff. Throughout each discussion, students and faculty members are urged to write letters to the editor expressing opinions either for or against the proposal under discussion. Letters should be limited to 300 words and must be signed with the name and address of the writer. Student groups interested in cooper- ating with this program should make ar- rangements with the Managing Editor. The issue under special consideration this week is the 18-year-old vote. TN CONSIDERING the issue of the 18-year-old vote, we can advance several reasons for the lowering of the legal voting age to include this group of our population. At this time, due to pressures created by the war, we find many people expressing the belief that: " . . . If they're old enough to fight, they're old enough to vote." This reason may not be firmly based on fact but it is an ex- pression of the times and it seems logical that the 18 to 21 age group which forms approximately 22 per cent-of our armed force, should have the right to vote. The trend of society in peace- time is toward suppressing youth's opportunities and delaying matur- ity and its accompanying responsi- bilities. But in wartime the trend is toward rapid maturation and an intensification of responsibility for all age groups. While this attitude exists during the war it would seem advantageous to effect the passage of an 18-year-old vote bill so that it could continue into peacetime as a corrective for the tendency which delays the acceptance of mature obligations and rights for the youth of the nation. A very important reason fq the passage of the bill under discussion can be found in population statistics which indicate that our population is growing older. Our country is in the state described by Warren Thompson in his book Population Problems. Any country which has been increasing rapidly will have a far larger proportion of its total popu- lation in the older ages beginning two or three decades after the increase slackens." With an older population a greater conservatism in national policy is inevitable and a change in the type and tempo of American liv- ing could be expected within the com- ing years. Lowering the voting age to 18 would help offset this tendencyI and to infuse new ideas into Amer- ica's democratic processes. It would result in a wider representation of citizens actively affected and inter- ested. The ability of the 18 to 21 age group to vote intelligently is often questioned. That the capacity to acquire intelligence is usualliy at its peak around the age of 18 is, however, genel#ally accepted by psychologists. But aside from the pure intelli- gence factor the youths of this age group are better acquainted with problems of government, democratic procedure and current events than many adults. Civics, political sci- ence, history and current events clas- ses in high school make this possi- ble. And today there is a greater percentage of American youth at- tending and grdduating from high school than ever before in our histo- ry. A survey taken in 1939-40 show- ed that 75 per cent of all persons between the ages of 14 and 18 were enrolled in secondary schools. With such great gains being made in edu- cation it seems probable that as far as training and capacity are con- cerned, this group of 18-20-year-olds will be far more competent than any other group of people in the history of the country. The benefits of extending the franchise to include the group from 18 to 21 would be seen in two ways. First, the influence on the coun- try and its policies would be felt in terms of new ideas, progressive attitudes and a liberal national outlook. -Dr. Howard Y. McClusky ki 11 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . VOL. LV, No. 99 TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1945 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices It seems necessary again to call attention to the necessity for report- ing every accident immediately on its occurrence. One or two unfortunate situations have arisen recently due to the failure of somebody, whose duty it was, to make such a report. Reports should be made in accor- dance with the following instruc- tions: Instructions for Reporting Acci- dents: (1) Report All Accidents oc- curring in line of duty involving any person on the University payroll in whatever capacity, whether medical care is required or not. Accidents should be reported in writing or by telephone to the Business Office of the University Hospital (Hospital ex- tension 307). A supply of University, of Michigan accident report forms (No. 3011) will be furnished on request by the Hospital Business Office. (2) Medical Care. Injuries requir- ing medical care will be treated only at the University Hospital. Employ- ees receiving care elsewhere will be responsible for the expense of such treatment. Whenever possible a writ- ten report of any accident should accompany the employee to the In- formation Desk on the Main Floor of the University Hospital. This report will be autheority for the Hospital to render necessary medical care. (3) Emergency Cases. Emergency medical care will be given at the Hospital without a written accident report. Ambulance cases should be taken directly to the Ambulance En- trance, at the rear of the Main Build- ing of the University Hospital. In all such cases tile written accident report should be forwarded as promptly as possible to the Business Office of the Hospital. The so-called Workmen's Compen- sation law is for the mutual protec- tion of employer and employee. In order to enjoy the privileges provided by the law all industrial accidents must be reported promptly to the correct authorities. These reports entitle each employee to compensa- tion for loss of time and free medical care as outlined in the law. The Compensation Law covers any industrial accident occurring while an employee is engaged in the activi- ties of his employment which results in either a permanent or temporary disability, or which might conceivably develop into a permanent or tempor- ary disability. Further Information. If at any time an employee wishes further information regarding any compen- sation case, he is urged to consult either the Hospital Business Office or the Office of the Chief Resident Phy- sician at the Hospital, or the Bus- iness Office of the University on the Campus. Shirley W. Smith Smoking in University Buildings: Attention is called to the general rule that smoking is prohibited in University buildings except in pri- vate offices and assigned smoking rooms where precautions can be taken and control exercised. This is neither a mere arbitrary regulation nor an attempt to meddle with any- one's personal habits. It is estab- lished and enforced solely with the purpose of preventing fires. In the past year eight of the total of 20 fires reported were caused by ciga- rettes or lighted matches. To be effective, the rule must necessarily apply to bringing lighted tobacco into or through University buildings and to the lighting of cigars, cigarettes, and pipes within buildings - includ- ing such lighting just previous to going outdoors. If the rule is to be enforced at all its enforcement must begin at the building entrance. Fur- ther, it is impossible that the rule should be enforced with one class of persons if another class of persons disregards it. It is a disagreeable and thankless task to "enforce" al- most any rule. This rule against tie use of tobacco within buildings is perhaps the most thankless and dif- ficult of all, unless it shall have the support of everyone concerned. An appeal is made to all persons using the University buildings-staff mem- bers, students and others-to con- tribute individual cooperation to this effort to protect University buildings against fires. Please note especially that the al- cove at the rear of the main corridor in University Hall is not a smoking room and should not be used as such. This statement is inserted at the request of the Conference of Deans. Shirley W. Smith To the Members of the University Senate: A special meeting of the University Senate is called for Mon- day, April 9th, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater for the pur- pose of receiving and discussing the report of the Senate Advisory Com- mittee, "The Economic Status of the Faculty. To the Members of the University Council: It is planned to hold the April meeting of the University Coun- cil on Monday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Identification Cards which have been validated for the Spring Term are now available in the booth out- side Rm. 2, University Hall. New identification cards will NOT be ready for several days. Notice will be given as soon as they may be picked up. American Red Cross War Fund: If you have not been solicited in regard to your contribution toward the American Red Cross and wish to make your pledge, please call at the Cashier's Office, 104 South Wing, and receive your membership card and pin. To Members of the Faculty, Staff and Student Body: Attention is called to the Lost and Found Department of the Business Office, Rm. 1, Uni- versity Hall. Inquiry concerning lost articles should be made promptly at the above mentioned office. Articles found on the campus and in Univer- A.A.U.P. Postponement: It has be- come necessary to postpone the meet- ing scheduled for Thursday, March 22, to Thursday, April 5. All other arrangements remain unchanged. State of Michigan Civil Service announcements for School Research Supervisor IV, $360 to $420 per month, Motor Vehicle License Branch Manager A, $150 to $170, Motor Ve- hicle License Branch Manager I, $180 to $220 per month, Graphic Presen- tation Designer I, $230 to $270 per month, have been received in our office. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. - State of Connecticut Civil Service announcement for Psychiatric Social Worker, salary $1800 to $2340 per annum less maintenance, has been received in our office. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments. New Students wanting to register with the Bureau, both teaching and business divisions, should core to the, office, 201 Mason Hall, for their registration material Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. This applies to those graduating in June, August and October. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Feliks Gross, Managing Editor of "New Europe," will lecture on the subject, "The Small States in Post-war Europe," Friday, March 23, at 8:00 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Political Science. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students who fail to file their election blanks by the close of the third week of the Spring Term, even though they have registered and have attended classes unofficially will forfeit their privi- lege of continuing in the College. --- E. A. Walter To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students of this College, ex- cept veterans of World War I, must elect Physical Education for Men. This action has been effective since Tune, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. SStudents may be excused from tak- g the course by (1) The University Health Ser'vice, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Ar- thur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Asso- ciate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall). Except under very extrordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Spring Term. Tle Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and The Arts: Attendance re- y A Volunteers Needed LAST WEEK Sophomore Project announced that during February 102 women worked for 922 hours doing volunteer hospital work. That is a considerable decrease from the totals of previous months. Neither the total number of hours nor the total number of volunteer work- ers is sufficient to indicate that coeds appreciate the real importance of the hospital project. The nursing shortage in both St. Joseph and University hospitals has not abated be- cause of military progress. If it has changed at all, it has grown more critical as the step- up in the war effort has required more and more nurses on the battlefields and in the Army anl Navy hospitals right here-at home, Because there aren't enough nurses to ade- quately supply both the civilian and the mili- tary demand, it is essential that volunteer Ivrork-. ers be found to supplement the supply. If every coed would spend a few hours a week doing vol- unteer work at one of the hospitals, a great deal would be accomplished to prevent the short- age of nurses from , becoming- detrimental - to progress on the battlefield or to civilian health at home. -Ann Schutz wo Jima IWO JIMA is a rather insighificant litle island in the middle of the Pacific. Most of us had never heard of it before the war. But this island with the funny sounding name cost America the lives of 4,189 American Marines. We here at home cannot help but have a sense of uselessness when we read of the horrors of BARNABY I I I Tl-t---9 -r--= -rr---=-,Z-7-1-1 ... and in all my years of investment banking, I've seen nothing that equals your financial acumen and organizing - i But, Mr. Boggs-He hung up!... Cushlamochree! ... The $700,000;000 has been turned over to O'Malley Enterprises, Inc.. _. But Barnaby, I can't LlMi /\.MM #A/t>Y1J J zLĀ±----------~ nll~ r 1" By Crockett Johnson Copyght, 1945, The Newspaper PM, Inc. I must have started the company.. Boggs says there's a big article in today's paper telling how I did it. II I Ii I i