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November 16, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-16

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TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 1943

Marian Anderson Calls Audiences
Here Best of Any College Town

Abandoned by Nazis

Arny Private Recalls Reporter's Days


Marian Anderson, the world's
greatest contralto, yesterday paid
tribute to An Arbor and Michigan
"AnnArbor is my favorite college
town to visit. Certainly nowhere else
have I been so warmly and generous-
ly received. I eagerly look forward to
my next opportunity to sing to the
University of Michigan students and
its faculty."
Sang in 11 Countries
Miss Anderson has sung in eleven
different countries, before the high-
est dignitaries of three continents
and in most major cities of the Unit-
ed States. To laud Ann Arbor so
highly was "the least bit of repay-
ment for your kindness."
When asked if her unparalleled
rendition of Negro spirituals were
popular abroad, Miss Anderson made.
several interesting comments.
"With no exceptions, I have been
asked in every foreign country to sing
several spirituals-some of which I
had not even heard."
Russians Want Spirituals
"It is interesting to note," she con-
tinues, "that when I sang in Lenin-
grad, not only was I allowed to sing
Negro spirituals in spite of the ban
which the Russians had on religious
music sung in concert halls, but
'amidst the applause requesting en-
cores at the end of the program one
robust Russian Army officer shouted
out from a back row, 'Deep River!'"
As for their place in the music of
our nation, she expressed the belief
Law Review Staff
Appointments Made
The Law Review, official publica-
tion of the law school, has announced
the appointmentdto its staff of two
senior editors and a junior tryout.
Allen C. Holmes, '44L, of Cincin-
nati, O., and Benjamin N. Quigg, Jr.,
'44L, of Philadelphia, Pa., have been
chosen for the senior board, while
Mary June Plummer, '45L, of Ann
Arbor, has been selected as a junior
tryout. Margaret Groefsema, '45L, of
Detroit, will continue in her post as
a tryout.
The staff of the Review is usually
comprised of 20 to 30 people, but due
to the war, only these four positions
remain occupied.
Cmmittee Applicants
o Be Interviewed Today
Miss Lucy Chase Wright, chair-
#nan of child care and Girl Scout
Committee at the League, will inter-
'apilts ,,for.venralpo ieion6
ors; thecominiteein the undergrad-
uate office from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Positions are open for chairmen of
the Girl Scouts, Girl Reserves, play-
grpunds, foster parents, publicityLand
das and,, org nzation comtnittees.

that, "TheNegro Spiritual is essen-
tially an American form of music,
which was profoundly influenced by
the African ancestry of the people
with whom they originated. To me
they are serious, and have a very
deep message to bring."
Praises Accompanist
Miss Anderson gave the highest
praise to her accompanist, diminu-
tive Franz Rupp. She related that
Franz was a celebrity in his own
right. Mr. Rupp for many years had
been "at the piano" for Fritz Kris-
ler, when he was touring Europe.
Further, Rupp was for quite some
time the accompanist for Emanuel
Freuman, the eminent 'cellist.
Andrews Heads
Naval Architects
Commanding Officer
Is Back from Leave
Lt.-Cmdr. G.A. Andrews, Comman-
ding Officer of the Reserve Officers
Naval Architecture Group, returned
yesterday from St. Louis, Mo., where
he has spent a four-day leave.
Lt.-Cmdr. Andrews came to Ann
Arbor on May 30, 1943 to take charge
of Naval Architecture Group here.
Previous to that time he had charge
of the same school which was then
located at the post-graduate school
at Annapolis. He finished up group'
III's training and took charge of
group IV at Annapolis. The school
was transferred to Ann Arbor just
prior to the time group V, the pres-
ent group of Naval Architects, came
Lt.-Cmdr. Andrews graduated from
Annapolis and then served as Out-
side Superintendent of the Boston
Navy Yards during the last World
War. He resigned from the Navy in
He came into the Naval Reserve
at the beginning of this war and
served at the Norfolk Navy Yard
until he took charge of the Naval
Architecture school.
Badminton, Fencing
Meeting To Be Today
upperclassmen interested in learn-
ing, to, play, badminton or to fence
will meet, ins Barbour Gym at 8:30
p. m. today, according to an an-
nouncement by Madeline Vibbert, '44,
badminton manager, and Pat Dillen-
bec ,,'45Ed, fercigag,anager. .:
Fencers will meet ,in the fencing
room and badminton players will use
the gym proper. Equipment will be
provided for the fencers, but those
women playing badminton must pro-
vile their own birds. Racquets may
be rented at the gymn for a small fee.

Coast Guardsman and soldiers
examine German radio and weath-
er station equipment on the shore
-of an island off Greenland. The
station was captured by U.S.
troops who found that all but one
of the German staff had left the
Zoology School
Enrollment Falls
The enrollment of Graduate stu-
dents in the Zoology Department this
year is the lowest the Department
has had since 1920.
"This drop in enrollment, how-
ever," states Dr. George R. LaRue,
chairman of the Department of Zoo-
logy, "is no worse than that in other
departments of the University."
In previous years the department
assistants have been composed chief-
ly of men. Women were rare. This
year there are only three male as-
sistants, while the rest are female.
All scheduled classes are being held
in spite of the man-power shortage.
In Zoology I there are 12 lab classes
and 13 quiz sections instead of the
usual 14 in each. In Comparative
Anatomy there are four instead of
five classes. Alll the classes are of
good or moderate size.
5:20 p.m. Tuesday: Zeta Tau Al-
pha vs. Alpha Phi; Alpha Delta Pi
vs. Delta Gamma.
7:30 pm.n. Tuesday: Jordan Hall
vs. Stockwell Hall; Colvin-Jeffrey
League Houses, Zone VII vs. New-
berry Residence.
5:20 p.m. Wednesday: Alpha Xi
Delta vs. Geddes House; Zone I
vs. Zone IV.%
7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Kappa
Delta vs. Zone III; Hendrickson-
Zimmer, Zone VII vs. Palmer, Ste-
vens, and Rochdale Houses.
5:20 p.m. Thursday: Hill House
vs. Kappa Alpha Theta; Sigma
Delta vs. Pi Beta Phi.
7:30 p.m. Thursday: Washtenaw
House vs. Gamma Phi Beta; Betsy
Barbour vs. Martha Cook.

How would you like to spend a
New Year's Eve in New York City
with expenses paid to all the big
night spots?
This was the happy experience of
Pvt. Culver Jones, Company G, in
his capacity as reporter for the Tor-
onto Daily Star. As the only Ameri-
can reporter on the Canadian paper
which has one-tenth of all circula-
tion in Canada, he was assigned to
write a story on how New Yorkers
spent New Year's Eve.
Accompanies Dafoe
Another time Pvt. Jones was given
the assignment of accompanying Dr.
Roy Allen Dafoe of quintuplet fame
on his first trip to New York. After
a visit to Washington, where Dr.
Dafoe met the President, the party
was given a suite at the Ritz-Carlton.
They made the usual tourist's round
of visiting the Majestic, the Empire
State Building and the Statue of
Liberty, but Pvt. Jones thinks the
Refrig1) eration
Unit Is Being
Set Up Hsere
When the two-ton ammonia ab-
sorption refrigeration unit now being
set up in the chemical and metal-
lurgical engineering department is
completed, the University of Michi-
gan will become the second school in
the country to possess that type of
A gift of the Hoover Company, this
absorption unit is being constructed
for experimental purposes. It ar-
rived three weeks ago, dismantled by
the donors for shipping purposes,
and is now being set up in the de-
partment's laboratory by students
and the regular staff.
The unit, which has a capacity
Sequalto that of freezing two tons of
ice daily, occupies floor space 12 feet
square. Ordinarily such equipment
is made on a much larger scale for'
use in industrial plants. This unit,
which was donated to the University
by the Hoover research department,
had only 100 hours' use before being
sent here. Cornell University is the
other school which possesses an ex-
perimental unit of the two-ton size.
Seniors in chemical and metallur-
gical engineering classes will use it
for experiments in the thermody-
namics of refrigeration cycles and it
will also be .employed in the manu-
f cdure+ ,f ice to be used for various
types .of experiments in the engi-
neering schol:
L C Fraicais
z10 Feetji l Leaoi
All students and servicemen with
at least one year of college French
are invited to attend the first meet-
ing of Le Cercle Francais, which will
be held at 8 p. m. today in the Michi-
gan League.
Prof. Charles E. Koella, of the Ro-
mance Language Department, will
give a short talk on "Les effets de la
guerre sur l'Europe de demain."
Election of officers and formation
of committees will be followed by
group singing and general discussion

most interesting event was a night
club party given by Walter Winchell
with Sally Rand as Dr. Dafoe's guest.
Winchell Is Different
Commenting on Walter Winchell
Pvt. Jones said "he was very differ-
ent from my expectations" and add-
ed that the famous columnist is
"very much of a family man and is
devoted to his family. He always
takes a back table in a night club
and .spends his time observing, but
rarely saying much himself."
Pvt. Jones' work on the Toronto
paper included the interviewing of
many famous people. One of his
interesting jobs was to accompany
Prince Chichibu, brother of the Em-
peror of Japan, on a trip across Can-
ada. The "prize assignment," how-
ever was during King George and
Queen Elizabeth's Royal Tour when
Pvt. Jones was with the party every
day for two or three months.
Interviews First Lady
He was often sent to America to
interview celebrities arriving on ships
from Europe. One of the famous
personages was Lady Astor, whom
Pvt. Jones thinks is "a very charm-
ing woman with a sparkling person-
ality." Other celebrities whom he

has interviewed include Lord Lo-!
thian, Rudy Vallee and Mrs. Roose-
velt. who, he says, is "very easy to
On another trip to America he
"got in the oldest Ford I could find,
rode across the continent to Cali-
fornia, up the West Coast and
stopped to do a series on Hollywood."'
It was on this visit that he spent an
afternoon on the set with Clark Ga-
ble. "one of the easiest people I've
ever interviewed."
Writes Features
In 1937 Pvt. Jones was sent to Eur-"
ope to do "trained seal work" or fea-
ture articles. He spent some time in
Germany. went all through central
Europe and stayed ten days at the
Vatican. His job was to write stories
so that readers could "read about
Europe as seen through the eyes of
someone like themselves." One of
these stories was on the subject of
the Pope's farm, equipped with mod-
ern American machinery, where he
raises most of his vegetables.
Pvt. Jones is now a senior in medi-
cal school, but he still thinks that
journalism is "the most exciting life
on earth." '

Public Health
Nurses Meet
Here Thursday
Theoretical Courses To
Be Closely Correlated
With Practical Work'
The Public Health Nursing Con-
ference, consisting of the University
public health faculty and represen-
tatives of the various public health
nursing agencies and counties asso-
ciated with the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation, will open today in the School
of Public Health.
The purpose of the conference is
to provide a closer correlation be-
tween the theoretical courses in the
University and the practical work
offered in the public health agencies
by an interpretation of the content
of the courses available
Public health nursing agencies to
be represented are the Detroit De-
partment of Health, Detroit Visiting
Nursing Association and Ingham
County Health Department. Among
the counties to send delegates are
Allegan, Branch, Eaton, Calhoun,
Van Buren, Hillsdale, and Wash-
Miss Ella McNeil, Associate,.Profes-
sor of Public Health Nursing, will
open the Tuesday meeting by pre-
senting a plan for the conference.
Other speakers will be Dr. George
Ramsey, Resident Lecturer in Epi-
demiology, Dr. Thomas Francis, pro-
fessor and Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Epidemiology, and Dr. Ern-
est Watson, instructor of' Child

Two New Men
Join 'U' Staff
Van Winkle, Banchero
To Instruct Engineers
Two new' instructors have been
added to the staff of the chemical
and metallurgical engineering de-
Working on distillation and gas
absorption is Julius T. Banchero, a
graduate of Columbia University,
who previously taught at the Uni-
versity of Detroit. Mr. Banchero is
working on his Ph.D.
Author of a reference and text-
book, "Aviation Gasoline Manufac-
ture," to be published in December,
Matthew Van Winkle is teaching
chemical engineering. A graduate of
Purdue University, Mr. Van Winkle
was supervisor of the petroleum and
natural gas extension at Pennsyl-
vania State University and did re-
search work for Cities Service Oil
Company and the Standard Oil
Company of Indiana.
We need girls for typing
and clerical work.
Monday thru Friday
6 P.M. - 10P.M.
Call at:
1 st and Williams St.

Red Cross Unit
To Meet at Hillel
Surgical Dressi'gs To'
Be Folded Thursday
A Red Cross Surgical Dressing
Unit will meet from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
beginning this Thursday and con-
tinuing on every Thursday through-
out the semester at the Hillel Foun-
The quota for surgical dressings
from Washtenaw County has been so
increased that 100,000 dressings must
be completed and sent to receiving
centers by Jan. 1. Rita Hyman, '44,
chairman of the unit, urges that as
many workers as possible volunteer.
"Each and every dressing folded by
students will be a vital contribution
and will greatly relieve the effect of
the shortage of Red Cross workers
now being felt," Miss Hyman says.
Since the dressings are being han-
dled according to Army specifica-
tions, workers must comply by wear-
ing washable cotton blouses or cot-
ton smocks when working.

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