#. A i fili- WIN )hio State Nips Illinois 29-26; Wildcats Humbled by Irish 1;L Gets His Chance O> 0 * Game Highlights .. There weren't too many people in the stands as the opening whistle gave the signal for hostilities to start between the Wolverines and Wisconsin in University Stadium yesterday. In fact, not more than 15,000 were on hand. Quite a con- trast with several weeks ago when Notre Dame invaded Ann Arbor and over 86,000 filled the seats. Rudy Smeja was acting captain for the contest, and during the final ten seconds said captain was warmirg up furiously along the sidelines, apparently preparing to enter the game. Just as he dashed up to the referee, however, the gun went off-all of which didn't both- er Smeja in the least. He was merely getting possession of the ball, which was given to hint after e .game as a memento. Wisconsin Coach Harry Stuhldre- her felt quite at home when he vis- ited Ann Arbor yesterday. Ten of his former charges graced the start- ing-line -up of the Maize and Blue. The only department the Badgers dominated the whole afternoon was the "toss-up." They won it-and chose to kick! Joe Keenan, Badger center, played outstanding ball for the visitors, time and again crashing through into Michigan's backfield to break uip plays. This lad played first string on Notre Dame's great freshman team last year and in addition play- ed a little with the Iowa Seahawks this season before being transferred to Wisconsin. One of the greatest sparkplugs1 in the Wolverine backfield yester-l day afternoon was reserve half-i back Earl Maves. This particular Marine trainee has shown marked improvement as the season pro- gresses. Against the Badgers he gained many valuable yardage on his end-around plays, in addition to his line-smashing attempts. In the final quarter he received foot- ball's biggest thrill when he caught a pass from Bob Nussbaumer and went on to score his first touch- down of the year. If the Maize and Blue garners 24 points in its remaining game against the Ohio State Buckeyes it will rank as the highest scoring team ever turned out by Fritz Crisler in his fourteen years as head coach at Minnesota, Princeton, and Michigan. It was his 1934 season at Princeton that his eleven made the greatest number of points, 280, despite the fact that Yale defeated them, 7-0. Michigan's defense retained its leading position in the Big Ten, with an average of holding the op- ponents to 150 yards per.game, when it held Wisconsin to a minute 67. There was only one thing lacking at the game, and that was the "Gun- ner," the unofficial mascot of the Navy and Marine trainees stationed at the West Quad. The players and spectators missed his capers on the, playing field. This was the first game he missed this season, and everyone is trusting that he makes it to the Ohio State tussle here next Saturday. Michigan drew two major penal- ties of fifteen yards each for holding, plus other smaller ones, which is an indication of how hard the players ... EAL .v'ES . . reserve nat-back, got his big chance in yesterday's game, dodging over for Michigan's final score on a pass from Bob Nuss- baumer. fought through the entire game. Several times the Badgers tried to fox the Maize and Blue defenders by electing to run on their fourth down with a few yards yet to go for a first. This irregular football prov- ed very successful at times. Michigan has been blessed this season with more than its share of good extra-point kickers. Be- ginning with Merv Pregulman, continuing with Bill Daley when Merv wasn't in, and finally Rex Wells ,who took over when Pregul- man and Daly were shifted to oth- er Naval training stations. Buckeyes Get Field Goal in Last Second Illini Penalty on Last Play Gives State Extra Down After Final Gun COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 13.-4M- Ohio State defeated Illinois 29 to 26 today before 36,331 fans-and des- pite a day filled with long runs, steady marches and scintillating per- formances, all the drama was packed in the last two seconds whei the Bucks captured the verdict long after everyone thought the game was over. In fact, the wholeweird yarn is wrapped up in the thrill-packed 12 minutes after what appeared to be the final gun sounded. With the score deadlocked at 26- 26, Ohio had blasted its way from its own 41 to the Illinois 15, only to lose the ball on a fumble. Two plays lat- er the Bucks regained the ball the same way on the 21. Two seconds re- mained to play, and Ohio tried a pass which sailed into the end zone as the final shot sounded. Teams Leave Field The teams raced for the dressing rooms, and the fans filed from the stadium, meantime P. C. Goebel of Michigan, the head-linesman, was gesticulating wildly that Illinois had been offside. The teams were ordered back for one more play-but the fans continued to leave, not knowing what was going on. Twelve minutes after the final shot the teams lined up and Coach Paul E. Brown sent John Stungis, 17-year- old substitute quarterback, into the fray. Stungis, with substitute full- back Bob McQuade holding the ball, calmly booted a field goal from about 25 yards out-and the three points broke Illinois' heart and Ohio's Big Ten losing streak at the same time. Prior to that classic denouement, the teams had shown a bit of every- thing. The Illini, calling on "scat" backs Eddie Bray and Eddie McGov- ern, last year's national scoring lead- er, played the Bucks to a standstill. The two kids raced around, over and through the Bucks for long runs ga- lore, McGovern getting two touch- downs and he and Bray setting up two others for quarterback Don Greenwood. Hockey Scores NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago Black Hawks 4, Toron- to Maple Leafs 1. Boston Bruins 6, New York Rangers 2. AMERICAN LEAGUE Pittsburgh 2, Indianapolis 2. Cleveland 9, Providence 3. A. -: EVANSTON, Ill., Nov. M---4411)- Old Notre Dame still reigns over all. The "Fighting Irish" undefeated and untied, roared to a 25-6 victory over Northwestern today, not only to retain their place as the nation's No. 1 football eleven, but to further es- tablish rank with the greatest Notre Dame teams in history. The Irish must now conquer the undefeated and untied Iowa Sea- hawks a week hence and Great Lakes in the final game of the season to become the first Notre Dame team since the days of Knute Rockne to go through a season unbeaten and untied. A record-smashing crowd of 49,124, largest ever in Dyche Stadium, watched the South Bend supermen register their eighth straight triumph. However, Northwestern held Notre Dame to the lowest number of points of any team this season. I t Yonakor for 18 yards andi Julie Ryko- vich churned into the end zone to score on the next play. Lujack's attempted place-kick was blocked, but with quick thinking he, scooped un the, ball and ran it across to give the Irish their only after- touchdown point of the game. After the ensuing kick-off, the Ir- ish capitalized on another fumble, Otto Graham bobbling a bad pass from center. Paul Limont fell on the ball on the Northwestern 29 and sev- en plays later Lujack spotted a five- yard pass to Kelly at the corner of the field'for the final marker. Record Crowd Sees Notre Dame Win 25-6 i Irish Move in Second Half Notre Dame, held to a 6-0 margin at the half, gained momentum in the remaining two periods with its great, running left halfback, Creighton Mil- ler, and 18-year-old Johnny Lujack in command of the T formation, set- ting off the dynamite. The Irish scored first in the last two minutes of the second period, reserve Bob Kelly smashing over from the two to cap an 84-yard parade which featured Miller's running and, Lujack's 22-yard pass to his towering battery mate, John Yonakor, right end. Miller, who accounted for 151 yards of his team's total of 302 by rushing, again led a drive at the start of the third period which carried 50 yards and ended when he drilled over from the one. Fumble Provides Chance Before the final period concluded, Ziggy Czarobski recovered Joe Scriba's fumble on the Wildcat 34 to give the Irish a running start for their third touchdown at the outset of the final period. Lujack speared to 1943-44 LECTURE COURSE OPENING NUMBER ILL ROGERS Jr. Member Foreign Affairs Committee, House of Representatives THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 8:30 P.M. "The United States in Foreign Affairs" Tickets On Sale Wednesday and Thursday Ticket Prices --$1.10-- 83c - 55c (including Federal tax) SPECIAL RATES FOR SERVICEMEN Only Four More Days To Buy Season Tickets Complete Course (8 Attractions) $4.40, $3.30, $2.20 (including Federal tax) Box Office Open Daily 10-1, 2-5 HILL AUDITORIUM C : ,, E' F 4;, r"! i - w 'p i Army Shades Samson, 16-7 WEST POINT, N. Y., Nov. 13.--P) -A seldom-seen safety gave Army, playing without its star halfbacks Glenn Davis and Doug Kenna, a 16 to 7 victory over stubborn Samp- son Naval Training eleven today. A small crowd of 5,000 that sat through rain and snow saw the Cadets tie the score at 7-7 in the third period on an eight-yard for- ward pass, Carl Anderson to Tom Lombardo, and then got the winning points on he safety early in the last quarter. The safety came after George Maxon kicked out on .the Sampson six-yard line aid was hotly disputed by the Blue Jackets. Bill Maceyko. FOUNTAIN SERVICE SUNDAY -12 NOON 70 10:30 P.M. SANDWICHES, SODAS, MA LTEDS ,- MARSHALL DRUG STORE El 235 South State Next to State Theater *1 I CHRI STMAS ORDERS TAKEN NOW ot Burr Patterson & Auld 1209 S. University Ruth Ann Ookes, Mgr. mini, ;t C : ,, E' F 4;, r"! i - w 'p Regal rayon taffeta house beatull .,1ned ..fal.. designs. on pale peach, blue or white wckgroundsy: Sizes . < t rA 2/cVAN BUREN Sh3 v 8 Nickels Arcade S ET TO MUSIC for HOLIDAY FUN , ,, t. . - - .-. Clip Here And Maoil'oA U..M Man In-The Armed-Forces - - - - * - - SERVICE EDITION 4a#htzjn * *- Ir * UNION FORMfIL ANN'ARBOR was this week the scene of the first Inter-American and the second world conference of the Schools of Public Health. The meetings were held in the University's bright new building which houses a new school, the School of Public Health. . .Dr. Thomas Parron, Surgeon General of the United States, opened the conference Monday morn- ing. He spoke of the torch of hygienic knowledge burning brightly "in all lands. for all people."-- Dr. G. H. Paula Souza, Dir- ector of the School of Hy- giene in Sao Paulo, Brazil, suggested public health as "a common denominator" for different nationalities. . President of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Dr. George B. Darling, pointed to public health as a med- ium of international un- derstanding and exchange of ideas . . . Tuesday Al- berto Zwank, Professor of Hygiene, Buenos Aires, de- Dog 4.F, Muster l.A the entire- world. It markc- ed the first appearance here of Erie Leinsdorf, newly appointed conductor of the Cleveland Orches- tra, and the first perform- ance here of the Sym- phonic Picture, "Porgy and Bess" as arranged by Rob- ert Russell Bennett. But many students were disa - pointed. Jean Athay, Daily music critic, found the concert "varied and Iii. teresting and Leinsdorf's knowledge of the music superior to that of the or- chestra. Others took issue with Miss Athay. The or- chestra did not please them, they said, nor did Leinsdorf, nor did the in- terpretation of "Porgy and Bess" . . . Tomorrow Mar- ian Anderson will present the second program of the series. Students are eager- ly looking forward to her performance. * * * TOMMY HARM9 was still lost this week. 1is parents received words that * * Frederick Corbett (above) of Boston was or- dered to report for Indutction in the same mail that brought a letter from the Army saying his German sherlherd dog, Wolf, had been turned down as "too gentle." U a. ... ~ U