TH - IC-aH= *-A D.&AILY~j rAGE . H. v MICyu a 11T N f.t .lA 1L 1AG . , fnnual. Union Dance To B e Held on Saturday, Dec. 4 Only Wartime Formal To Be In Ballroom Ticket Sale To Be Soon; Members of Executive Council Will Be Honored at Banquet In spite of war time restrictions, the annual Union Formal will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Satur- day, December 4, in the Union Ball- room, Dick Chenoweth, general chairman, announced yesterday. This announcement comes as a surprise since it was thought that formals, especially those held in the Union, were out for the duration. However, arrangements were made to lease the Ballroom for the dance, and plans are under way to make it sur- pass similar functions in past years. Announcement of the orchestra and the opening of the ticket sale will be made shortly as. soon as all ar- tangements are completed. Chenoweth will be assisted by Ru- pert Straub who is in charge of the ticket sale, and Bob Grandy who will make all arrangements for the ban- quet which will be held to honor the Union executive council before the dance. Other members of the central com- mittee are Bill Wood, decorations; Bob Gaulker, patrons, John Clippert, in charge of *getting the orchestra, and Don Larson, publicity. In past years the annual Union League Needs New Tutors For Freshmen All coeds interested in working on the Tutorial committee of the League, are requested to get ini touch with one of the members of the central committee, Jane Gag- gen, chairman, announced yesterday. "For the next four weeks we are planning to recruit as many tutors as possible," Miss Gaggen stated. Anyone who has received an "A" or a "B" in a course is eligible to become a tutor. Members of Alpha Lambda Delta and students who have made honors are particularly urged to join the committee. Tutoring will begin shortly after the five weeks grades are announced. Freshman women and other coeds who desire aid may fill out slips in the Undergraduate office of the; League and deposit them in the Tutorial box. The tutors will then contact the students. All tutors re- ceive fifty cents an hour for their services. Formal has been one of the high spots in the social season, and the committee is certain that the ad- verse conditions under which the ,ommittee is working this year will not hinder the progress of the dance functions in any way. Ask Civilians To Rake Leaves Upperclassmen To Be Taught Badminton and Fencing "Next Wednesday has been set aside as Campus Leaf Day; all inter- ested freshman men, upperclassmen, and other civilians are asked to help get the leaves raked before the snow comes," Marcia Sharp, '44A, chair- man of the Freshman Project an- nounced yesterday. If possible, students should bring their own rakes. However rakes will be available at the sub station in the afternoon. During the morning a key to the station may be obtained in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Approximately 175 women, includ- ing girls from Dormitories who have been cleaning their own grounds, have been working two hours a week toward the completion of the pro- ject, but bad weather has hindered progress. Garbed in blue jeans, heavy boots, mufflers, babushkas, and gloves, 130 members of the '47 Corps raked leaves in the snow last week. Collegiate Sorosis will hold a tea today from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the chapter house. Nurses' Aide I Course Delayed Until Nov. 16 All those coeds who have been in- tending to register for the Nurses' Aide course will be happy to know that the beginning of the course has been postponed until Nov. 16. This year the University is offering two hours credit to those who com- plete the Nurses' Aide course. It con- sists of thirty-five classroom hours and forty-five hours of work in the hospital, and is completed during one semester. After graduation, the women are expected to work at least one hundred and fifty hours a year in either the hospital here at Ann Arbor, or one in the vicinity of their home. The class meets three days a week, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. All class meetings will take place in Couzens Hall. This year more than ever women trained in hospital work are urgently needed. The number of doctors and nurses serving with the armed forces has proportionally decreased the numbers in the hospitals at home. For that reason, the "capped" Nur- aes' Aides will be expected to take over many of the duties that were formerly assigned to graduate nur- ses. In addition to helping the war effort, women who have completed the course will find that they have gained much valuable experience. For .those who are planing on nursing as a car- eer the attraction is great. Those who have not yet decided upon their cho- sen field may, in exploring nursing, find an appealing vocation. Along with the Nurses' Aide there are several other Red Cross courses being conducted this semester. Ac- cording to Lettie Gavin '44, Chair- man of the Recruiting Committee, the following are offered: First Aid, Home Nursing, Motor Mechanics, Nutrition, and Canteen Corps. Reg- istration for all Red Cross courses takes place in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Pan-Hel Will Meet Pan Hellenic Association will hold a meeting at 3:30 p. m. tomorrow in the League, Mary June Hastrieter, '44, president of Pan Hellenic, has announced. The meeting time has been moved up a " half hour, and this announcement takes precedence over all previous announcements. WAA Offers New Program In response to a demand by up- perclassmen for instruction in var- ious sports, WAA has undertaken the teaching of badminton and fenc- ing classes which will be composed, of upperclassmen only,. Nancy Hat- tersley, '44, WAA president, an- nounced recently. The overcrowding of all physical education classes by freshman wo- men this year has necessitated the closing of phys. ed. facilities to up- perclassmen, except for 7 admission through WAA, and the. teaching of classes in badminton and fencing has been the first step toward giv- ing primary instruction to upper- classmen. The first meeting for upperclass women interested in learning the fundamentals of badminton will be held at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday in Bar- bour Gym. The club, formed for players with some experience, will meet for the first time at 7:30 p. m. Thursday in Barbour Gym. In both cases players should come dressed for play, bringing their own League House Representatives To Attend JQP Meeting Tomorrow "League Houses must send repre- sentatives to the JGP Meeting to be held at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Grand Rapids Room in the League," Ruth Mary Picard, '45, JGP chair- man of League Houses announced yesterday. The representative does not have to be a Junior but Miss Picard urged house presidents to send women who are efficient and willing to work hard. Interviews for positions on the cen- tral. committee of JGP will be held birds and racquets if they have them. Racquets, however, may be rented at Barbour Gym for a small fee. Pat Dillenbeck, '45 Ed, recently selected as Fencing Manager for WAA, has announced -that the first fencing class will be held at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday in the Barbour Fenc- ing Room. This class will be run similarly to the badminton class, and the fencing club will be estab- lished as soon as the number o' more experienced fencers has been discerned. from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday in the League. Petitions for the central committee of Sophomore Project must be in by 12 p.m. tomorrow. Interviewing will take place from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. to- morrow and from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Undergraduate Office of the League. All workers who have signed up for volunteer duty and who have attend- ed an orientation meeting will be ex- pected to report to their captains in the Volunteer Office on the third floor of University Hospital for jac- ket and post assignments this week. University women who are inter- ested in volunteer work may sign for duty at the League or may call Carol Evans, '46, chairman of soph project, for information. Several new posts have been set up for volunteers. Those wishing to work with patients will be assigned to duty on wards and private floors. Others may work in clinics and on the Galens Cart. M I r.7. r1/ asĀ£ . ' .. i, : . : . . l . . 'Y".. .P " " : ..N :. y .S" ': y Q " 4 '' "' . }" ,:"; } ", ". ,," { .;,;{' . : . ", - ". x'10.' '. i' ' ."l ., ,''x .; t- ::: fi ,:: tip " .;.: . ". : ,;;: r; " ...:: "" fifes."" . " " .w , :: ' ;<. I. Wrapped in Warmth for Winter. YOU, or the one you want to remember with something pretty special at Christmas ... most appreciative of the cozy comfort a warm winter robe can offer. Perfect for long evenings, or the sudden rush of dark mornings . . . comfortable, quick-to-get-into styles. Ever-so-pretty, too, in their soft, colorful fabrics! Choose from these .. . All graduates, professional stu- dents, and aludniinterbsted in a hike sponsored byr the 'Graduate Outing Club will meet today at 2:30 p. m. at club headquarters in the Rackham Building. In case of bad weather, indoor games will be held. keeps busy hands lovely Helena Rubinstein Apple Blossom Colloidal HAND GUARD An invisible fnto guard your hands from grit and grime. Si )oth on before you begin your war, house or office work. Hand Guard washes off easily with soap and water leaving your hands soft and lovely. Exquisitely scented with Helena Rubinstein's famous Apple Blossom fragrance. Helena Rubinstein's Hand F 3.95 1l :. Colors Cherry red, Dunhill Green, Green Frost, Dusty Pink, Brandy Ball, Hunter Green, Lilac, White, Buttercup, Aqua, Candy Beige, Cruise Blue, Congo Brown, Stark Black. You'll w~it 'em for your wardrobe and gifts SH ETLANDS, CASHMERES, ANGORAS, KNUBBY YARNS low . if "1/tIAher ZJkoroujI~tred6 t 27oei/er at al flaot d. 14.951 Blazer Jackets .. Sports Jackets, Two-tones, Checks, Plaids, Solid Colors, Red, Navy, Brown, Blue, Green, Yellow and Black. .r, a yb n ,F I f: aid vx _] dys {. =p' fd. 4 k 3. 4~ 12.95 to19.95 Plaids. in Brown, Green, Blue, Red, Canary and Black. 5.95 to 10.95 Plain 'Shetlands and twills in Black, Brown, Green, Navy, Blue, Grey, Beige, Yellow, Red. 4.95 to 8.95 r~ a Rayon Satin Quilts, 12.95 to. Flannels, 12.95 to 17.95 Polo Robes (Rayon Fleece), 1 25.00 12.95 Corduroy Robes, Tufted Chenilles, 5.0t 1 1.50 0 and 10.95 hnn Mondav 12 Noon Until 8:30 P.M. I II I