I *x -- h.A.........e....<.-%-. -.-. -- P1y., I - - --- . - - -a ---- - - - --. --- --.- --- - -- --- --- } i f1 N1 ' 0 lAG Graduates kddressed by den. Cramer Speech Emphasizes Teaching of Military And Legal Qualities Major General Myron C. Cramer, Ahe Judge Advocate General, Wash-, TIngton D.C., in his address at the eraduatiori exercises for the 2nd O4 x^ 12th Officers Class of the JAG 'pool yesterday morning, empha- siked'the part played by the school .n molding both military and legal -qualitles. He pointed out that 370 of the 768 hours-at the school have been devoted to subjects which might be described- "military" as distinguished from legal." 6 Referring first to the courses in 'the school which relate to war phas- ,es of international law and rules governing belligerent occupation of conquered territories, Gen. Cramer -added: "War is not the negation of w. The principles of international -aw and the rules of land warfare de- "veloped as a part thereof, remain in 'ull force and effect and are followed by the United Nations as scrupulous- :y as possible... - "The United States and its Allies Ate fighting in order to preserve a yorld in which man can live under "a system of law and justice for all. S judge advocates, it is our duty and ;fur responsibility to make sure that 'the operations of our Army are in ,conformity with such a system." ;Rrown Given -" T .ew Po itg. ont ADr. George. G. Brown, of the chem- Plans Drafted For County Youth Guidance At the first meeting this week of the sub-committee of fifteen ap- pointed by Probate Judge Jay G. Pray to deal with juvenile delin- quency, plans were made for the drafting of a Washtenaw county- wide organization. In response to Governor Kelly's suggestion that all interested groups be enlisted to cooperate with' his State Youth Guidance Committee an original organization meeting was was held Oct. 22, out of which the ;resent committee grew. Members of the -sub-committee are: Dr. Ross Allen, chairman,.Robert Bower, Ern- est Chapelle, Mrs. Carruth Cook, Lewis E. Corbett, Patricia Crandall, Betty Jean Davidson, Edward Davis, Spencer Gordon, Otto Haisley, John L. Osborn, C. F. Ramsey, Rev. Mr. Theodore Schmale, Andrew Smith and Douglas Williams. A plan for organization and for action has been drafted by Dr. Allen, chairman of the sub-committee, and is now waiting approval by Judge Pray. In connection with the actual formation of youth guidance com- mittees in Washtenaw County the proposed plan asks that a youth guidance committee be formed for each township and for each organiz- ed community in this county where no other such committee has al- ready been formed. It is suggested that aside from the two representatives, one adult and one youth, from each of these or- ganized community committees, such officials as the Probate; Judge, Coun- ty Commissioner of Schools, Prose- cuting Attorney, Sheriff, Director of County Health Department, and a number of experts in related lines serve as advisors and be included in the county organization. In commenting on the problem of juvenile delinquency and the pro- posed work of the committee Dr. Allen said, "Juvenile delinquency is the end result of the lack of solving all the problems of youth." He stressed the importance of a positive approach to the problem. INTENT TO KILL! Candidate Stark Convicted At JAG Mock Court Martial By MARTHA SCHMITT Convicted of assault with intent to do bodily harm to a private in Com- pany A, Candidate Stark was sen- tenced to two years hard labor and given a dishonorable discharge from the Army in a mock General Court Martial which was staged as part of the graduation program of the Judge Advocate General School. Stark was accused of needlessly sounding the call to arms and as- sault on a private with the intent to kill. He had shot him in the leg. First Witness for Prosecution The first witness for the prosecu- tion was Lt. Colonel Bernard C. Cox-. ey, who was commanding officer of the JAG School's maneuvers in Washtenaw County. Prosecutor: Did the faculty march and share the hardships with the students? Coxey: Oh yes, except us officers of higher rank who occasionally rode in the staff car. Prosecutor: After you found Stark standing over the body with the smoking pistol, what did you do,? 'U' Broadcasts Begin Today r . Dr. Maddy To Present 'Hymns of Freedom . The University will inaugurate it nineteenth season of broadcasting with a program by Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, "Hymns of Freedom" from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. today. A University quartette to be fea- tured on this program is being or- ganized among students in the music school and guest choirs will be in- vited from the various local churches. All programs broadcast by the Uni- versity may be heard over stations WJR and WKAR. The feature pro- gram of station WJR and the Detroit Free Press entitled "In Our Opinion" will be presented from the campus from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Coxey: I hastily looked it up in the Military Justice Guide, thel School Text No. 1 and it said to put the man under arrest, so I did. Prosecutor: Did you ever use Stark as bugler before? Coxey: Oh yes, Sir, rather un- fortunately when a visiting General arrived he blew taps instead of flourishes. Injured Man Testifies When Private James A. Watanabi, ASTP, the person who had been shot by Stark, was called to the witness stand he hobbled down the aisle on crutches. Prosecutor: Do you know the ac- cused? Watanabi: Why that ninney head, he shotnme. Prosecutor: Why did Company A take part in the maneuvers? Watanabi: Well, the JAG's needed someone to penetrate their lines and we offered to take the walk to work up an appetite. Prosecutor: Did you get through? Watanabi: Those shysters couldn't lick their weight in cream puffs. Prosecutor: What race are you? Watanabi: Iroquois Indian. Prosecutor: Full blooded? Watanabi: Yes Sir, except for the pint I gave to the Red Cross. Prosecutor; You say that you saw the defendent once before at the -Pretzel Bel. What is it? Watanabi:- That is the place frowned- on by the faculty and the place which the students adore. The faculty want to go there but they don't dar , because they're afraid they'll be frowned on. COxid ate Stark Testifies- Candidate Stark testified in his own behalf. Prosecutor: Are you a good bugler? Stark: An unusual one Sir, I was known as Scorchy Starky. the hot- test lips of Coxey's army. The only consolation Candidate Stark has is that in a prison camp he will not have to know the dif- ference between mess call and the call to arms. Naval Paper To Come Out Within the Week Newspaper To Contain Articles, Features, and Cadet Announcements "The Banner", a regimental weekly newspaper published periodically for V-12 men stationed here, will be out this week. Robert W. Clark, NROTC cadet, is the editor of this paper which will contain news of all battalions. He is being assisted by Bill Dull, NROTC' cadet, with Chief Quartermaster Frank Joly serving as adviser. The paper will contain official as well as cadet announcements from band and chorus command, battal- ion offices and regimental announce- ments. This week's issue will contain a brief history of the Navy, the "Mes- sage to the Marines" which was read to all Marines on the 168th birthday of the Corps, and an article on the five warships named Lexington that have served with the fleet. The programs for the first two Lew Wheeler shows which were presented during a week-end recently when the men were required to stay in the ship and a "Here and There" column which tells what happens on the dif- ferent decks will also be included. There will be exerpts from the "Blue- jacket's Manual" on qualities of lead- ership. The issue which is coming out this week will be a six page mimeo- graphed paper for which the Navy has furnished all material. MU PHI EPSILON Members of the active and alum- nae chapters of Mu Phi Epsilon will meet at 5:30 p.m. today at the home of Mrs. Dana E. Seeley on Lafayette Road for a musicale program and tea to mark the observance of found- er's day. M PRE'IEWS a At the Michigan .. tempts to give a fair representatil Lloyd Nolan and William Bendix of the struggle which our fighting of "Wake Island" fame are starred in forces had in our first Pacific ean; the screen version of Richard Tre- paign. as based on the day to day pie= gaskis's best seller, "Guadlcanal ture which Tregaskis gave in his book. Diary," which opens at the Michigan today. A1 the State ... Through the medium of the motion 'Top Man," the new picture whic picture, "Guadalcanal Diary" at- opMn"tenwpiurwhc. pcr ualn r - starts a four-day run at the Stata today features in its cast Doni1d Glee Club to Hold O'Connor and Peggy Ryan, the stara of "Mr. Big," as well as Susan Foster R ehearsal Today whose other latest screen vehicle is "Phantom cf the Opera." A regular weekly rehearsal for Having as its theme the gay happy- the University of Michigan Men's go-lucky spirit of American youth, Glee Club will be held at 4:30 p. m. Ithe film also features the acting per- today in the club rooms on the third formances of Ann Gwynne, Noah floor of the Michigan Union for the Berry Jr., Lillian Gish and Richard benefit of those interested who can-D.i.b. not attend the weekly Thursday Dx. Music is provided by the iar- meetings. monica playing of Borrah e.innevltc Prof. David Mattern, of the School and Count Basie. of Music and director of the organ- ization, said that no regular mem- Popular Brands bership had yet been drawn up and CIGARETTES that tryouts are still welcome. All y$1.26plstaC upper - classmen, servicemen and . plus ax, per art on freshmen are eligible for member- Except Camels ship, the only requirement being an MARSHALL'S acceptable singing voice. OPEN for DFINCJNG 1 P.M. DAILY 3 P.M. SUNDAY Sandwiches and Fountain Service The SUBWf4Y 727 North University Used Records For Sale WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE - DAY OR NIGHT 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED RATES .40 per 15-word insertion fort one, or two days. (In- crease of ,10c for each additional 5 words.) Non-Contract 1.00 per 15-word insertion for, three or more days. (In- crease of $.25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request ,TYPIST and Office Cerk. Male or female. Fult time preferred. Part time considerecj. Responsible po- sitio. 0. D. Morrip, ,314 S. tate. STUDENT--Boy or girl to, work in s da f aitin eyg4 g .d' Sun- day. Hours to slt'yodh schedule. 56c an hour plus bonus to start. Apply Miller's Dai y Store, 1219 S. 'Tniversity. LOST and POUND FOUND: Woman's -brown Sheaffer pen. Initialed. Call Fletcher Hall. Pvt. Martin Stillman. LOST-brown and tan wallet, ini- tials M. S. C., containing money and all credentials. Reward. Con- tact Evelyn Phillips, Michigan Daily. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel. Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Street. FOR SALE CANARIES, Parakeets, Java Rice Birds, Cardinals, Bird supplies and cages. 562 S. 7th. LPlane 5330. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-male drug clerk good hours-top pay. Marshall Drug, 235 S. State. YOUNG MEN WANTED, part time or full time work. Collection de- partment. Dixie Shop Inc. 224 S. Main. 9686. MESSIAH AGNES DAVIS Soprano LILLIAN KNOWLES Contralto WILLIAM MILLER Tenor WELLINGTON EZEKIEL Bass BARGAINS IN USED TEXT CHORAL UNION ORCHESTRA PALMER CHRISTIAN Organist HARDIN VAN DEURSEN Conductor I' SUN., DEC.19 3 P.M. - -- - - - u Ij;^ .....®- - - - - - !A. l1!-. .. l . :::*. U*: . W - _ .. .