V .. 4 , A \IJ t9 i virs;:fry r._ iy.^sir _ i . 19:3 1_________'_ IvaZ j 11..'A. 111. F'f% IN l.IAJ". . .- O tl ll l ilti Y 1 l 1 e iOA'l :1 M r ep 3 in t Fifty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students eo .the University of Michigan undier the authority of the Board in Control Df Student Publications. Pullished every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every norning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for rep.ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Etereclsat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. "Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- 1iJr ,$4'50, by mail $5.25: memer, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff I"d Rather Be R T~ r By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Nov. 13.-It goes 'round and AND IT COMES OUT HERE 'round, and it. comes out here. The New York An you read in these same periodicals that Daily News (isolationist) boasts that Hitler when the boys come marching home from abroad, iteyaren, going to settle the hash of this admin- seems "definitely on the road to defeat, execu- they aregadmin- tion, exile, or suicide." But only last week the istration, throwmg it gut by the scruff of its neck. But also you read that administration is News was complaining against our polcy of plotting to get itself re-elected by means of the attacking Hitler first, instead" of Tojo. Oh, it soldier vote. goes 'round and 'round.: And it comes out here. In one of these papers And it comes out here. The Hearst press one comes upon a ferocious attack against New muttered for years that Stalin had designs on York's Mayor LaGuardia, on the ground that he the small countries of Europe. Now that an is interfering with the. "federal" function of agreement has been concluded in which Russian price control. (The Mayor watches specific action against small countries -is barred, the commodities and tells the town when prices are Hearts press mutters that Stalin intimidated us too high.) Shades of the holy war against bu- into signing it. He practically forced us to agree reaucracy! Only a few months ago, the same to keep him from. taking the Continent, press was savagely bitter against federal inter- IT GOES 'ROUND AND 'ROUND ference with local self-government in the field It goes 'round and 'round. For many long of price control. Yes, sir; 'round and round. months we have heard that the war ought to be THE CIRCLE IS A FINE CURVE left to hard-headed military men; that 0'. W. I. For it's pay as you go on taxes; pay as you'go, intellectuals ought to keep out of it. In short, men. Beg, pardon, that was last spring, when the war .ought to be left to General Marshall. the issue was that of forgiving a year's taxes. General Marshallihas just testified that he can't This fall, when the issue is that of raising the fight the war without the 0. W. T. So it comes tax rates, it's pay later. Pay for the war later, out here, after. going 'round and 'round all fellows; and it comes out here. suipnmer. The circle, it is a wonderful curve; you can In the same action of the American press, two travel so fast around it, and face in every di- separate burlesques crop up on the Soviet Em- rection there is, yet end up. panting. precisely bassy's recent anniversary'reception. One pokes where you started. fun at the Embassy for putting on a big show, And hate is a wonderful motor. It keeps you with much caviar and other food, 'during' a time going, after everything else has failed. If we of rationing. In the-second burlesque, the writer don't feed some of the starving people in the almost splits his sides laughing because the Em- occupied countries now, they will be bitter bassy's big birthday cake turned out to be-a against us when the war ends. If we feed them model made of'paper, instead of eggs and flour after the war ends, that will be globaloney. and whatever else good cakes are made of. Hands Good heavens, how did we come out here? across the sea, and 'round and 'round it goes. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) pi4rinn Ford . (Jwe Farrant Claire Sherman Marjorie Bor.radaile,., Betty Harvey- - Busine. dly Ann Winokur .. Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion . . . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director Associate Editor . . Women's Editor ss Staff . -. .Business \Manager Ass't. Bus. Managers . . Ass't. Bus. Managers I 4ERRY-G0 ROUNDr By DREW y IPEARSON WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 - When Fred M. Vinson stepped down from the U. S. Court of Appeals to become Director of Economic Stabilization, a lot of people heaved a sigh of relief and figured that the tough, price- fixing days of bull-dozing Leon Henderson were gone forever. Judge Vinson, they thought, was an easy-going, soft-spoken Kentucky ex- Congressman who liked to tell darky stories, relished a mint-julep and would rather watch a horse race than fix prices. But they were sadly mistaken. Judge Vinson does like mint juleps. He also enjoys horse-races and gcod stories. But all this and more have been swept aside in his pas- sionate campaign to stop inflation. In short, Judge Vinson has de- veloped into another Leon Henderson -but with political savvy. He has rowed with the farmers, he has earned the undying enmity of railroad labor, he has fought the big oil companies, he has the cattlemen swearing vengeance against him, he has stamped on the toes of John L. Lewis, -he. 'has- even- taken on, Old Curmudgeon Harold Ickes. Vinson vs. Ices . Once, after Vinson had struck a large and unyielding fist in front of Ickes' drive for higher oil prices, the Secretary of the Interior wrote Judge Vinson .a typical Ickes letter. Next .day at-cabinet;me.eting the two men met. "Harold," said Judge Vinson beat- ing him to the punch, "I certainly want to thank you for that sweet letter ,you, wrote me. Some people might have thoughtit sharp, but I know what you could have written if you had really set your mind to it." Even Ickes had to laugh. In this particular fight, Vinson was buck- lug the big oil companies and the entire industry. In another fight, however, he was bucking the coal miners and took just as adamant a' stand against John L. Lewis. While he was conferring with Coal Administrator Newton, presicent of the Chesapeake and Ohio RaiIrod, the latter remarked that therm were some serious questions to be n sid- 4" , o'n.There's only one questio for l(,"* shot back Vinson, "wlitherj .:. r , , , ; ,: ' . .4 j. n ,. a . ;P. J / t >, :1,; " R ; !r .j , , _ p i ty . a j a 3 t 4 X a .- tr ki. ::" ,. a c r x ,/ F' 3 I .rte i:S t f- . .. .. : 7 d .w= . GRIN AND BEAR IT J,. 1.G By Lichty , q p19a ,'chic~go TjmeB, Inc, 'That's the recreation hall where the U.S.O. entertains us 29 days outa the month-payday we shoot craps!' Telephone 2241 mIGHT'EDITOR' STAN WALLACE" Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members' of The Daily staff ~and represent the views of the writers only. AMENDMENT? Mgjority ,Vote FavQred For Treaty Ratification INTENT ON NOT allowing a repetition of the ituation in 1919, when in spite of a 49 to 35 votes -in its favor, the Versailles treaty was de- feated. Senator Claude'Peper is now sponsor- ing a constitutional amendment which 'would make the ratification of treaties dependent upon a simple majority vote of the House and Senate. The"end of the two thrd ruie for the rati- fication of 'treaties w6uld b a distinct blessing to our democracy. 'Created n1'187, this pro.- fSion of our constitution reflects the natural d b'oubts which the members of the onstitutional Convention had in the yet untried procaes of representative self-government.' OW THIS two thinid rules a vital 'threat to the fate of our.ptib'' today 'wasbrought out by Senator Pepper when, while 'speaking at ! &rally in- Madison Square Grden on the work of :the Moscow conference he said, "Can the pIople therefore assure that this pledge of co- opration can be kept to our allies and our dead, f'tthe present constitutional provisions w.ich 1 gwy one third plus one of the voting Senate not eony ttepower of filibuster and of interminable dry; but of defeating a' treaty which' like the tety' of Versailles had the 'overwhelming sup- ip f'ab majority of the Senate and the country S aidhe support of the hopes and prayers of the he provision which the founding fathers made to. safeguard our denocracy have now e cme°a tool 'through which a few willful en ay sabotage the future of that dem- " o Bracy: In 1919 the will of the people was defeated and the role which that defeat had in bringing about the present conflict can only be guessed at. If we believe in democracy and its cardinal principle of majority rule, we should back the Peper amendment and give the American peo- ple. a chance to exercise their will in the field of foreign policy. --Monroe Fink CLEAN FOOD: City Health Department, Parrot Merit Big Hand CENSURE IS AN EASY WAY to achieve notice C in this world, where anything that makes enough noise is immediately acclaimed as revo-, lutionary. However, this time there are two parties in Ann Arbor that deserve praise. One is the Ann Arbor Health Department, and the other is the Parrot Cafe. The Health Department deserves credit for the very fine job it is doing to make Ann Arbor the town, we would like it to be, and assure us of decent places in which to eat. It forced the Parrot Cafe to close its doors Wednesday, because certain conditions were not as they should be. It can conceivably close the door of many another restaurant in Ann Arbor. The Health Depart- ment is constantly checking in all the eating establishments, assuring the public that the food they eat, the dishes they eat from, and the uten- - - -...., - ., _.-4 . M7n WAR CHEST;. University Drive Goes Over $20,000Quota THE UNIVERSITY WAR CHEST drive has gone over the top. Returns yesterday showed that $20,739 had been turned in and more is still expected. The goal set for the University was $20,000. The University is one of the few divisions in the city which has gone over its quota.' This Is especially to be commended for there were several reasons why the goal might not have ieen met." The staff to be solicited was smaller tlia- in' previous _years; the goal was $2,000 over last year's goal and an estimated ten pereent of the staff was solicited outside of , A uyrsity drive. Respon to the drive on the part of service" men is bnteworthy. Army and Navy officers have gvn liberally. Graduate Naval Architects,. who arehie for only a short time, have contrib- uted almost $200. The total contribution by servicemen' on campus is over $800. Two dormitories, Helen Newberry and Martha Cook, have made house solicitations for the drive. The goal has been met. But that does not mean that it is too late to give. Nor is the need any smaller because one division has over- subscribed its quota. Contributions can still be taken to Professor M..H. Waterman, 108 Tap- pan Hall; Professor I. H. Walton, 4B East Hall, or to Professor H. M. Ddrr '2034 Angel Hall. -Barbara Herrington FOOD SHORTAGE. Nation's Top Soil Must Be Kept fron Erosion THE FOOD SHORTAGE, which is being felt even in the far reaches of the University; has little chance for improvement unless more scien- tific farming methods are employed soon and on a nation-wide scale. Prime among-the country's farming 'evils is soil erosion which costs about $844,000,000 an- nually. Dr. Hugh H. Bennett, chief of the U. S. Soil C'onservation Service, reported at a soil conservation forum in Detroit last week that on the ten percent of U.-S. farmland which is under scientific conservation methods, production is up 20 percent more than it was formerly. To get maximum crop results it is impera- tive that the country's fertile top soil be re- tained and properly treated. An area of some 100,000,000 acres has been rendered unusable by letting the top soil be carried down to the sea. These findings of leading agricultural experts should be emphasized to all U. S. farmers and steps be taken whereby they could receive in- formation and help in actual practice. Far from being another problem for Washington bureau- "crats, the farmers themselves, through national organizations such as Farm Bureau and the Grange, must take measures to see that soil conservation is practised effectively if the food situation is not to become worse and the shortage permanent. -Harriet Pierce it has been known under the name of the Parrot Cafe. All of this shows a willingness on the part POST-WAR NEED: Universal Service MUst Back International Force SINCE IT TAKES MORE than words to make an effective foreign policy, it is not too soon for the Administration and Congressto consider some practical steps to achieve the great purpose set forth in the Connally resolution-the epfab- lishment at the earliest practicable date of a "general international organization-of all peace- loving states," strong enough to assure "the maintenance of international peace and secur- ity." An important step in the enactmient of such an organization would be a post syste rovidingor a universal nilitary r v By experience in the last Worl _,V we learned that no "general internation orniza- tion" is going to be ab to ineace and security without t ie i n - tional police force. Sin .T Ue 4tat will be one of the great nations n t is P stwlir or- ganization, the moral responsibility of main- taining a large enough Army and Navy to help give authority, and strength to the new organi zation will depend on us. AFTER.THE WAR, we will naturally wish to relieve from duty men whose service in the field made victory possible. In view of this fact, we will need more and younger' men for the services than' were ever recruited in times of peace by voluntary methods of enlistment for the occupation of many areas Abroad, some of them strategic posts, and others in enemy ter- ritory. It is pertinent that we make plans for such an organization now, ahead of time, so that the men in the field will have a positive assurance that new and younger men will take their places at the end of the war. Such a practical step would also give the younger men them- selves, who will be of age at that time, a clear view of the responsibilities which their country will expect them to assume. Prompt adoption of such a plan for postwar service would meet these essential needs. It would also assure our Allies that we are definitely intending to take seriously our obligations under the Connally resolution with its sweeping vote of approval, 85-5. -Neva Negrevski REHABIL ITATION : UNRRA Takes a Step Ahead in Food Problems ENCOURAGING NEWS comes from Atlantic City where the United Nations Relief and Re- habilitation Administration is holding its first conference. The delegates from 44 nations Thursday elected former Gov. Herbert H. Leh- man of New York to the post of director general. As director of the UNRRA Lehman will su- pervise the distribution of food, clothing, and medical supplies to the people of occupied Europe just as soon as they are liberated from Axis control. One of the basic plans of the organization is to aid the various countries in re-establishing their agricultural facilities so that they will be able to support their own populations. Since Hitler started his march of expansion the nations in question have been sacked and demolished to the point where most of the people are on the verge of starvation. Not only we've got one flag or two in this country." The most hated man in the U. S. A. as far as railroad 'labor is concerned is Fred Vinson. Some rail workers actually think that Vinson must have been paid by the railroad executives to block their demand for a wage increase. Born in jail. What they don't realize is that Vinson has been just as adamant in blocking big business and everyone else who wants to up prices. Also they don't' realize' that Vinson, born in jail in the mountains of Kentucky, has spent his life battling for the underdog, Vinson, Senior, was jailer at Louisa, Ky., when the 'youngster who later was to become czar of American economy entered the World. Louisa is up in the Ken- tucky mountains where some peo- ple still carry guns, and where some of the Judge's friends; in all sern- oixsness, have promised to bring y ~ir Winchesters to Washington if" he gets in trouble. At Central College, Ky., Vinson was a star baseball player, received several big league offers, turned them down to study law, and enter Con- gress. He became a Congressman at 33, soon 'became a leading tax legis- lator and is the man largely respon- sible for increasing taxes in the high- er brackets, and easing them in the lower. Though it hasn't been featured i the papers, Vinson is hated by the big cattle ranchers even more than by railroad men. For months they tried to prevent his putting a ceiling on the price of beef.FIn this, his' old friends, War Food Administrator Judge Marvin Jones, Congressman Dick Kleberg, world's largest rancher, and Assistant Ag- ricultural Secretary Grover Hill- all from Texas-lined up against him. Joe Montagu, of the southwest cattle lobby, said to Vinson: "What difference does it make if meat' goes up 10 percent? It only means a few cents a month to each family." Replied Vinson: "hIow long can you expect a dam to hold with one small hole in It?" He' proceeded to fix a ceiling price on beef. (Copyright, 1943, United Features 'Syndi.) -- - i - i - Ii =.. - -. .---.t DAIL OFFICIAL BULLETIN ::~ , _. .._..._ .... ..... (Continued from Page 2) ( oral Union Members: Those whose records of attendance are clear will please call for admission tickets to the Anderson concert Mon- day, Nov. 15, between the hours of 10 and 12 and 1 'and 4, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. No passes will be issued after 4 o'clock. Charles A. Sink, President AcademicN.otices Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students 4who fail to file their election blanks by the close of the third week, even though they have registered 'and have attended classes unofficially, will forfeit their privilege of continu- ing in the College. E. A. Walter Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week of the Fall Term. Nov. 20 is therefore the last date on which new elections may be ap- proved. The willingness of an indi- vidual instructor to admit a student later does not affect the operation of this rule. E. A. Walter Economics 51, 52, 53 and 54: Make- up final examination on Thursday, Nov. 18, at 3:10 p.m. in room 207, Economics Building. Psychology 31 make-up examina- tion will be held Tuesday, Nov. 16, 7:30-9:30 p.m., in Room 1121 N.S. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Marian Anderson, contralto, with Franz Rupp at the piano, will give the sec- ond program in the Choral Union Series Monday, Nov. 15, at 8:30 p.m. The public is requested to be seated on time since the doors will be closed during numbers. Charles A. Sink, President tl n_ mtal Famp 1,i tan Events Today Westminster Student Guild eve- ning of games, music and dancing in the Social Hall tonight at 9:00. Ser- vicemen and civilian students are, cordially invited. Wesley Foundation:. A -group will leave the church at 9 o'clock tonight for a hayride, returning to the church later in the evening for re- freshments. ' For reservations and further details, call 6881 before noon today. All Members of the Lutheran Stu- dent Association are invited to par- ticipate in the Area Conference which is being held in Ann Arbor today and Sunday. The opening ad- dress by. Sister Margaret Fry will be given tonight at. 7:00. All sessions will meet in the Zion Lutheran Par- ish Hall with the exception of the Sunday morning Bible Study Hour, which will be held in Lane Hall at 9:00. There will be a business meet- ing Sunday afternoon at 2:00 and at 2:30 Dr. C. P. Harry will speak on "Churchmanship." No meeting of the Association at 5:30. Roger Williams Guild: There will be a moonlight hike tonight at 8:30. Coming Events Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal and tryouts for new members-Sunday section-on Sunday, Nov. 14, at 4:30 p.m., Room 305, Michigan Union. Unhindered!" is the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. 6:00 p.m. Presbyterian. Student Guild supper and" fellowship hour in the Social Hall. At 7:00 p.m. there will be a Freshman Panel. University Lutheran Chapel: Ser- vice on Sunday at- 11:00 a.m. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Don't Give Up Your Birthright." Unity: Sunday service at Michigan League at 11:00 a.m. Topic: "Fun- damentals of Society. young aeo- ple's meeting at 6:00 p.m. Reading Rooms, 310 S. State, 'Room 31. Ties- day night Study Group at 8:00 p.m. also at Unity Reading Rooms., Open daily 11 to 4, except Thursdays. Grace Bible Fellowship: Masonic Temple. 10:00 a.m. University Bible Class. ;Ted Groesbeck, teacher. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Witnessing Works-Witnessing Words," by Rev. H. J. DeVries. 7:30 p.m. Evening Ser- vice. "Esau."- First Methodist Church and' Wes- ley Foundation: Class at 9:30 a.m. with Professor Kenneth Hance, lead- er. Morning Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock; Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach on the theme "A Man with a Mission." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5:00 p.m. Mercia Lockyer and John Cobb will present the sub- ject, "The Teachings of Jesus." Fel- lowship hour and supper following the meeting. ' Episcopal Church: Sunday, Nov. 14. 8:00 a.m. Holy Coznmtnion. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 5:00 p.m. Choral Evening Prayer. 6:00 p.m. Canterbury Club. Buffet Supper followed by a talk on Poland by Mrs. Alexander Turyn. Canter- bury Club meets in Page Hall at the rear of the Church. First Congregational Church: Church School Depts.- 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. - Public .Worship-10:45 a.m. Dr. Leonard A. Parr's subject will be "Armed With a Dream." Congregational Disciples Student Guild meets at 7:00 p.m. D. Alexan- der Paul will speak on "China's Role in the Post-War World." Graduate Outing Club meeting in club quarters, Rackham Building (Huron St. entrance) on Sunday, Nov. 14, at 2:30 p.m. for a hike, or indoor games if weather-is unfavor- able. All graduate and professional' students and alumni are cordially invited. The Bibliophile section of the Fac- ulty Women's Club will meet Tues- day, Nov. 16, at 2:30 p.m. at the I home of Mrs. Ralph H. Curtiss, 1106 S. Forest Ave. Churches