THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authorlty of the BoardIn eControl nf Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or 'otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved' ' Vntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptiqns during the regular school year by car- rier $4.50, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Ed MarionFord Jane 1arrant . Cire Sherman Marjorie Borradaile betty Harvey . Bus Molly Ann Winokur L lizabeth Carpenter ZMatha Opsion itorial Staff . . . ^Managing Editor .. . . Editorial Director * . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . .Women's Editor siness Staff . . . Business Manager . . . Ass't. Bus. Managers . . . Ass't. Bus. Managers Telephone 23-241 1IOT EDITOR: JEAN RICHARDS ftorials published in The Michigan Daily ar. witten by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. MILK SHORTAGE: Scare Stories Hinder Solution Qf 'Problem ROM 'THE LOOKS of things right now the d 0jOn of a quart of milk a day for every child iA 4e world is quite a distance from fulfillment. 1 fever, rumors are flying around thick aiid providing much erroneous information corn cerI the exact milk shortage situation in Ann - cand the immediate vicinity.t } 4 loaokig at the problem from a purely loal: ° gleit becomes evident that an acute milk age does not exist either on the campus A, An Arbor. qf(coure, it is pbvious that milk supply has been curtailed to sen extent but the short e has. ertainly not schiexved proportions which many newspapers ' olorganidatons have be n attributing to it. Taking first the Union, whose caeteria serves a large number of University men each day, it as found that war-time pressure has strained the situation quite a bit. The Union at the resent time feeds approximately 00. serviemen afday and about two bottles of -milk per man is expected. As the servicemen's needs are sup- plied first, the amount of milk that is left is thien free to .be served in the cafeteria. At present there is no hard and fast rule concerning limitation per person, but if it ,is seen that the supply is down for the day, men eating in the cafeteria will be limited to one bottle per meal. The 'A" Arbor Dairy which supples the 'ns and other's needs in this area reports that to date they have not had too much trouble in securing the milk to neet the de- mads placed upon them by their consumers,. but :dded that it was a situation which could not be accurately foretold from one day to the next. The League reports that it has felt no acute leck of milk. Here, as in many other places, a system of.voluntary limitation to one bottle per person is being pursued to relieve the possibility of an acute shortage. f N THE DORMITORIES, where the majority of University women students have their meals the same situation is found. In all of the dorms a reduction in the milk supply has been felt, but this reduction has not resulted in an acute lack of milk either for personal consumption or for use in preparation of foods. It is realized that the problem is much more x aeute in Detroit and other areas where popula- tion growths are being experienced constantly. 6ut -important efforts are being put forth at fie present time to gain a comprehensive view of4the milk shortage in all areas, and amilk shortage is conceded by all authorities. tt a conference heed this week in Detroit representative Consumer Interest Committees of the cVDO met to find out if at present there are serious hardships being brought about, by.. the iilk shortage, from an essentially . consumer viewpoint. Representatives from Bay, Saginaw, Genesee, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw and Wayne counties assembled the. facts. The gen- eral results of the meeting show that in Bay and Saginaw counties there is practically no problem-at -all but that the trouble. is centered in the more heavily populated areas. This poses the quest ion of whether a reallocation -of -the milk spply might go a long way towards solving the problem, rfttrW 'vTTkQrmTnN f' -.- 4n 1t , rir.p o fm ik ANOTHER STEP: Repeal of Exclusion Act By House Is Encouraging A BOOST to Chinese and American moral and a blow to pro-Japanese propagandists was struck when the House of Representatives re- cently passed the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Of course, this flurry of activity does not mean that the United States will be overrun with Chinese, nor does it even signify that the ,repeal of this antiquated bit of legislation will become final. But one must admit that it is an encouraging sign. Although citizens and organizations on the West Coast were not unanimously pleased by the stand taken in the House, there was defin- itely a favorable reaction. In San Francisco, which contains the largest Chinatown in 'the United States, the Chinese regarded the action as a. great victory for justice. There will undoubtedly be a few so-called American citizens who will object strenuously to doing away with our old traditions. After all, we have enough of our yellow-skinned compatriots here, they might maintain. But even if the Exclusion Act were repealed, and even if we did put the Chinese on an equal basis with European nations, under the quota system, there would be only 105 entering every year. Surely that number is not so great as to cause widespread unemployment in the United States, or to lower' our standard of, living.- Although Americans are becoming increasingly liberal and more world-minded, there is still no definite assurance that this needed bit of legis- lation will pass through our well-known body of conservative Senators. Nor is it certain that the great majority of workers will unite on the issue, with the nation's two labor organizations split on the subject-the C. I. 0. favoring the repeal and the A. F. of L. opposing it. The stigma of undesIrability attached to the oldest civilization now defending democracy so valiantly ought to be removed from the statute books of the nation. For if we cannot grant our Chinese allies the right to come toAmerica in a post-war world, how can we logically ask them now to accept us as brothers defending the same principles of freedom and equality? A yellow skin is no justification for discrin- ination. -Virginia oek DEMOCRACY? Camnpus dust Support r ,ost-War -CouncilAims THE STUDENTS .of this kation hve a un que responsibilty in this world where so few young people have been.permitted to be mere students Ascaitizens 'in ai deiorati c state, '* are' being given av opprtrulty to learn hOw to think, to gain the facts upon which to base our thinking. Because we *re so few, and beckuse the problems we shall have t faee are so great, we must take advantage of the. opportunities we are offered. The University Post-War Council is a student organization whose functions are to assist stu- dents to prepare themselves to meet their res- ponsibilities. The Council provides weekly public panels on topics of vital importance to the post- war world. Through affiliation with the United States Student Assembly, the Council affords an opportunity to us to add our voice to that of our fellow students throughout the country in taking definite stands'upon vital issues. Internationally known speakers are brought to Ann Arbor by the Council for large conferences bi-annually. THE GROUP which is doing so much to prepare " us for our part in the world of tomorrow cer- tainly deserves our wholehearted support. Yet at the panel discussion on "nited States Foreign Policy" held by the. Council Wednesday night, only a small proportion of the campus attended. Surely we are not all so well-informed about the subject that we need not try to improve our knowledge. Each week the Post-War Council will hold public panels on issues about which each of us, as citizens, ought to be well-informed. Those who can attend'these meetings must take it upon themselves to go, listen and discuss. Then, and only then, can we prove that we are ready to play our full part as citizens of a great democratic nation. --Kathie Sharfman HU1ME FIRES: Faculty Women's Club Proje",ct &osts, Morale S HEENTHUSIASM with which the Faculty Women's Club project of parties for serVice- men at faculty homes has been met by the mem.- bers of the club, faculty daughters, and Univer- sity coeds, is good news indeed., After the 'first meeting more than a dozen homes and facilities were offered. The hostesses are planning to have dinners for the servicemen on campus, and entertainment such as bridge, ping-pong and dancing. Of course, if the men feel that they'd rather have a party without women, there will be several stag parties, where the only women present will' be the hostesses. This project gives the Faculty wives a chance- to help servicemen at home. Members of the club have been doing a tremendous amount of w work far the Red Cross by sewing, rolling 'THINK TO WIN': New Army Contest Is Example of Democracy THE NEW "THINK TO WIN" contest initiated by Maj.-Gen. Henry S. Aurand of the Sixth Service Command, is a startling innovation in the annals of Army history. Officers and enlisted men are put on an equal footing, insofar that each may win a promotion by submitting an idea which will save men, money, material and time. The low- liest buck private in the Sixth Service Com- mand now has a chance to tell Gen. Aurand what's wrong with the Army, and his sugges- tion will be-welcomed. It has sometimes been said that the Army is undemocratic because of the necessary strict discipline and emphasis on rank. But the Am- erican Army is probably the most democratic in the world. One cannot conceive of the German or Jananese Armies sponsoring such a plan. The Army has also proved that it operates with an open mind. It is perfectly willing to change existing regulations to meet pactical suggestions of the field. "Red tape" will be no barrier to the effectiveness of a suggestion. This attitude is encouraging because it shows that our Army leaders have faith in the funda- mentally American traditions of initiative and inventive genius.' Gen. Aurand deserves a big hand for sponsor- ing the contest. If the plan is successful within the area of the Sixth Service Command, it may be applied on a much wider basis. The Sixth Service Command also deserves to be highly commended. It is proving that the true democratic spirit in a country which be- lieves in a chance for everyone, is not dormant but is alive and active. -Jennie Fitch I'd Rather Be mRight By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK - When the Nazis were or- ganizing in Germany, they deliberately bor- rowed a bit of a slogan from every political movement in the country. They were for every- thing, and all at once. They were for socialism, they were for crushing labor unions, they were for war, they were for peace, they were against imperialism, they were in favor of colonies, they were against communism, they were against capitalism, they were' for the right of the peasant to iae' land, they were' fo the right of the Junkra nbility w eep ther estates It was the perfect runims list; anybody, ,reading down, could find something, except the Jews, and, the. Nazis eve "made friendly gestures to someof tM:'Jiews, at ct 4 in times, for limited .purp *es This type of political strategy is called ob- scurantisr, and you do not have to be a 1Qa4 to realize that it is a very handy veapon It is political flypaper, designed to catch everybody, and to answer all questions, even though when you add all the answers together you obtain nothing clear, but a kind of dirty gray muck. FLYPAPER This kind of approach to the electorate is often made in our country, too. You detect it when, among the oppositional voices, you hear that we have to stop inflation and that we have to raise food prices; that we have to avoid black markets and that we have to drop "burdensome" restric- tions; that we need a strong man in the govern- ment and that we have to stop pushing people around; that 'we don't give the people enough information andthat we have too many govern- mental officials engaged in disseminating in- formation; that we must let the Army and Navy run the war, and that we must stop giving blanket appropriations to the army and navy; that we must stand solidly behind the Com- mander-in-Chief and that we must clip his power; that Washington must provide the farmer with labor, and that we had better leave more of the war job to local government. That is obscurantism, a kind of Sears, Roe- buck catalogue of popular aches and pains, all dragged in together, all presented any old way, a vote-trap, shaped like a perfect circle, pointing in every direction of the compass, and baited for all comers. AND RIBBONS, AND KNICK-KNACKS It is not enough, however, to point out these paired inconsistencies, these twinned confusions. The obscurantist politician is not depressed when he is shown up, logically, on specific points. He is in a different business entirely, he is trading, with bits of cheese, and assorted sweetmeats, and lengths. of pretty ribbons, and many knick- knacks, and if he gets two voters for every logical mind he offends, that is enough to keep him in business, and you can stand in the corner all day mumbling about major premise and minor premise, for all he cares. "RACKET" IS A GOOD WORD The answer to this fellow (and he exists in both parties, but his chances for success are much brighter in the Republican) is not only to answer him on specific points, but to under- take an adventure in education, to see whether we cannot make the American people, as a whole, learn the word obscurantism, and come to und- erstand the process of obscurantism, and to come to recognize the strategy that lies behind this bizarre offering of assorted political tid-bits, fancy cakes, cookies and sandwiches in so many shanes Music Critic . . .how does .the critic know that' the who comes to Ann Arbor feel that musical taste of the conductor can- he is playing to an audience of mo- After reading the musical review not be questioned. rons when it comes to picking en- I have come to the conclusion it For an encore the conductor might cores? Glenn Miller has a good would be best if the critic took a as well have chosen "Beat Me Daddy arrangement of "When Johnny wouldse bestniftic . Eight to the ar" arranged by Tos- Comes Marching Home" also. course commonly known as Music 41. gh tote.r This course might help to straighten canin. Why does every conductor -Arthur Wood out some of the views that were so inadvertently put forward concerning GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty - last Sunday's concert. It seems that the entire review centers about the critic's idea that' v Mr. Leinsdorf, the conductor, spared nothing in his attempt to conduct the symphony in a fine performance - and that he is also to be thanked for wT- f-i his playing of American music on"ai' y e the program. Let us realize that a conductorcoo t chooses music not because of the country it represents, but because he thinks that it is fitting to his - concepts of what constitutes good music, and that a good conductor tries his best to put over a good per- i formance every time he steps upon the podium. Of course there is nothing better to have a conductor play American 6 music merely for the reason that it is American music and the same could be said for the playing of Eigyp- tian folk songs-but what difference- does it make concerning the concert? Mr. Leinsdorf is not to be "thanked" and Bess but praised as would be any ar' conductor who turned out a good, performance. As to the merits of the Cleveland Orchestra this group of artists have proven their 'worth to the American concert audience and it would be worth the while of the critic to con- sider the fact thatsthe conductor May I also ask what are "ragged 'We have diligently studied your problem, Mrs. Snodgrass and it is our edges" when viewing the merits of opinion that the 16 points required for a pound of dubious butter might any particular selection and just be mnore profitably invested in a sound pork chop!' DAILY UFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 19431 VOL. LIV No. 10 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 of the day, preceding Its public- tion, except on' Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted 'byl130 a.m. Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance re- port'-cards' 'are' e-ing -Idistributed' through the departmental offices. Instructors are requested to report absences of freshmen on green cards, directly to the Office of the Aca- demic Counselors; 108 Mason Hall. Buff cards should be used in report- ing sophomores, juniors, and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week absen- ces, and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to absen- ces are printed on the attendance cards. They' may also be found on page 47 of the 1943-44 announce-; ment of our College. E. A. Walter Senior Mechanical, Electrical, Met- allurgical, and Industrial, Engineers: Mr. J. I. Onarheim of Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, Milwau- kee, Wis., will interview seniors of the above divisions today in Room 218 West Engineering Building, for, positions with that organization. Seniors may sign thie interview schedule on the Bulletin Board at Room 221 West Engineering Build- ing. Job Registration will be held in Room 205 Mason Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 4:15 p.m. This applies to February, June and August grad- uates, also to graduate students .or staff members who wish to register, and who will be available for posi- tions within the next year. The Bureau has two placement divisions: Teacher Placement and General Placement. The General Division in- cludes service to people seeking. posi- tions in business, industry, and pro- fessions other than education.' It is important to register NOW because employers are already ask- ing for February and June graduates. There is no fee for registration. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Choral Union Members: Those whose records of attendance are clear will please call for admission tickets to the Anderson concert Mon- day, Nov. 15, between the hours of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. No passes will be issued after 4 o'clock. today at 1:30.p., under theauspices of the Hygienic' Laboratory: The public is c6rdially invited. Academic Notices Mathematics Semluar5: The fpls- lowing.seminars in mathematics;will be conducted during the fal iterm by the staff members named: Statistics, Prof. Craig, Wednesdays at 4:00 P.M. in 3010 "Angell; Top~ological Groups, _Prf: " sbrose, Wdinesdas at 4:00 p.m., in"3201 Angell; Applied Mathematics, Prof: Churchill, Mon-. days at 4:00 p m.;'in 319 West Engi- neering; Geometry,.Pwfs. Thirall and Rainich, Thursays at 3.:00 p.m., in 3001 Angell; Toplgy, Prof. Steen- rod, Fridays at' 4:3±0 p., in 3201 Angell; Nothe%;Rins, Prof.Hilde- brandt, Tues4ays at 4:00 p.m., 3014 Angell; Orientation, Prof. Raihich, Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m., 3001 Angell. Students, College of Literature, Science, an4 dtheArts: Students who fail toy file ,their electionl blanks-b the close of the .A'rd' we e though they have registered and have attended classes unofficially, ,will forfeit their privilege of continu- ing ip the College. E. A. Walter Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held today at 4:00 p.m., in Room 319 West Medical Building, "Iron Problems"' will be discussed. All in- terested are.. invited. Please note change in time. Bacteriology Seminar: Saturday, Nov.' 13, at 8:30. a.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Physics 37, one hour problem course, meets Friday at 10 in Room 202 West Physics Building. Text, "Problems in College Physies," avail- able at Ulrich's. Lesson on Friday, Problems 7-15 incl., Chapter 1. W' W Sleator concerts Messiah Concert: The University Musical Society announces that the traditional annual' performance of' Handel's "Messiah" will take place: Sunday afternoon, Dee. 19, at 3 o'clock. The following will partici- pate: Agnes Davis, soprano (New York); Lillian Knowles, contralto (New York); William Miller, tenor (Chicago); Wellington Ezekiel, bass (New York); Palmer Christian, or- ganist; The University Choral Un-' ion; a special "Messiah" Orchestra) and Hardin Van Deursen, Conduc- tor. The public is requested .to. be seated on time since the doors will be closed during numnbers. Charles A.Sink,..President -Faculty, qci$~ palms r~hristian, Un~versity .Org a4t, pill ;present a reitgl at f:1 p..wox 8qtday, Nov. 14. ip Mll & tr program vifl inelde,, t sby Bach, Andriessen, W$4ot. aJgi gen. The public is cod iivited,,.; EvenifsTod Zeta Phi Eta meeting today at 3:00 p.m. is' the ', ter room. To All University;Women4 Junior Gir~ls' Project will sign mem~bers 'of booths, skits'and songs, corsages, and Publicitycommittees today, '3-5 p.m., in the Undergraduate Office' of the League. Students who signed up at the mass meeting in' the League last spring are asked to sign, again for 'tile convnlience of 'committee chair- men. Interviewingfor all girls who wish to serve 'on the central eommittee of Child Care and Girl Seouts ; and fdr all girls interested in workig with children as Girl Scout or .irl Re- serve leaders or assistants, as play- ground assistants, or taking;'care of children in private homes for remu- neration. Interviewing will 'fe held today, 3:30-5:30 p.m., in the;Under- graduate Office of the ?~ichigan League. Wesley Foundation: Bibe Class tonight at 7:30 with Dr. Charles W. Brashares as leader. The Hillel Foundation .will con- duct its regular Friday evening ser- vices tonight at 8:00. CGomg Events Michigan Outing Club will have an organization meeting on Sunday, Nov. 14,, at 3:30 .p.m. in the W.A.A. room of the:Women's Athletic Build- ing. Anyone. interested -'is welcome. internaloialCenter: Sunday eve- ning program and snack-hour start- ing at7:30 p.m. on Nov. 14. Students, faculty. members and townispeople . are 'invited Women wishing to try out for Crop and Saddle and the University Women's Riding Club must sign up on the bulletin boards at Barbour Gym or the WAB on or before Mon- day if they intend to participate in the try-out which will be held at 5:00 p.m. on 'Tuesday.