VAQETH FOUi TL n I GAN r)H TDNThTiiDWA, NOV, 10, 1942 United States Marines Will Celebrate 168th Birthday Today 40f. History of Leatherneeks Read To Troops at Morning Muster < , i Warrant Officer W. W. Croyle, TJSMC, Assistant to the Officer in Charge of the Marine Detachment on campus, read the following article to the 250 Marines stationed here at 7:30 a.m. muster this morning in honor of the 168th birthday of the Marine Corps. "On Nov. 10, 1775, a Corps of Ma- rines was created by a resolution of the Continental Congress. Since that date many men have borne the name Marine. In memory of them it is fitting , that we who are Marines should commemorate the birthday of our Corps by calling to mind the glories of its long and illustrious his- tory. Brilliant Record Noted "The record of our Corps is one which will bear comparison with that of the most famous military organi- zations in the world's history. During the greater part of its existence the Marine Corps has been in action against the Nation's foes. "Since the Battle of, Trenton, Ma- rines have won foremost honors in war and in the long era of tranquil- lity at home, generation after gener- ation of Marines have grown gray in war in both hemispheres, and in ev- ery corner of the seven seas, that our country and its citizens might enjoy peace and security. Numerous Honors Won "In every battle and skirmish since the birth of our Corps, Marines have acquitted themselves with the great- est distinction, winning new honors on each occasion until the term 'Ma- rine' has come to signify all that is highest in military efficiency and soldierly virtue. "This high name of distinction and soldierly repute we who are Marines today have receiyed from those who preceded us in the Corps. With it we also received from them the eternal spirit which has animated our Corps from generation to generation and has been the distinguishing mark of the Marines in every age. Emergencies Will Be Met "So long as that spirit continues to flourish Marines will be found equal to every emergency in the fu- ture as they have been in the past, and the men of our Nation will re- gard us as worthy successors to the long line of illustrious men who have served as 'Soldiers of the Sea' since the founding of the Corps. "On this our 168th birthday, the above message will be published to all members of the United States Marine Corps, whether they may be aboard a mighty warship-in the Solomons or at home bases guarding the shores of this mighty Nation." This article, which was sent to the commanding officer of every United States Marine Detachment, will be read today to Marines stationed on every part of the globe. Highlights O(fn Campus ... Prof. R. C. Hussey, of the Depart- ment of Geology, will speak on "The Parade of the Dinosaurs" at 7:45 p. m. today in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. His lecture, sponsored by Phi Sig- ma Society, is open to the public. It will be illustrated by slides. Sports Club Will M eet.. .. The La Crosse Club will meet at 4:30 p. m. today at Palmer Field, Pat Daniels, '45, club manager, has an- nounced. Members must come dressed for active play. Petitions Due Monday.. Petitions are due Monday for the Engineering election, which will be held Wednesday; Nov. 17. Two rep- resentatives from each class are to be elected. Petitions must contain sixteen signatures, qualifications, and suggestions for the future. House Heads To Meet .. . There will be a meeting of all house presidents at 5 p. m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League to formulate plans for the coming year, Ann McMillan, presi- dent of Judiciary Council, announc- ed. USO Girls To Register.. .. Mrs. Robert, Burton, director of the community USO Service Club to be opened in the near future, an- nounced that the last opportunity for women to register for membership will be from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. and from 7 p. m. to 9 p. n. today. Coeds To Sign for JGP .. . Any coeds interested in working on skits and songs, publicity, cor- sages, and booth and house bond and stamp sales committees for Junior Girls Project may sign up from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. today through Friday in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Sophs May Petition.. .. Sophomore women interested in working on the central committee of Sophomore Project may leave their petitions in Carol Evans' box in the Undergraduate Office of the League today through Saturday. Interview- ing will be held from 3 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. Monday and Tuesday of next week. Marine Serves All Over World, For 16 Years 'Gunner' Croyle Earns Service Ribbons, Sees Action in Haiti, Chia From far-off northern climes to sunny tropic scenes seems to apply to Warrant Officer W. W. Croyle, who has been a Marine for over six- teen years and is now attached for duty with the Marine Detachment, Navy V-12 Unit here. Having entered the regular Marine Corps on Aug. 3, 1927, he has served at 12 posts where Marines are sta- tioned. Wears Ribbons, Bars Mr. Croyle, who wears the Marine Corps Expeditionary Ribbon and the Marine Corps Good Conduct Ribbon with three bars, saw service in the Republic of Haiti during the Haitian uprising and subsequent martial law in 1929 and participated in the de- fense of the International Settle- ment at Shanghai, China, 1932, with the famous Fourth Marines, who were taken prisoners of war by Japan in the fall of Bataan. Was President's Guard He also served in the President's Guard at President Hoover's Camp Rapidan in Virginia and did guard duty at Pearl Harbor, Mare Island, Calif., and the Navy Yards in Ports- mouth, Va., and Philadelphia, Pa. He also served under General Smed- ley D. Butler as a provost guard at Quantico, Va. Transferred in June Mr. Croyle was transferred to the University of Michigan in June of this year as Assistant Officer in Charge of the Marine Detachment being formed on the campus. He came here from the Reserve Offi- cer's Class at Quantico, where the students he is now giving military training will be' instructed in mili- tary science as.Second Lieutenants. He is known as the "Marine Gun- ner" to students of the V-12 program. V-12 Men Come From Sea Duty 275 More Bluejackets Stationed on Campus Of the 275 bluejackets who arrived here Nov. 1, 70 were from the Coast Guard and Navy, many having seen combat duty with the fleet. A few of the other newly arrived bluejackets are transfer students from othef V-12 units, and all the others are raw recruits who just completed their high school pro- grams. . Oneof the V-12 men who just ar- rived has four stars signifying four major engagements. A few of the new arrivals have a couple of stars and many have one star. Almost all the men who come from combat duty have ribbons. At the end of last semester 68.V-12 men were sent - to midshipmen's school at Columbia, New York, 80 to Norfolk, Va., for further training, and 96 went to Great Lakes where they will be assigned to general detail for "boot" and further training. This semester approximately 1300 men will be living in the West Quad- rangle. Of these 175 will be NROTC cadets, 250 marines and 900 blue- jackets. IREtit lDIforIct ol Equipped with a steel helmet, cartridge belt, sledge hammer and rifle, the Leatherneck pictured above stands on guard. Coal for City Made Available New Plan Is Formed For Fair Distribution Coal for Ann Arbor residents who are acutely in need of it will be made available under a plan promoted by the State Defense Coun 1, Mayor Leigh J. Young announced esterday. Acting for the Ann Arbor Defense Council, the police department will issue tickets of necessity if the appli- cant: 1. Has less than a five day supply. 2. Will list dealers he has already contacted without success. 3. Will estimate the supply of coal he has on hand and his annual con-. sumption. 4. Agree to accept any type of coal which the dealer believes to be suit- able for his use. 5. Agree to accept dump delivery if not at home at the time of delivery. 6. Agree to accept not less than a ton of coal (Defense transportation regulations prevent delivery of a smaller amount.) 7. Agree to further investigation by the Police Dept. The University, which uses some 45,000 tons a year, has enough coal to last until May 1 and more on order, reported Mr. W. L. Bulbick, purchasing 'agent. Women To Meet for Faculty Club Today The Faculty Women's Club will attempt to interest members in offer- ing their homes to servicemen at their meeting and reception from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today at the Rack- ham Assembly Hall. This new venture will en'able mem- bers to help men overseas and on the home front. Many members have been cooperating with the club and the Red Cross by sewing, rolling bandages, and selling War Bonds. Members that cannot sew will have a chance to help cooperating with the new project. This is a chance for them to share easy chairs, maga- zines, radios, and grate fires with 'somebody's son." Merit Committee To Meet Today The Merit and Social Committees of the League will hold mass meet- ings for all women interested in working on the committees at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow respectively in the League. Under the direction of Morrow Weber, '44, the Social Committee's main function is the management of the Ruthven teas which are open to all students and servicemen on cam- pus. U.S. Foreign Policy To Be Topic of Panel The Post-War Council will hold the first panel discussion of the fall term on "United States Foreign Pol- icy" at 7:30 p.m. today.I Prof. William Paton and Prof.1 Leonard Watkins, both of the eco- nomics department, and Prof. Wil- liam Wilcox of the history depart- ment will lead the discussion and answer questions from the floor. Bill Muehl, '44L, will act as panel modera- tor. The program for the panel will include an historical survey of the, outcome of our foreign policy in 1919, the evolution of our foreign policy between the two World Wars and a discussion of the best policy to fol- low in the future. The recent Moscow Declarations and the newly-approved' Connally Resolution will also be de- bated. Immediately following the panel, at 9 p.m., a short membership meet- ing will be held. All those interested in working with the Post-War Coun- cil are urged to attend. Monday night 12 members of the Post-War Council and the Speak- ers' Bureau attended a community discussion on post - war problems which was held at Fenton.. Repre- sentatives from Byron, Gains, Lin- den, Grand Blank, Holly, Milford, Hartland and Brighton attended the' meeting. Dr. H. W. McClusky .of the School of Education was chairman of the discussion. Dr. E. W. Blake- man, counselor of religious education, also went with the group. Reception To Be Held Today Dr. Esson M. Gale and Mrs. Gale will head the receiving line at a re- ception at 8 p. m. today in the Inter- national Center, held in honor of foreign students on campus. Also in the receiving line will be Dr. and Mrs W. Carl Rufus, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Mrs. Arthur S. Ai- ten and Mr. and Mrs. M. Robert Klinger. Invitations have been sent to 85 foreign students; who will be' theĀ°: special guests at the reception., townspeople interested in the Center and other friends of the foreign stu- dents. Pvt. Howard A. Petersen, who ar-dimes and cig'aret tes. rived here Saturday as a member of will only take silve the V-12 program, was in the artil-wknly aksAmer lery gun section that fired the first knothat Amoeriido round in Marine Corps history for thing to them. The the landing of Marine infantry troops money was also sha in the assault on Tulagi. Japanese had disti "Our first stop after leaving the use as money in this States in July 1942 was on a small " Duritg the time I island in the Southwest Pacific. Aft- canal I didn't see a4 er staying there about a week, we man. Even the nat made our attack on the Solomons. back in the hills.' s This was the initial landing of the we saw them ias w Marines on Tulagi. I stayed four raiding parties backi months at Tulagi," Pvt. Petersen said he said yesterday. "My one aebidion Bombed While Landing in the States witn "Riding in the P. T. boat from Tu- fought with. They ai lagi to Guadalcanal was the most of men in the Mar thrilling experience in my life. I Petersen said. stayed at Guadalcanal for two months. We were bombed three times at Guadalcanal before we left G I Vers the ships. "There was no entertainment on W il le the islands until we were secure over there. Then we had movies which The feet of the Ar were interrupted nightly by air raids. pus will soon be ad "We didn't have to worry about overshoes and thee washing clothes for we all wore sciv- have distinctive new vies (underclothes) because of the es, Capt. Ross B. heat. The men there all had beards quartermaster, annc as there was a shortage of razors. Two carloads of The life on the island was strictly received by the loc non-G. I.," he said, for distribution in Native Put on Dance to await the coming "The Malatians or natives came should be the envy a over to Tulagi and put on a dance they are made of3 for the .Marines ;there after the land reclaimed, and they fighting was over. They sat on the les," Capt. Zartman ground and clapped their hands and The shoulder pat sang. This is what is called a native ted for the entire dance. . coincidence they hi The natives sold souvenirs to the Michigan colors. T Marines in exchange for nickels, be worn on the lef' Some natives r. because they n silver is gool tsnL mean any- ir faith in paper ken because the buted paper for section. ; was at Guadal- single white wo- ive women were o the only time hen we went on into the jungles." is to be reunited 11the fellows I re thebest group ine Corps," Pvt. Aog., rsSated. my men on cam- lorned with G.T. entire ASTP will shoulder patch- Zartman, unit ounced yesterday. shoes were just al quartermaster the near future of winter. "They of all civilians for real rubber, not have four buck- said. ches were adop- country and by happen to be in The patches will t shoulder. GUADALCANAL VETERAN: V-12 Man Was in First Landing Of Marine Infantry on Tulagi if I _____ 111 --A_ DANCE TO THE T[UNES DETROIT'S LEADING SOCIE SOF TV BANVD t 71 0 w w l =I v M DEL D ELBRIDGE SATURDAY AFTER THE WISCONSIN GAME 9 :00to 12:00 MICHIGAN LEAGUE B ALLRIOOM ', 'l t Rings! ORDER NOW Q t BURR, PATTERSON & AULD 1209 S. University Ruth Ann Ookes, Mgr. Io ' , .. LM,.l I Have a Coca-Cola =What's the good word? Ii' I aL A ... or how to get along with folks Have a "Coe", says the returned soldier and his friendly gesture is understood in Newport or New Zealand, at home or in far-off places. Around the world Coca-Cola stands for the pause that re- freshes,--has become the gesture of good will, saying Let's befriends. 0 a. . FROSH N-W"SOPHS!In UNION TRYOUT MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT 7:30 P.M. AT THE UNION OFFICES The following committees compose the Student Organization SOCIAL: Control of all Union activities of a social nature. COOPERATIVE: Experience in coordinating campus activities. PUBLICITY: Experience in methods of publicity, including the writing of newspaper articles and ads. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Practice in meeting and cooperating with campus leaders, faculty, and visitors on campus. ADMINISTRATION AND HOUSE: Training in office diretion, organiza- BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COWPANY BY to acquire friendly abbrevia- ANN ARBOR COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Coca-Cola called Coke". 331 South Ashley THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MEN'S GLEE CLIU Invites Freshmen, Uppercia ssmen, Graduate Students and all Service Men on Campus to A Rousing Sing and Tryouts for Membership CLUB ROOMS -- THIRD FLOOR, MICHIGAN UNION B lwk W/ r l "YaAr- " - jk'T~lvTTEU U T'f3UC!D RR am u ' ' i~