£T~a'n E''J~ HE -MIC-IGl -A-N- DAI -GSL Personnel Men Students Take Special Course Students of public personnel work at the University are distinguished by having one of their required courses Political Science 93, Public Personnel Management, taught by Mr. Litch- field of the Michigan Civil Service Commission. Because Mr. Litchfield is in touch with everyday problems he gives a realistic approach to personnel work. "The course is practical and valuable for he has a great deal of personal experience on which to base his les- sons," Ruth Daniels, '44, one of his students said. . His course, which meets from 7:30 to 9:30 in 215 Haven Hall, is open to graduate students and seniors in public administration and political science and those interested in per- sonnel management in public admin- istration and psychology. More stu- ,dents may still enroll in this semest- er's section. A graduate of this University, Mr. Litchfield secured his Ph. D. in Public Administration in 1940. He taught at Brown University and is now con- *nected with research work in the Civil Service Commission. According to a survey there are four times as many positions open to personnel managers as there are men and women to fill them. This condi- tion is aggravated by the war. The. demands in Michigan have been so great that the Michigan Civil Service Commission has prevailed upon the University to offer special courses in Public Personnel Work. Messiah, Brings Special Artists Four outstanding musical artists will participate in the University Mu- sceal Society's annual presentation of the Messiah concert Dec. 19 in Hill Auditorium. Agnes Davis, New York soprano, Lillian Knowles, contralto, William Miller, tenor, and Wellington Exckiel, bass, will be the featured artists. Palmer -Christian will preside at the organ and a special Messiah or- chestra of , University students and townspeople will support the singing of the University Choral Union, all under the "direction of Hardin Van ,eursen. Tickets will be available from oday until the concert in the offices of the University Musical Society: LANDES TO SPEAK TODAY Dr. Kenneth K. Landes, dean of the Department of Geology, will ad- dress a dinner meeting of the Cass City Community Club in Cass City today. "Vlinerals and World Affairs" is the subject of his lecture. i, Timberlake To 'Address ASCE Today Clare H. Timberlake, '29, who has spent the past 13 years in the state department, will speak at the ASCEk meeting at 7:15 p.m. today in the Union. Mr. Timberlake, who has charge of all foreign contracts for engineer- ing improvements, will discuss his .experiences in the foreign service. During his employment in the state department Mr. Timberlake has been in Canada, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Zurich, Vego, and has spent the last three and a half years in Aden, Arabia. At the time of the Spanish. Revo- lution he was in Spain. Later on, while stationed in Aden, he was near the scene of the Italian entry into Africa, and was there the day Haile Selassie, a close friend of his, came back. Mr. Timberlake will arrive at 5 p.m. and will be entertained at din- ner by the members of Alpha Tau Omega, with which he was affiliated. From there he will go to the ASCE meeting. All engineers and servicemen are invited, but they are asked to be there promptly since Mr. Timber- lake must leave at 8:15 p.m. Churhes Urge United Front Van Dusen Denounces Un-Christian Peace If we are to have a just and dur- able peace, the Christians of the country must present a united front to out-think, out-fight and out-act those who seek to make an un- Christian peace, Dr. H. P. Van Dusen of the Union Theological Seminary, said Sunday at a mass meeting in the Congregational Church. At the'mass meeting, highlight of the all-day Christian Mission on World Order, Harlie L. Smith, presi- dent of William Wood College and Dr. Paul Hutchinson, managing edi- tor of the Christian Century also spoke. After the speeches, questions from the floor w~ere directed to the three men. Dr. Van Dusen also emphasized that Christians in their attempts to influence statesmen and peacemak- ers must learn to speak the language of politics or their efforts would be in vain. Young peoples discussion groups were held Sunday night in the First Presbyterian and First Methodist Churches with Dr. Van Dusen and Dr. Hutchinson acting as chairmen. Giant Aerial Battle Foreseen in Italy Soon; U.S., British Forces Prepare for Second Front, * = 1 lit, rr SERVICE MEN- CARRYr TRAVELERS Allies Predict Crack in Luftwaffe Air Power By The Associated Press ALLIED MILITARY HEADQUAR- TERS SOMEWHERE IN ITALY, Nov 8-There is every prospect that, starting in December, one of the war's last great air struggles will be fought in the skies over Italy between the Luftwaffe and the powerful Am- erican-British airforce in this thea- ter. Officers who had been attached to the staff of Field Marshal Gen. Al- bert Kesselring quote him as saying the full strength of the Luftwaffe will be turned to the Mediterranean for the winter after weather blocks ope- ration on the Russian front. Last Gasp of War Allied military men believe that any such large-scale German air ef- fort will mean its last big gasp of the war and that the crack in German military strength in this war will come not in the fleet as in the last war but in the air force. While Kesselring is reported to have been removed from command in Italy and replaced by Field Mar- shal Erwin Rommel, this is expected to make no difference in the German high command's plans. The Germans realize fully the might of the Allied airforce being as- sembled in the Mediterranean for a winter attack against Germany and are determined to stop it at all costs. Germans To Concentrate It is expected the Germans will concentrate numbers of fighters in the Po Valley to try to intercept Al- lied bomber fleets as they cross the Alps. A vital factor in war superiority is the daylight bomber and the Ger- mans thus far have been unable to develop such a weapon that can stand up against fighters. Co. A Stages All Night Battle Starting out at 11slast night and returning at 10 this morning, the men of Company A took part in their first all night maneuvers in the vi- cinity of the Golfsidae Academy. The soldiers were divided into two groups, one attacking and the other defending. During the night the men were on forced march. At dawn they participated in the attack and de- fense of an area. The entire maneuvers were in charge of cadet and commissioned officers. Each group knew nothing of what the other group was doing. Therefore, they had to make their plans at the last minute on the field. Informants Term Coming Invasion Unprecedented By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 8.-American and British troops are swiftly preparing for the Second Front which Marshal Joseph Stalin has said is near and which President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill have promised will be on an unprecedented scale. Bits of information filter through official channels which tell the ene-. my nothing he doesn't know, but in- dicate that the preparations are un- der way on a rising tide of anticipa- tion. Best in History The, American Army that will storm history's mightiest fortress will be better prepared, better equipped and in greater strength than any ar- my that ever took the field under the stars and stripes. They will meet the best of Hitler's army beside an Allied force equally powerful, as thoroughly trained in new techniques, and superbly equip- ped. Obviously no major attack will be launched without the full support of armored, artillery and air units. Navy Will Be Prepared The framework for the administra- tion, command and supply of mili- tary forces on an unprecedented scale is now taking shape in Britain. Within this framework is a liaison Guadalcan'al (Continued from Page 1) but they aren't ther'e now so I guess we must be better," Lieut. Cooper declared. In describing the native inhabi- tants of the island, he pointed out that they are used for carriers of food, guns and ammunition. They speak pidgin-English which is Eng- lish mixed with native phrases. "Bearing an acute dislike for the Japs they were very friendly to the Americans," Lieut. Cooper said. "The Japs are well trained. Many of them even speak English, which is an accomplishment of inestimable value in attacks," Lieut. Cooper add- ed. After being wounded Lieut. Coo- per was evacuated by plane to some; other islands and finally to New Zea- land. He was more than happy to return to the states in the latter part of April after spending 15 months overseas. organization patterned after that used in . the Mediterranean Theater to weld Allied land, sea and airforce into a single, devastating" weapon.' America's Navy ,also -may be ex- pected to be fully -prepared for its place in the armada .that may. dwarf the Allied Mediterranean fleets. American units, including an air- craft carrier, are already disclosed to have been operating with the Bri- tish home fleet, and if reinforcements are needed it may be assumed that other units of the'United States fleet will be ranged alongside Britain's squadrons. No matter what branch of the service you arc headed for, you will find AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERSCH IiQI ES the best way to carry your money. They are not only spendable everywhere, but they have an important safety feature that protects you. It is this: if they are lost or stolen, you get a prompt refund. Issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100. Cost 75t for each $100. Minimum cost 40¢ for $10 to $ 50. For sale at banks and Railway Express Offices. AMERICAN EXPRESS___ *___ 'TRAVELERS CHEQUES' --- FA LL P R O M 4e/n !PraJ and the Caja comna WRTERMHN GYM NOVEMBER 20th 8:30 to 12:00 $3.00 PER COUPLE (including Tax) Tickets On-Sale at the Union, League, Wahr's, Follett's ::a Leinsdorf Concert Season To Feature American Works TYPING THESES SCHOOL REPORTS PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS The VARSITY TYPING Service Conveniently located to campus 210 NICKELS ARCADE - 9641 An ambitious program of works by modern American composers has been planned for presentation this year by the Cleveland Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, its new conductor, revealed in an after-concert review Sunday. "It is my belief," Leinsdorf said, "that modern native works tend to lighten concerts without making any compromise with the symphonic dig- nity of orchestral music." "Among the works which will be performed by the orchestra during the coming concert season," he con- tinued, "is the radio premiere of Boruslav Martinu, Second symphony, which will take place on Dec. 12, and also Aaron Copland's 'Lincoln Por- trait' to be given some time in Feb- ruary." When asked about his favorite modern American composers, Leins- dorf replied that that could best be answered by .those whose works he played. Judging by his concert pro- gram that would put Morton Gould and George Gershwin high on the list. The conductor also expressed an interest in the music of Samuel Bar- ber, and a keen admiration for the English modernist William Walton. Changing the subject to a discus- sion of the classical side of Sunday night's program, he said he had per- formed the Schubert Seventh Sym- phony because he knew that it hadn't been heard here in a long time. His train time drawing near, Leinsdorf bade his friends and ad- mirers goodnight and left for a con- cert the next night in Jackson. POPULAR BRAND CIGARETTES $1.26 Carton, plus tax MARSHALL'S DRUG 235 SOUTH STATE - Next to State Theatre I BARGAINS IN USED TEXT oa S I or NEW if you prefer STUDENT SUPPLIES for all Departments 4 £studen t Center 0 eampu4 The Michigan Union is traditionally the gathering place for men on cam- pus. The Union is trying to keep up i ts service throughout the war. The Union is open to all members. and servicemen. SWIMMING DANCING PENDLETON LIBRARY CAFTEFE CA BARR S CHAP OWININ(andI RiIARDC I I I r 3 - - - - . - m -