THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during, the summer sessioan. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. .. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.50, by mail $5.25 . Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Marion Ford. . Jane Farrant. . Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradaile Betty Harvey . . . Busines Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion . . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Women's Editor ss Staff . . Business Manager . . Ass't. Bus. Managers . . Ass't. Bus. Managers ie 23-24-1 cLe11eni to tde 6odit0p Daily Falls Down..-. BY ITS WRITE-UP of Lt. Harmon's vicissi- tudes of military fortune, the Daily is prob- ably doing him a disservice as great as if its editors deliberately embarked on a policy of ali- enating all sympathy from him. Certainly the sympathies of all Daily readers are with him, as they should be with all our fighting men, known and unknown, who are missing in action. It is also true that Harmon has a national reputa- tion as well as a local one and by a long stretch of the imagination one may find some slight justification for all the space that is allotted to his case whereas other graduates and students of the University are mentioned in a line or two or not mentioned at all. What is entirely inexcusable in a college paper of the Daily's reputation is the "hammy" tone and phraseology. Such phrases as "I can't believe he has scored for the last time" and "luckiest touchdown of my life" don't help us to think kindly of the missing lieutenant. They may be all right for a cheap tabloid or for a "Joe Palooka" cartoon but we have learn- ed to expect something better from the Daily. A great, service would be done to Tom Harmon as well as to readers of the Daily by using some good taste and moderation in writing about him. --S. Sass * * * a- Student Answers... THE DAILY APPEARS to be taking a lot of unnecessary and uncalled for criticism from its readers because of the so-called "corny quotes" appearing in news articles concerning the missing Tom Harmon. I am referring specifically to the accusa- tion of one reader, S. Sass, whose letter is reprinted on this page. There is some truth it what he says, but the Daily is fully justified in printing the quotes which seem to irritate Mr. Sass. In the first place, a newspaper is obligated to quote its news sources verbatim regardless of how "hammy" they may sound. It is not up to news- paper reporters to change the wording of a quote in order to make it more professional or readable. If someone says "I can't believe he has scored for the last time," then The Daily is obligated to say the same in its news stories. THERE ARE OCCASIONS when reporters put words into the mouths of personalities they write about, but only when they have been spe- cifically asked to. In this case, however, The Daily was in no position to allow its writer to toss out the so-called "corny quote" and substitute some sparkling gem that would go down in the annals of journalism. A person would have to be shallow and small to think unkindly of Harmon because such phrases as " I can't believe he has scored for the last time" and "luckiest touchdown of my life" were associated with the Michigan All-Ameri- can% name. Mr. Sass shows his ignorance of journalism when he says that these quotes "may be all right for a cheap tabloid or for a 'Joe Palooka cartoon, but we have learned to expect some- thing better from The Daily." Keep expecting better things from The Daily, Mr. Sass. The Daily has a good reputation and intends to keep it. And The Daily will continue to use good taste and moderation in writing, not THE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA under the direction of Erich Leinsdorf, opened this year's Choral Union series Sunday with a varied and interesting program which ranged from Bach to Gershwin, the latter seeming to be the hit of the evening. The program opened with a Bach Chorale Prelude and was followed by the main work of the evening, Schubert's Symphony in C major. From the very beginning the audience was made aware of Mr. Leinsdorf's capabilities for he cer- tainly spared nothing in his attempts to conduct the orchestra through a fine performance. Those who know Mr. Leinsdorf as chiefly an operatic conductor were a little wary as to how he might treat the Schubert but their doubts were groundless. His interpretation was in per- fect taste and he knew his score as well as any; it is too bad that the same can not be said of the orchestra. But ignoring the ragged edges, the work was well done, for his conducting is full of warmth and his musical taste is not to be questioned. Following the intermission, the orchestra played Siegfried's Rhine Journey from Wag- ner's "Gotterdammerung." Here Mr. Leins- dorf was in his element, being given an op- portunity to show the excellent training he received from years of conducting German opera at the Metropolitan. However, the most interesting part of the program was yet to come: Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" which has been arranged as a Symphonic Picture by Robert Russell Bennett. To see this bit of music included in the evening's program was pleasing and yet it aroused all sorts of mis- givings. There is nothing worse than to have someone play American music merely for the reason that it is American music. Many con- ductors include it as a favor to the audience and yet have no interest in it themselves, the result being a very half hearted and consequently very poor performance. Happily enough this was not true in Mr. Leinsdorf's case and he is to be thanked for it. EN WHO HAVE HIS perspective and balance will be the ones to rescue our music and bring it into the eyes of the world as it so justly deserves. It was obvious that he included the selection in the program because he considered it good music, representative of one place and period of America, and for this reason wanted to present it to the audience. He made no attempt to hide it or apologize for its seeming lack of "classical tradition" under an attitude of indif- ference. It was perhaps the most spirited part of the entire performance and he transmitted his living feeling and interest in it to both the or- chestra and audience. It was so warmly re- ceived that after several calls back to the stage, Mr. Leinsdorf announced an encore and so the program ended on another piece of familiar American music as arranged by Morton Gould, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home." Jean Athay only about Tom Harmon, but about anybody and everybody. If you are irritated by these "hammy" quotes which seem to rob Harmon of his popu- larity, appeal to the quoters. Tell them the harm they are doing Harmon. Perhaps, they will also tell you that a trite phrase or two should not alienate you from Harmon's side. -Ed Zalenski (Former Daily Sports Editor) I I j Telephon I1 'I By DREW PEARSON NIGHT EDITOR: RAY DIXON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. SEGREGATION: Students Need Place To Meet, Play, Relax WHY IS IT THAT most University men and women congregate at the P-Bell? The answer is simple. They have no other place to go to meet their friends. The University has created the men's Union and the women's League. These are separate units. Girls are ostracized at the Union and the men feel out of place in the League. At the close of the spring semester the Union was opened on Sunday evenings for date gather- ings. The bowling alleys, soda bar, and ping pong tables offered a source of amusement for couples. Although the date clause was included this was at least a step in the right direction. But what has happened to this plan? When it would have been most welcome in the first week end of this semester the entire policy was for- gotten. The student executive staff of the Union still has permission for these Sunday activities. Why hasn't the program been carried through? THE USO DANCES and GI Stomps organized for servicemen offer an opportunity for serv- icemen and coeds to meet. This, however, is done in the spirit of the war and not in the Michigan spirit. Is it any wonder why so many servicemen who did not go here before enlistment dislike Michigan. They are dumped on this campus and, instead of mingling freely, are seg- regated. Always there is the unforgetable uni- form. Since these men do not feel a part of the school they can not be loyal to Michigan. What the University needs is a room or several rooms where mixed groups or students will feel free to spend their spare time. A radio and vic- trola, space to dance, card tables, and comfort- able couches and lounge chairs would be the necessary furnishings. Such a place proved a great success on another Big Ten campus. Illinois has a huge Illini building open to both men and women. Servicemen, civilians, students, and girls con- gregate in the pine lounge whioh is called "wolf lounge." Here the men and women play ping pong, checkers, or just converse in their free time. Both the League on the second floor and the Union in North lounge have suitable facilities. Perhaps if these rooms were utilized for a "get together" headquarters for all Michigan students the beer at the Pretzel Bell would lose some of its attractiveness and the old Michigan spirit would be vitally revived. -Martha Schmitt POST-WAR: Peace Planners Must Study German Traits IN A RECENT interview with the press, Emil Ludwig, the eminent biographer, charged that one half of the people of the United States are for Germany in that they believe that the Ger- man people are not responsible for the Nazi regime. Mr. Ludwig has studied the lives of many of Germany's greatest men and understands the German nationalistic traits. There is a great deal of meaning in his statement that Hitler succeeded because he knew just what the Ger- man people wanted. They have always thrived on regimentation and could not be content under a democracy in the 1920's because they needed someone to do their thinking for them. WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-The tick- lish question of who is going to be president of the Philippines after Nov. 15 was placed on the White Housetdoorstep recently, with the result that Judge Sam Rosenman shoved it gingerly away. If the Phil- ippine constitution is to be set aside, he insisted, Congress would have to do it. This has brought into the open an unfortunate row between dis- tinguished, invalid President Que- zon and popular Vice-President Osmena. On Nov. 15, the Philip- pine constitution provides, Vice- President Osmena shall succeed Quezon as president. But Quezon doesn't want to step down, has hired Homer Cummings, appoint- ed Governor General of the Philip- pines before he became Attorney General, to pleadhis case. The rivalry, smouldering ever since Quezon failed to take his cabinet out of Manila, choosing a personal staff of servants and doctors instead, has now flared out in the Philippine- American newspapers. Filipinos in this country point to the unfortunate fact that because Quezon's cabinet was left behind, the members have been forced by the Japs to constitute the Jap puppet cabinet in Manila. Quezon was al- lowed by Gen. MacArthur to take 30 people with him from Manila to Cor- regidor, and Filipinos in this country claim that if he had taken out the cabinet instead of his servants and personal aides, things might have been different. Vice-President Osmena had to ap- peal to Gen. MacArthur personally in order to be included in the party. Back of the dispute is the fact that Quezon originally was elected for one term of 6 years on a plat- form pledging no second term. When the first term expired in 1940, the constitution was changed to add two more years, with a pro- viso thatno president would serve more than eight years. The eight years is up next week. In the 1941 elections, Quezon got 80 per cent of the vote, but Vice- President Osmena got 82 per cent. Osmena is especially popular in the southern islands, where he lives, the area where presumably any landing to retake the Philippines must be made. Note: One of those who wanted to go with Quezon to Corregidor was Yale-educated Jose P. Laurel, now 't president of the Japanese-Philippine Republic. As a high school student Laurel had shot three men in a fight over a girl. An American attorney, Clyde DeWitt, secured his acquittal on a technicality. Filipinos say: "All that he has he owes to Americans." Knife for Wilikie... Oil man-GOP boss Joe Pew of Pennsylvania is getting ready to un- limber his big guns against the Will- kie-for-President forces. This is the story behind former Republican Na- tional Chairman John D. M. Hamil- ton's political tour of the West. Pew hasn't yet selected a candi- date of his own, according to GOP insiders, although he is inclined toward Tom ]Dewey. His one burn- ing ambition is to destroy Willkie Hamilton, a close friend of the oil baron and law associate of George Wharton Pepper, Pew counsel, let this drop in private chats with Capital politicos before leaving on his tour. He didn't have to reveal that Pew had a hand in the trip; this was taken for granted. But he did dis- close that his main objective was to cut the ground from under Willkie. "Do you want to be national chair- man again?" a Republican jokingly inquired of Hamilton. "No, that's farthest from my mind," replied Hamilton. "My main interest at the moment is licking this guy Willkie." Hamilton then proceeded to un- cork what one of his listeners de- scribed as a few "unprintable re- marks" concerning Willkie's quali- fications, saying that the 1944 GOP nominee was about the last man he would want to see heading the ticket in 1944. While Hamilton was warming to his subject--the pow-wow was held in a corridor off of the House floor- who shoujd pass by but Representa- tive Joe Martin of Mass., whom Will- kie appointed to succeed Hamilton during the 1940 campaign. I'd Rather Be Right BY sAMUEL GRAFTON 'The DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-There is a new kind of toughness in this town. I have spent a rushed day in the capital, with various officials, and there is a cockiness, a confidence, a healthiness, I did not always feel on previous visits. It is the kind of change which might escape an observer who lives in the capital continuously. I was trying to put this change into words when I came across the official Soviet review of the summer's fighting on the eastern front. One paragraph in that Soviet statement jumps at the reader with sparkling force. After describing the failure of the German July offensive in the Orel-Belgorod regions, the Soviets say: "The results of the summer battles showed that this new German strategic plan was based on an unreal estimation of the relation of forces, was adventurous from beginning to end, and failed. disgracefully." THE CONTEMPT OF PROFESSIONALS That is contempt. But it is not contempt on ideological grounds, it is not contempt of the Germans as fascists. It is professional contempt, the contempt of a good shoemaker for a bad shoemaker. It is detached and objective con- tempt. If you would understand why the Russians have been so successful, you could do no better than read that paragraph five or ten times. Ev- erything the Russians have done is in it. Their curious ability to estimate the enemy's forces, without blinking; then to estimate their own, also without blinking; then, to work out, objec- tively and unemotionally, a policy which precise- ly fits the relationship between the two, attempt- ing no harm than can be done, but no less, eith- er; all this is revealed in the one comment on the Germans. And if you are fortunate enough to see the brilliant new Army film, "The Battle of Russia," you will see this kind of thinking actu- ICE IS NOT WATER During the first winter of the Leningrad siege, when the city was cut off, the Russians saved the town by building a temporary 100-mile-long rail- road on the frozen surface of Lake Ladoga, thus obtaining a supply route. Everybody knows you can't build railroads on water. The Germans knew it. They considered the lake their ally. They depended on it. But what of water when it becomes ice? The freezing of the water had in- troduced a new factor into the situation, and the Russians took precise, methodical, objective advantage of that new factor. The profound difference between water and ice had escaped the Nazis. That is not genius, unless clarity can be called genius. The chief lesson of the Russian cam- paign to the western world ought to be that a cold, unblinking examination of facts, under- standing of facts, is the first step toward control of facts. From understanding there follows plan, and the courage to apply plan. EVEN THE SNOW FOUGHT THEM Well, back to Washington. The feeling I had here on this trip was that we are finally getting out of the romantic daze in which we have been trying to live for a generation. We are at last making policy as a cobbler makes shoes. The future which follows the Moscow Declarations is not going to be a future of hunch plays and bright ideas. It is, I think, going to be based on a real "estimation of the relation of forces." We realize now that Franco is not a force; that while frozen water may sometime come in handy, an Otto of Austria will not; when you lean on him, nothing is there. To be sure, some recent converts to idealism, like Senator Wheeler, want to start a big cam- paign to keep Russia out of, say, Lithuania; a campaign that is probably based on an unreal estimation of the relation of forces, and one which might also be described as adventurous TUESDAY, NOV. 9, 1943 Vol. LIV No. 7 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Rus- sell C. Hussey, of the Department of Geology, will lecture on the subject, "The Parade of the Dinosaurs," (illus.) in the Rackham Amphithe- ater on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at 7:45 p. m. under the auspices of the Phi Sigma Society. The public is cor- dially invited. Oratorical Association Lecture Course: The season ticket sale for lecture course tickets is now taking place. The Hill Auditorium box of- fice is open daily 10-1 and 2-5. The complete course is as follows: Nov. 18-Will Rogers, Jr., "The United States in Foreign Affairs;" Dec. 1-Fulton Lewis, Jr., "What's Happing in Washington;" Dec. 13- Burton Holmes, "Our Russian Allies" with motion pictures; Jan. 13-Louis P. Lochner, "What About Ger- many?;" Jan. 25- Leland Stowe, "What I Saw on the Russian Front;" Feb. 22-Burton Holmes, "North Af- rica" with motion pictures; March 8-Madam Wellington Koo, "What China Is Fighting For;" March 23- Burton Holmes, "The Italy We Knew" with motion pictures. Good seats are still available. mission and identification blank completely filled out, signed, and certified. Two lead pencils will also be required for the examination. Mathematics Club will meet Tues- day, Nov. 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Professor Myers will speak on "The Diameter of a Closed Riemannian Manifold." Make-up examinations in History for the Spring and Summer terms, 1943, will be given on Friday, Nov. 26, 4:00-6:00 p.m. in room D, HlH. Students desiring to take the exami- nation must have the written ap- proval of their instructor and should secure this permission well in ad- vance of the date of the examina- tion. A. E. R. Boak Anthropology 157, Evolution of Culture will meet in Room 225, An- gell Hall. Leslie A. White Men's and Women's Debate: An organization meeting of men and women debaters will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at 4:00 p.m. in room 4208 Angell Hall. All members of the student body, including first term freshmen, are eligible to par- ticipate in debate. String Orchestra: Under the direc- tion of Gilbert Ross. Music of the 17th and 18th centuries. Rehearsals Tuesdays and Fridays, 3 to 5, Lane Hall. Open to all University stu- dents. Violinists, violists, cellists, and string bass players are invited.