714 L~VANDAL Idin' Our Time' Profits to IJ Arnciy Relief "k ""iT"y eayW(i Musical To Be Shown A t L 9, 10 Comedy Tells Story of Adventures of ASTP Men Stranded at Girls' College "IIIealso, 11' , Ytni fBe Oltr 'Pift-lp' D 39 e) v The profits from campus perform- ances of "Bidin' Our Time," Co. C's forthcoming original musical com- edy, will be donated to the Army Em- ergency Relief Fund, Sgt. Irwin B. Scup, business manager, announced yesterday. The play will be presented at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in the Michi- gan League Building for two per- formances, March 9 and 10. The book and lyrics for the show were written by Cpl. Hy Wolotsky, who is also staging the production. Cpl. Troy R. Bartlett composed the score and is arranging the music. Vo- cals are under the direction of Pfc. Chester H. Sargent. Lt. Melvin G. Flegal of Army Headquarters is in charge of dance routines. Story of Show The story of the play revolves around the adventures of a group of AS.T.P. students who are inadvert- ently sent to an all girls' college for specialized training. The misunder- standings that result lead to a series of , highly amusing situations and complications which are interspersed with songs and dances. Cpl. Bartlett and Cpl. Wolotsky have written eight new songs espec- ially for "Bidin' Our Time." Running the musical gamut from light opera to boogie-woogie, the tunes have been int oduced to the campus in a series of previews at U.S.O. formal dances and at University and Military or- ganization parties and functions.' Ann Arbor Girls in Cast The cast of the show consists of, men from Company C and Ann Ar- bor's most glamorous girls,.who are voluntarily contributing their time and talent. The soldiers devote all their leisure hours and week-ends to rehearsals. For these rehearsals Mrs. Robert Burton, director of the U.S.O., and Miss Barbara tarr, as- sistant director, have graciously of-j fered the ballroom and facilities of the Ann Arbor U.S.O. The play consists of a prologue and two acts, requiring five changes of Ticket Sale Date March 6 Seats for "Bidin' Our Time," the Company C musical bomedy for the benefit of the Army Emergency Re- lief Fund, will go on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre bto ofice. on March 6, Mail orders wil be accep- ted beginning Mvai'ch All seats will be reserved, .and tioket will sell for $1.00, .75 and .50 plUs tax. The play wll be performedin:Ann Arbor for two nights only, March 9 and 10. The Dixie Sho, at 221.South Main Street will provide a wide variety of. forthcoming spring style creations for the girls in the production. The costuhnes will consist of complete college warcrobes with sweaters, skirts, blouses and'l party dresses pre- dominating. These. gOws and en- sembles will be worn by the glamor- ous Ann Arborites who appear in the show. scenery. The settings for the produc- tion have been executed by Play Pro- duction of the University Speech de- partment. Costumes for the women will be supplied by the Dixie Shop of Ann Arbor, while men's costumes have already been provided by the Quartermaster Corps of the United States Army. The production of the play has been made possible by the efforts of Captain Richard S. Campbell, com- manding officer of Company C, and Lt. Katherine B. James, assistant ad- jutant of the 3651st Service Unit, and with the cooperation of the Uni- versity's Committee on Theatre Pol- icy and Practice. Company A Players To Present Skit A prominent feature of the Bomb- er Scholarship Program to be held on March 11 at the Barbour Gym will be the Company A Strolling Players, headed by Cpl. Joe Boucher, the 12 man chorus, and a brand new Company A barber shop quartet. The company was requested by Dorothy Darnell of ,Martha Cook to provide special entertainment for the occa- sion. They will appear with several sorority groups on the campus that have skits prepared for the eve- ning's program. Cpl. Boucher, master of ceremon- ies for the evening, will present hi popular radio material as well as a number of other skits. The 12 man Company A chorus, directed by Cpl. Joe Running, will sing several tunes from, last term's hit "Nips in the Bud." The new quartet comprising Cps. Dan Richardson, John Power, Bud Grinnell and Merle Gulick will give out with a swing arrangement of "Clementine" used as an entry number in the V-Ball barber shop quartet contest, and "Moonglow," both arranged by Cpl. Gulick. A large turnout is expected on the night of March 11 to get the Bomber Scholarship Fund moving with a rush. 7 Company E Men Depart Four men from Company E, T/5 Samuel Bedrosian, T/5 Ray Kirk- patrick, T/5 James Leighton and Pfc. Duane McQueen were transferred from the ASTP this week to do work for which they had been previously trained and which they had been studying here. Three others, Pvts. Henry Loyd and Albert Hendricks and Pfc. Armas Kajander left early in the week for a reception center, where they will be reclassified. Privates Fred Houser and Walter Jacoby are the envy of the company. They departed for the Air Corps at Miami Beach, Fla. just as the snow began to fly and the cold weather descended upon Ann Arbor.9 IlnspectionIs y LA'ET L. V. ('9I BALA This article is just a simple dis- (usion of the soldier scourge__- inspections. Cadet rob Irvin, th guy with a eneral's physique. said this: "Hete is my model of tLe perfect inspecting officer. He would give a man enough1 gigs to last a man t-hree weeks with- out ba tting an eyelash. Treading lightly on kid leather soles., he would pull inspections at any hour of the day. Dozens of white gloves. a fif- teen power lens and a sixty watt flashlight would be his standard equipment. I can see him now. 'th lrowing the book' at his men to keep them on the ball." Cadet Irvin didn't exactly make this statement,. but talked in his sleep after eating' scalloped oysters one day. The thing I am trying to put across is not that inspections are bad. but that the results are worse. Squint at this sample taken from a list on Co. B-4's bulletin board. The little Ara- bic figures enumerate the demerits' acquired for the delinquencies. Most of them are results of a daily inspec- tion. Dementis, 1-bed tag upside down. Crespis, 3-sleeping through rev- eille. undlay Mliliuary Piage T1l Sunday Ai n page l- wi aIte1 by and f.r Ihe enlisted Army personnel stat.ioned on the Uniersviy r'f Mi-nigan campus. Al opinions expressed on this page are those ofC the individual contributors and hould not be construed as representing the policy or opinions of either the War Department or the commandants of the Armr units located here. STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Pfc. Lazar Emanuel Manag. Editor: Pfc. Stanley Krenitz Company Representatives Co A . . T/5 Stanley Zuckerman Co. B ..-......Pvt. Richard Wolf ASPR....-- ..Cadet L. v. Chahala Co. C - ..Pf . aii:nd~ey," P'f. Thomas (o. l) .......,.... c. Barney Schwartz Co. E - ..Pvt. elore williams, 1vt. Joseph O'Connor Co. F ..Pv.. Melvin J.B erman. Pvt Rob- ert J. Holmes Co. G ..Pfc rCulver Jones, Pfe. Max Raabe Heaidquartters ...... Cpl, William T. Scott Photographer ........,, Cpl. Robert Lewin Fantl. 1--shoes in drawer. Aberg, 1-crumbs on dresser. Room 33A, 3-shoe polish on door- knob to trap officer making bed- check. Think of these men twiddling their tliumbs Saturday night. Pfc. Robert Bentley is caught between two lovelies, as Geraldine Hoff Doyle (at left) and Mary Hummon ask him to be their "Pin-Up Boy," in Co. C's gay musical, "Bidin' Our Time." * * * * t* * * , * 'Bidin' Our Time' Choris Strikes a Pose in Rehearsal 'BIDIN' OUR TIME'- Director Announces Complete Cast for CompanyC [Viusical The complete cast for "Bidin' Our Time," Company C's comedy of col- lege and army life, was announced yesterday by Cpl. Hy Wolotsky, dir- ector of the play. The performers in- clude 18 men of the company and tenf woman of Ann Arbor. In the leading juvenile roles are Cpl. Joseph Shamitz and Pfc. Robert Bentley, with Mary Mapes and Mary Hummon in the ingenue roles oppo- site them, respectively. Cpl. Charles Weisberg will portray the Colonel in charge of the men and will be haras- sed and pursued by the Dean of Wo- men in the person of Jeanne T. Fin- layson. Geraldine Hoff Doyle will en- act the part of a fickle coed who has her heart set on the Army. Pfc. George Schoot, as aide to the Colonel, will be the willing victim of these ad- will form a male choir with the two juveniles and S/Sgt. William N. Jar- vey, Sgt. Buzz D. Burdett, Sgt. John E. Swanson, Cpl. Lewis Posich, Pfc. Richard O. Crystal and Pfc. John Kisley. Vivyan Ross and Kay Waldmire will portray the mothers of service- men in the prologue. Playing the parts of classification officers will be Cpl. Herbert Dechert, Cpl. Harry E. Mankonen and Pfc. John D. Hem- ingway. A specialty number will be contributed by Pfc. John D. Turner. Professionals and Amateurs The experience of these performers varies. Some of them have appeared professionally while others, as in the case of Pfc. Bentley, will be making their debuts behind the footlights. Plc. Bentley made his first public ap- vances. pearance as a vocalist at Company Dance Chorus C's Christmas dance, where he in- The dance chorus consists of Betty troduced "So Little Time," one of the Ann Corbett, Gloria Cowley, Virginia outstandling numbers from the score Fairchild, Pat Gagalis and Cpl. John of "Bidin' Our Time., Since then Tacometti, Pfc. Edward BartLeli, 'Pfc.' he has sung in numerous entertain- RobertHarvey and Pfc. Robert o- innts at various campus affairs and gan. The men of the dance chorus has been well received. Bor in PIersia, PIfc. Bentley Describes Many Trips Abroad The "Bidin' Our Time" dance chorus is caught in action during reharsals. Reading from left to right are:''Pat Gagalis, Pfc. Robert Hogan, Gloria Crowicy, Cpl. John lacometti, Miss Hummon and Pfc. Bentley (kneeling), Betty Ann Corbett, Pfc. Edward Bartell, Pfc. Robert Harvey, Virginia Fairchild. -Photos by Cpl. sm R'ettinger Company E Basketeers Defeat Company D, 50-47 Notes from Co. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVIC ANN RBOR, MICH. SUN] duced by Bill Sawyer and accompanied by a dance orchestra on March 15. The performances will con- tinue through March 18. Three soloists from the Company A choir and John Secrist, soloist with thE Fiist Congiregational Church will take part in the production . . . Mrs.' Clara Gabrolovitch; daugh- ter of Mark Twain, the author of the story from which the operetta is tak- en, gave permission to have it produced and provided' for its showing at a later date in Detroit and other large cities. Lucile Genuit, whose theme song will be "Does a Boy Get a Chance To Whitewash a Fence Ev- eryday?," will play the part of Tom Sawyer and Mary Ruth Acton will play Huckleberry Finn. * * * . THE SOLDIER VOTE is still a very important ques- tion in the minds of many students at the University. Last week a number of campus organizations drew up a resolution which they sent to Congress. The res- olution stated, "We respectfully request your, support of a proper bill w hiwill ha -ffective in tion. "1. 48 different bal- lots would be administra tively impossible . . . 2. Soldiers overseas are con- stantly being transferre to different bases. Unles there is a federal ballot issued to the Commanding officer for each of his men, many of the service- men will never receive their ballots . . . 3. The War: Department has re- vealed that it cannot han- dle 48 different sets of state ballots in the mails. (Under a federal plan the ballots could' be printed in such places as England, Australia and Italy.) ... 4. Statistics published by the Department of Commerce, $ureau of the Census, on the results of the Federal absentee voting lawwhich was passed for the 1942 elections prove conclusive- ly that a federal ballot is imperative if the soldiers are to vote." The resolu- tion concluded, "It is our duty to make voting as easy as possible for our servicemen, who are fight- ing for their rights and our rights as citizens of a democracy. We all want the soldiers to vote. The question is: what is the inst effective way to in- Company E nosed out Company D Delta Gamma sorority was shocked in a close rough and tumble game recently when word arrived that the Monday night by the score of 50 to Co. G fish had died. The fish was a# 47. 'his leaves Companies C and G beautiful black guppy with pop-eyes tied for first place with four victories and a delicate tail, which was pre- each to no losses and Company E in sented to Co. G by the sisters and second place with three wins and had been in the custody of Pfc. Tom one defeat. Quinn, wThe end came the other morning f EDITI Nwhen Pfc. John Thompson awke to E EDITION * find the guppy in bed in a state of rigor mortis. Pfc. Quinn, in an in- DAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1944 terview with this column, insists he had fed the guppy before retiring and Union, Michigan Youth for had left it in its bowl for the night. Democratic Action, Pan- It was then seen in a nearby bath- fHellenic and the Post-War room several hours later. How it Council..*swam frm the bathroom into John's * * *bed remains a mystery. THE DAILY somehow acquired a new depart- Eight new members of A.O.A., ment last week. The story medical honor society, were initiated is told that some anony- at the Michigan League on Thursday, mous coed advertised in and six were members of Co. G. The Daily for a date to A.O.A. includes the upper 10 per cent V-Ball-and got one. Oth- of the senior class scholastically, and ers started to call and soon three members had previously been a desk was set up and The chosen-Jim Robertson, Pfc. Joe Daily has. a Date Bureau. Fink, and Pfc. Reed Cramer. New * *members include Pfc. Charles Cong- THE CUBAN GIRL, Gla- don, Pfc. Ronald Bishop, Pfc. Gerald dys Herrara, who was O'Sullivan, Pfc. Gerald Drake, Pfc. flown here last month to Sid Milgrom, Pfc. Warren Sheldon, undergo a delicate opera- Arnold Wollum, and Richard Hemp- tion for removal of a brain stead. tumor, left Ann Arbor Monday. Now she should Like foolish geese, the dental sen- be safe in Havana. Dr. fors are making ready to fly away Max Minor Peet, who per- from their warm nest at Victor formed the operation, said, Vaughan House. Yesterday was their "She has picked up weight last official day, though they still and is in excellent spirits' have a week of exams and another week of state boards before they kiss A THEFT was reported. the boys goodbye. A month from now It amounted to $1,460. A teby ody.Amnhfo o yoIth mntedtla$n,4i.ca-they will all be practicing dentists, youth from Ypsilanti con- which o h e nC.G en fessed the theft. But his ich, for the men in Co. G, means previous activities in this; in the Army. ocpr ios were mtor in-his Three seniors were interviewed teresting. On Feb. 1 he about their emotions on their depar- took $90 from the home of ture. Pfc. Max Raabe was inarticu- Father Clare Murphy, pas- late, and the other two prefer to be for at the Willow Run Vil- nameless. But all three promise to lage Catholic Church. On return for a visit after getting their known his birthd, o apt. Reiz- man. Not that the aptain bakes the cake-but it's a new project of the Ann Arbor U.S.O., which supplies the dough. And some of the best cooks in town will do th baking. Pfc.sCharles Chaplinhas sworn off smicking for the duration. He figures it's a bad habit and sometimes gets one into trouble . .. Pfc. Sid Milgrom fell asleep in one of those soft seats at Kellogg Auditorium the other day. "One does not sleep during lectures," said a soft voice into his ear. Sid turned around, annoyed, then amazed to find a major's emblem behind the arm that was tappingI him. By DAVID A. LINDSEYI The 'numerous war theaters are familiar territory to Pfc. Robert D. Bentley, Company C. He has been fortunate enough to visit almost eve- ry country in Europe, and many countries of the East and Far East. For twelve years of his life, Bob lived in Persia, spending most of his time in Hamadan, where his father conducted a Presbyterian Missionary Center. Bentley became intimately acquainted with the people of Iran, their customs, their manners, and their culture. He was educated in Persia and Syria and is an alumnus of Brown University. "The Persians are dif- ferent from us, of course," Bob point- ed out, "but one soon learns to re- spect their beliefs and customs, for they are chiefly Mohammedans, and are deeply religious." Born in Persia Born in Persia, Bentley first came to this country when he was two years old. "I don't remember much of that first visit, but when I return- ed ten years later, it was strange at first to see all the people dressed similarly, and the absence of Moslem architecture." Bentley added that one of Iran's biggest assets is her mild, comfortable climate. It seldom rains, and the skies are a deep blue most of the time." '"I used to get together with some other American and Persian boys, and we'd' take long horseback rides up into the mou-tains surrounding Hamadan. But it wasn't necessary to use a horse for ordinary trans- portation, as there were hundreds of American-made automobiles in all Persian cities." In addition to Persia, Pfc. Bentley has visited Western Europe, spend- ing several weeks in England, France and Germany. "I thought the most impressive and beautiful city in all Europe was Berlin," Bentley -said, "The German people were generally amiable and congenial." on't Be Bashful, Gi ve It All You've Got' r, OP. a} fN < s r. ? r