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For Enlistment perform Vital Part in
Of Air WACs
Directing Plane Traffic Is One
Of 237 -Possible Air Base Jobs;
Regular Basic Training Given
Under the new enlistment regula-
tions, a woman enlisting in the Wo-
men's Army Corps can choose the Ar-
my Air Forces as the branch in which
she will serve.
Recruits in the Air WAC receive
their basic training along with the
recruits in the regular WAC. They
have tne same drill and go to the
sane classes foi five weeks; but upon
graduation they are sent to an air
There are 237 jobs for women to do
at an air base. They can direct plane
traffic at air fields, maintain flight
logs and weather records, repair pre-
cision instruments and airplane elec-
trical curcuits, handle photographic
film, and plot maps.
They may serve as laboratory tech-
nicians and testers of plane radios.
Some of them are Link Trainer in-
structors, who taech pilots how to fly
by instruments. There also are of-
fice positions of all types.
All officer candidates are now se-
lected from the ranks, and every
qualified WAC has an opportunity to
compete for selection. Women with
college backgrounds make up a high
proportion of WAC officers, and for-
mer college students who have ac-
quired leadership qualities make good
material for Officers' Candidate
School. Approximately one-fourth of
the WACs have attended college.
WACs Go Overseas
WACs, the first feminine AEF, are
stationed overseas wherever there are
units of the regular. Army, from
Australia and Africa to England.
The duties of the WACs serving
with the Army Air Forces in England
include the greasing of airplane mo-
tors, the plotting of weather maps
and the operation of switchboards.
In addition the women have brought
along their own cooks, bakers and
Dinners-Sundays 2-8
Weekdays 5-8
University Grill
William Street Upstairs
Third Door from State
Wearers of Navy Blue Release
'Shore' Men for Active Duty
Enlistment in the WAVES or
SPARS is performing a definite ser-
vice in winning the war, because for
each WAVE or SPAR who takes over
naval shore duty another sailor or
coastguardsman is released for active
service. ,
By enlisting, a woman may feel she
is no longer an idle part of the na-
tion, but is playing a role as import-
ant as that of a man in the armed
forces. Mr. Frank Knox, Secretary of
the Navy, has said, "This is total war
-a war in which every woman as
well as every man must play a part.
There are important service jobs that
must be carried on .At home-man-
size, full-time jobs which you, the
women of America, can fill-jobs in
which you can serve your country
and release the men to fight at sea."
Indoctrination for WAVES and
SPARS is at several of the nation's
finest colleges, from which women
are sent to active duty or to other
schools for specialized training in any
one of a variety of fields. In service,
WAVES and SPARS fill some of the
same shore positions formerly held
by men, win the same ratings on the
basis of merit and service, and re-
ceive the same pay.
Women with college degrees or two
years of college and two years of ac-
ceptable business or professional
work are eligible to apply directly for
officer training, provided they fulfill
the physical requirements of enlisted
women. Minimum age for enlistment
is 20 and enlistmeht is for the dura-
tion of the war plus six months,
Nursing Corps
Reveals Pl ans
Studenthnurses are being prepared
through .the U.S., Cadet. Nurse corps
to replace °:experienced nurses sent
overseas with the armed forces; the
slogan of the Cadet Corps is, "Get free
training with pay, in .the world's
proudest profession."
On graduation from the Corps a
woman is ,eligible.to become a regis-
tered nurse, and must engage in es-
sential nursing for °the duration of
the war.
Any high school graduate between
the ages of 17. and 35 may apply for
the Corps at any school of nursing,
and on acceptance she'automatically
becomes-a member of the Corps.- e-
tailed information may be obtained
from the Nursing Office at University.
SM arines To
Victory Drive
Col. Hobby Lists Many Jobs
For Khaki-Clad Army Women
In order to bring victory closer by
strengthening the armed forces at
the front, American women are con-
stantly being urged to join the Wo-
men's Army Corps by Col. Oveta Gulp
Hobby, commanding officer of the
"Because every member of the
WAC adds new strength to our armi-
ies as surely as any soldier, hundreds
of thousands of women are needed in
the WAC at once," Col. Hobby said
recently. "The call is urgent, and is
a challenge which American women
should feel proud to answer now."
Among the 155 vital Army jobs now
. partially filled by WACs are radio
{ operations, control-tower work, radio
repair, parachute maintenance, pho-
tography, map-making, weather, la-
boratory work, hospital jobs, ord-
nance, communications, moving pic-
tures, supply, finance, motor trans-
port, food, secretarial work, person-
nel, and public relations.
-ch -/-
aft War..
Women'sServices Note Growth
WVunfin , :service rg ?Lani'/,lati '1 1.11 WAVES wc) le year
WVAG, WAVES, SPARS and Marinehiodl~ uy3. nDc 1 92
fae rowni with thte war effort. there re500 oe in this ser-
T1heU.S. Marine Corps Women's vice, O- neyrlxa(yfthe number had
lfserve is the youngest of these risen to 47,00. and their sister
oi gamzaions. A year ago this month SPARS have kept up with them.
an Act of Congress established the On July 2. 1941, President Roose-
Women's Reserve as a part of tWe Ilt, signed a bil makin the WAC a
United States Marine Corps. part of te Army.
Jean Stafford Jeffrey has recently
been commissioned Second Lieeuten-
ant in the Marine Corps and is now 1
stationed at the Marine Air Base.
Cherry Point, N.C. Lieutenant Jeff-
rey is a member of Gamma Phi
Beta, Mu Phi Epsilon, honorary
music sorority, and was president of
Mortar Board Society.
She was active on many League
committees including the merit sys-
tem and social committee, and was
music chairman for the 1942 Pan-
hellenic Ball. As a freshman she was
president of Jordan Hall and on the
central committee of Freshman Pro-
ject. Lieutenant Jeffrey also played
the flute in the University Concert
Band and toured with the Little
Symphony in 1941.
* * ,
Dr! Poe-eng Yu, a former Barbour
Scholar from China, has recently
been commissioned a Captain in the
Army. She holds the honor of being
the first non-citizen Chinese woman
in the U.S. Army and also the first
Chinese woman doctor to receive a
commission. Captain Yu received
her commission at Michigan in 1939.
i %W.
---- ---- ----
Nt r
Although they can't serve "from
the halls of Montezuma to the{
shores of Tripoli," but are limited
to serving within the boundaries
of the United States, Women Ma-
rines are "proud to bear the title
of -United States Marines ..." and
to wear the uniform of the Corps
as shown above. College seniors
with certain specifications may
enter directly into officer training,
and free a Marine to fight at the
'Tops' on Duty,
Men Concede
Servicemen agree that life in the
WAVES, WACs SPARS, Marines is
no picnic but that women who are
willing to sacrifice their personal am-
bitions and comforts to serve their
country in this way deserve all the
tribute their countrymen can pos-
sibly give them.
Sarah Hanby, '44SM, recently re-
^eived a letter from a serviceman
which spared none of the unpleasant
side of life in the armed forces, but
concluded that any woman who can
deny herself peace-time luxuries and
pleasures and go into a life which she
knows will be plenty tough is to be
greatly admired.
Must Realize Hardships
Miss Hanby's friend thinks that
women should realize the hardships
of military life before going into it.
People who sign up for something
and then discover they don't like it
cause much needless trouble.
"The orientation period right after
induction is the most difficult time
for both men and women," he said.
"Here the abrupt change from com-
paratively soft existence into huge
impersonal outfits is made. Everyone
seems to be against you and living
conditions are made as tough as pos-
sible. You have no rights and few
privileges to speak of. Social life is
practically nil; letter-writing, and
book-reading get tiresome."
Men Proud of Servicewomen
"Work, hard work with no glory, is
what being a WAVE, WAC, SPAR or
Marine means, but it also means that
some American women share the
same love of country with their bro-
thers, sweethearts, and friends," Miss
Hanby's serviceman friend declared.
"And don't forget," he added,
"there's something-about-a-uniform'
for women as well as men."
"Women are proud of their men
in the service and men are proud of
servicewomen," he concluded.
Though ineligible for sea duty,
WAVES quartered in Coronado, Cal-
if., set sail every morning to reach
the Naval Air Station in San Diego.
Their ship is the UWS WAVE, a
fifty-foot converted motor launch
which operates between their quar-
ters,.and their duty stations.
0jh "frabjous" day! The frail, feathery female of other years has become
a myth. The modern wife divides her time between her husband and
the Red Cross. Fainting is practically passe. Oh tempora, oh beautiful
mores, woman has at last come into her own!
For behold, Unce Sam denounces his bachelorhood and welcomes woman
into the armed forces. The waist that wouldn't be wasped finds its place
within the safe folds of the uniform of the WAC, the WAVE, etc. Gone is
the modest maiden of the downcast eye, the soft mutterer of "this is so
sudden," the owner of eyelids whicn fluttered behind the fan. Today's wo-
man can hup-two-three-four with the best of them, and if John's proposal
is as sudden as all that, it's just because she hasn't seen him since her last
WOMAN has kicked her pedestal out from under her. She has abandoned
the needlepoint, the sampler, the subtle swoon. She's a big girl now,
and she can take care of herself. When she's decided which branch of the
service appeals to her, she starts worrying about which branch of the service
appeals to her. The desire to get a man at any cost gives 'way to other
motives, and the modern mother may well sing, "I didn't raise my girl
to be a civilian."
Ah, but there are many who decry this new world. Woman's place,
they keep muttering, is in the home. Visions of Amazons dance before their
eyes, and disillusioned men go out in search of something "utterly feminine."
Fashion magazines start getting worried and .caption their offerings with
fragments about the place of femininity in this male world. Prophets
foresee the time when women will come out into the open and-tch, tch-
wear SLACKS! The social world ist
torn with anxiety at the thought of
a revolution in feminine apparel. Wo-
men are beginning to wear jackets
SIDE. Even ice-cream sodas are be-
ginning to lose that frilly look. And
people worry and worry and worry
about it.
TO THOSE who spend their sleep-
less nights wondering what is to
become of the world when woman
refuses to "just sit"-to those whose
feverish brains are tortured with vis-
ions of a womanless universe-to
those who see in this new turn of
events a real threat to male domina-
tion-we can only say, take heart,
have hope, believe in the best that is
in woman. For if she now appears
to be accomplishing something which
once was deemed quite out of the
realm of her capabilities, she does
so with justification and with tri-
Some day she will return to pay
homage to' that timeless institution,
the male ego. Some day she will
faint again. Some day she will cling
and rest her weary head on the broad
shoulder. Some day, some day, ac-
cording to her proverbial prerogative,
she will change her mind!
College Students and Graduates
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A thorough, intensive, secretarial
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Regular day and evening school
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