PAGE OUR THlE M3i-liGA~N riAUY l '.s, i'r S ifs:. ------------- Fifty-Fourth Year i, cy - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under tha authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of reoub- tication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial Stafff Marion Ford . Jane Farrant . Claire Sherman -Marjorie Borradalle Eric Zalenski . Bud Low . . Hiarvey Frank. Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin flilda Slautterback Doris Kuentz . . . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . . City Editor . . Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor * .Women's Editor . Ass't Women's Editor Columnist . . . Columnist . . Business Staff Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion . .' Telephone . . Business Manager . Ass't Bus. Manager Ass't Bus. Manager 23.24-1 -~ M NIGHT EDIITOR: MARION FORD Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. BARUCH PLAN: Rapid Conversion .After War Is Important Step BERNARD M. BARUCH has done it again. His intelligent, well worked out program, which he has devised together with his assistant, John M. Hancock, for fast reconversion of war indus- tries to peacetime production, is an important step in the fight'to preserve a lasting peace and an efficient economy. The whole plan boils down to the simple, but sensible thesis that conversion must be rapid to prevent a devastating depression and that ndus- try must know what to -expect from the govern- inent in order to plan for the future. Baruch's proposals for a post-war tax pro- gram that business can count upon, plans for government loans to aid industry in reconver- sion and the suggestion that a specific 'X-Day' be designated arbitrarily for the defeat of Germany and the beginning of real reconver- sion, are especially important. Immediate action should be taken by Congress on Baruch's recommendations. - Ray Dixon FORTUNATE: Hobuse Sustains Veto, Subsidies To Continue YESTERDAY the House of Representatives sustained President Roosevelt's veto of the anti-subsidy bill. It is extremely fortunate that the President realized the need for subsidies to fight infla- tion and thus vetoed the repealer, and that there were a few Congressmen who realized that we are at war. As a result the House was short 25 votes of the two thirds majority necessary to override the veto, and food subsidies, which are so vitally needed now in wartime, will continue. - Louise Comins UNNECESSARY: Revised Bankhead Bill Threatens Free Press A RENOVATED Bankhead bill providing for government payments to newspapers for publishing war bond advertising was reported favorably by the House Ways and Means Com- rhittee. Supported only by a group of smaller pub- lishers, mostly small cities, and by politicians seeking to curry favor with newspapers in their districts, the previous Bankhead measure was passed in the Senate by a narrow margin last November, and then killed in a House committee a few weeks later. In its revised version, the bill provides for $15,000,000 in federal funds to be distributed to newspapers in cities having a population of 25,000 instead of the 10,000 maximum stipu- lated in the first measure. The same objections which applied to the pre- vious measure pertain to the renovated bill. ' In the first place, such a government subsidy would greatly endanger the cherished freedom of the press, opening the path for political pressure. In the second place, such a subsidy is entire- l.. ..wraonnoco m. M%.-.J- n t~rah tr n~H inicSays THE PERSONALITY which may be said to be religious constitutes a major inquiry today. The George Meade idea of "symbolic interaction" is significant. This theory makes the personality dependent upon group fellowship quite as much as upon the private aim, faith or aspiration. Assuming the person and assuming the con- genial group, what is essential for religious growth or growth toward religiousness? The fol- lowing aspects are enumerated by W. L. Troyer in the July, 1943, issue of Religious Education: (1) Voluntary participation in commonly shared ends and activities. (2) Completeness and intimacy of association. (3) Variety and range of stimuli and suggestion. (4) Devotion to the realization of ideal possibilities. (5) Deliberate rather than impulsive method in dealing with problems, conflicts and crises. (6) Unity in an organizing perspective capable of giving meaning and value to specific phases of life. The great Cooley spoke on "self-feeling with others." John Dewey said "the individual becomes alert to recognize the special aims of the group and the means to be employed in securing success." (Democracy and Education, p. 16-17). So much for a non-theological approach. Jesus identified worship and such personal conduct as "eternal life" and the ultimate social goal as the "Kingdom of God." By prayer to God and practice of such a search for meaning, one can court religiousness with much more precision of soul than without these or similar directives. In a period of great tension, as in war, there is opportunity for us to test either theory and observe one's own progress. The opportunity is two-fold: (1) In the intimate face-to-face group and the close secondary fellowship, we actually can do an experiment in religiousness. (2) On the world scale, we should try to see one social phenomena of interaction among the Allied leaders who are friends and see the opposite type of behavior dramatically exhibited between insti- tutionalized enemies. Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religijous Education DREW- PEARSON'S CI aa> -MERRY-GOROUND WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.-Bob Hannegan, re- cently elected chairman of the Democratic Nat- tionai Committee, has tackled his tough new job with a touch of iron beneath his contagious smile. He is calling on every member of the Cabinet, including Republicans Stimson and Knox, to ask their cooperation on jobs for Democrats. He intends to bolster the Democratic party, and one good old-fashioned way of bolstering it is through patronage. How he makes obit with Secretaries Stimson and Knox, who have loaded their War and Navy Departments up with Republicans, remains to be seen. Nevertheless, Hannegan says he is going to tackle them. He assumes that, since they are serving under President Roosevelt, they want him re-elected for a fourth term. The indomitable Hannegan is also cleaning out the Democratic National Committee and has even bearded Mrs. Roosevelt's own per- sonal pet inside the committee, Lorena Hic- kock. The women's division, in which Miss Hickock is active, raised only $30,000 last year, but spent$70,000for expenses to raise it. Han- negan thinks this is poor economics and he has told the ladies that they will have to cut down their payroll or up their contributions-per- haps both. Also he is serving notice on gentle Mrs. Charles W. Tillett, assistant chairman of the committee, that since she is paid a regular salary, she will have to work full time and earn it, not spend most of her time at her home in North Carolina. Question of Farley . . One place where smiling Bob is going to have trouble, however, is with Jim Farley. The two men met not long ago, and Jim expressed great pleasure over Hannegan's appointment. They, got along famously. But one factor contributing to their congeniality may have been Hannegan's statement that, as chairman of the National Committee, he expected to let State Democratic' chairmen hand out federal jobs in their states. For a long time, Jim Farley, though chair- man of the New York State committee, hasn't had even the smell of a post office. All federal job assignments have been handled through the President's old friend, Ed Flynn. This was a definite and deliberate Farley snub by Frank Walker and Flynn, with the okay of the White House. So now the big question is how Hannegan can make good on his promise to let Farley pass out federal jobs in New York. Obviously, Frank Walker and Ed Flynn, to say nothing of FDR himself, aren't going to let him do it. As a result, Jim is either going to be fighting mad, or else he will be a good party man and come around to supporting whatever Demo-. 1d Rather SBe Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Feb. 20.-During war we think of the top German fascists as deadly enemies who must be destroyed. What reason, if any, exists for changing this attitude the moment peace arrives? Must we, on that day, stop thinking of Ger- man fascists as deadly enemies to be destroyed, and begin to think of them only as criminals to be tried? Or perhaps not even as criminals, but only as indicted men, presumed innocent until proven guilty? The only difference the coming of the armis- tice should make is that it ought to give us the right to substitute methods of peace for methods of war in carrying out our policy. But our policy must remain the same, the destruction of the fascist power. NO SOLUTION SHORT OF EXILE That is why I see no solution short of the instant and automatic exile, without trial, of, say, the 100,000 top Nazi functionaries. That alone can be the logical culmination of the war, to be carried out as the final battle of the war. The great danger is that we may tend to make too sharp a differentiation between the period of war and the period of peace. Our high political policy should be a continuing policy, equally valid for war and peace. The chief difference between war and peace should be the difference in methods used for carrying out our policy. Naturally, methods change when the armistice arrives, but policy itself need not change and should not change. WHY LET IT BECOME ANOTHER WAR? It will be strange and wavering conduct on our part to fight a desperate war for the purpose of destroying fascism, and then, the moment we win the war, change over to another purpose entirely, that of putting fascists on trial for hor- rible, condemnable, but still only collateral offenses, called atrocities. But the most atrocious fascists have probably committed no physical atrocities. How, then, shall we handle Julius Streichet, publisher of the infamous and pornographic "Der Stuermer," which has poisoned the minds of a generation? Under the blearily legalistic "trial" system, the worst we could probably do to Streicher would be to deny him second-class mailing privileges. The proposal that we stage "trials," no matter how well-meaning, is a proposal that we shall not do what we are at war to do, the moment i becomes possible to do it. Let us keep our sights up. This is not a war about atrocities, though atrocities have been committed during the war. It is not a war about the Hague Conventions, though the Hague Con- ventions have been violated. It is 'a war about fascism. If the coming of the armistice changes our purpose, then it will not be an armistice, but a subtle and concealed defeat.. THEY WILL SEE THE TRAINS LEAVE ,Let us keep our sights up: It is our job to dis- mantle the Nazi Party as unemotionally and methodically as we propose to dismantle Nazi arms factories. This is our task, by methods of war so long as the Germans prefer war, by methods of peace when they tire of fighting. The task remains, through war and peace. We are lib- erators, not judges. We are liberators, not school teachers for the children of Germany. We are liberators, and unless we liberate, un- less we physically remove the fascist bureauc- racy to a place of exile, all our schemes for democratic schools and democratic trolley cars and democratic porridge for the new Germany will be window-dressing to hide a failure. But if we do remove the fascist bureaucracy, without trial, on mere identification, then all these subordinate problems instantly become more manageable. It will not seem nearly so hard then to teach the German children that fascism does not work. They will actually have learned that lesson before they come to school. They will have seen the trains leave, carrying the fascists and fascism to the border and oblivion. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) SUNDAY, FEB. 20, 1944 c VOL. LIV No. 85 All notices for the raily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the1 President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no-3 tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Dormitory Directors, Sorority Chaperons and House Heads: Closing hours for undergraduate women will be 11 p.m. on Feb. 28, 29, March 1 and 2. Closing hours will be 12:301 a.m. as usual on Fridays and Satur- days, except for those attending the Victory Ball, when the closing hour will be 2:30 a.m. The closing hour on Sundays will be 11 p.m. The Automobile Regulation will be' lifted from 12:00 noon on Saturday, Feb. 26 until 8:00 a.m. on Monday, March 6. Required Hygiene Lectures for Women-1944: All first and second semester freshman women are re- quired to take the hygiene lectures which are to be given the second semester. Upperclass students who' were in the University as freshmen and who did not fulfill the require-' ments are required to take and satis- factorily complete this course. Enroll for these lectures at the time of regular classification at Waterman Gymnasium. These lectures are a graduation requirement. Section No. I: First Lecture, Mon- day, March 13, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Subsequent Lectures, Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Rack- ham Auditorium; Examination (fin- al), Monday, April 24, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium. Section No. II: First Lecture, Tues- day, March 14, 4:1'5-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Examination (final), Tuesday, April 25, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium. Margaret Bell, M.D. Health Lectures for Men: The re- quired series of Health Lectures for Freshman men will be given in Rm. 35, Angell Hall, at 5:00 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m., March 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 14. Successful completion of this series of lectures is required of all men students except those who have en- tered the University with two years of advanced standing. n d Freshmen and other men students who for any reason have failed to complete this requirement for grad- uation are asked to do so during the coming series. Honor Societies: The attention of honor societies is called to the fact that the date of Honors Convocation has been set for April 21. It is re- quested that all societies hold their electionsas early aspossible after the beginning of the Spring Term so that the names of new members may be included in the Honors Convoca- tion program. All graduating seniors who are registered with the Bureau of Ap- pointments please check with us about your records if you have not already done so. Do we have your home address? Are you available for employment now? Stop in at 201 Mason Hall. The Bureau has received an- nouncement of examinations for the class of Technical Aid and Junior Engineer. They will be given daily in Detroit (Monday through Satur- day) until further notice. Examina- tions will be conducted in Lansing and Ann Arbor on some date con- venient for the majority. The Technical Aid class requires completion of three years in and preferable graduation from a uni- versity with specialization in the field which includes social sciences, public administration, psychology, mathematics or statistics. In addi- tion, ability to type with consider- able speed and accuracy and to re- port and transcribe moderately com- plex dictation. For further details stop in at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. The Bureau has received an- nouncement of the following: State of New York-Dept. of Civil Service, County Job opportunities for: Senior Account Clerk, $85/mo., Chautauqua County resident. Rockland County residents, Janitor, $1,300 to $1,600/yr. and Radio Operator, $1,500 to $1,800 yr. Westchester County residents, Laboratory Stock Clerk. U.S. Civil ServicekCommission: Graduate Nurse, Panama Canal Ser- vice, $168.75/mo. plus overtime, other Federal Agencies, $1,800/yr. plus overtime. Graduate Nurse Trainee, $1,620/yr. plus overtime. For further details see the com- plete announcements in the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. The United States Civil Service Commission announces the need for Substitute Railway Postal Clerks for War Service appointments. Basic salary: $1,850 for a 40-hour week. An additional day's pay weekly un- der, the present 48-hour work week. Applications must be on file not later than Feb. 29, 1944. For com- plete announcement stop in at the Bureau of Appointments. Identification Cards: All students who attended the University during the Sufhmer or Fall Terms are re- quested to bring their identification cards with them when registering for the Spring Term. Office of the Dean of Students Notice to All Fraternities: The In- terfraternity Executive Committee at its meeting on Feb. 15, 1944, fined three fraternities for pledging men not registered with the Interfrater- nity Council as required by the "Rushing Rules for the Duration." It also levied a fine of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per man on all houses who pledged an independent man or men living in the house at the time of pledging. This is strictly against the Interfraternity Council's rules. All men interested in the Inter- fraternity Council, and desiring to petition for the job of Secretary- Treasurer for the coming term should have their petitions in the IFC office, 306 Michigan Union, by March 10, 1944. Men must be Juniors. Choral Union Members are re- minded to call for their courtesy passes to the concert of Ezio Pinza, between the hours of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4, on the day of the concert, Monday, March 6 (first day of the second term) at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Conservation of Public Utilities: It is urged tht every member of the University community, faculty, stu- dents, clerks, and other employees, constitute himself or herself a com- mittee of one to contribute in every reasonable way to the end that there shall be no waste of electricity, wa- ter, gas, oil, coal, or of communica7 tions or transportation service. This notice is in behalf not only of the University administration but of var- ious United States Government au- thorities. Academic Notices Examination Schedule: Wednes- day, Feb. 23, 2-4 p.m. English 1: Bertram....... . ......205 MH Bredvold .................3017 AH Calver ...................2003 AH Davis .....................2235 All Eisinger................2082 NS Engel ..................D Haven Everett..................229 AH Fletcher ...............E Haven Fogle ....... .............1035 AH Greenhut ................4003 AH Hawkins .................2231 AH Helm.n....... ...........2203 AH Morris...................18 Al Ogden ................G Haven Pearl .... ...........2016 AH Rayment. .............205 MH Rowe ... .............3011 AH Schenk........ ......3017 AH Thorpe ..................2203 AH Warner.................2225 AH Weaver .................2215 AH Weimer.................4203 AH Wells ..................2235 AH Williams ............ ..102 Ec English 2 Calver................2003 AH Fogle...................1035 All Millar..................2082 NS Nelson. ................ 209 AH Ohlsen.................1121 NS Taylor ................2013 AH German Department Room Assign- ments for final examinations, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25: German I-Gaiss (2 sections) & Winkelman: 205 Mason Hall; Van- Duren and Copley: 2225 Angell Hall; Diamond, Reichart & Philippson: 35 Angell Hall; Eaton and Courant: 1035 Angell Hall.. German 2-Winkelman (2 sec- tions): 2003 Angell Hall; Gaiss, Phil- ippson & Willey: 2054 Natural Sci- ence. German 31-all sections: D Haven Hall. German 32-both sections: 3017 Angell Hall. Room Assignments, Final Exams in Math., College of L.S.andA.: In Dwyer. Elenb Losh R aiL ori Xi. - 1 Ol .ili. 1 I) AS-f 2 1 SI "t1.H Sociology 51: for all seet u Hawley and \ye Auditorium-HI *1 Bounma. 8-10 n 1 it A I it 1. amnatu ion 1 wii I A.H. instead~ uf 2 3 day, Feb. 2 8-1 Final Exam ni will be hed insteadofi ; on Friday, b S8:0011i Poliicl~ ation, Moo . Political S ien Final EuxamoiammI 8:00-10:00 a~m. I Political S ience 1 ination, MundayF a.m. Pmn 291'. Political Sci:c u1 examinaion fb nation scheue I nily), 'le:s'ay, 12:30, Rim, 20 Al 1 '{diO] ittioli tub, 213, ~. tuent is - 1 ['1. Cart', ~ hit aini I X~ 1 ililliOll 'alax, lleb, 24, * it Ii dl I ,A luSH hiti. 22:11 x ., Wednes- Ia' Istary i~; I iV,~' I hail, (ii A p A']1 Hall, 10'00, i ,:l I\a:umn- I, 8 0th 10:00 p K ~. 1-4, ~ nu~ t7~i'oup A11, 1 a ci I' \'itflUl- 8aKI 10,01) 20~ 1 9' ii: I Exani- :1, 8'OU-10:00 -i kl '1: IV! ake--up ci I * 1 1 eXaifli I 10:30- ............ ::. . .::... . -. .. . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLILu11N Speech 156: Iiours of meetins in spring t(rnto be traned ,Organi- zation meetng M6nda MvTarch 6, 7 p.m., R-m, 2006 Ane IIHall. Botany I F ia1 >lExamination: Thursday, Feb. 24 8-10 a.m. Rm. 1025 Angell Hfia1. Bronson-Thin n'r Anual German rLiinguaz c Ava i'd off(ered juniors and seniors ihin'eina. "71econtest will be held iro 2 to 5 o'lock Friday, March 24. '1lie award, in tliii amount of $38, will bepre wated to the stu- dent writin ig , the1)s-(,rsay dealing with somne ph,,,(,,-in tiite (levelopnentL of Germnnlid j'f aiu' ii i '1750-1900. Students whixish toVcompete and who have ]notyr tliandedin their applications should Ido "' -Gyei'tainu, car- ries two stipend> tof20 and $30, and will be Ih l d ufrm 0"to pan, Friday, March 24, Stt W'r s howish to compete and who bave not yet hand- ed in their ij lpica' 'owe should do so immediately ,iu.204 ilidversy Iall. The ,Ihptlw('od Bulletin, page 9, paragraph 18, reas: In pai ticular or irregular caes aiHe scommitee may, upon pet ition, Ewit /tlpa1ticlar parts of these rilet, no )wtition will be receive dby 11 ( ('olniin ce after [ March 1, 1944. [Y Concerts tChoral (Uion (Oinc' rt: Eio Pina, Bass, with Gibylor toxin", accom an- [ist, will give the ttalnl ipomamn in the Choral Union Seri csMonday, March 6, at 8:30 pan't.first day of the second t'ti i)in il] Auditorium. Exhibit: M he 1 1 t4 Art and Ar- chacology, Nix',ifu l l. The Ar- thur G. Cunuer" ittou'nd Collection of Arms , Week days, 9-5, 7:30"c:1.30.t ', -5. Wesley I and :atium: (Open 1-ouse tonight atn8:30 ' ot all Metho- dist studck,,ULad>rvitenen and their friens. Organ Retal : CarWeinrich, guest organist ftom W4\1-sleIy Col- lege, will b H .ead at 4:5 pm today in Hill Auditoitmit, a mpogam of compositions by'11 a 1, 1Buxteiude, Bach, Aozsi't At p t and Hinde- mith. The pte > is 'vied Professor Will aiI. fobbs will speak on "Truk, and1 & a other Japa nese Fortressf e Soth Pacific" at the lnterna i1n (Ceter tonight at 7:30. 'ieleL iix.11Ie accom- panied with s e's uS Uby Professor Hobbs. Exhibit o f 'lI to jis of the Southwest I ciicii Lt. Walter Pleiss, Jr., will exhibit, lhs picturs of Fiji, New Caleionia andt heSolomon Is- lands at thei it'1110 al Center this evenimn g,,,nder the auspices of the Intern tr I ( iiCenter Camera Club. Gamma Delta, Lu ieran Student cratic candidate can win. And any political observer with one eye closed will admit that the only possible Democratic winner is Roose- velt. Ickes' Grammarian ... Hard-hitting Economic Czar Judge Vinson has been engaged in a tough verbal war over the price of oil with equally hard-hitting Harold Ickes, but they like and respect each other just the same. Shortly after George Briggs, whom Ickes previously had hired to peruse his letters for errors in English, was indicted on a charge of forging the Harry Hopkins letter, Vinson got a stiff letter from Ickes. It was couched in 'pro- verbial Ickes vitriol. Judge Vinson read it over, was about to dictate an equally hot reply, but finally remarked to his secretary: "I guess we'd better not take advantage of Harold while his grammarian is in jail." (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) Nazi Underground .-. The Overseas News Agency reports from London that, according to ad- vises originating in Vichy, Theodor Habicht, German Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, has been entrusted with the formation of a Nazi organi- zation which will carry on its activi- ties underground in the event of Germany's defeat. -Czechoslovak News Flash BARNABY By Crockett Johnson II Ii E Gus! Safe and unmarked! Through fourteen rounds of grueling fighting and a flood!.... But, Gus, how did you regain visibility- O'Malley, I never WAS invisible. Won't those elves and gnomes When you left for the arena, I be angry, Mr. O'Malley? When met my invisible opponent. He they learn the ring you told was in an aggressively gay mood them Gus and McSnoyd were and insisted that I accompany boxing in really WAS empty? ;,,,,,,,,,,n;, ,a,,rnhere Yes... But no angrier than they'll be until I'm able to explain about the flood I assured them I'd avert. Too bad Imust flee-I ** -m e . ir I