PAGEIVO A N A f I V a. a. ai t "a. a a.. a. a. a.'F t % IN 1.7 1 'Y 1. I .d 1. 1VUi:lkA l NlFV G l'i45 FinlandReported To Be Making Peace Overtures t ) Reds Le _ THE WORLD OF TOMORROW: Post War Plans To Be Theme of Mass Church Meeting Sunday Paasikivi Goes To Moscow on Secret Mission The basis of achieving a just peace after victory and means of clarifying public opinion on pertinent post-war issues will be the problems facing stu- dents, servicemen and townspeople who attend the mass meeting on post-war planning at 3 p.m. tomor- row to be held at the Congregational Church. Sponsored by the Christian Mis- Soh. for World Order, which is hold- Dr. Van Dusen ing similar conferences all over the nation this month, the local meeting will feature four well-known educa- tors and authors. Dr. Henry Pitney Van Dusen, who has been associated with the Union Theological Seminary in New York City since 1926, will be one of the speakers at the mass meeting. At present he is chairman of the Study Commission of the Universal Chris- tian Council for Life and Work. Dr. CLAS SIFIED, DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of $.25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request FOR SALE ALPHA TAU OMEGA, 1923 Geddes, will serve meals to a limited num- ber of male students. Best cook in Ann Arbor! "Where the elite meet to eat." Those interested call 2- 3125 and ask for Mr. Bek. COUNTRY HOME in Ann Arbor district. 6 room farmhouse in fine condition, electricity, furnace, 2 car garage, chicken coop, 4 acres. Lake frontage. Close to school. Only $7,500. Also 'good farms for sale. Oril Ferguson, 928 Forest. Phone 22839. 6x MISCELLANEOUSf MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State.1 BOARD: for girls by week or dinners at night. Call 4701. 1513 S. Uni- versity. ROOMS ROOM and board available in co- operative houses. Girls call per-E sonnel committee at 5974. Boysk call personnel committee at 7211. HELP WANTEDc YOUNG MEN WANTED, part timer or full time work. Collection de-f partment. Dixie Shop Inc. 224 S.t Main. 9686.t WANTED-girl for general officet work on part time basis.K now- ledge of typing necessary. Call A.A. 5000. Van Dusen has become well known as a delegate to the Oxford Confer- ence in 1937, and to the Madras World Missionary Conference in 1938. Among the books which he has writ- ten are "God in These Times," and "Reality and Religion." Other speakers at the conference include Paul Hutchinson, managing editor of The Christian Century, Harlie Lawrence Smith, president of William Woods College, Fulton, Mo., and Dr. Royal G. Hall of Albion. The program for the mission will begin at 11 a.m. tomorrow when the four speakers will preach at the First Baptist Church, the First Pres- byterian Church, the First Metho- dist Church and the Bethlehem Evangelical Church. Several of the young people's groups of the Protestant churches will also carry out the theme of the day when they hold evening meetings on post-war reconstruction and the problems which will face the church and governments. Dr. Van Dusen will lead a discus- sion group on "Missions and the Post-War World" at 6:45 p.m. to- morrow in the First Presbyterian Church. Dr. Hutchinson will con- duct a similar seminar at 7 p.m. in the First Baptist Church. Questions from the floor on current and post- war issues will conclude the meetings. Detroiters Ask Milk Rationing Meeting Sponsored by Consumers Council DETROIT, Nov. 5.-(P)-Agitation for milk rationing in Detroit received fresh support at a meeting of con- sumers today in the course of which policies of the Michigan Milk Pro- ducers Association were assailed and a "Wall Street" influence was al- idged. The meeting, sponsored by the greater Detroit Consumers Council and attended by farmers and repre- sentatives of various organizations, followed upon Governor Kelly's re- cent conference hereon milk short- ages in industrial areas. At that time charges were made that thepublic had been refused a voice in the consultations. Prof. Edward W. MacFarland of the Consumers Council, who pre- sided, said he had "yet to find any producers' or distributors' associa- tion that has even tried to cut out wastefulness" in providing milk for the consumers. MacFarland, who is Professor of Economics at Wayne University, as- serted the Detroit retail price was sufficient to give the farmer a "fair- er and much higher price" if distrib- utorstwould cease "waste of iasoline and tires in needless duplication of deliveries." The producers' association base and surplus plan of paying farmers was attacked by George Edwards, City Councilman and representative of the United Automobile Workers (CIO). Oil Truck Explodes; Five Houses Burned GRAND RAPIDS, Nov. 5.-(')- Flames towered 700 feet into the air when a gasoline truck hit a tree and exploded here early today, destroying 4,250 gallons of the precious fuel. One house, fifty feet from the acci- dent, was completely demolished. Four other houses were scorched while rivulets of the burning fluid ran down US-16 wrecking portions of the pavement and flames leaped 50 feet to put telephone and electric light wires out of commission. Earl E. Darling, of Muskegon, driv- er of the truck, escaped with minor bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mulder, who were sleeping on the first floor of the destroyed house, heard the first blast which blew in seven windows. They rushed upstairs and rescued their four children, herding them to safety through a rear door. Mulder returned to the second floor for clothing and then entered the basement, manag- ing to salvage 500 quarts of home canned fruits and vegetables. NOTICE The qualifying round of the Stu- dents Bridge. Championship will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Grand Rapids room of the League. Interested teams of two need only appear at that time in order to enter the contest. Berlin Issues Official Denial of Report, But Speculation Continues STOCKHOLM, Nov. 5.-()-Dr. Juhu Paasikivi, Finnish diplomat who once before helped negotiate a peace with Russia, was reported to- day preparing to go again to Moscow on a similar mission, and while bffi- cial denials came quickly they failed to dispel rumors of new Finnish ef- forts to quit the war. The Swedish newspaper Social De- mokraten, organ of the dominant Swedish Party, reported that Paasi- kivi, who aided in the first Russo- Finnish peace negotiations in 1940, had been instructed ti leave for Mos- cow. Official denials-which might be expected at this state whether the re- ports are true or not-were reported soon afterward by Berlin and by the Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladet which quoted a foreign office spokes- man as saying the report was "abso- lutely false." Berlin Radio told of a newspaper interview with Paasikivi himself in which the aged former Minster to Russia was quoted as saying he knew nothing about the report. But secrecy is paramount if any agreement is to be reached and there was considerable speculation in well informed Swedish quarters that an iniportant development may come with the suddeness of the Moscow peace announcement made in 1940. (The report was accepted without skepticism in London.) Social Demokraten said Paasikivi would be followed to Moscow by K. A. Fagerholm, Minister of Social Af- fairs and George A. Gripenberg, Fin- land's Minister to Sweden. It specu- lated that the United States and Sweden had helped arrange the par- ley as Finland's food and political situation reached a critical stake in more than two years of war. Gripenberg, Minister to Sweden, will return to Helsinki Sunday to re- port to Ryti and, while the trip is re- ported as routine, Finland's ace dip- lomat and nephew of Field Marshal Baron Carl Gustaf Mannerheim has been surveying avenues to peace. Highlights On Campus .. . The Chinese Student Club will welcome new Chinese students at 8 o'clock tonight in the Interna- tional Center. Dr. Robbins, assistant to Presi- dent Ruthven, Shirley Smith, Vice- President of the University, and Prof. E. M. Gale, director of the In- ternational Center, will speak. After the meeting technicolor movies will be shown and refresh- ments served. * * * 'The student offices of the Union will be open for registration from 3 to 5 p.m. every day during the week beginning Monday. A Union membership card which is given on registration is abso- lutely necessary for participation in all Union activities. These activi ties include the swimming pool, bowling, dances, and .the use of the Pendleton Library. Presenta- tion of a membership card is also necessary to cash a check at the main desk. A cashier's receipt must be pre- sented in order to receive a mem- bership card. After next week the student offices will be open for reg- istration only on Wednesdays. The American Society of Me- chanical Engineers will hold its first meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. A movie "King Cotton" will be shown after which refreshments will be served. All students in the engineering school are invited to attend, and any who wish to may obtain appli- cations for membership in the society. 1A to 2A in One Jump NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-(P)-Joseph Curran, president of the National Maritime Union (CIO), has been re- classified from 1-A to 2-A for a six- months period on orders from Major General Lewis B. Hershey, national selective service director, Local Board 18 announced today. Resale Desk' For Unused Tickets Opens Union Continues Football Service For Seventh Year Beginning its seventh season of operation, the Union Football Ticket Resale Desk will be open from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. today to service the campus. The Desk; which attempts to resell football tickets for all home games, operates at the travel desk in the Union Lobby. Persons holding tickets for today's football game, and who do not plan to use them, may bring them to the desk for resale. The desk will accept all general admission tickets for resale except those stamped student, and those issued to the faculty and 'M' Club. All tickets are sold at face value and no profit is retained by the Un- ion for the service. For all tickets accepted, the resale desk will issue a receipt which must be returned to the Union student offices not later than Nov. 13. After that date the money for the ticket or the unsold ticket will be given to its owner. Robert Gaukler '46, of the Union Executive Council, is in charge of all operations and stated that the ser- vice will be repeated for all home Murray Elected Two U' Men CIO President Attend Cotnc Fourth Time Conference Stre',e Convention Asks $tate Inter-Faith Cooper Department To Emplov Dr. Edward W. Blakeman. ! selor in religious education an Foreign Labor Envoys Hsing-Chin, instructor of th nese language and literature PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 5.-(J')-I among the representatives of Smiling, white-haired Philip Murray cent conference held at the was elected to a fourth term as Presi- Cadillac hotel where Jews, Ca dent of the Congress of Industrial land Protestants drafted a joi laration on world peace. Organizations today by more than Dr. Blakeman served on the 1,000 cheering national convention ning committee and Mr. Tien1 delegates who also called upon the Chih was a member of the pa State Department "to afford real "Minorities in the Post-War V labor participation in its affairs." Sponsored by the FederalC The convention's Foreign Policy of Churches, the National C Resolution asked the State Depart- Welfare Ccnference and the ment specifically to "appoint labor gogue Council of America attaches to the American ambassa- conference represented a re dors to the foreign governments so tempt for inter-faith cooperati that the common people of this na- Blakeman declared. tion may be assured, that the future The seven points adopted as of the world will not be determined laration of world peace includ by financial or commercial interests I following: 1) The moral law which seek to reestablish' the very govern world order; 2) The rig conditions which gave rise to the Hit- the individual must be assu ler new order." The rights of oppressed, weak( The Foreign Policy Resolution also onial peoples must be protect asked President Roosevelt to use his The rights of minorities must influence "to secure the liberation of cured; 5) International insti the India Congress leaders now im- to maintain peace with justic prisoned, and the immediate resolu- be organized; 6) Internationa tion of negotiations between the Bri- nomic cooperation must be tish government and the representa- oped; 7) A just social order tives of the Indian people." each state must be achieved. 22 New Courses il Available to INTERPRETING THE WAR NEWS: Allied Pact Readies Attack Against Japan S ation coun- d Tien e Chi- , were a re- Book- atholics nt dec- e plan- Hsing- anel on World." Council atholic Syna- this eal at- on, Dr. a dec- ded the must ghts of red; 3) or col- ted; 4) be se- tutions e must al eco- devel- within By KIRKE L. SIMP.SON Associated Press Correspondent There was bad news for japan last night from Washington as well as from the South Pacific, while Ger- many reeled under multiple blows by land, sea and air. On top of the Moscow Conference from which was born the vitally sig- nificant Anglo - American - Russian- Chinese operational agreement has been worked out at Chungking weeks or months sooner than had been hoped for in Washington and Lon- don. It is designed, by President Roosevelt's definition, to unify Unit- ed Nations operations against Japan throughout the whole continent of Asia from Burma to the Russian bor- der. Bracketed with a Washington dis- closure that the long-awaited Amer- ican super bombers-B-29-are rea- dy for battle action test, the Chung- king agreement takes on special sig- nificance. The undisclosed but sub- stantially increased radius of action and stepped-up gun power of the monster-bombers earmark them for the Pacific-Asiatic theatre, where distances are the greatest. Nazi held regions of Europe, in- cluding all Germany itself, are al- ready under Allied bomb fire, from west and south, that overlaps. The present Fortresses and Liberators, hereafter to be styled "light-heavy- weight" of the Allied air armadas, are adequate by every sign for the final devastating aerial blasting of Germany. The big fellows, a year and more under development, may see action for special long-range missions in Europe as the war there comes to its final crisis. But it seems unquestion- able that they were designed and will be used primarily to carry the fight to Japan. This writer more than a year ago was allowed to see one of the B-29's in a hush-hush restricted area of a major airplane plant. He with oth- ers witnessed tests for wing elements of the, ship and its landing gear that inuustnai iurnace control. Most of o the classes require previous instruc. gave astounding evidence of the I tion in the field, while others have staunchness of construction. He had engineering degrees or industrial ex- no doubt then and has none now perience as prerequisites. that they are destined to deal as In the management field, indus- shattering blows on Japan's own trial accounting and psychologica home front and to Japanese war factors in production supervision are morale as their lesser yet still gigan- offered as well as personnel selec- tic prototypes are dealing to the tion and placement. eich and its defeat-dogged people. The Sina-Allied agreement, fore- southwest. It raises, as never before shadowing heavy air blows at Nippon the spectre of many-fronted defen. and its sea transportation arteries sive war for Nippon's masters. That from the west, comes at a time when too, at a time when Allied air; sea there are obvious preparations to and ground power in the Europear redouble the attdck by sea, aiu and theatre is being applied with telling ground from the east and in the effect against Germany's flanks l17 A KHAKI 'PAPER DOLL': Sinatra May Sing New Tune; Receives I -A Classification TON ITE By JEAN SMALL NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-(A)- Get out the sackcloth and ashes, ladies, Frank Sinatra has been classified 1-A. But the swooner-crooner, owner of those intimate and melting tones which make the girls squeal and moan, thinks there won't be any mass mourning if he goes into ser- vice. "I don't think anyone will miss me much," he said, modestly, today in an interview, "-except my family." The 26-year-old Sinatra, who has been virtually mobbed by women at almost every appearance, whether on streets, on trains, in Hollywood, New York or elsewhere, laughed when someone suggested the girls might be a little upset if he were inducted. "Oh, it won't be that bad," he said. "My wife, Nancy, is a little disturbed, but I guess that's a woman's pre- rogative. I feel about it as any ordi- nary person would, I guess. Not too bad. I'm not going to worry about it." There's no particular branch of service he prefers, Sinatra continued, and he does not necessarily want to get into Army entertainment, he said. Does he want to continue his ca- reer when the war is over? "Oh, definitely," declared Sinatra, and the melting tones were very firm. He also lists among his post-war ambitions the management of a top- flight boxer, preferably a light- weight. Frankie himself, it has been said, is pretty good with the boxing gloves. The blue-eyed, brown-haired sing- ing idol does not know when he will take his final physical, but until then he wants to continue his work as usual. Sinatra, who lives in Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., has a three-and-a- half-year-old daughter, Nancy, and said he expects another child about Christmas time. "I hope it's a boy," he added. He has had his screening physical examination already and was listed for induction with the first group of pre-Pearl Harbor fathers to be called up by his local board. He may be called to meet the board's mid-De- cember quota, Ira W. Caldwell, board chairman, said. Las Tme Last Times Today! War Bonds BOGAlRT "SAHARA " Issued Herel from 1 P.M I Continuous lil University Grill OPEN TONIGHT Coming Sunday 4f/ (Buitshe shows': him some new man-trapping techniques FRANK ROSS pa. EANT WrVM MICH IGAN Starting SUNDAY