~A'1'J1RflAV W _ So nl'd-.£,, AFR THE U XI1I fv'A N LA V .. 11. ~. L.A . ~ ~.a - A .1.V _: A Ax u VA w a,. AA A'%Y 1 !l 11 AJr A:__.. L I P is Fifty-Fourth Year. I .- P'dRather Be Right By SAMUAL GRAFTON _ r I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN NEW YORK, Feb. 19.-Our attitude towardI the Germans should not be that we propose to solve their problems but that we have no solu- tions and intend to leave them unsolved. This may seem heartless, but it is also honest. For, in actual fact, we have no solutions. We have a solution only for our own problem, which is to smash the fascist power. Our solution of our own problem will necessarily leave all man- ner of loose ends dangling. Where shall Ger- many sell her goods? Who shall run whatever Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. -Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rer $4,25, by mal $5.25 Memb&, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial Staff Marion Ford . . . . Managing Editor Jane Farrant . . Editorial Director Claire Sherman . . . City Editor Marjorie Borradalle . . . . Associate Editor Eric Zalenxski . . ... Sports Editor Bud Low . .. Assocate Sports Editor Harvey Frank . . . Associate Sports Editor Mary Anne Olson . . . Women's Editor Marjorie Rosmarin . . Ass't Women's Editor Hila Slautterback. . . . Columnist Doris Kuentz . . . . . Columnist Busincss Staff Molly Ann Winokur . . . . Business Manager Elizabeth Carpenter . Ass't Bus. Manager Martha Opsion . . Ass't Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR : LOUISE COMINS ldit/orals litIblished in The Michigan Daily are written by Yncmhers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. INcONSISTENT: Method Used in ASTP Elidnation DenoUnCed rWo WEEKS AGO when Secretary Stimson commented on the rumor regarding the elim- ination of the ASTP program, he said that there would be a gradual reduction of the program but that there would be no complete elimination of the program. .ast night he gave out information of quite a Oitferent nature. According to his latest fig- ures, 110,@00 of the 140,000 studying under the ASTVP program will be transferred to other field b April 1. On Dec. 13, Col. Rogers announced to the men stationed here that a 10 per cent reduction in the program had been ordered, but that "this -wil not affect the men stationed on campus, as far as I know." At that time he advised the men to stick to their 'hooks until more definite information was received. However, no group of men could possibly be expected to study a subject with maximum efficiency at the same time that they wer being urre.unded by rumors that they would soon be transferred and that this sub- jeot would be of no use to them in the later military dutites they would be called upon to per form. This decision by the War lDepartent could not have been a sudden one. They have finally released their plans to the public but BEFORE the Army units affected were given any official wvord. The. Army has indeed reached a sad state of affairs when a commanding officer has to real his morning paper to find out what is going to happen to his unit. -Doris Peterson TAKE STOCK": Negroes Do Na4 Ictu c r 114ERE are (wo views to take this week in connection w ith ''National Negro History Week" which is being celebrated throughout the country. One is to the past in viewing the tre- mendous stride %Nhich have been accomplished in the history of the Negro race in our own coun- try and elsewhere: the other vi(w is to the future and the much greater st rides that must be taken. Especially at a time wvhlen a war is being waged; against all he philosophies of race su- periority whic, roe aTlicting the world, the implications of such a week are tremendous. It presents an oppo'rtuiuly to responsibility for each of us to examine his own past actions and pre.iudices and see how closely they co- incide with our democratic theories. This war has Jarred many people from their traditional narrowness. brought them to the reahzation that iere are Negro citizens wvho are fighting this war Just as desperAely as any- one else. But it is a double struggle for them because they are fighting for something that is not as yet. a perfect realit y. This democratic equality for all men is not an acluality. If it v're ('it ou ne e ne ry for the WLB to order several coppe'1 compalies to cease racial discrimina tion in the-ir wae practices. If it.,n a tvr- a nnol n .1.;Jcfn llE ,I nnp- "EVERYBODY here is busy, but never doing anything. Everyone seems to be in a hurry, but if you ask him where he's going, he doesn't know." Comments by Sgt. Yankoff, Co. A, Am- erican citizen from Hawaii, in the United States for the second time. To him America is the best country in the world, a place where you aren't forced to do things, where you decide for yourself what time you shall work and what time you shall play. If t-hese things }vere true, Sgt. Yankoff, we would have no reason to be in a hurry. But now all we can hope for is to make them cone true before you start looking in the dirty corners of America, and under the carpet. Because they happened to sail on a certain Zhip that was following its charted course, 1,000 men--one thousand men-died. Because it was a troop ship, and because there is an enemy whose ,iob it is to send submarines to sink ships, because we are fighting a war one thousand men died so quickly. They all would have died in time ..yes, but why did this have to be the time and the place, before they had fulfilled their lives .'. We are in a hurry, Sgt. Yankoff, to defeat fascism, and more, to defeat war. And there are those of us who saw, years ago, that this war could have been avoided, and fascism de- feated, by passing legislation: outlawingfiter national cartels between monopoly producers who kept production low and limited the use of new discoveries; refusing to sell oil and scrap to Japan when she was already advanc- ing into China; applying sanetions o Italy when she invaded Ethiopia; lifting the embargo on goods to Spain when she Was fighting alone to defeat fascism . . . These are the people who are bitterly pulling, pushing, fighting, demand- that fascism be defeated now, quickly, and then that the causes of fascism and of war be elim- inated. The greatest country in the world- which in 1929, boom times, left idle twenty billion dollars worth of its potential capacity. Which in '33, bad imes (when banks were failing by the thousands for lack of backing), used less than sixty billion and left idle forty billion dollars worth of pos- sible production . . . (Brookings Institute). ONE-THIRD of us are ill-housed, ill-clothed, ill-fed . . . figures so often quoted they don't hit us any more, or force us into building hous- ing projects, lowering the price of farm goods, aiding the farmers, and quickly. But when we say, in the winter month of February, that, even before the war-boom housing shortage, in 64 large American cities half the houses had no furnace or boiler heating systems, that 85 per cent have no mechanical refrigeration, that one- fourth have no bathtub or shower, no -gas or electricity for cooking. That one out of seven metropolitan houses has no indoor toilet . .? (U.S. Dep't of Commerce inventory.) You will see, Sgt. Yankoff, one and a third million children under 17 years, working . . and 500,000 more laboring on farms, all underr 16. (1940) Pursuing happiness? going to the movies when they wish? And having no chance to vote out of office those legislators who Thursday side-stepped and thus defeated Michigan's chance to stand against child labo If you have lived long enough, you have seen unemployment-one and a half million out of work in 1920, four million in '21, two million in '27, amost that number in '29. And eight million, seven thousand in 1931, fFi- TEEN MILLION IN 1933 . . . every ninth citi- zen denied the right to his only important private property, his .job. (National Industrial Conference Board.) And if you live tomorrow, you will see one million unemployed this year, eight million in 1945, five and a half million in '46, four and a half million at the beginning of '47. (Conference on Postwar Readjustmnent of Civilian and Military Personnel.) . . .Unless we hurry. And if you read the chart you will see that this is not tie first time: at least once every decade since 1802, there has been a depression. It is a long list, brief stateient of a nation's failure to provide for its people . . . Not to pro- vide the luxuries of education and free speech, But the very simple comforts you spoke of, Sgt. Yankoff . . . good food, soft beds, warm clothing. If we all faced depressions equally, if all chil- dren worked, if all of us were unemployed, we governing functions we leave to the Germans? Who shall teach in the German schools? It seems like a formless and uncomfortable future for Germany; it is prickly with questions. To leave the Germans thus, naked on the side of the moon, facing reality, facing ultimate res- ponsibility for their own futures; this should be our attitude, our only attitude toward them. For there is no educational process we could devise for them vWhich would be half so rich as to compel them to fill in. for themselves, the empty spaces of the unknown future that gapes before them. WHY GIVE THEM A SLOGAN? - If we set up a complicated plan for the Ger- mans, complete down to democratic indoctrin- ation in the kindergartens, then We give the Ger- mans sometlhing to fight; we give their, in effect, a rallying point; we give them slogans. The new German leaders will then not have to have plans of their own; it will be enough to be against our plan. For this and other reasons, I would give the Germans no plan at all, beyond the merest police surveillance; I would give them a round, rife nothing, and bid them fill it in. Perhaps, under these challenging pressures, it will occur to them that they had better con- Vince is that there are two kinds of Germans, "good" and "bad." If so, it is their problem to I make us believe that. It is not up to us to dis- entangle one kind of German from another; it is up to the Germans to disentangle them- selves, possibly by making a revolution before the War ends. It is not the United Nations' job to solve all German problems; it is up to the Germans to solve the United Nations problem. Let -us say the war ends, and they have made no revolution. Very well, we continue our same challenging attitude. (It is one of its merits that it is equally serviceable for war or peace.) We occupy Germany, concentrating on our military safety. That is our problem, and we will solve it. The Germans will have shown a certain incapacity by not removing their own top fascist leadership. We accept this German demonstration of incapacity. We dissolve German state organs, and we police Gthe erma" nation. No, not the German nation; for it is no longer a nation; xte police the German land. If the Germans want a- nation, it is up to them ,to invent one. I CET T HEM MAKE OFFERS What about foreign trade? What about schools? If these questions pinch, let the Ger- mans meet, let them talk, let them sit in their rooms and stare at reality; let them make offers. It is not up to us 'to specify the size of the postage stamps in Utopia. It is for the Germans to grapple with the future, if they want a'future. Should they choose to play silly games, to flaunt nationalist flags, as they did last time, we shall take appropriate measures to prove to them that such exercises are not solving their problem. It will be seen that this approach is neither "hard" nor "soft." It is profoundly democratic, in the sense that it concedes that what people do is important, that their decisions and actions really matter. We avoid the absurd postulate that we know the answers. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 84 All notices for the blaily Official Bul-- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 pn. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Required Hygiene Lectures for Women-1944: All first and second semester freshman women are re- quired to take the hygiene lectures which are to be given the second seiester. Uppercass students who were in the University as freshmen and who did not fulfill the require- ments are required to take and satis- factorily complete this course. Enroll for these lectures at the time of regular classification at Waterman Gymnasium. These lectures are a graduation requirement. Section No. I: First Lecture, Mon- day, March 13, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Subsequent Lectures, Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Rack- ham Auditorium; Examination (fin- al), Monday, April 24, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium. Section No. II: First Lecture, Tues- day, March 14. 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15 - 5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Examination (final), Tuesday, April 25, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium. Margaret Bell, M.D. Health Lectures for Men: The re- quired series of Health Lectures for Freshman men will be given in Rm. 35, Angell Hall, at 5:00 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m., March 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 14. Successful completion of this series of lectures is required of all men students except those who have en- tered the University with two years of advanced standing. Freshmen and other men students - who for any reason have failed to complete this requirement for grad- uation are asked to do so during the coming series. The Automobile Regulation will be lifted from 12:00 noon on Saturday, Feb. 26 until 8:00 a.m. on Monday, March 6. Identification Cards: All students who attended the University during the Summer or Fall Terms are re- quested to bring their identification cards with them when registering for the Spring Term. Office of the Dean of Students Choral Union Members are re- minded to call for their courtesy passes to the concert of Ezio Pinza, between the hours of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4, on the day of the concert, Monday, March 6 (first day of .the second term) at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Meihorial Tower. Dormitory Directors, Sorority Chaperons and House Heads: Closing hours for undergraduate women will be 11 p.m. on Feb. 28, 29, March 1 and 2. Closing hours will be 12:30 a.m. as usual on Fridays and Satur- days, exedpt for'those attending the Vietorly Ball,:when the closing hour will be 2:30 a.m The closing hour on Sundays will be 11 p.m. Notice to All Fraternities: The In- terfraternity Executive Committee at its meeting on Feb. 15, 1944, fined three fraternities for pledging men not registered with the Interfrater- nity Council as required by the "Rushing Rules for the Duration." It also levied a fine of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per man on all houses who pledged an independent man or men living in the house at- the time of pledging. This is strictly against the Interfraternity Council's rules. All men interested in the Inter- fraternity Council, and desiring to petition for the job of Secretary-i Treasurer for the coming term should have their petitions in the IFC office, 306 Michigan Union, by March 10, 1944. Men must be Juniors. The Sureau has received an- nouncement of examinations for the class of Technical Aid and Junior Engineer. They will be given daily in Detroit (Monday through Satur- day) until further notice. Examina- tions will be conducted hn Lansing and Ann Arbor on some date con- venient for the majority. The Technical Aid class requires completion of three years in and preferable graduation from a uni- versity with specialization in the fieltl which includes social sciences,; public administration, psychology, mathematics or statistics. In addi- tion, ability to type with consider- able speed and accuracy and to re- port and transcribe moderately com- plex dictation. For further details stop in at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. The United States Civl Service Commission announces the need for Substitute Railway Postal Clerks for War Service appointments Basic salary: $1,850 for a 40-hour week. An additional day s pay weekly un- der the present 48-hour work week. Applications must be on file not later than Feb. 29, 1944. For com- plete announcement stop in at the Bureau of Appointments. The Bureau has received an- nouncement of the following: State of New York-Dept. of Civil Service, County Job opportunities for: Senior Account Clerk,,$85/mo., Chautauqua County resident. Rockland County residents, Janitor, $1.300 to $1,600/yr. and Radio Operator, $1,500 to $1,800! yr. Westchester County residents. Laboratory Stock Clerk. U.S. Civil Service Commission: Graduate Nurse, Panama Canal Ser- vice, $168.75/mo. plus overtime, other Federal Agencies, $1,800/yr. plus overtime. Graduate Nurse Trainee, $1,620/yr. plus overtime. For further details see the com- plete announcements in the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. A ca d emic Notices Examination Schedule: Wednes- day, Feb. 23, 2-4 p.m. English 1: Bertram .................205 MIH Bredvold .................3017 All Calver ...................2003 Al-I Davis ....................2235 AU;J Eisinger .................. 2082 NS Engel..................) Haven E c a Speech 156: Hours of meeting in spring term to be arranged. Organi- zation meeting Monday, March 6, 7 p.m., Rm. 2006 Angell Hall. Botany I Final Examination: Thursday, Feb. 24, 8-10 a.m. Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. All graduating seniors who are registered with the Bureau of Ap- pointments please check with us about your records if you have not already done so. Do we have your home address? Are you available for employment now? Stop in at 201 Mason Hall. The Hopwood Bulletin, page 9, paragraph 18, reads: In particular or irregular cases the committee may, upon petition. waive particular parts of these rules, but no petition will be received by the committee after. March 1, 1944. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Ezio Pina, Bass, with Gibner King, accompan- ist, will give the tenth program in the Choral Union Series Monday, March 6, at 8:30 p.m. (first day of the second term) in Hill Auditorium, Exhibitions Exhibit: Museum of Art and Ar- chaeology, Newberry Hall. The Ar- thur G. Cummer Memorial Collection of Arms. March 5-19. Week days, 9-5: 7:30-9:30. Sundays, 3-5. Events Toda y Roger Williams Guild: Meet to- night at the Guild House for a tobog- gan party. The group will leave the house between 8:30 and 9:00. Wesley Foundation: Open House tonight at 8:30 o'clock for all Metho- dist students and servicemen and their friends. Coming Events Organ Recital: Carl Weinrich, guest organist from Wellesley Col- lege, will be heard at 4:15 p.m., Sun- day, Feb. 20, in Hill Auditorium, in a program of compositions by Han- del, Buxtehude, Bach, Mozart, Jep- son and Hindemith. The public is invited, professor William IH. Hobbs will speak on "Truk, and the oter Japa- nese Fortresses of the South Pacific" at the International Center on Sun- day, Feb. 20, at 7:30 p.m. The lecture will be accompanied with slides taken by Professor Hobbs. Exhibit of Photographs of the Southwest Pacific; Lt. Walter Pleiss, Jr., will exhibit his pictures of Fiji, New Caledonia and the Solomon Is- lands at the International Center Sunday evening, Feb. 20, under the auspices of the International Center Camera Club. Roger Williams Guild: Mrs. Leslie' E. Swain, president of the Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission, will speak at the Sunday evening meeting at .5:00 p.m. Her topic will be "Earning Big Dividends." Churches Everett Fletcher Fogle. Greenhut Hawkins Helm ... Morris Ogden Pearl Rayment Rowe. Schenk Thorpe Warner Weaver Weimer Wells ... Williams English 2 Calver Fogle ... Millar ... Nelson Ohlsen Taylor ..................229 AH .................E Haven .1035 AH 4003 AH .. .... . ..2231 AH ..................2203 AH ...-............. 18 A H .G Haven ................ 2016 A .........205 MH . . . . . . . . . , . .. 3011 . ........3017 ........ 2203 . ..........2225 ...........2215 ... 4203 ....,......2235 .. .......... 102 AHl AHU AlI AlH AUH AUl AU Ec AHI AHl NS AUl NS AUH ..2003 ..1035 .................2082 ..209 .................1121 . ............ 2013 could solve the problem, united. But the truest way to draw America's economic set-up is to draw two pyramids, one right side up, the other standing on its head. For today 21.5 per cent of American families get 3.8 per cent of the natinaI income; and 2.3 per cent of Am- crican families get 28.0 per cent of the .na- tional income. (Brookings Institute). Not only the pyramid, but our whole economy is standing on its head. This is why we hurry. But if youhaven't time for figures, Sgt. Yank- off, and if you won't have a chance to look around the country . . . then look on your book- shelf, not for the elusive great American novel . . . but look at the books Americans write about America. At "Emperor Jones" and "The Hairy Ape," at "You Have Seen Their Faces." "Uncle Tom's Children," "Grapes of Wrath," at "Jake j Home," "Waiting for Lefty." "Union Square," "Industrial Valley," at "The Jungle," and "Flivver King," and "FOB Detroit," at "Jews Without - Money," "What Makes Sammy Run," 'Emer Gantry." And look at "Sabotage," and "Under Cover." Or go up to the newsstand and see the other side of things: in "The -Chicago Tribune," printed daily in many editions, the "New York Daily News" or the "Washington Times-1er- ald."fIn the Hearst press, and some of Scripps- howard. And, on the street corners of Detroit, watch them sell "The Cross and the Flag" . published by the Ku Klux Klan. We can't settle these things before you get back from defeating foreign fascism, Sgt. Yank- off . . . and that's why you have -to understand why we are in a hurry, and why you've got to work with us when you take off your mud- stained, blood-stained khaki . . . work to keep blood and fear off denim overalls and black work pants, and off dimity aprons. German Department Room Assign- ments for final examinations, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25: German I-Gaiss (2 sections) & Winkelman: 205 Mason Hall; Van- Duren and Copley: 2225 Angell Hall; Diamond, Reichart & Philippson : 35 Angell Hall; Eaton and Courant: 1035 Angell Hall. German 2-Winkelman (2 sec- tions): 2003 Angell Hall; Gaiss, Phil.. ippson & Willey: 2054 Natural Sci- ence. German :31-all sections: D Haven Hall. Ge'mami 32-both se;tions: 301' Angell Hall. 'Roon Assignments, Fial Exams in Math., College of L.S.anzdA.: In general classes will use their regular rooms for final examinations. In the following cases, however, classes will use the rooms specified: D _ i Anning ........Math. 7 Anning ........ Math. 13 Bradshaw-......Math.11 Craig ...... ...Math. 53 Dwyer .......Math,1111 Dwyer......--Mim 13 Eilenberg Math. 7 Losh ..........Mati. 7 Raiford ........Math. 14 2013 A.H. 2029 A.I. 20 03 All. 2203 A,. 3011 A. H. '3011 A :H. 3010 A.U. 2235 A.H. 2013 A.H. Sociology 51: Final examination for all sections Saturday, Feb. 26, 8-10 a.m. The room arrangement is as followvs. 1025 Angell Hall--Carr, Hawley and Myers; Natural Science Auditorium-Holmes, Ostafin and Bouma. Sociology 54: Final ,x:amination for all sections ''hursd' y, Feb. 24., 8-10 a.m., Rm. C, Haven hall. y Political Science 1 and 2: Make-up examination for conflicts in exami- nation schedule (by permission only), Thursday, Feb. 24, 10:30-1 12:30, Rm. 2037 A.H. English 31, Sec. 7: The final ex- amination will be given in Rm. 22311 A.H. instead of 3209 A.H., Wednes-I day, Feb. 23, 8-10. Final Examination for History 116 will be held in Rm. G, Haven Hall, instead of in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall, on Friday, Feb. 25, 8:00-10:0. Political Science 1: Final Exaimin- ation, Monday, Feb. 21, 8:00-10:00 a.m. Lecture Group A (sees. 1-4, inc. -Rm. 1025 A.H. Lecture Groun First Methodist Church and Wes- lcy Foundation:. Morning worship Brashares will preach on "Victorious Living," Wesleyan Guild meeting be- ginning with supper at 5 o'dlock. The concluding discussion in the series "What I Bielieve" will begin at 5:45. Then eeting will end with a worship service. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw. Worship service Sun- day at 11:00. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Christ's Victorious Battle." Ann Arbor Friends Meeting (Quak- 1 ers): Regular meeting for worship at 5:00 p.m. in Upper Room, Lane Hall. Monthly business meeting at 6:00. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples) : 11:00 a.m., morning worship. The Rev. J. Leslie French will be guest speaker. 5:00 p.m., Guild Sun- day Evening Hour. The Congrega- tionial-Disciples Guild will meet at tie Guild House for a service of wor- ship. Asocial hour and refreshments will followv.T First Presbyterian Church, Wash- tenaw. 10:45 a.m, Morning worship. Subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon will be "Man's Other Religion." At 5:00 p.m. the Student Guild supper and fellowship hour.. This will be fol- lowed by a talk by Dean Erich Wal- ter, continuing the discussion of "Building a Christian Home." His topic will be "The First Year of Mar- riage." All students cordially invited. Grace Bible Fellowship, Masonic Temple. 327 South Fourth Avenue, Harold J. DcVries, Pastor. 10 a.m., University Bible Class. Ted Groes- boat fp-am.11 9,m ww rd _rai- I BARNABY A washout, m'boy. I'm rushing to Congress to see about the gret. O'Malley Dam. I assured oil my I didn't think it would be a very good fight. . With both fighters invisible, no wonder it was a- Had everyone on fhe edge of his seat! Envisioning the gory struggle taking place in what By Crockett Johnson W o And then, o a most - exciting moment in the fourteenth-the I L- II I I r