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November 06, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-06

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a iI




vote Is 85-5
In Favor of
U.S. Pledges Itself
To Participation in
Post-War Planning
By The Associated Press
'WASHINGTON,Nov. 5.- The
United States Senate voted over-
w helmingly today to, back up the
Moscow Four-Power Declaration for
an international organization to keep
the world at peace..
The vote was 85 to 5 in favor of a
post-war policy resolution sponsored
by the Foreign Relations Committee.
It climaxed two weeks of debate that
frequently sparked with anger in
arguments over the part this coun-
try should play in the affairs of the
world after war.
The opposition votes came from
Senators Johnson (Rep.-Calif.), Lan-
ger (Rep.-N.D.), Reynolds (Dem.-
N.C.), Shipstead (Rep.-Minn.) and
Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.).
Connally Motion Passes
As the final vote was announced
Senator Lucas (Dem.-Ill.) shouted,
"This is the end of a glorious day in
the Senate of the United States."
"Through this declaration of good
faith," he told the crowded chamber,
"the Senate of the United States as
now constituted advises the world
that it is ready to assume its respon-
sibility in helping chart, a course
which will bring a lasting peace to
the suffering peoples of a tortured
By its vote to the Senate caught
up with the Moscow Declaration be-
teen the United States, Britain,
Russia and China which was an-
nounced last Monday-settling many
tdf the questions over which the
chamber had argued for a week.
As finally adopted, this Is, the
heart of the adopted resolution au-
thored by Chairman Connally (Dem.
-Tex,) of the Foreign Relations
Powerful Resolution
"Resolved: . . . that the United
States, acting through its constitu-
tional processes, join with free and
sovereign nations in the establish-
ment and maintenance of interna-
tional authority with power to pre-
vent aggression and to preserve the
peace of the world.
"That the Senate recognizes the
necessity of there being established
at the earliest practicable date a
general international organization,
(Continued on Page 6)
Ann Arbor War
Chest Passes
Half-Way Mark
53 Percent of Total
Subscribed; Chairman
Sure Goal Will Be Met
With the Ann Arbor Community
War Chest Drive well past the half-

way mark on its $127,539 goal, Earl
H. Cress, campaign chairman, an-
nounced late last night that "re-
ports filed today are large both in
number and amounts."
Yesterday morning 53 per cent of
the total amount had been sub-
scribed, and the campaign commit-
tee is confident that the goal will be
met. Workers in all divisions re-
doubling their efforts throughout the
day turned in many reports.
The University goal was set at
$20,000, and latest reports show that
$11,037 has been collected so far.
Servicemen stationed on the cam-
pus were eager to contribute al-
though they were not originally so-
licited, Walter A. Geske, executive
secretary of the Community Fund,
stated. They are making their
pledges through the University Divi-
Latest figures on the University
Hospital indicate that $2,315.40 of
the $5,000 goal for this division has
been collected. Mrs. A. C. Fursten-
berg, co-chairman of special gift so-
licitation in the University Hospital
division, reported that the response

pproves New

-+= = =

Coal Wt
v Passes



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Overw eImingI

Indiana Plays
Here Before
Small Crowd
Bo McMillan's Team
Made Up Entirely of
Civilian Players
Only 25,000 fans are expected to
be on hand today when once beaten
Michigan, pursuing its first Big Ten
title since 1933, clashes with air-
minded Indiana in a game starting
at 2:30 p.m. (EWT) in Michigan's
giant stadium.
The Hoosiers, one of the best ofj
the nation's civilian squads, will be
Michigan's biggest obstacle on its
race for the Conference crown, for
the Wolverines are expected to con-
quer their two remaining foes, Wis-
consin and Ohio State, with more or
less ease.
The game will feature the battle
between one of the best service-
aided teams in the country, Michi-
gan, and the civilian Hoosiers. The
Maize and Blue are favored but In-
diana's freshman backfield is expec-
ted to give the Wolverine defenders
an interesting afternoon.
This Is Eleventh Meeting
This will be the 11th clash between
the two schools, with Michigan hav-
ing a great edge over the lads from
Bloomington, having taken eight of
the eleven previous battles.
This will be Michigan's first game:
since the departure of Bill Daley and
Merv Pregulman, its leading ground
gainer and best defensive lineman
respectively, and its secnd game
since Capt. Paul White left for Par-
ris Island, but the Wolverines will
(Continued on Page 3)
U.S. Fifth Nears
Rome; German
Lines Broken
By The Associated Press
GIERS, Nov. 5.-Halfway to Rome'a
from its bloody Salerno beachhead,
the American Fifth Army streamhed
through shattered German defenses
to the flooded mouth of the Garig-3
liano River on the Mediterranean to-
day, while the hard-driving British t
Eighth Army slashed on toward thee
enemy's main supply lifeline to the
Trigno River sector on the Adriatic.
American troops were fighting on1
the heights overlooking Venafro, a1
central anchor of the Nazis' collapsed
Massico Ridge line, and the city's
fall was believed imminent. All alongl
the Fifth Army front German troopst
were falling back under continuous,1
heavy pressure toward their next
stand along the Aurunci mountain:
(DNB, German news agency, an-1
nounced that Nazi troops had evac-
uated Venafro.)
Hope was revived that Allied forces
would fight their way into Rome, now
only 75 miles away, by Christmas or1
New Year's.J
After days of savage fighting, in
which numerous Nazi tank-led coun-
terattacks were repulsed, Gen. Sir
Bernard L. Montgomery's Eighth
Army captured the heavily-defended
town of San Salvo near the mouth
of the Trigno yesterday, an Alliedc
communique announced.
The enemy's current efforts since
being thrown from Massico Ridget
and San Croce mountainappears toe
be concentrated on reaching the Aur-
unci Mountains rather than in mak-

ing a stand along the Garigliano Riv-
er. Relentless Allied bombings of1
bridges across the stream the last
two days have given the Germans
plenty of difficulties in effecting an{
orderly withdrawal.
* * *
Eisenhower Sees Defeatr
Of Germany in Sight
GIERS, Nov. 5.-(,P)-Gen. Dwight1
D. Eisenhower assured American mil-

Indiana's 'liunchy' Plays Mere Today 'ELYSE HAS FAITH'
Har imarn E

Moscow Pact
One Point Is
lily Is Reunited Left Open to
ws of Son Tom O


Awaiting Ne
The Harmon family is reunited t
day for the second time in eigI
months to await news of the famo
All-American gridiron hero who h
been reported missing over Chi
since October 30th.
In the second day of what Tom
brother, Harold, termed a "not
funny double-feature" Mr. and Mr
Louis A. Harmon were joined at the
Ann Arbor home by four of Tom
brothers and sisters. Mrs. Mary Cox
sidine and Mrs. Sally Jensen, t
married sisters, arrived from Gar
Ind., last night, and Louis, Jr., an
Harold rushed here fromtheir jo
in Detroit and Akron.
A third brother, Lt. William Ge]
Harmon, was unable to leave h
post at Cochran Field, Macon, G
where he is stationed as an air forc
Elyse Knox, Tom's Hollywood sta
let girlfriend, sent a telegram to h
parents expressing her faith in h


Bobby Hoernschemeyer, the Hoosier's freshman backfield star, who
is rated as one of the finest offensive football players this season, will
be throwing his passes against the Maize and Blue today.
New Allied Pact A ims
tfBlow at Japan
U.S., Britain, China Hold Conference atI
Chungking To Map Far Eastern Attack

WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-(P)-In a

the southwest :Pacific is in its

momentous conference at Chung- phases. He said that in atta(
king, American. British and Chinese B.ouganville Island the Ame:
militarymen have reached complete forces are getting set to knock
agreement on the conduct and supply Rabaul, the key Japanese base in
of continental operations against the Rhol, aneslibaed
P whole area. Once it is liquidate
Japanese, President Roosevelt an- intimated, more massive blows
nounced today. follow but meantime the men u
Mr. Rooseveilt told his press-radio General Douglas MacArthur and
conference that the conference was miral William Halsey are succes
extremely successful but he could not ly pursuing the strategy of whit
go into details. down the Japanese sea and air fo
He did say that among those at- 2. Said that the Moscow con
tending was Admiral Lord Louis ence's decisions made no chang
Mountbatten, the Allied Supreme the status of General George C.A
Commander in southeast Asia. This shall, the Army Chief of Staff. (T9
suggested that the conference was have been reports that Marshal]
primarily concerned with coordina- been selected to direct an invasi
tion of all forces for the reconquest of Europe by American and Br
Burma. troops based in the British Isles
In other discussions of the war, the _
1. Indicated that the island-hop- 1g 1 Battles n
ping stage of American operations in
rr- U7T01!Pacific Hinted

,d, he
ge in
l has
on of

Flank Kiev in
Slashing Assault
Moscow Announces
Eleven Other German'
Strongholds Taken
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 5.-Soviet forces,
launching anew the biattle for kiev,
capital of the Ukraine, swung around
the historical cathedral city and
flanked it on the west today, cut-
ting the main highway to Zhitomir,
and simultaneously smashed directly
down from the north into the north-
ern suburbs.
Eleven German strongholds, in-,
eluding the suburb of Priorka, three
miles north of Kiev, fell before the
slashing Russian offensive, Moscow
announced in its daily communique.
It was an advance of 16 miles south-
ward from Dimer, reported captured
yesterday by the Russians. Kiev is
now hemmed in on three sides, leav-
ing the Germans an escape route only
to the southeast.
Two-Pronged Attack
Beginning with a fresh assault
Thursday, the Russians attacked from
the east and the north. East of the
city Soviet troops already were only
a few hundred yards from the high
cliffs of the city, with their mortars
and guns emplaced in a marshy
Dnieper River island.
The Germans, meanwhile, ,filed
their answer to Thursday's Moscow
claims of casualties inflicted upon,
them in the Russians' successful sun-
mer and autumn offensives. The
Germans announced the Russians
lost 3,000,000 men in dead, wounded
and prisoners as against the 2,700,000
German casualties announced by the
The Germans, in a Berlin broad-
cast of a DNB dispatch, said Soviet
casualties totalled 1,000,000 men in
the last month with 400,000 of them
in the southern Ukraine. On the
Desna and Sozh River fronts north
of Kiev the Russians lost 200,000
and west of Smolensk 340,000, DNBj
Mr Ra dyI"

eventual return. The telegram read: j
"He did it before and he will do it Ickes, .Lewis Si n
again. Keep your chin up. Elyse." C%~LiW~kl~
Tom was stationed with the 449th Pact; Board Splits
Fighter Squadron at an air base in 11 to I in Final Vote
China about 80 miles north of
Chungking. This is the same area By rThe Associated Press
which was reported the brunt of a WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. -- The
severe Japanese attack on the day WrLbrBadtngtapoe
that Harmon failed to return from War Labor Board tonight approved
ths missonfacordingtoricurno-!the Ickes-Lewis coal wage scale with
eid BsS corespnent who saw a qualification which leaves one point
Tom ten days ago in China, it was still open to possible controversy,
known that General Chennault, nev- The Board split 11 to one on the
er allowed his fighters to go out seven-months old wage dispute which
alone, always demanding that they shut down the nation's mines four
travel in groups of two or more. times at a cost of more than 40.000,-
Severeid is also reported as saying 000 tons of coal.
that not a single pilot has been lost The new wage agreement worked
from Tom's base, and that most of out by John L. Lewis and Interior
them usually showed up in a few Secretary Ickes provides for daily
days, under the care of the Chinese earnings of $8.50, an increase of $1.50
guerillas. over the old contract. The work day
Although Tom had never mention- is also extended by the agreement.
ed any encounters with the Japs in Public Member Dissents
his letters home, he was credited with Public member Wayne L. Morse
two Zeros and concluded his last filed the lone dissent.
letter with "my shooting eye is get- The point which the Board quali-
ting sharp." He was known to be fied deals with the miners who as
flying a P-38 pursuit plane engaged paid by the ton or on some other
in fighter escort work and is report- piecework basis rather than by the
ed to have participated in the Rome hour. The Board said the condition
raids while stationed in Africa. it set forth on this point is to asure
Harmon's first disappearance in conformity with the wage scale it
April of this year, occurred in the proposed for hourly workers in its
jungles of Dutch Guinea. His plane decision on the Illinois Contract last
was forced down in a thunderstorm week.
and Harmon wandered through the Chairman William H. Davis said in
jungle for seven days before being an accompanying statement:
picked up by natives and returned to "The contract signed by Secretary
his base. He was the sole survivor of Ickes and the president of the United
a crew of six. i Mine Workers pays the day rate mine
workers $1,50 for an extra full hour
of work each day. This is what they
H Bom ber x J' would get under the present con-
tract. When corrected for tonnage
wresit will be within the limits of
Force Pounds h k
.ForcePoundsthe national wage stabilization, qoll-
. * cy because the increased daily earn-
0Germ an Cities ings will then all be in payment for
increased production of coal.
Work Halts Four Times
LONDON, Saturday, Nov. 6.-(R)--, kHlsFu ie
LONDN, aturayNov.6.1P)- "Four stoppages of work have oe-
A great force of American heavy curred in this basic industry since
bombers--as large as the record fleet the president of the United Mine
of 700 which hit Wilhelmshaven Wed- Workers announced to the country
nesday-bombed Gelsenkirchen, site that he was going to obtain, for no
of three of the greatest synthetic oil more work, a $2 a day wage increase,
works in Europe, yesterday, and at- more, n $s adlessag f te
tacked the vital railway yards at na more, no less, regardless of the
Muenster. wage stabilization policies of this
With a bountiful escort of Thun- Board.
derbolts and Lightnings swelling the eunder the contract with the Gov-
American formations to upwards of work paid for at the old rate or for
1,000 planes, the Fortresses and Lib-
overtime pay required by the Fair
western German cities during wh Labor Standards Act.
was apparently one of the heaviest
attacks ever made on Germany. Dr.'"a 'a W ill
Possibly 2,000 tons of bombs were l e t w i s q a e
loosed on the two cities, to equal the


Concert W ill
Be Broadcast
Choral Unio Series
To Open Tomorrow

HEADQUARTERS, Saturday, Nov. 6.
-(P)-Presaging heavy naval and
air battles to come, Japan is rushing1
both heavy and light cruisers and1
destroyers down from Truk to Ra-

amount dropped during the ra
Ten heavy bombers, two m
ones, and five fighters were m
from the day's operations, whi
eluded attacks on military t
in northern France and Belgi
The attack on Wilhelmshave
cost five heavy U.S. bombers.
The communique said that "
Fortresses and Liberators in as
a force as the record-breaking
ber which attacked Wilhelms
in daylight Wednesday were e
ed by Thunderbolts and Ligh
throughout the operation."
It previously had been anno
that 700 bombers participatedi
2,000-ton Wilhelmshaven raid
It E l.W

ch in-
n had
in the

aid on
ediumi -

baul in a frantic effort to halt the
Short wave and standard broadcast
Allied drive up the Solomons. Head-
will carry the concert of the Cleve- 1
land orchestra which opens the Cho- quarters disclosed today.
ral Union series, for 94p-44 at 9 p.m. It appeared likely that at least five
such convoys now are southbound
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium to the over the 800 miles from Truk toward
entire world. Kavieng, New Ireland, and Rabaul,
Because of the fact that the con- B
cert willbebodcastthe publichas The largest convoy spotted by Al-
been .equested by the University lied reconnaissance planes included
Musical Society to arrive early -nd be five heavy cruisers, three light crui-
in their seats before the start of. the sers, five destroyers, two corvettes, a]
concert. , whaling ship and three freighters of
For his first Ann Arbor appearence, which one probably is a transport.
Eric Leinsdo-f, newly appointed con- General MacArthur said the Japa-
ductor of the Cleveland Orchestra nese are trying to retrieve the situa-
will present a varied program which tion at Rabaul where American
will feature as its major work Shu- planes in eight raids since Oct. 12
bert's Seventh Symphony. have sunk six destroyers, damaged
Also to be heard is Bach's chorale two heavy cruisers, a destroyer ten-
prelude, "O Haupt Voll Blut und der, a submarine, a submarine ten-
Vunden," -Siegfried's Rhine Jour- der, as well as sunk a considerable

World Public Health
Conference Meets Here
Dr. Thomas Parran, Surgeon Gen-
eral of the United States, will high-
light the morning session of the first
Inter - American and the second
world conference of the Schools of
Public Health beginning Monday in
the auditorium of the new School of
Public Health.
"The Service of the Public Health
Schools to the Nation's Wealth" will
be his topic of discussion.
Other speakers in the morning
session will be Dr. Hugh S. Cum-
ming, Director of the Pan-American
Sanitary Bureau and Dr. G. H. de
Paula Souza, Director of the Insti-
tute of Hygiene in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Japanese Internees
Quelled after Riots
TULE LAKE, Calif., Nov. 5.-()-
Troops with fixed bayonets cooled
the temper of 15,000 rebellious Japa-
nese at this segregation center today
after riots, assaults and destruction
compelled civilian authorities to ask
for military aid.
Tanks, armored cars and hundreds
of troops kept a constant patrol of
the 700-acre barracks city.
Sullen internees watched intently


maor amisut e-:~pt xFu
Of A.M.G. to Forestry Meeting

"As new technique of putting Am-
erican Military Government men in
right behind the invasion forces has
made remarkable strides in getting
the native people adjusted to their
new rulers and straightening out at-
tendant confusion," Maj. W. F.
Ramsdell told a meeting of the Am-
erican Society of Foresters last night.

ed with governing occupied territo-
ry," he continued. "If other countries
know as much about us as we know
about them, thew know a lot," Maj.
Ramsdell said. "Often our informa-
tion is so detailed that we know who
runs the corner saloon in the occu-
pied city."
Maj. Ramsdell is liaison officer be-
tween the office of Provost General

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