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February 18, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-18

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4 i

Snow, Colder.



Allied Troopship Is Sunk;1,000

Are Lost

U.S. Forces Launch First Air Attack of War on Truk

Fleet Aircraft
Smash at Jap
Naval Bastion
Attack Still Under Way;
Pilots Fly over 2,000
Miles of Enemy Water
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, Feb. 17.
-Bold and powerful task forces of
the U.S. Pacific fleet, accompanied by
hundreds of carrier planes, yesterday
launched the first assault of the war
on Truk, Japan's mighty air and
naval base in the Caroline Islands.
Radio Is Silent
The terse announcement today by
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz merely
said the attack had "commenced."
Radio silence was imposed, delaying
the details.
There was no indication that the
operation had terminated, and there
were signs that Truk, 3,495 land
miles southwest of Pearl Harbor,
still might be under bombardment.
Nimitz, supreme commander in the
mid-Pacific, was without details him-
self. That not only demonstrated the
tightness of the radio silence but in-
dicated the attack was not yet ended.
Opposition Not Mentioned
(The communique did not make
clear whether the warships, which
naturaly would accompany the air-
plane carriers, had taken part in the
bombardment. The carriers would
have to approach within probably
200 miles of Truk to release their
There was no report as to what
opposition the task force may have
run into, nor any mention of enemy
counter action..
Marines Made First Flight
In preparation for the stab at Truk
22 daring Marines in two photo re-
connaissance planes flew over the
atoll Feb. 4. They surprised the Jap-
anese and spent 20 minutes there.
To pry the lid off Japan's military
secrets of more than a quarter of a
century, the bold aviators made a'
See TIRUK, Page 2
489 Seniors
T'o Graduate
Degrees will be awarded to 489
graduating seniors at the Univer-
sity's second midyear exercises which
will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
Speaking on "The Debt We Owe,"
Dr. John Hannah, president of Mich-
igan State College at East Lansing,
j will deliver the principal commence-
ment address.
To Give Token Degrees
be traced, this will be the first
As far as University records can
appearance of the head of this insti-
tution at a University commence-
ment ceremony.
Because thejse exercises will be
held before the final examination
period, only token degrees will be
'awarded. When full degree require-
ments are fulfilled after examina-
tions, regular degrees will be award-
All graduates and friends attend-
ing the exercises were reminded yes-
terday by literary college class presi-
dent Burnette Crawford that admis-
sion tickets must be presented at the
Dues Are Payable Now

There will be tickets available for
those who don't have them during
regular office hours today in Rm. 1
University Hall.
Crawford also reminded seniors
that class dues are due and payable
and that the booth in University Hall
will be open between 11 p.m. and
noon and from 2 to 3 p.m. today for
The Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn of
the Zion Lutheran Church will de-
liver the invocation and benediction
at the ceremonies.
Servicemen Among Graduates
Included among the degree candi-
dates are 60 Army-Navy students
who will be presented to President
Alexander G. Ruthven by Col. Fred-
rick C. Rogers, commandant of Army

University Groups Submit
Resolution to Congressmen
Michigan Organizations Voice Disapproval of
Pending Federal Soldier-Vote Legislation
Uniting together in support of a uniform federal ballot for servicemen
and women, campus organizations have drawn up a resolution which will
be sent to Michigan Congressmen and to the majority and minority leaders
of the Senate and House.
The resolution states the groups reasons for supporting a Federal Sol-
dier Vote Bill, and urges all Congressmen to vote for the measure.
The Federal Soldier Vote Bill came up before the House of Representa-
tives again yesterday, after being discussed by a House Conference Com-
mittee. The Eastland-Rankin "states' rights" measure still holds the upper
hand in the House. In the Senate the Green-Lucas Bill, providing for a
uniform federal ballot, still leads the field.
* '' * * * *
Request Fede-ral Ballot
We, the undersigned groups at the University of Michigan, respectfully
request your support of a proper bill which will be effective in giving
every soldier within the United States and overseas an opportunity to vote
in the coming national elections. In our opinion, this can be achieved
only by means of a simplified federal ballot.
Our reasons for believing that a single uniform ballot is necessary to
guarantee the vote of our servicemen are as follows:
1. 48 different ballots would be administratively impossible. In its
most simplified form, a federal ballot will be difficult enough, but it is
the only means by which all the soldiers will be contacted without the
complications which necessarily arise from complying with various state
absentee voting laws.
2. Soldiers overseas are constantly being transferred to different
bases. Unless there is a federal ballot issued to the commanding officer
for each of his men,- many of the -servicemen will never receive their
ballots. Detailed instructions can be issued to each commanding officer
which will insure a secret ballot. Soldiers within the United States may,
of course, vote through their states' absentee voting laws if they so de-
sire, but a federal ballot must be made available for those soldiers within
the country who are stationed too far from home to, comply with state
laws. Since it is not ekpedient to have a federal ballot for both national
and state offices, the national ofIices, because of their greater import-
ance, must necessarily take precedence, and be provided for on a Fed-
eral ballot.
3. The War Department has revealed that it can not handle 48 dif-
ferent sets of state ballots in the mails. A uniform federal ballot would
eliminate much of the congestion in the mails since the names of the
candidates could be wired to such places as England, Australia and
Italy, and the ballots could be printed there.
4. Statistics published by the Department of Commerce, Bureau of
the Census, on the results of the Federal absentee voting law which was
passed for the 1942 elections, prove conclusively that a Federal ballot is
imperative if the soldiers are to vote. These laws provided only for "ap-
plication cards" for war ballots; and left the distribution of the ballots
completely up to the states. Only 137,000 applications were made, and ,
of these 137,000 applications, only 28,000 valid "war ballots" were cast.
This is because the 48 different types of state requirements were too dif-
ficult and cimplicated to fulfill, not only for the servicemen who were -
attempting to vote, but also for the local election officials. It is our duty
to make voting as easy as possible for our servicemen, who are fighting
for their rights and our rights as citizens of a democracy.
We all want the soldiers to vote. The question is: what is the most ef-
fective way to insure their vote? It is our belief, for the reasons given above,
that a uniform federal ballot is the only means by which every serviceman
will be guaranteed his right to vote.

A Chance To Whitewash a Fence

Lucile Genuit plays Tom Sawyer in the operet ,a of the same name, written and produced by Wilson
Sawyer. The miniature folk opera will have its premier March 15 through March 18, including a Satur-
day matinee, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Three soloists from the choir of Company A will also
take part in the production in addition to John Secrist, soloist with the First Congregational Church.
____ <3 *

Great U.S. trmada Blasts Nazi
Onslat ' at Antzio. Beachhead

Approved, February 17, 1944
Hillel Foundation
Inter-Fraternity Council
The Michigan Daily

The, Michigan Union
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Post-War Council

Feb. 17-MP)-The greatest American
aerial armada ever asembled in the
Mediterranean including Flying Fort-
resses and Liberators, blasted Ger-
man troops and defenses today in
support of American and British
troops battling to break up a full-
scale onslaught against the Anzio
beachhead by strongly reinforced
German divisions.
Thousands of Bombs Dropped -
The big four-mptored American
bombers were supported by medium,'
light and fighter-bombers, it was of-
ficially announced. They dropped
thousands of fragmentation bombs
in an action designed to bolster Allied
infantrymen against Field Marshall
Gen. Albert Kesselring's assault.
The number of heavy U.S. bombers
participating in the armada was said
to be nearly twice as great as the
force which swept the skies over
Salerno during the invasion beach-
head last Sept. 14.
The German air force failed to
make any substantial interception.
But the American planes did encoun-
ter heavy anti-aircraft fire. One
enemy plane was destroyed and two
others were damaged.
Carroceto Under Fire
From their positions around Car-
roceto, the Nazis yesterday returned
in force to the offensive after a three-
day lull. They threw squadrons of
tanks into heavy day-long attacks
and German planes bombed and shot
up Allied positions.
British warships joined in the
fight, standing offshore and pouring

broadsides into the attacking Nazis.
Anzio Harbor and its beach were un-
der almost constant fire of German
long-range guns situated in the hills
inland from the beachhead.
German warplanes supported the
attack in unusual force, some 130
sorties being made in the first 12
hours Allied troops and gun positions.
In the same period the Allied air
force flew 1,200 sorties. NinedGer-
man planes were shot down in flames.
Subsidy Bill
Goes toFDR
Expected Veto May Be
Overruled by Congress
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.- ()_
Though confronted by a certain'veto,
expected to reach Capitol Hill tomor-
row, Congress sent to the White
House today an anti-subsidy bill that
President Roosevelt contends would
"black out" wartime food price sta-
bilization and bring about inflation,
The possibility that the veto might
be overridden loomed as the House
completed legislative action on the
bill by a 249 to 118 vote.
It is still a question, however, whe-
ther House subsidy foes can poll as
large a proportionate vote on the
direct issue of overriding a veto.
It is understood Mr. Roosevelt has
his message prepared, and members
were notified to be on hand for its
arrival tomorrow.

Glee Club To
Give Premier
The University Women's Glee Club
will present the premier performance
of a miniature folk opera, "Tom Saw-
yer," written and produced by Wilson
Sawyer and accompanied by a dance
orchestra, Wednesday, March 15
through March 18, with -a Saturday
matinee, in the Lydia Mendelssolmn
Theater, Patty Spore, president of
the glee club, announced yesterday.
By special permission of Capt.
George Spence of Company A, three
soloists from the company choir will
also take part in the production in
addition to John Secrist, soloist with
the First Congregational Church.
Mrs. Clara Gabrolovitch, daughter
of Mark Twain, who wrote the story
from which the operetta is taken,
has given her permission to Sawyer
to produce the operetta and has also
paved the way to have the show pre-
sented at a later date in Detroit 'and
other large cities, the premier being
delegated to Ann Arbor as a special
favor to the author.
Heading the cast is Lucile renuri
who will play the part of Ton Saw-
yer, whose theme son{ is "Does t
Boy Get a Chance To Whitewah a
Fence Everyday?"- Mary Ruth Ac-
ton will portray Huckleberry Finn,
the lad who has found the world's
best remedy for curing warts.
Bobette Ringland will be Becky.
and Jacqueline Bear will play the
See GLEE CLUB, p. 5
World Newm s
tlla Brief
Decisive Period Coming
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-- U)
President Roosevelt and the Navy
gave further indication today that
they expect the year starting next
July 1 to be the decisive period in the
war with Japan.
Nazis Act i iidm l
i STOCKHOLM, Feb. 1.~l-

Sub Attack
I Made
At Night
Ir1agfetly Occurs iln
E- rope-n Waters;
Vessel Siks Rapidly
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17-The ene-
my las sunk an Allied troopship with
the loss of 1,000 soldiers in European
waters, the greatest toll ever exacted
from U.S. convoy forces plying the
The ship, carrying about 2,000
troops, was attacked at night, prob-
ably by submarine. Half the men
were iescued, the Army said.
The announcement gave only bare
details, the Army explaining that the
Giermans probably do not know fully
of the success of the attack. The date
and the location were not revealed.
'European waters" could mean any-
where in that continental area from
Italy through the Mediterranean, off
(-he west coast, the British Isles or
near Norway.
'Military security now permits an-
nouncement of the sinking, due to
enemy action, of an Allied ship car-
rin; troops in European waters on
an undisclosed date," said the brief
"American soldiers in substantial
numbers were aboard the ship, which
was lost at night. In a heavy sea, the
ship sank rapidly and 1,000 men were
reported missing. Rescue efforts -re-
sulted in the saving of about the
same number.
"The emergency addresses of all
who are listed as missing have now
been informed. There is reason to
believe that the enemy does not know
of the results of this attack and
therefore the date is withheld."
Army officials said that no addi-
tional information could be supplied
concerning the ship or the location
of the sinking.
A number of transports have been
lost but never before with such a toll
of American life.
No Suriivor~s Land
)a 1I4ngdish (Coast
LONDON, Feb. 17--Y/P)--A U.
uaval authority in London said to-
night that none of the survivors of
his troopship had been landed in
(This suggests -that the transport
was bound for the Mediterranean,
although it is possible that survivors
were landed in Iceland or returned to
flie western hemisphere.)
Allied Planes
Hit 6 Jap Ships
Supply Convoy Caught
Near Bismarck Islands
18, Friday--(P)-Allied air raiders
have hit six Japanese ships in a con-
voy caught oif Massau Islands, in the
Bismarck archipelago northwest of
New Ireland.
The Allied planes, including heavy
and medium bombers, caught the
convoy Wednesday as it was attemp-
ting to supply beleaguered enemy
garrisons in the Bismarck Islands,
and the attack is continuing, General
Douglas MacArthur's communique
said. The Japanese sent air raiders
against American and New Zealand

troops who have occupied the Green
ishindazcs, in the northern Solomon
Islnds. Six of 15 enemy divebomb-
ci's were downed.
The Allied bonbers dropped 221
tons of explosives on the Rabaul air-
dromes in the raids Monday and
B L ENesday.

Russian Troops Liquidate Ten
Divisions in Ukrainian Battle


LONDON, Feb. 18, Friday-(PI-)-
Premier Marshal Joseph Stalin an-
nounced early today that Russian
troops in the Ukraine had complete-
ly liquidated ten divisions and one
brigade of the Eighth German Army
surrounded near Korsun after a 14-
day battle in which 52,000 Germans
died and 11,000 surrendered.
"The entire German equipment
and war material was captured by
our troops," Stalin said in a trium-
phant order of the day which praised
Gen. Ivan S. Konev, commander of
the second Ukrainian front.
The Soviet Information Bureau, in
a supplementary report broadcast
after the order of the day and re-
corded by the Soviet Monitor, said
only 2,000 or 3,000 German officers
succeeded in getting out of the trap
by transport planes in the "Stalin-
grad manner." Mass suicides, it said,
were observed among German troops
in the last few days.
It was the greatest single disaster
reported sustained by the Germans
since Stalingrad, when 300,000 Ger-
New Lower Phone
Rates Co into Effect

mans were captured a little more
than a year ago by a similar Soviet
encircling operation.
The Germans wiped out were the
force which guarded the last German
hold on the middle Dnieper River-a
precarious corridor in the Cherkasy-
Kanev area.

Veterans Can Get Discharge Pay

Applications for mustering-out pay
may be made by war veterans who
have been discharged or released;
from active duty under honorable
conditions since Dec. 6, 1941, accord-
ing to the War and Navy Depart-
Provisions of Plan
The plan provides for payment of 1
$100 to veterans with less than 601
days' active service; those with act-1
ive service of 60 days or more and
with no foreign service are entitled
to $200, payable in two monthly in-
stallnents of $100; and veterans with

eran is cautioned to write his pre-
sent address on the certificate.
2. Submit an informal type of
certified application on which is
stated his name and address; ser-
vice, serial or file number; that he
was not discharged or released
from active duty to accept employ-
mnent without service outside of the3
United States; that lie is not now
serving on active duty; that he has
not-and will not make any other
application for the mustering-out
payment; the State of which lie
was a resident at the time of in-
duction or enlistment, and whe-

Navy and Coast Guard veterans
must file their applications with the
Field Branch, Bureau of Supplies and
Accounts, Cleveland, 0., while vet-
erans of the Marine Corps, both offi-#
cers and enlisted men, will file their
applications with the Commandant
of the Marine Corps, Washington,
Officers discharged front the
Navy must apply to the Bureau of
Naval Personnel, Navy Depart-
ment, Washington, D.C., and offi-
cers discharged from the Coast
Guard to U.S. Coast Guard Head-
quarters, Washington, D.C.

The Germans are taking step tWASHINGTON, Feb. 17.- P)-
receive important forces in Finn- T'wo tfersons were killed and four
mark, the northermnmost section of injured late this afternoon when a
Norway, leading to a belief they twin-engined Navy transport plane
intend to evacuate the northern crashed neaur Gaithersburg, Md.
Finland front, the newspaper lDag- The Navy Department in confirm-
ens Nyheter said today in a story img the crash said no further details
attributed to private sources, were immediately available. The
m n aues of those killed or injured were
,10 t t'e ea led, pending notification of
Farmers 1(ubject ;0 rhe first of kin.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 17.-- - Three planes of a squadron of six,

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