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February 17, 1944 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-17

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Center To HearI
Dr. Hobbs Talk
On Jap Islands
Professor To Discuss
TIruk, Oilher Mandated
South Pacific Bases
Dr. WiMiA H. Hobbs, professor
emeritus of geology, will discuss Truk
and other Japanese mandated islands
in the Southwest Pacific at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday in the International Center.
In 1921 Dr. Hobbs made a trip
to these islands with the purpose
of studying the growth of moun-
tains. He was permitted to use a
United States mine-sweeper for part
of the trip and His Imperial Japan-
ese Majestiy's cruiser "Yodo" was
dispatched to take him to Truk.
During the cruise the ship met a
typhoon and because of certain de-
fects in her construction she was un-
able to run away from it. Writing
later of this Dr. Hobbs said, "To this
faulty construction of the 'Matsu-
yama Maru' I owe one of the most
interesting and thrillingexperiences
of my life, for few craft have gone
through a typhoon and survived."
During the visit Dr. Hobbs had an
opportunity to observe the islands
closely where he took a number of
pictures. He said yesterday that
Truk has the same weakness as
Pearl Harbor: the harbor entrances
are very narrow. He said that he
will show Sunday how Truk is dif-
ferent from any other group of is-
'47 Corps To Meet
Members of the publicity commit-
tee of the '47 Corps will meet at 4:30
p.m. today in the League, Elaine
Greenbaum, chairman, announced.

Camp us-Wide
Symposium To
Be Held at USO
Minority Peoples To Be
Subjeci of Discussion
By Rei"a rous Leaders
Servicemen, students and towns-
people are invited to attend an sym-
posium on "Minority Peoples in
America-an Appreciation" to be
held at 3 p.m. Sunday at the USO.
Members of three religious faiths,
Jewish, Catholic and Protestant, will
present their views. Speaking for
the Jewish belief will be Prof. Saul
Cohen, member of the physiology
department of the University. Father
John Coogan, professor of sociology
at the University of Detroit, will rep-
resent the Catholics.
The Rev. Joseph Q. Mayne, execu-
tive secretary of the Detroit Round
Table of the National Conference of
Christians and Jews, will present a
Protestant's viewpoint.
The symposium will be followed
by a movie on Chrysler's service to
war production. Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, counselor in religious
education, will preside at the meet-
Vocal Director Named
Pfc. Chester Sargeant will be vocal
director for Company C's musical
comedy, "Bidin' Our Time," rather
than Pfc. Robert Bentley as was
previously announced. The show
which will be given in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre March 9 and 10
includes 17 men from the company
and ten Ann Arbor women. It is
being rehearsed during the free
hours which the men have.

Cassino Monastery Hom bed by Yanks Debate Team
Closes Contests
SFor Semester

Navy Men, Civilians Prepare
For Religious Leadership Posts

This is an inside view of a cathedral inside the ancient monastery of
the Benedictines atop Mount Cassino in Italy which was battered to
destruction by tons of blockbusters heaped on the religious and cultural
landmark by American Flying Fortresses. The Allies were forced to
the destruction of the shrine, which covers 40 acres, when the Germans
made it a bristling fortress. -Associated Press Photo
Mitchell and the Michibomber

Debating on the topic "Resolved:
that the United States should co-
operate in the establishment of an1
international police force upon the
defeat of the Axis," the varsity de-
bate team finished the Inter-Col-
legiate Debate Contest for the term
with a debate Tuesday at Western1
Michigan College of Education in
The squad was under the direction
of Professor Kenneth Hance, depart-
ment of speech, and assisted by a
former member of the debate squad
E. William Muehl, '44L.
Activities for the team started
Feb. 9, when four members debated
before the Catholic Women's Club in
Lansing. Howard Cole, John Con-
dylis, Richard Scatterday and Mar-
tin Shapero presented the question
on the world police force problem.
Squad members have also debated
with the teams at Michigan State
College in East Lansing, Wayne Uni-
versity and Albion College.
During the spring semester the
schedule includes a debate with the
New York University women's debate
team on March 7 as well as debates
with Alma College, Central Michigan
College, Wayne University and oth-
Any student interested in debating
during the spring semester is urged
to contact Prof. Hance early next
Contest Is Today
Using the general topic of "Inter-
American Affairs" a discussion con-
test will be held at 4 p.m. today in
Rm. 4003, Angell Hall.
The debate will be preceded by a
round-table discussion led by Prof.
A. Aiton of the history department.
All sides and phases of the question
will be discussed by the participants.
Following this the debate contestants
will give five minute speeches on any
phase of the question and the win-
ning speech will be chosen to enter
a regional contest.
The contest and discussion will be
open to the public.

Six Navy trainees are planning to
take a pre-theological course in pre-
paring to become chaplains of the
United States Navy, it was disclosed
yesterday at a meeting of civilian
The course, which is prescribed by
the Navy, includes a number of sub-
jects offered by the University in
the Degree Program in Religion and
Ethics. Graduation from this pro-
P rofChevalley
To Lecture on
Prof. Claude Chevalley of Prince-
ton University, here as the Alexan-
der Ziwet Lecturer in mathematics,
will speak on "Local Class Field The-
ory" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Rm.
3011 Angell Hall.
Winner of the Frank Nelson Cole
Prize in the Theory of Numbers,
prize awarded by the American
Mathematical Society every five
years for the most outstanding con-
tribution in the field during the
period, Prof. Chevalley has also pub-
lished several papers in mathemati-
cal journals.
Prof. Chevalley was born indNor-
way and received his higher educa-
tion in France, where he attended
the famed Ecole Normale Superieure.
He wrote his doctoral thesis while
serving in the French army, and was
an active member of the young
French mathematical group which
has had tremendous influence on
the development of modern mathe-
matical thought.
The Institute for Advanced Study
at Princeton invited Chevalley to
come to this country, and in the fall
of 1939 he became assistant professor
at Princeton.
Tomorrow's lecture is the final
lecture in the series of three on field
theory. The second series on "Inter-
section Theory in Algebraic Geome-
try" will be given Monday, Wednes-
day and Friday next week.

gram enables a student to go on for
special training in religious leader-
Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in
religious education, pointed out that
junior or senior civilians whio plan
to follow the Degree Program should
consult him in Rm. 215, Angell Hall.
Listed on the Program are 54
courses in seven departments, includ-
ing English, history, psychology, so-
ciology, language and philosophy.
During the past century the Uni-
versity has graduated an average of
five students per year from the Pro-
gram. More than 450 have become
foreign and national missionaries as
well as teachers and YMCA, YWCA
At the outbreak of the war there
were 67 University graduates working
in China. Included among this num-
ber were leading educators, three of
whom were Barbour Scholars here.
* * *
eniors Offered
Four scholarships are being offered
to graduating seniors interested in
preparing themselves for the minis-
try or for religious leadership, it was
announced yesterday.
Formal application for the Mar-
garet Kraus-Ramsdell scholarship
should be made at the Graduate
School in the Rackham Building.
This award, which is held by James
Terrell at the present time, grants
the student a year of post-graduate
training in religion.
Chicago Theological Seminar will
grant six scholarships of $900 each
for graduate study. All applications
must be made before Feb. 29.
Drew Theological Seminary in
Madison, N.J., also offers a scholar-
ship of $600. Details on the require-
ments may be secured from Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman, Rm. 215
Angell Hall.
The award of $375 which will be
offered again by Yale University is
held this year by Gregor Hileman,

Save electricity to

Editor's note: This is another ad-
venture of Mitchell Bomber, micro-
scopic airplane who is building the
Michibomber carnival, which will take
off Saturday, March 11, in Waterman
Gymnasium. Mitchell, when we last
saw him, was fighting his way out of
a sponge during carnival practice at
the Delta Gamma house.
Mick felt a terrific jar and he shot
out into the open air again. The
sponge had found its mark on the
face of a Delta Gamma, who was
just getting used to having sponges
OnCamputs .
Donors To Register .
Registration for the March blood
bank which will be held at the
WAB March 9 and 10 is taking
place now in Miss McCormick's
office at the Michigan League,
according to Jo Fitzpatrick, chair-
man of the bank.
One hundred women will be
needed as donors for next month's
bank. Parental release slips must
be obtained by women under 21.
Acivity Ilea Ads To /iffeI .- .
The meeting of all war activities'
chairmen of independent women's
houses will be held at 4:30 p.m. today
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
Michigan League and not in the
Council Room as was previously an-
nounced, according to Lee Chaice,
chairman of the program committee
for Assembly Recognition Night.
WAC Will Be ere ...
Sgt. Virginia flay will be sta-
tioned from 1 p.m. to G p.m. every
Wednesday and Friday for the next
month at the Michigan League to
answer all questions women may
have about the WAC.
Until March 1, women who join
the WAC in the Sixth Service Com-
mand which, includes Michigan,
Illinois and Wisconsin may choose
their own base. After basic train-
ing, they will be assigned to duty
either at Camp Grant, Fort Sheri-
dan, Fort Custer or Camp McCoy.
/ V
is sure
Bad Company
Winter weather brings harsh
treatment to sensitive lips But
with a tube of Roger & Gallet
original Lip Pomade in your
pocket, you can laugh at "Sloppy
Just smooth on Lip Pomade's
invisible, soothing film and defy
the climate. There's no safer,
sorer protection against painful
chapping and cracking.
Stop at any drug store and ask
for the handy pocket tube

thrown at her in preparation for the
Sponges were still flying through
the air, so Mick zipped out through
the weather-stripping and headed to-
ward 906 Sylvan, where Dorothy
Tamura, '44, formerly of Pearl City,
Oahu, Hawaii, was practicing a hula
number for the carnival.
As soon as Mick caught sight of
Dottie he went into a tailspin and
nearly crashed, but pulled out of it
in time and landed on a picture wire
to watch the act.
It didn't take Mick long to give
Dottie his most enthusiastic OK, and
he set out toward another \carnival
Iloss To Give
Concert Tonight
Finney 'Duo' To Be
Highlight of Program
Prof. Gilbert Ross, violinist, ac-
companied by Miss Helen Titus,
pianist, .will appear in a faculty
recital at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Featured on the program is Ross
Lee Finney's "Duo for Violin and
Piano," which is being played for
the first time in Ann Arbor. Written
in 1943 and dedicated to Prof. Ross,
the four parts of the composition are
titled "Song," "Dance," "Comment"
and "Conclusion."
Speaking of the composition, Prof.
Ross said, "The music has a strong
rhythmic quality, and a certain
American flavor that contrasts
sharply with the cosmopolitanism of
western European writers. Finney
writes in a fairly advanced idiom, but
his work is quite different from the
style popular in the early 1920's."
Prof. Ross, formerly Finney's co
league at Smith, joined the music
school faculty at the beginning of
this term. He is also director of the
newly organized University String
Tonight's program, in addition to
the "Duo," includes Tartini's "Con-
certo in D minor;" Caporale's "Ada-
gio;" Scarlatti's "Sonata in E ma-
jor;" Mozart's "Sonata in E minor,
(K. 304); Franck's "Sonata in A
major;" Szymanowski's "La Fontaine
d'Arethuse" and DeFalla's "Ritual
Fire Dance."
There's still more
Winter to come!
II you need another
overcoa t to carry you
through this season

Vat 4u
~6~oaZ 5C4OO

. . .don' leave
lights burning wastefully!
It's so easy to turn on a light in an un-
occupied room or a clothes closet or the
attic of your home - then forget it. And
that light burning needlessly may go un-
noticed for hours.
Ordinarily this wouldn't be too impor-
tant ..'. perhaps half-a-cent's worth of
electricity wasted. But that light in the
clothes closet burns COAL. Electricity
requires coal and manpower and trans-
portation and other critical resources for
its manufacture. And today ANY waste
of electricity is serious.
The Government asks everyone to con-
serve electricity, even though it is not
rationed and there is no shortage in this
area. Save VOLUNTARILY, whenever
and wherever you can - in home and
store and office.

Michigan's youngest generation is hard
at its wartime job of learning to be good
and useful citizens. We've allcome to
think of a good education for our chil-
dren as the natural birthright of young
Americans-but building up and admin-
istering a school system as fine as
Michigan's is a gigantic task,
Well over a million students are en-
rolled each year in Michigan's schools
and colleges. There are 8,226 primary
schools, 1,002 secondary schools and 70
colleges and universities. The range of
studies runs from kindergarten games
through the three "R's" to the most
advanced scientific and sociological
research. Thousands of teachers are
devoting their lives to this work - and
to them goes much of the credit for its
success, as well as to the administrators

of each institution, to local and county
school boards, and to the Michigan
Department of Public Instruction.
We of the Greyhound Lines take the
same pride as all others in Michigan
in our State's educational achievements.
We know that our own organization is
aiding the school system both with tax
support and transportation service.
Those of us whose children are benefit-
ing directly from the splendid schooling
afforded them feel doubly proud.
In wartime even more than in peace-
time, the things that draw us all
together, that unify our efforts, that
make us good neighbors in every sense,
are the things that count most heavily,
Both good education and good transpor-
tation have decisive parts to play in
shaping the present as well as the future
of Michigan in the post-war world.

and the




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Others $28.50 and up






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